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Pride and Precipice

Page 15

by Lelia M Silver

  “I knew it! I knew it!” Mrs. Bennet cried, her arms strangling Lizzy. “I knew all those hours at Netherfield Park would not be for nothing! My Lizzy! Dating Mr. Darcy!”

  Lizzy sucked in a lungful of blessed air as she untangled herself from her mother’s bosom. “Mamma, don’t start getting excited!” Her mother didn’t hear a word she said as the dining room filled with bodies and frenzied chatter.

  William Collins and her mother were arguing about whom had lied to who about Lizzy’s single status. Kitty and Lydia were all atwitter over the novelty of Lizzy’s dating. Jane looked shell-shocked and about to burst into tears, and Mary was pouting silently in the corner. Mr. Bennet was watching it all with shiny eyes, highly amused with the situation.

  After several minutes of trying to make herself be heard above the din and adamantly denying that she was dating Fitzwilliam Darcy, Lizzy gave up and quietly withdrew. She grabbed her keys and climbed into her car. As she pulled out of the drive, she didn’t know where she was headed, but she did know it was anywhere but there.

  She worried her lower lip as she drove.

  How was she going to explain this to Darcy?

  Chapter 9

  Darcy spent most of the first hour after lunch worrying about calling Lizzy.

  Was it too soon? Not soon enough? Would she be excited to hear from him? Annoyed? Should he keep it all about business? Or mix in a little personal with the business?

  He was home for the day, since he didn’t have to be back in the Derbyshire office until tomorrow, and he tried to distract himself by throwing himself into some paperwork. But nothing seemed to help. His mind was firmly glued on Lizzy, and if he wasn’t thinking about calling her, he was wondering what she was doing, or imagining her at Pemberley.

  Finally, he gave up trying to pretend it wasn’t what he wanted to do and just called her, hoping the right words would come to mind when he heard her voice.

  He panicked as the first ring resounded in his ear and quickly hung up, his mouth dry. An instant later, the phone in his hand rang and Lizzy’s photo popped up on the caller id, a picture he had taken once when she hadn’t been paying attention. He swallowed hard and answered the call.


  “Darcy? Did you just call me?” Her voice sounded a little muffled, like she was using her hands-free while she drove. He could hear the radio on faintly in the background. Idly, he wondered where she was going.

  “Yeah. I tried to. We, umm, got disconnected.” Lame, Darcy, but there it was.

  “Oh. Okay.” She sounded a little confused.

  He rubbed a hand on the back of his neck and got up to pace in front of his office windows. “I wanted to talk to you about the job here at Pemberley. When could we schedule an on-site visit? I figured you’d want to see what needs to be done for yourself.”

  There was a long pause and Darcy began to wonder if they’d really been disconnected this time. The sound of a car on the gravel drive made him stop in front of the window and peer out. Who could that be? Georgiana shouldn’t be home from her university classes yet.

  Then Lizzy spoke, her tone hesitant, “Actually, how’s now? I just pulled into the drive.”

  Her car came into sight and Darcy nearly dropped his phone. “Now’s fine,” he managed to choke out. “Park anywhere. I’ll be right out.” He ended the call abruptly and took off, nearly running over Mrs. Reynolds as she appeared in the doorway, a frown wrinkling her brow.

  “Mr. Darcy, there’s-”

  He cut her off as he rushed past, calling back over his shoulder, “Yes, I know. Make up a guest bedroom, please, Mrs. Reynolds. We’re going to have company tonight! I hope.” The last two words were a whispered prayer.

  He made it out the front door before she emerged from her car, slowing his steps so she wouldn’t see what a mad dash she’d sent him on. “Hey, Lizzy,” he greeted her, as calmly as he could muster, coming up beside where she had the driver’s side door open. “I was not expecting to see you today.”

  She bit her lip, sucking on it uncertainly. “I know. I didn’t expect to end up here either. The trip wasn’t exactly planned. I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

  “No, of course not. I don’t have to be into the office until tomorrow, and Georgiana won’t be home for another couple hours. It’s just me and Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper.”

