Unfriendly Fire
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in foreign militaries, 165–66, 266
gay service perspectives by, xviii, 28, 64–66, 69, 92, 95, 258
policy training by, 187–89, 196
roles and responsibilities of, xviii, 64–65, 92, 95, 103, 162, 165–66, 179–83, 184, 186–90, 196, 259, 266
Leahy, Patrick, 246
Leavenworth, Fort (Kansas), 217–18
Lee, Ang, 274
Lee, Spike, 239
Lehmkuhl, Reichen, 188
lesbians. See homosexuals
Less, Anthony, 103
Levin, Carl, 91–92, 125
Lewinsky, Monica, 38, 80
linguists/intelligence personnel
9/11 and, 215–18, 221–22
Arabic, 215–17, 218–27, 232–34, 250, 285
Chinese, 217, 221
discharges of gay, 219–20, 222–27, 233–34, 250, 285
Farsi, 217, 221, 285
Korean, 217, 221, 225–26, 235
outsourcing for, 232–33
policy/program revamp for, 230–32
Russian, 216, 217, 221
shortage of, 215–21, 230–33, 235–36, 250, 285
stop-loss retention of, 227–30
training of, 221–22
Los Angeles Times, 126, 250
Lott, Trent, 89–90, 101, 104
Loveland, Anne, 46
The L Word (television show), 273
Lynch, Jessica, 205
Lyster-Todd, Patrick, 165
MacCoun, Robert J., 131
as culture of military, xviii, 40–41, 183, 193–94, 256, 269
gay ban’s influence on, 184–85
Maginnis, Robert Lee, 37–41, 43–45, 48, 87, 286
Marcus, Ruth, 85
Marsh, John, Jr., 79
Martinson, M. J., 200
Matlovich, Leonard, 12
May, Sean, 283
McCain, John, 89, 93, 157, 238
gays’ military service with, 99, 214, 266
McDaniel, Michael, 118
McElfresh, Ginger, 101
McFeeley, Tim, 86
McGovern, George, 72–73
McNair, Fort (Washington, D.C.), 109
McPeak, Merrill, 124–25, 170
McVeigh, Timothy, 191
Meade, Fort (Maryland), 193
Meehan, Marty, 111, 248, 285
Meet the Press, 104
Meinhold, Keith
discharge of, 21–22
reinstatement of, 32, 65, 69, 161, 176, 260–61
Menninger, William, 133
Metzenbaum, Howard, 22, 95
MFP. See Gay and Lesbian Military Freedom Project
military effectiveness/readiness. See also cohesion, military; specific issues
AIDS/HIV as issue influencing, 21, 36, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 80, 92, 94, 140, 286
congressional hearings on, 89–90, 92–94, 95, 101, 105, 109
discipline issues influencing, 10, 39, 46, 52, 59–66, 69–73, 85, 89, 111, 241–42
evidence via studies/research on, 113–14, 117, 121–23, 131–32, 145–50, 160, 162, 285
in foreign militaries allowing gays, 143, 145–50, 266
gay ban’s cost to, 200, 202–3, 205–14, 215–21, 225, 226–36, 288, 291
integration of race based on, 26–27
linguist shortages impacting, 215–21, 230–33, 235–36, 250, 285
manpower shortages influencing, 215–36, 238–49, 256–57
privacy as factor influencing, xx, 10, 27, 35, 59–60, 64–65, 69, 89–90, 99–102, 259
recruitment issues related to, 37, 237–57
selfishness issues influencing, 8, 40–41, 51–52
military(ies), foreign, xxi, 113–14, 120–21
of Australia, 137, 138–40, 143, 147–48, 151–52, 153, 158, 164
of Canada, 91, 137, 138, 143, 147–48, 151, 153–54, 158–59, 162–63, 282
cohesion studies on, 129, 132–35, 138, 139–42, 143, 148–52, 160–63, 266
of Denmark, 155, 158
discretion observations in, 156–57, 163
of Great Britain, 137, 142–50, 153, 155, 157–60, 162, 164–65, 282
of Israel, 137, 140–42, 143, 147–48, 153, 155–57, 160, 161
leadership observations in, 165–66, 266
multinational forces and, 155, 157–60
Nazis and, 129, 132–35
of the Netherlands, 91, 93–94, 147, 155, 158–59, 161
relevance to U.S. military of, 152–61
social tolerance related to, 153–54, 161–62
standards of conduct in, 164–65
Military Freedom Project, 16–17
Military Ministry, 51
