of discharges, xix, 169, 198
to linguists/intelligence services, 215–21, 225, 226–36, 285
to military effectiveness, 200, 202–3, 205–14, 215–21, 225, 226–36, 288, 291
to support services provision, 199–214, 288
to taxpayers, xix, 169, 198
Council on Foreign Relations, 216
Crittenden report, 118, 121
Crowe, William, 280
culture, civilian
gap between military and, 237–38, 249–57, 278–79
gay perspectives in, 27–29, 50, 56–57, 91, 113, 121, 127–29, 141, 153–54, 161, 249, 258, 260, 270–75
opinion polls on, 28–29, 56–57, 113, 121, 249, 270–72, 274, 285
religious right’s influence on, 34–37, 46, 48–49, 56–57, 77
sexual repression in, xxi, 292–95
culture, military
gap between civilian culture and, 237–38, 249–57, 278–79
homoeroticism in, 133–35, 293
identity concepts related to, xviii, 3–4, 8, 40–41, 183, 193–94, 256, 269, 292–95
machismo in, xviii, 40–41, 183, 193–94, 256, 269
perception, by public, of, 249–57
selfless service concept in, 8, 40–41, 51–52
sexual repression in, xviii, xxi, 133–35, 292–95
tolerance, current, of gays in, 258–70, 280–84, 287–88
tolerance, historically, of gays in, 1–25, 167–68, 178–84, 187, 189–97, 199, 260, 276–77
tolerance of women in, xviii, 11, 22, 94, 124–25, 151, 167, 181–82, 196–97
Dandeker, Christopher, 277
Darrah, Joan, 287
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, 187
Defense Language Institute (DLI), 221–26, 233–34
Defense Language Transformation Team, 230–31
Defense Readiness Council, 47
DeGeneres, Ellen, 272
Dellums, Ronald, 105
Democratic Leadership Council, 14, 76
Denmark, military of, 155, 158
Department of Defense. See U.S. Department of Defense
DiIulio, John, 275–76, 292
discharges, xiv, 84
cost to taxpayers of, xix, 169, 198
“don’t ask, don’t tell” language on, 110
of linguists/intelligence personnel, 219–20, 222–27, 233–34, 250, 285
post–“don’t ask, don’t tell,”, 167–70, 174–75, 178, 179–83, 189–93, 195
pre–“don’t ask, don’t tell,” 1, 11, 18–25, 65, 69, 102–4
stop-loss postponement of, 12, 16, 227–30, 247
voluntary, 192–93, 222–25, 228
discipline, military, 2
as basis for gay ban, 10, 39, 46, 52, 59–66, 69–73, 85, 89, 111, 241–42
criminal recruits and, 241–42
DLI. See Defense Language Institute
Dobson, James, 30–32, 41
Dole, Bob, 73, 82, 84–85
Donnelly, Elaine, 286
“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, xiii. See also costs; gay ban(s), military; repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell”
academic/political/military leaders’ debate on, 28, 58–85, 88–108, 275–82, 285, 289–90
announcement of, 109–10
Christian crusade as factor in, 28, 30–57, 106–7, 127
cohesion/tolerance issues post–, 167–68, 185–87, 203, 210–14, 248–49, 256
conduct v. identity as factor of, xiv, xvii–xviii, 80–84, 175–78
constitutional safeguards in, xvii, 175–77
cost to taxpayers of, xix, 169, 198
discharges post–, 167–70, 174–75, 178, 179–83, 189–93, 195, 199–200, 202–3, 213
evidence, lack of, in shaping, 113–36
formulation of, 43–44, 58–85, 92, 108–10, 116, 177
gay rights’ politicization prior to, 14–25
harassment issues post–, 167–68, 178–84, 187, 189–97, 199, 260, 276–77
identity repression as factor of, xviii, xxi, 133–35, 292–95
implementation/enforcement of, 170–77, 214, 258–59, 268–69, 275–79
military effectiveness decline due to, 200, 202–3, 205–14, 215–21, 225, 226–36, 288, 291
Miller memo addendum to, 174–75, 177, 178
privacy directives/abuses related to, 167–68, 170–73, 178–83, 189–91, 214, 283
propensity clause in, 176–77
public perception as factor in, 27–30
