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Making You Mine: Knox and Aubrey (The Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill - Oak Falls) Book 5)

Page 11

by Melissa Foster

  Aubrey’s eyes teared up as Knox hugged her, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Chapter Nine

  KNOX LAY ON his back beside Aubrey Sunday morning, his body still shuddering from their lovemaking. Aubrey’s eyes were closed, her body glistening from their efforts. Her breasts rose with each breath. He brushed a lock of damp hair from her cheek and said, “Hey, beautiful. Come back down to earth yet?”

  She smiled and turned toward him, snuggling closer, her eyes fluttering closed again. “Shh. I’m still in the clouds.”

  He put his arm around her and ran his fingertips along her back. “After last night and this morning, I don’t think we need to hit the gym for a week.”

  “I’m not sure I can move. Is it still snowing?”

  There had been a foot of snow on the ground yesterday evening and it had been still coming down when they’d left his parents’ house last night. The staff had plowed a path from the house to the inn, and Aubrey had surprised him by wanting to walk back despite the cold. For the first time in all his years, he’d felt romance in his life. They’d walked home hand in hand, talking about the difference in their families and their shared hope that Landon would approve the use of the inn for the movie. By the time they reached the inn, thoughts of work and family had been lost to tender kisses, which turned to laugher when the branch they were standing under dumped a heap of snow on them. Aubrey had surprised him by starting a snowball fight, and soon they were rolling in the deep white powder making out like teenagers.

  The truth was, she was surprising him at every turn, like with her explanation of her nickname at dinner. Only Aubrey could bring out a side of his father Knox had never seen.

  “Snow…?” she whispered.

  He glanced at the window. “Still snowing. Sorry, babe.”

  She groaned and flopped onto her back, eyes open. “Okay,” she said. “Then we have lots of Super Bowl prep to take care of. We can’t get to the store, so I hope they have what we need. Do you think your family will mind if I use a little space in the inn’s kitchen?”

  “The kitchen?” He perched on his elbow. “Clyde, the hotel chef, can whip up a great spread for the Super Bowl if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  Her brow wrinkled. “A chef? No way. Super Bowl food isn’t made by chefs. Okay, I lied before. Or rather, I fibbed when I said I wasn’t groomed to follow my parents’ leads, but I didn’t mean to fib. I was brought up to follow in my mom’s Super-Bowl-prep footsteps. Pregame, the kitchen is our domain.”

  “Wait a second. You can cook?” He nipped at her jaw and said, “What other secrets are you hiding from me?”

  “I cook like a rock star, but don’t get any ideas. I told you I’m not a baby-making, housekeeping type of girlfriend. I wonder if Paige would want to cook with me. It’s more fun cooking with someone else. Maybe your mom would want to join us, too.”

  “Don’t count on it. I’ve never seen my mother do anything in a kitchen besides give orders.”

  “Really? Well, that’s just sad, but Joyce is so amazing, it’s not surprising.”

  After dinner last night, Knox and Aubrey had made their way into the kitchen to say good night to Joyce and had caught Joyce and Leon kissing. It was the sweetest thing he’d ever seen, and it had stoked memories of seeing them embracing and touching hands as they’d passed each other in the house, sharing secret smiles. While his parents had been teaching him how to be a businessman, Joyce and Leon had been teaching him how to love.

  “Did I tell you what your mom said to me last night before we walked home?”

  No, his girl didn’t talk at all after sex… “That she was sorry you’d miss your family’s party today?”

  “Well, that,” Aubrey said. “But while you were helping Paige climb onto the back of Landon’s snowmobile, she told me she wasn’t sure if you and I were seeing each other when she first met us at the top of the cellar stairs. She said she thought she’d seen a new, special glimmer in your eyes. Mother’s intuition, she called it. She said you had always been a handful, but that she’s never seen you look happier. And then she thanked me for bringing laughter to your dinner table.”