Military Necessity and Homosexuality (Ray), 56
Military Readiness Enhancement Act, 285, 291
military, U.S. See also culture, military
chaplaincy of, 49–56
foreign militaries’ relevance to, 152–61
“gay bomb” development by, 250
history of homosexuals in, 1–25
image issues of, 249–57
integration, racial, of, 26–27, 60–63
leadership responsibilities in, xviii, 64–65, 92, 95, 103, 162, 165–66, 179–83, 184, 186–90, 196, 259
manpower shortages, general, in, 237–57
manpower shortages, linguistic/intelligence, in, 215–21, 230–33, 235–36, 250, 285
multinational forces and, 155, 157–60
polls on members of, 125–26, 280–82, 309n35
recruitment standards for, 241–45, 281
religious right’s alignment with, 30–31, 34–35, 127
standard of conduct in, 164–65
stop-loss retention of gays by, 12, 16, 227–30
Military Working Group (MWG), 43–44, 110, 286
cohesion arguments by, 130
study/research on gay service by, 87, 115–18
Miller, Judith, 174–75, 177, 178
Mitchell, George, 82–83
Mixner, David, 14–18, 25, 58, 71, 108
gay-rights alliance by, 77
Mondale, Walter, 76
Moorer, Thomas, 65
morality. See also religious right
as basis for gay ban, 26–57, 63, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
congressional hearings on, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
divorce’s relation to, 29
homosexuality and, 26–57, 63, 89–90, 100–102, 104–7
law’s relationship to, 124
Moskos’s perspectives on, xvi–xvii, 13–14, 26–28, 44, 57, 89
Powell’s perceptions on, 46, 52, 57, 64, 66
religious right’s influence on, 28, 30–57, 106–7, 127
Moral Majority, 31
moral waivers, recruitment, 241–45
Moskos, Charles, 12, 60, 226
background of, xv–xvi
cohesion arguments by, 131–32, 134–36, 177
“don’t ask, don’t tell” criticisms by, 276–77, 289–90
“don’t ask, don’t tell” formulation and, 66–67, 80–81, 92, 109, 116, 177
evidence/research on gay service and, 115, 123, 126, 128–30
foreign militaries and, 155–57, 159
integration, racial, analysis by, xvi, 16, 26–27, 161–62
morality perspectives of, xvi–xvii, 13–14, 26–28, 44, 57, 89
sexuality perspectives of, xvi–xvii, 132–35, 292–93
women in combat views by, 13, 27, 125, 128
Mullen, Brian, 131
Muller, Brian, 185, 206
multinational forces, 155, 157–60
Mundy, Carl, Jr., 49–50, 73, 170
Murkowski, Frank, 94
MWG. See Military Working Group
“My Buddy” (song), 133
Myers, Dee Dee, 111
NAE. See National Association of Evangelicals
National Annenberg Election Survey, 282
National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), 50–54, 89, 106
br /> National Association of Religious Broadcasters, 31
National Coming Out Day, 15
National Defense Authorization Act, 254
National Defense Research Institute, 114
National Defense University, 109
National Foreign Language Center, University of Maryland, 216
National Foreign Language Coordination Council, 231
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 77
National Law Journal, 278
National Lesbian and Gay Task Force, 74
national security
blackmail as risk to, 10, 13, 89, 118, 151
evidence/research on gay service and, 13, 25, 58, 118, 120–21, 143
security clearances for, 171, 190–91, 218, 233
National Security Agency (NSA), 216
NATO security forces, 158, 159, 282
Naval Investigative Service (NIS), 11, 22
Navin, Mark, 189
Navy Times, 12
Nazi Party, 39, 129–30, 132–35
Netherlands, military of, 91, 158–59
military effectiveness in, 93–94, 147, 155
public tolerance of gays and, 161
New Christian Right, 30, 77
New Republic, 275, 292
Newsweek, 72, 128, 270
