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Page 83

by Justin Kemppainen


  Unbeknownst to Sergei, Isaac was directed to the residential districts. Rick felt that he would express a more gentle touch with the Citizen population. They wanted a riot, not a body count.

  "Not that it really matters," Rick had told him. "They'd execute us without hesitation for less of a violation than this."

  Existence, Isaac thought to himself, agreeing, seems enough reason for them to kill us. In his hand he held a smooth, round stone. Aiming upward, he hurled it. The rock shattered through a window of an apartment building. A moment later, he smiled as he saw a light come on in that room.

  That's not going to do much, he thought. Need something bigger. There were flashing lights a distance down the street. He jerked his head in that direction, and his small group moved with him. As they neared, he held up a hand. It looked like a bar or a night club on the corner of the building. He nudged a small, impish woman soldier of his, very light on her feet, and passed a molotov into her hand.

  "Through the window," he whispered. She nodded, and sprinted down the street, lighting the grenade as she went.

  With the sound of shattering glass and a slight whump! of fire, his soldier came running back. A moment later the sounds screaming could be heard just before dozens of people in various elegant and casual clothing spilled out with thick, dark smoke behind them.

  With a hand motion Isaac directed his small team to duck into the alleyway. He peered around the side and saw the group of people standing in the street in awe of the blaze, simply watching various others limping out or dragging someone else. There was only passive horror.

  "This won't do," Isaac muttered. He turned to his people. "Let's get 'em moving."

  Yelling at the top of his lungs and thinking he was doing Sergei proud, Isaac sprinted out of the alleyway towards the frightened Citizens, firing as he went. Their mild shock morphed into genuine terror as bullets whined over their heads. Any feeling of safety they had from being away from the dangerous fire vanished, and they began screaming and running in all directions. They shoved and pushed each other out of the way and scattered with crazed men chasing them.

  "More of those!" Isaac shouted from the middle of the intersection, pointing down the street in various directions. "More gathering places! Fill up the streets!"

  His soldiers separated, groups going in other directions to scare up more civilians. In the distance, he could see the soft, orange glow of blazing fires and dark smoke wafting into the sky. He smiled. Things must be going pretty well for the others, he thought.

  He felt a brief moment of alarm as he saw a pair of headlights coming towards him. He held up his hands and waved the small two-person vehicle down. It was jet black with the symbol of an eye on the side door. The tinted window slid down, and the driver barked at him. "What happened here?!"

  "Nothing, nothing," Isaac leaned over the window and smiled, reaching behind to the large revolver tucked into the back of his waistband. "Just a little accident at the bar."

  The driver looked at him, confusion lighting his face, "Who are-?" Sensing danger, the passenger grasped at his overcoat for his weapon.

  Isaac didn't hesitate. Sliding the gun free, he fired at point blank, sending a .45 long caliber round through the passenger's cheek and splattering the interior.

  The driver clapped one hand over his ear, deafened by the roar of the huge weapon. He reached towards his hip, yelling, but Isaac turned the weapon and fired into the man's chest. The Inquisitor made a horrific sucking noise as the bullet punched entirely through his body. He looked up at Isaac with horror in his eyes and wetness spreading across his chest, then slumped.

  Isaac stood up and threw open the cylinder, sending the spent smoking brass clattering to the ground. Calmly, he dug into his pocket and produced two more rounds, sliding them into the chambers and snapping the cylinder back into place. He looked at the gleaming pistol and nodded in satisfaction. No wonder Miguel liked this weapon, he thought. Elegant and deadly.

  He glanced at his watch. It wouldn't be long before the Inquisition response would be heavier and less careless. Oh well, he thought, Rick should at least be getting inside by now.


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