  “She said all that?” He wasn’t surprised his mother had seen a look in his eyes. He’d be surprised if everyone didn’t see it, because his feelings for Aubrey were so strong, he couldn’t suppress them. But the fact that she’d thanked Aubrey for bringing laughter into the house was surprising.

  “Yes! I really like your parents, by the way. Your dad might be a little uptight and conservative, and it sounds like he was a tough father to grow up with. But I’ve been thinking about what he said at dinner, and it seems like he and your mom are really trying to be better parents. To be more aware. Maybe not so stuffy?”

  “They are. We all are. I’m trying to be more tactful about expressing my feelings, and Paige is sharing more, holding in less.”

  “And Landon?”

  “I don’t know,” he said honestly. “He’s distracted lately. I want to go see him this morning, make sure he’s okay and discuss the project again.”

  “Did you notice he got a million texts last night? Or at least that’s what it looked like. He kept looking at his phone, and every time he’d get a pinched expression.”

  “That’s one reason I want to talk to him. Working with my father can be stressful. I’ll see if I can help him out.”

  “If my project is causing him stress, I can keep looking for another place.”

  “Not yet. I don’t think it’s your project that’s causing the issues.” It’s his broken heart. “I’m pretty sure he’ll come through for us.”

  “Okay, but the last thing I want to do is cause trouble in your family when you guys are working so hard to make things better.”

  He shifted over her, and she smiled up at him. “For a girl who fought the idea of dating, you’re pretty good at this boyfriend-girlfriend give-and-take stuff.”

  “It’s just common sense. Don’t get any crazy ideas.”

  “You’re good with my family, a tigress in the bedroom, and a master in the kitchen. I’m getting ideas, babe. Lots of ideas.” He kissed her tenderly, then dragged his tongue along her lower lip. “Does this mean you’re all in?”

  She opened her mouth to respond, and then she closed it, her brows knitting again, like she was making the most important decision of her life. Did she know she was making the most important decision of his?

  “Admit it,” he said. “You like being snowed in with me and my crazy life.”

  She tried to stop a grin, and it made her look even more beautiful. “It’s better than a toothache.”

  He tickled her ribs, and she squealed, curling onto her side.

  “A toothache?” He trapped her hands against the mattress and began kissing his way down her neck, causing her to giggle and squirm. “Admit it, Wattsy. You want to date me.”

  A tease rose in her eyes as she said, “I like making out with you.”

  “Say it. Say you like dating me.” His tongue circled her nipple and her hips rose, brushing against his arousal.

  “Convince me,” she said playfully. He nipped at the taut peak, and she bowed beneath him with a hiss. “Do that again,” she pleaded.

  He did, and she moaned, trying to shift her body to align with his.

  “All in?” he whispered, brushing the head of his cock against her slickness.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Is there any other way to do it?”

  “You kill me, baby…”

  He entered her slowly, enjoying the heat spreading from her cheeks to her eyes. Her fingers curled into his and she angled to take him deeper. When he was halfway in, he stilled.

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop, Knox.”

  The emotions in her voice drew his forehead to hers, and he said, “Why do you torture me? Is it because you’ve had to fight so hard for your independence? To be seen for who you are and not as part of your impressive family?”<
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  After a long silence, “Yes” came out like the secret he was sure it was.

  “I see you, Aubrey. I’ve always seen you. If I met you on a train and had no idea who you were, the moment we started talking I’d still see you as fierce, creative, and sensitive, even though you think otherwise as far as the sensitive part goes. I’d never want to change who you are, babe, or stand in the way of what you want to become.”

  Her fingers relaxed, and he released them. She wound her arms around his neck and said, “I know you wouldn’t. I’m all in, Knox. I think I’ve been all in for a very long time, but after having an edge in all aspects of my life for so long, I’m not sure I know how not to have that edge with you without also losing it everywhere else.”