New York Times, 79, 114–15, 209, 273, 280
Nicholson, Alex, 191
Nightline, 108
NIS. See Naval Investigative Service
North, Oliver, 34
Northwestern University, xv, 126
Norway, military of, 147
Novak, Robert, 79, 105
NSA. See National Security Agency
Nunn, Rob, 150, 165
Nunn, Sam, 166
background of, 73–76
Clinton’s relationship with, 73–76, 79–80, 82, 84–85
congressional hearings held by, 84, 86–105, 108, 134
“don’t ask, don’t tell” policy formulation by, 66–67, 73, 74–76, 78–80, 82, 83, 85, 92, 116
“don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal and, 289
“don’t ask, don’t tell” statute and, 111–12, 172
foreign militaries’ relevance and, 158, 159
identity/cultural perspectives of, 13–14, 27, 52, 57
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 43
Officers’ Christian Fellowship, 55
O’Keefe, Sean, 65
Old-Time Gospel Hour, 31, 33
Operation Desert Shield, 128, 154
Operation Desert Storm, 63, 92, 154
Operation Enduring Freedom, 201, 245
Operation Iraqi Freedom, 201, 205, 283
Operation Mountain Thrust, 158
Operation Rescue, 33
O’Reilly, Bill, 153
The O’Reilly Factor, 153
Out Magazine, 273
Pace, Peter, 240–41, 292
Palm Center, University of California (Santa Barbara), xx, 128, 250, 285
foreign military research by, 148, 152, 156, 160
linguists/intelligence personnel and, 220
organizational effectiveness study by, 162
stop-loss policies and, 227–28
Paniccia, Tom, 22, 238
Parameters, 156–57
Paran, Ron, 141
Parris Island Marine training center (South Carolina), 11
Patton, Vincent 117
Pearl, Daniel 217
Pentagon. See U.S. Department of Defense
Penthouse 36
Perkins, Tony 32
Perritt, Harvey 226
Perry, William 172
PERSEREC. See Personnel Security Research and Education Center
Persian Gulf War. See Gulf War
Personnel Security Research and Education Center (PERSEREC) 24
national security research/studies by 13, 25, 58, 118, 120–21
suppression of research and 21, 119, 275
Phillips, Mark 261
Pledger, James 101
Portes, Al 100
Posner, Richard 124
postmodern military 160
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 201
Powell, Colin 166, 250, 280
congressional hearings and 87, 104
“don’t ask, don’t tell” implementation and 170–71, 177–78
“don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal and 289
foreign militaries’ relevance and 158
gay ban testimony by, 58–66, 76, 85
gay policy formulation by, 58–66, 69–73, 76, 81, 83, 85, 109, 110, 177
morality perceptions by 46, 52, 57, 64, 66
order/discipline rationale used by, 59–66, 69–73, 85, 127, 128, 130, 177
privacy rationale used by, 59–60, 64–65
racial v. gay integration and 26, 60–63
war atrocities and 63
Presbyterian and Reformed Joint Commission on Chaplains and Military Personnel 54
privacy issues 270
congressional hearings on, 89–90, 99–102
as factor in gay ban, xx, 10, 27, 35, 59–60, 64–65, 69, 89–90, 99–102, 259
post–“don’t ask, don’t tell” passage, 167–68, 170–73, 178–83, 189–91, 214, 283
standards of conduct and 266
studies/research examining, 113–14, 128–29, 132
confidentiality of 181, 199–201
homosexual characterizations by, 4–9, 20
PTSD. See post-traumatic stress disorder
public. See culture, civilian
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (television show) 273, 275
Queer Nation 75
Quigley, Craig 65
Rabin, Yitzhak 140
racial integration. See integration, racial
Ramirez, Patricia, 222–25
Rand study 87, 110
on foreign militaries 114, 147–48, 161
on military effectiveness, 113–14, 131–32, 162, 285
racial integration and 114