  Elizabeth ran an appraising eye over the massive house in front of them. “That’s it? No ten maids and a butler?”

  Darcy grinned. “The maids are here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and the closest thing we have to a butler is Mrs. Reynolds’ husband. He’s really more of a gardener, although he has been known to answer the door.”

  Elizabeth cast him an aghast look. “I was just teasing.”

  Darcy’s grin widened. “I know.” He peeked into the back of the car and frowned at the empty back seat. “No luggage? Did you drive all the way up here on a whim?”

  Pink started creeping into her cheeks. Interesting. “Kind of. Let’s just say I started driving and this is where I ended up.” There had been a very interesting phone call from her mother an hour into her meandering that had sent her fleeing in the opposite direction.

  “Please tell me you aren’t planning on trying to drive all the way back tonight?” Darcy asked in alarm.

  She shook her head. “No, I came through a quaint little town awhile back. Lambton, I believe it was. I thought I’d stay at one of the little inns back there.” And give her mother time to cool down and get off her back. Of course, she had been very careful to avoid mentioning where her real destination was. Mrs. Bennet had taken her comment about visiting friends to mean Charlotte.

  “There’s no need for that. You can stay here. Georgiana would love to meet you.”

  “I couldn’t impose on you like that. Really, the Rose and Crown will be fine.”

  “I insist.” He gestured at Pemberley as they climbed the stairs, and smiled wryly. “It’s not like we don’t have the room, and Mrs. Reynolds is always complaining that we never have any company for her to show off for. You would be doing us a favor.”

  Lizzy laughed and acceded gracefully, the decision really an easy one. “All right. For Mrs. Reynolds’ sake, then.”

  He followed her up the stairs, hardly daring to believe that Lizzy Bennet was here, in his house, climbing his stairs. He had pictured her here so many times, and yet none of those imaginings lived up to this moment.

  Georgiana was going to be shocked when she got home from class and found her in their den. He had mentioned Lizzy more than a few times in his emails and phone calls, and his sister’s ears seemed to perk up every time she heard her name. He did not like to think he was that transparent, but in truth, he was glad to have his sister looking out for his best interests that way.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?” he offered as they went inside. “We don’t have quite the selection the café in Meryton does, but Georgiana’s developed a love of lattes, so Mrs. Reynolds had a whole beverage station brought in. She loves to play around with it.”

  “Am I to believe Mrs. Reynolds enjoys every aspect of working for you?” she teased as Darcy directed her into his office.

  “You most certainly are,” said Mrs. Reynolds as she breezed in through the door on the other side of the room, carrying a tray laden with goodies. “Taking care of Darcy and Georgiana is my pleasure. I’ve been doing it since they were wee babes.” She sat down the tray on the desk and patted Darcy’s cheek, which made him blush and Lizzy grin.

  “Wee babes, huh?” Lizzy said, sending Darcy an arch glance. “I bet you have all sorts of stories you can tell, then.”

  Mrs. Reynolds smiled. “Most definitely.”

  “Which is why it’s unfortunate that Mrs. Reynolds is bound by familial loyalty,” Darcy added hurriedly.

  Mrs. Reynolds gave Lizzy a coy smile. “I guess you will have to join the family if you want to find out all my secrets.”

  Lizzy laughed, b
ut Darcy frowned at Mrs. Reynolds when Lizzy moved forward to grab a crumpet from the tray. She just grinned unrepentantly and dropped a wink at him when Lizzy wasn’t looking.

  “Well, I will let you two get back to work. I just wanted to bring in some goodies.” She paused in the doorway to ask, “Are you going to stay with us tonight, Miss Bennet?”

  “How do you know my name?” Lizzy asked curiously.

  Mrs. Reynolds smiled sweetly. “Oh, Darcy has told me so much about you I feel like I know you already.”

  Lizzy’s eyebrows spiked. “He has?”