“Queen for a Day” stipulation in, 178
rebuttable–presumption clause in, 176–77
requirements/wording of, 110–12, 171–77
research leading up to, 37–43
reversal of opinions on, 275–82, 285, 289–90
ridicule of, 268–69, 275, 278–79
stop-loss retention of gays despite, 227–30
support services by military and, 199–214, 288
violations to/abuses of, 168, 179–84, 187, 189–97, 199, 214
voluntary outings of sexuality post–, 192–93, 222–25, 228
“don’t ask, don’t tell” statute, xiii
clauses in, 176–77
passage of, 110–12
“Don’t Ask, Who Cares” (Barr), 284
Dornan, Robert, 105
Dorsey, Jennifer, 192
Dugan, Robert, Jr., 52
Duke, David, 32
Dunning, Maria Zoe, 174–75, 176, 260
Edgren, Ted, 52–54
Ellen (television show), 272
Ellis, Larry, 50
Elzie, Justin, 261
Embser–Herbert, Melissa Sheridan, 184–85
England, Lynndie, 244
Enslin, Gotthold Frederick, 1
Eoyang, Carson, 120
Etheridge, Melissa, 180, 223
European Convention/Court on Human Rights, 143–45
Evans, Julie, 222–25
Evans, Rowland, 79
Even, Uzi, 140
evidence, gay service, xx, 280
on civil rights, 92, 114
on cohesion issues, 113–14, 118–19, 121–23, 126–36, 138, 139–42, 143, 148–52, 160–63, 266
congressional hearings and, 91–92, 93, 125–26
Crittenden report as, 118, 121
foreign military–related, xxi, 113–14, 120–21, 137–66, 266
GAO study, 120–21, 125, 127, 141–42, 148, 170, 217, 220, 225, 243, 247
on health concerns, 114
judgments v. facts and, 123–25
on military effectiveness, 113–14, 117, 121–23, 131–32, 145–50, 160, 162, 285
on national security, 13, 25, 58, 118, 120–21, 143
Palm Center, 148, 152, 156, 160, 162, 220, 227–28
PERSEREC report, 13, 21, 24–25, 58, 118–19, 120–21, 275
polls and opinions v., 125–29
on privacy issues, 113–14, 128–29, 132
Rand report, 87, 110, 113–14, 131–32, 147–48, 161–62, 285
resistance to, 114–15, 117–18
Exclusion (Wells-Petry), 42, 65, 124
Exon, Jim, 90
Explosives Ordnance Disposal teams, 207
Face the Nation, 80–82
Falwell, Jerry, 30–31, 33, 35
Family Research Council (FRC), 32, 34, 35–38, 44–46, 48
Insight’s relation to, 52–53
Fay Report, 244
FBI, 216
Federal Election Commission, 32
Feinstein, Dianne, 95
Feldblum, Chai, 77
Finkenbinder, Ian, 219–20
Flowers, Gennifer, 80
Focus on the Family, 31, 34, 41
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 232
foreign militaries. See military(ies), foreign
Foreign Military Studies Office, 154
Foreign Policy, 281
Fox, Fred, 201, 270
Fox News, 271
France, military of, 147, 154
Barney, 12, 58, 61, 108
FRC. See Family Research Council
Freedom Alliance, 34
Freedom of Information Act, 220
Freud, Sigmund, 4, 129
Frey, Fred, 101
Friends (television show), 272
“From Citizens’ Army to Social Laboratory” (Moskos), 128
Fucci, Sean, 193
Fulham, Gary, 101
Gaige, Robert, 189
Gal, Reuven, 141, 156
Galvan, Nikki, 181
Gamble, Alastair, 221, 225
GAO study. See Government Accountability Office study
Garvey, Gerald, 275–76, 292
Gasch, Oliver, 20–21, 123
The Gay Agenda (video), 48–49, 51
Gay and Lesbian Military Freedom Project (MFP), 11
gay ban(s), military. See also “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy; military effectiveness/readiness
in 1949, 9
in 1981, 10
blackmail as basis for, 10, 13, 89, 118, 151
civil rights and, 88–89, 92, 95–99, 102–4, 109, 114, 175–77
cohesion arguments as basis of, 10, 27, 46–48, 59–62, 64–66, 70, 78, 80, 81–82, 105, 229, 234–35, 259, 262–65
conduct v. identity distinction in, xiv, xvii–xviii, 1–13, 18–22, 80–84, 175–78
discipline as basis for, 10, 39, 46, 52, 59–66, 69–73, 85, 89, 111, 241–42