on sodomy 114
Rank Outsiders 165
Ray, Ronald 56, 62
Reagan, Ronald 79, 119, 122, 275, 280
religious right’s alliance with 31, 35
recruitment, military
of criminals, 241–45
financial incentives offered in, 238–40
of gang members, 244–45
in Great Britain, 149–50, 287
image of military as deterrent to 237, 249–57
military effectiveness in relation to 37, 237–57
in schools/colleges 12, 16–17, 238, 251–56
spending on promotions for, 238–39
standards for, 241–45, 281
Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States (von Steuben) 2
Reisman, Judith 40
religious right
biblical arguments by 45, 55, 106–7
gay ban arguments by, 35–43, 45–56, 127
military’s alignment with, 30–31, 34–35, 37–57, 127
morality perceptions by 28, 30–57, 106–7, 127
political influence of, 33–35, 43–48, 56–57, 77, 127
public’s influence by, 34–37, 46, 48–49, 56–57 77
Reno, Janet 177
Renshaw, Chris 151
repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” xiii
Clinton’s views on 276
gay tolerance, civilian, and 258, 260, 270–75
gay tolerance, military, and, 258–70, 280–84, 287–88
legislative calls for, 284–87, 291
national identity’s stake in, 292–95
reversal of ban opinions and, 275–82, 285, 289–90
The Report (newsletter) 48
Revolutionary War, 1–2
Rice, Anne 180
Ridge, Tom 218
“Rimming as Revolutionary Act,” 39
Ripley, John 106
Robertson, Pat, 30–31, 35, 69
Roberts, Pat 218
Rochelle, Michael 239, 257
Roche, Richard 192
Rooke, Austin 205, 212
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 5
Roseanne (television show) 272
ROTC 12, 16–17, 238
Rueger, Ronald 200
Rumsfeld, Donald 232, 237, 279
Russell, Richard 61
Sacred Band of Thebes 2
same-sex marriage 271
San Diego Police Department 162
San Francisco Chronicle, 227
Sarbin, Theodore 118
Scalia, Antonin, 123–24
Schafer, Harry, 100–101
Schieffer, Bob, 80–81
Schissel, Beth 245, 248–49
Schlueter, David 89, 92
Schmalz, Jeffrey 204
nondiscrimination policies of, 251–56
recruiter access to 12, 16–17, 238, 251–56
Schroeder, Patricia 58, 62, 119
legislation against ban by 22, 121
Schwarzkopf, Norman 61, 127
security clearances 171, 190–91
background checks for 218, 233
Segal, David 133, 135
Selective Service System 7
Selland, Richard, 102–3
September 11 2001, xviii, 157
Falwell’s sentiments on 31
military intelligence related to, 215–18, 221–22
military needs post–, 168–69, 210
recruitment post–, 239–40
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) 179, 182, 190, 276
gay service members guide by 198
gay service tracking by 260
700 Club, 31
sexual identity
discomfort with gays’, 29–30, 292–93
homoeroticism, military, and, 133–35, 293
military perspectives on, xviii, 3–4, 8, 40–41, 183, 256, 269, 292–95
Shadid, Ted 55
Shalikashvili, John 280, 284, 285
Shays, Chris 287
Shelby, Richard, 103–4
Sheldon, Louis, 33–34
Shepard, Matthew 274
Shils, Edward, 129–30, 133–35
shortfalls, military personnel 321n3. See also recruitment, military
criminals’ enlistment and, 241–45
financial incentives designed for, 238–40
gang members’ enlistment and, 244–45
image of military as cause of, 249–57
IRR use for, 247–48
in linguistics/intelligence, 215–21, 230–33, 235–36, 250, 285
in medical field, 246–47
promotional spending associated with, 238–39
recruitment standards lowered for, 241–45, 281
Simpson, Alan 285, 289
60 Minutes, 93
Skelton, Ike, 111–12, 127
SLDN. See Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
Smith, S. Douglas 257
social cohesion, 130–32. See also cohesion, military