  “Of course, dear. Georgiana has been dying to meet you. Are you staying?”

  “Yes, Darcy convinced me to stay, although I didn’t bring any clothes or anything. I might have to run into town and grab some stuff.”

  “Don’t worry about that, dear. Just make me a list and my dear Mr. Reynolds will go and fetch it for you.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  She just smiled and left them to their own devices.

  Lizzy turned back to Darcy and snuck another crumpet off the tray. “So, when are you going to show me this work you want me do?” She grinned at him. “Not that I’m opposed to standing around and eating, mind you. These are fabulous.”

  “Have as many as you like. I’m sure Mrs. Reynolds has a stock pile. Let me show you around a little and see what you think, and then we can discuss your ideas in more detail.” He led the way out of his office, smiling a little when she took a handful of crumpets with her. He breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t pursue why he had been telling Mrs. Reynolds about her. He really didn’t think he had mentioned her that much, but apparently he had done more so than he thought.

  Pemberley was massive, and it took them longer than she had expected to make it all the way to the grand ballroom, which was the area Darcy wanted her to work in.

  Darcy threw open the double doors and let her precede him into the room so he could hang back and watch her reaction to the space.

  The ballroom had been absolutely gorgeous in its heyday, and it was still an impressive room. He knew she was going to love it. The instant she stepped into the room, he could see all the possibilities running through her mind.

  “Are you sure you need anything done to this?” she asked, turning in a full circle so she could take it all in. She gazed around her in wonder. What would it be like to live in a home like this, with rooms you only used once a year?

  The history here was incredible. She had thought Netherfield Park was amazing, but Pemberley was in a league of its own. She had not seen that much as they’d traversed the hallways, but what she had seen was impressive. She could easily spend hours just in the ballroom, examining every detail and pouring over the craftsmanship.

  She could almost see the dancing couples, whirling around in their ornate ball gowns and formalwear. She caught sight of Darcy, in his crisp suit, lounging against the door jamb and imagined him bowing over her hand and requesting the honor of a dance. He definitely would have fit in during that era. She shook her head to dispel the intriguing image and tried to focus on the room surrounding her.

  It was amazing what astounding work people a century ago had done with limited tools. She would have loved to be an apprentice back then and learn all the techniques from the masters. But then again, if she had lived in the early nineteenth century, she would have been relegated to the drawing room with a needle and thread.

  She ran a hand over the marble pillars holding up the second floor balcony and craned her neck to get a good look at the fresco painted on the ceiling. The paint was well worn and chipping in places. It would take a master artisan to restore it to its former glory. And she knew just the person to call.

  She moved through the space, peering at this, touching that. Darcy let her work without interruption, knowing how tenuous those first threads of an idea were. He had every confidence in her ability. She would return this room to the showpiece it had once been. He didn’t need to be privy to her creative process to know that.

  When she had finished, she returned to him at the door, from whence he had not moved. “I think we can definitely do something with this space. Are you ready to talk business?”

  He was, so he led her back to the office, where they outlined the work to be done and went over the cost she estimated to bring the project to completion. Her budget was well within the range he had preset and he had no qualms about the specific changes she wanted to make.

  They worked well together, but he already knew that from working with her at Netherfield Park. Instead, he found himself enjoying the simple aspect of being in her company and trying not to smile when she hotly debated the merits of one idea over another.

  Darcy could imagine that the passion she showed for her work could well be turned to other areas of her life as well, and couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be loved by her with that ferocity.

  That would be a great privilege, indeed.

  Georgiana found them thus engaged when she returned home from her classes. She burst through the office door, a frown on her face. “Fitzwilliam, did you know there’s a car-” She broke off as she spotted Lizzy, her frown instantly transforming into a bright smile. She went right up to her and offered her a hand to shake. “Hi! I’m Georgiana, Darcy’s sister.”