history of, 1–25
intolerance by foreign countries as basis for, 42
legal arguments for, 18–21
military effectiveness decline due to, 200, 202–3, 205–14, 215–21, 225, 226–36, 288, 291
morality as basis of, 26–57, 63, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
privacy as basis of, xx, 10, 27, 35, 59–60, 64–65, 69, 89–90, 99–102, 259
rational basis test on, 19–20
“selfishness” as basis of, 8, 40–41, 51–52
“gay bomb,” 250
gays. See homosexuals
gay service members. See also evidence, gay service; homosexuals
AIDS-related opposition to, 21, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 80, 92, 94, 140, 286
blackmail of, 10, 13, 89, 118, 151
characterization, historical, of, 1–25
demographics of, 3
demonization of, 8–9, 23
discretion’s relevance to, 156–57, 163, 259, 265, 266–67, 313n61
harassment of, 167–68, 178–84, 187, 189–97, 199, 260, 276–77
morality judgments on, 26–57, 63, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
segregation of, 108
Germany, military of, 147, 154
Glenn, John, 75, 80, 89
Glover, Calvin, 193–94
Goldwater, Barry, 104
Gomulka, Eugene, 49–50
Gordon, Fort (Georgia), 234
Gore, Al, 109
Gorelick, Jamie, 98, 172, 176
Government Accountability Office (GAO) study, 127, 170
on foreign militaries, 120–21, 141–42, 148
on linguists/intelligence personnel, 217, 220, 225
on recruitment, 243, 247
response to, 121, 125
Great Britain, military of, 155, 157–60, 162, 164–65
code of conduct adopted by, 149
gay service ban repeal in, 137, 144–45
gay service opposition within, 142–44
military effectiveness in, 143, 145–50
public tolerance’s influence on, 153, 282
recruitment in, 149–50
Green, Steven, 243–44
Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, 41, 232–33
Guardian, 273
Gulf War (1990–1991), 218
gay service members in, 12–13, 16, 127, 154–55, 174, 229–30
gender integration’s influence on, 128
Operation Desert Shield in, 128, 154
Operation Desert Storm in, 63, 92, 154
stop-loss policy during, 12, 16, 229–30, 250
Hackworth, David, 153
Haggard, Ted, 50–51
Hall, Steve Clark, 261–62
Haney, Shawn, 239
action plan addressing, 196–97
of gays in military, 167–68, 178–84, 187, 189–97, 199, 260, 276–77
leaders of military and, 168, 179–84, 189–96, 214
of openly gay v. closeted persons, 260
repression of reports of, 183–84, 194, 196, 277
of women in military, xviii, 11, 22, 94, 151, 167, 181–82, 196–97
Harden, Sonya, 180
Harris, Bryan, 182–83
Harvard, 17, 250, 253
Hazard, Roberta, 50
health concerns
AIDS/HIV-related, 21, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 80, 92, 94, 140, 286
as congressional hearings focus, 92, 94
evidence on gay service and, 114
Helmly, James, 239
Henderson, William, 188
Herbits, Stephen, 279
Hicks, Rob, 226
High Tech Gays (legal case), 20
Hilbun, Heather, 182
Hill, Monica, 202–3
history, gay service members in cold war, 9–10
in Great Britain, 142–43
in Gulf War, 12–13, 16, 127, 154–55, 174, 229–30
in Korean War, 229
politicization of gay rights and, 12–25
in Revolutionary War, 1–2
screening of homosexuals in, 5–8, 135
in WWI, 4–7
in WWII, 7–9, 229
Hitchens, Christopher, 63
Holtel, René, 159
Holum, John, 72–73, 78, 84
homoeroticism, 133–35, 293
“Homosexual Behavior and Military Service” (NAE), 53
Homosexual Policy Assessment Team (Great Britain), 143
homosexuals. See also gay service members
biblical arguments against, 45, 55, 106–7
characterizations, historical, of, 1–25
as degenerative v. normative, 1–8, 36, 38–42, 48–49, 53–56, 88
foreign countries’ intolerance of, 42