  His heart swelled with her confession, and for the first time in months he felt like he could finally breathe. “Sure you do. You’ve done it a million times with me in private without losing your edge elsewhere. Besides, I like your sharp edges as much as I like your sweet, soft curves. You keep me on my toes, Wattsy, and I keep you on yours. We’re a perfect match.”

  As he lowered his lips to hers and their bodies became one, he felt the world shifting around them. He’d wanted this for so long, and now that he had her heart, he was never going to let her go.

  LATER THAT MORNING they ordered room service and enjoyed a feast of crepes, bacon, fruit, and loads of coffee and kisses. By the time Knox returned to his suite so they could both catch up on work, Aubrey didn’t feel like working. She was too distracted by her newfound happiness, which confused and elated her at once. But she knew if she didn’t go through her emails, she’d never get out from under them tomorrow. Plus, when she’d gone through emails yesterday, she’d gotten the documents from their legal department to present an offer on film rights for a screenplay written by actor-turned-screenplay-writer Zane Walker, and she’d forwarded them to his agent. She sifted through her emails as quickly as she could, which wasn’t quick at all, hoping to find a response from his agent, though she knew that was wishful thinking. Part of the negotiation game was waiting until the last minute to present a counteroffer. Two hours later her chest was still fluttery.

  She needed to get these feelings out before she burst. She snagged her phone and called Charlotte.

  “Hey there, snow bunny,” Charlotte said when she answered.

  “I did it!” Aubrey blurted out.

  Charlotte gasped. “You got the inn?”

  “No! Maybe! I hope so. We’re still working on that, but Knox is pretty confident it’ll go through. But that’s not what I meant. I’m officially dating Knox!”

  “Wow! His big wand really does work magic. You know I never bought the whole we just hook up when we run into each other thing, right?”

  “What do you mean? That is what we were doing.”

  “I know that, but I also know you. He’s the only guy you’ve talked about for as long as I can remember, and before him you rarely saw a guy more than once or twice.”

  Aubrey sighed. “I know. It’s true.”

  “Besides, Becca told me that she and Taylor have been purposefully booking you guys at the same functions.”

  “What?” she snapped. “For how long?”

  “Mm-hm. I guess they saw a huge difference in your personalities after you two first hooked up, and they got to talking and decided to put their very capable little minds to matchmaking. You know the second time you two hooked up? Five or six weeks later? Apparently that was Taylor’s idea, contrived after Becca said you were bitchy and needed to get laid.”

  “I’m going to kill Becca for real this time!”

  “Oh please! Because she knows you as well as I do?” Charlotte said. “You and Knox started hooking up all on your own, and Becca and Taylor didn’t make you two continue sleeping together. They just facilitated the exposure, and I’m glad they did. I’ve never heard you so happy. I mean before you heard about their matchmaking.”

  “I feel like I’m on The Bachelorette or something.”

  “Hot guy, gorgeous inn. Now, there’s an idea! Hey! Why don’t you start a reality television show about matchmaking hookups?”

  “No way!”

  “It’s fun to push your buttons,” Charlotte said. “Guess who else tried to seed the whole Knox-Aubrey idea?”

  “Oh Lord. There’s more?” Aubrey pressed her hand to her temples and said, “Do I even want to know?”

  “Okay, I won’t tell you.”


  “Fine!” She laughed. “Libby said she tried to set you and Knox up on a blind date before you guys ever hooked up because you had similar business experiences and personalities.”

  “Our personalities aren’t that similar.”

  “Outside of the office they are. Anyway, you told Lib you don’t do blind dates. I remember when it happened because I was in town meeting with Presley about my publishing contract, and we were all at Quarters having drinks. So, really, if you think about it, Libby should be given credit for conceiving of the whole Knoxley phenomenon in the first place.”

  “Do not call us that. And what made you think it was a good idea to keep all of this a secret from me?”

  “I didn’t know any of this until after Knox decided to stay in Belize just before Halloween. In my defense, I wanted to talk to you about it, but you weren’t exactly in the best mood while he was gone. We were all a little worried about you, and every time we brought up Knox’s name you got pissy.”