  Bemused, Lizzy snuck a glance at Darcy as she accepted his little sister’s hand. “I’m Elizabeth Bennet. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Georgiana’s grin widened. “I thought you might be! I’m so happy to finally meet you after all the good things my brother has told me about you.” She flopped into the twin chair next to Lizzy’s. “Fitzwilliam didn’t tell me we were expecting company.”

  Lizzy raised an eyebrow at Darcy. “Apparently your brother has been telling a lot of people about me. Mrs. Reynolds told me the same thing when I arrived.”

  Darcy shrugged, but his cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink. “You do good work.”

  Georgiana looked between Lizzy and her brother, grinning widely. “That’s not the only thing he told me about you. Apparently you are also quite the dancer. I can’t believe you actually managed to connive him on to the dance floor! My brother never dances if he can help it. I have to beg him to take me for a spin on the dance floor. He swears he has no natural rhythm, although that’s far from the truth, if you ask me.” She leaned forward to clasp Lizzy’s hands, her eyes bright. “Please say you’ll stay the night with us! I have ever so many questions to ask you!”

  Lizzy laughed at her enthusiasm. “Your brother and Mrs. Reynolds already pressured me into accepting the invitation, so you’ll have the rest of the evening to pester me if you like.”

  “Great. I can’t wait!”

  Darcy cleared his throat. “Elizabeth and I were just finishing up in here. Why don’t you go check with Mrs. Reynolds and see when dinner will be done, Georgie? We’ll join you in the den in a minute.”

  Georgiana bounded out of her seat and was out of the room in a shot. “Okay.”

  Lizzy turned back from watching her go to look at Darcy with dancing eyes. “She has a lot of energy.”

  Darcy smiled, his gaze fond as he watched her disappearing back. “Yes, she does, and she certainly knows how to put it to good use. We don’t talk about it much, but it’s nice to see she’s recovered well from her run in with Wickham.”

  Her gaze was assessing. “You love her.”

  Surprised, he answered, “Very much so. As I imagine you do your sisters, as well.”

  She smiled wryly. “Most of the time. I have to say I’m not very fond of them at the moment. They abandoned me this morning and fed me to the lions for their own amusement.”

  That statement piqued his curiosity. “How so?”

  She shook her head, her cheeks hot at the memory of William Collins and his insistence that she was dating Darcy. She couldn’t very well go around telling him that now, could she! “It doesn’t really matter. Anyway, I’m sure it will all blow o
ver by the time I make it home tomorrow. At least I hope it does. Otherwise, I might just have to stay an extra day.” She forced her tone to be light and jovial.

  Darcy was a little disappointed, both by her refusal to confide in him and the reminder that she would be returning home on the morrow. He would have loved to have her stay for an extended visit, but he reminded himself that was exactly what his plan was for. Once she started the job, she would be here at Pemberley for as long as it took to complete it. He cleared his throat. “I’ll have my lawyer draw up a contract tomorrow and get it faxed to your office. If you can look it over and get it signed once you get home, we can schedule the work to begin.”

  “That sounds good. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Great.” He glanced at his watch. “Let’s go into the den. Mrs. Reynolds should have dinner just about done.”

  She gamely followed him through the connecting door to his office, looking about her with interest. They passed through a sitting room that obviously saw little use by the family but could be used occasionally for guests come to discuss business, then took a left down a hall that led to the area they used for their private apartments.

  The transformation from the more formal part of the house to the informal living space was instant and complete. The furniture was large and made for lounging, the colors warm and inviting. This area had been designed to be a home, a safe refuge in a house that could be overwhelming with its size and consequence. Lizzy could see how that security would be important to a pair of siblings that had lost their parents at a young age, and she was touched that Darcy would have thought to provide that haven for his sister. It was something most men would never have thought of, especially not a bachelor who was only in his early twenties at the time.

  Georgiana was already in the den when they entered. She had the television on and was planted in front of it, watching a piano concert. Her fingers were tapping along with the pianist on the coffee table. She was completely absorbed and did not even notice them come in.

  Lizzy leaned over to whisper in Darcy’s ear, “Do you think we should disturb her?”


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