identity of, 3–4, 8, 39–41, 292–95
lifestyle perceptions related to, 38–41, 42, 48–49, 51, 53, 55–56, 59, 93
marriage rights for, 271
as mentally disordered persons, 4–5, 7–8, 250
morality judgments on, 26–57, 63, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
screening by military of, 5–8, 135
“selfishness” of, 8, 40–41, 51–52
“The Homosexual Subculture” (Maginnis), 38
Horn, Bill, 48–49, 51, 73
“How Lifting the Military Homosexual Ban May Affect Families” (Knight), 35–36
Hughes, Brian, 205
Human Rights Campaign Fund, 77, 86
Hunter, Duncan, 53, 105–6, 127
Hustler, 36
Hutchens, James, 54, 89, 106–8
Hutson, John, 47, 63, 122–23
reversal of opinion by, 278–79, 282
conduct distinctions from, xiv, xvii–xviii, 1–13, 18–22, 80–84, 175–78
homosexual, 3–4, 8, 39–41, 292–95
military perspectives on, xviii, 3–4, 8, 40–41, 183, 193–94, 256, 269, 292–95
repression of, xviii, xxi, 133–35, 292–95
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), 247–48
Insight (newsletter), 53
Institute for Media Education, 40
integration, gender. See also women combat roles and, xviii, 13, 27, 37, 124–25, 128, 286
harassment of women and, xviii, 11
military effectiveness and, 128, 185–86
integration, racial (in military)
gay integration parallels to, 26–27, 36, 60–63, 128
implementation of, 60–61, 68
Moskos’s analysis of, xvi, 16, 26–27, 161–62
motivations behind, 26–27
public perception of, 161–62
standards of conduct applied to, 164–65
studies/research on, 114, 161–62, 164–65
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 139
International Security (journal), 277
Iran-contra affair, 63
Iraq War (2003), 42
gay ban’s cost to, 203, 205–6, 210
gay service, U.S., in, xviii, 185, 203, 205–6, 262, 287
linguistic needs related to, 217–21, 230–33, 250
manpower shortages and, 239, 247, 280
modern components of, 160
multinational forces in, 155, 157–59
Operation Desert Storm, 63, 92, 154
Operation Enduring Freedom, 201, 245
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 201, 205, 283
opposition to, 237, 249
stop-loss retention of gays in, 230
IRR. See Individual Ready Reserve
Israeli military, 140, 143, 155, 160
discretion by gays within, 156–57
gay ban repeal in, 137
mandatory service in, 141–42, 157
military effectiveness in, 147–48
public tolerance’s influence on, 141, 153, 161
JAG. See U.S. Judge Advocate General’s Corps
Janowitz, Morris, 129–30, 133–35
Jefferson, Thomas, 97
Jeremiah, David, 170
John F. Kennedy School of Government (Harvard), 17
Johnson, Charles, 106
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Clinton administration
cohesion argument by, 130
“don’t ask, don’t tell” implementation and, 170–71
“don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal and, 280
gay ban promotion by, 69–73, 80–82, 84, 108–9, 127
research ignored by, 115
Jones, Brian, 286
Karols, Kenneth, 118
Keating, Paul, 139
Keen, Brett, 282–83
Kelso, Frank, 65, 170
Kennedy, James, 34
Kerry, John, 95–99, 103
Key, Mureille, 209
Kiley, Kevin, 246
Kime, J. William, 170
Kleifgen, Michael, 194
Knight, Jason, 229
Knight, Robert, 35–37, 48
Korb, Lawrence, 119, 121–22, 275
Korean War (1950–1953), 229
Krenke, Ellen, 228
Ku Klux Klan, 32
Kurth, Rolf, 157, 159
LaBarbera, Peter, 48
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, 179, 187
Lambda Report (newsletter), 48, 127
Lambda Rising (bookstore), 37
Laneri, Peggy, 204
lang, k.d., 180
Lawrence v. Texas, 271, 278
leaders, military
abuse/violations of gay policy by, 168, 179–84, 189–96, 214
Unfriendly Fire Page 51