  Aubrey sat on the bed and flopped onto her back. “It’s happened, hasn’t it? I’ve gone all girlie, and it’s affecting everything I do. My family won’t even recognize me anymore.”

  “Do you even hear the ridiculousness coming out of your mouth? You’ve always been girlie. You’re just a tough girl who likes football and confrontations, whereas I’m a frilly girl who prefers to live my life like a fairy tale.”

  “That’s true.” Aubrey smiled, remembering how Charlotte used to flit about in dresses, dreaming of her Prince Charming.

  “This is a good thing, Aubs. It means Libby has good taste in matchmaking, except for herself, of course. We need to find her a man. And like it or not, it means Becca and Taylor saw something real and likable in you and Knox. It might have started out as a way to satisfy you sexually so you wouldn’t kill someone at the office, but think about it. For the first time in forever, you’re happy about something other than closing a business deal.”

  “I am happy, but I’m going to have a talk with Becca. She needs to keep her nose out of my personal life.”

  “Whatever. I know you. You’ll bitch at her and then she’ll promise, and she’ll do what she wants anyway. It’s not like you’d ever fire her. If you’re the backbone of the media division, she’s the ligaments that keep you functioning.”

  “She is, but paybacks are hell—and this one will be so gratifying.”

  They talked for a few more minutes, and when they ended the call, Aubrey found herself smiling again. She sent a text to Becca. Hey, Matchmaker. Watch your back. Love and kisses, Knoxley.

  Her phone vibrated, and she read Becca’s response. There’s officially a Knoxley!? I’m texting Tay! Yay! Sooo NOT sorry!

  A knock sounded on the door adjoining her suite to Knox’s, and as Aubrey rose to her feet, Knox stepped in looking fit and handsome in a black T-shirt and jeans. He hadn’t shaved, and his hair was a little messy, which for some strange reason made him even more appealing.

  “Almost done working?”

  “I’m done.” She slipped her phone into her pocket. “Did you know that Taylor and Becca have been making sure we ended up at the same events so we could hook up?”

  “No, but I’m glad they did.”

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  He put his arms around her and pressed his lips to hers. “Why would that bother me? I went to most of those events hoping to see you. Do you think I like dressing in a monkey suit? I mean, I know I look like James Bond and all…”

  She laughed.

  “I can donate without showing up, which is what I did pretty often before my friend dragged me to an event and a certain beautiful blonde entered the picture. Does what our loyal assistants did bother you?”

  The truth came easily. “I wanted it to more than it did.”

  “That’s because you’re a control freak.”


  “Face it, Stewart. We belong together.” He kissed her again. “Let’s get out of here so I can introduce you to the kitchen staff and then find Landon before the game.”

  On the way out the door Aubrey said, “Let’s find Paige first. If she’s not too busy, I’d like to ask her to help me in the kitchen. Oh, wait. Does she have food issues I should be aware of? Is it a bad idea to ask her to help?”

  “No. It’s a great idea. But I love that you care enough to ask.”

  They found Paige in her office working on the computer.

  “Hey, guys. I’m glad you’re here. Have you read anything by Emma Chase?” She motioned for them to come around the desk.

  Knox looked at the monitor and made an annoyed sound. “Why would I read something called Getting Schooled or Royally Screwed?”

  “Not you,” Paige said. “Sorry. I meant Aubrey. My online book club is delving into new-to-us authors. This month it’s my turn to choose, and I want something really romantic.”

  “I haven’t read her books,” Aubrey said, “but my partner Presley loves them.”

  “Great! Thanks.” Paige pulled up her email.

  Knox crossed his arms and said, “I’m not sure how I feel about you reading books with those titles. Can’t you pick a book called something like, I’ll Never Get Schooled or Royally Screwed?”

  “Haha.” Paige shook her head.

  “Your sister is a beautiful woman,” Aubrey said. “She’s going to meet lots of guys and drive you batty, so get used to it.”


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