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The Wife Stalker

Page 24

by Liv Constantine

  “Well, thank you. I guess after we eat, we can just relax and get a good night’s sleep so we’ll all be ready for our hike tomorrow.”

  Stelli looked up from his Legos. “What hike?”

  “We’re going on the Gorham Trail tomorrow. It’s very easy; it even has steps in places. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

  “How high is it?” Stelli asked, his voice shaking.

  Piper groaned inwardly. “Around five hundred feet. But it’s perfectly safe. We’ll all be together.”

  He looked skeptical. “I don’t know. I don’t really like hiking.” Looking past her to his father, he said, “Daddy, I don’t wanna go.”

  “It looks fun,” Evie said.

  Before Leo could respond, Piper spoke again. “You know, Stelli, I used to be afraid of swimming.”

  He looked at her, eyes wide. “But you’re a really good swimmer. You always do laps in the pool.”

  She nodded. “Yup. But I wasn’t always. I didn’t learn how to swim until I was ten.”

  “How come?” he asked.

  She shrugged. “My parents never taught me, and my mother was afraid of water. She passed that fear along to me. But I decided one day that I wasn’t going to let fear ruin my life. You see, I wanted to learn how to sail, and you can’t do that if you can’t swim.”

  Both children gave her their full attention.

  “How’d you learn?” Evie asked.

  “I talked my father into taking me for swimming lessons. At first, I was afraid even to put my face in the water, but I took it one step at a time, and within two months, I could swim. And now, it’s one of my favorite things to do.”

  “Well . . .” Stelli bit his lip.

  “How about if we try tomorrow? It’s an easy trail, and if you don’t like it after an hour, we can turn back. But I think you will. I’d hate for you to miss out on something really terrific because you’re scared. Deal?” She stuck her hand out.

  “Okay,” he said, and shook her hand.

  She looked over at Leo, and he winked at her, a pleased expression on his face.

  “Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

  “I’m going to take a little walk; I’m feeling stiff after the car ride. Anyone want to join me?”

  The kids begged off, and Leo shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m good.”

  She went out through the back deck, pausing a moment to admire the view again. The temperature was dropping, and she zipped her down jacket, pulled a knit hat over her head, and put her gloves on. She walked fast, eager to get in a couple of miles before dark. She loved being outside. Hopefully there wouldn’t be many other hikers around tomorrow, so they could take in the scenery in peace.

  As she walked, she reminded herself to stop and live in the moment. Mindfulness was what they taught at the center, but lately she had been having a hard time practicing it. Breathe deeply, listen to nature, absorb the sights and sounds around you, she told herself. Her mind began to clear, and she heard a snapping branch underfoot, the screech of a snowy owl, the feel of the wind on her face.

  It was working. The stress lifted from her like a blanket tossed from her shoulders, and she felt lighter with every step. As twilight began to settle, she decided to turn around. The guesthouse was in view, and seeing it made her glad once again that she’d had Rebecca stay home. She didn’t need the woman’s prying eyes. As Piper began the walk back, a movement at the guesthouse caught her eye.

  Had the shade in the window moved? She stood very still for a moment and then decided her mind must be playing tricks on her, but as she headed back to the house, she was strangely unsettled.

  After dinner, Stelli bounced up to Leo. “Can we watch a movie tonight?” Stelli asked. “Maybe Star Wars?”

  Was he kidding? A two-hour movie? “Well, maybe just a show tonight, Stelli. You and Evie both had a lot of screen time today in the car,” Piper answered.

  Ignoring her, he turned to his father. “Please, Dad?”

  “Piper’s right, buddy. That’s a long movie, and it’s already close to six. I think a show, a hot bath, and bedtime for you two maimou.”

  “We’re not monkeys!” Evie said.

  “Yes, we are!” Stelli said, jumping up from his chair and making screeching sounds. Leo got up and chased him, the two of them laughing until Evie joined in as well. They ran into the next room, then back, until they collapsed in a heap on the sofa, their giggles lingering. Piper sat there watching, the familiar feeling of not belonging filling her once again.

  So far, this was not going at all her way.

  Finally, Leo stood up and came back to the table, oblivious to her discomfort. “Come finish eating,” he called to the children, and they returned, still smiling.

  Much to Piper’s relief, they went to bed without a fuss at nine o’clock. Leo emerged from their room and joined Piper by the fire, where she sat reading Jane Eyre. He poured himself a glass of the pinot noir she’d opened and sat next to her on the sofa.

  “How about we light the fireplace in the bedroom and take the wine in there?” he asked, nuzzling her ear.

  She spun around and kissed him. “That sounds perfect.” She could fix this; she just needed this time with Leo to get started.

  They shut off the gas fireplace and walked through the house, turning off the lights. Once they were upstairs, Leo put the wine on the dresser.

  “I’m going to go slip into something more comfortable.” She winked and went into the bathroom. She’d bought new lingerie especially for this trip, and she slipped the nude-colored camisole over her head. Her stockings and garter belt came next, and then a slash of red lipstick to complete the picture. Her hand was on the doorknob when she heard the bedroom door opening and the sound of little feet running in.

  “Daddy, I had a nightmare! Mommy was falling from the cliff, and I couldn’t save her.” Evie’s voice was choked and halting. “Can I sleep with you?”

  “Of course,” Leo said. “Go get Stelli, too. If he wakes up all alone, he’ll be upset.”

  Piper’s blood was boiling. Why was Leo such a pushover? Okay, Evie had had a nightmare. You calm her down and put her back to bed. Now both kids were going to sleep with them? She grabbed a tissue and rubbed the lipstick off, then pulled off the garter and stockings. She grabbed the robe hanging off the back of the door and put it on.

  “Everything okay?” she asked, coming out of the bathroom. Evie and Stelli were already under the covers.

  Leo gave her an apologetic look. “Nightmare. Rain check?”

  She pressed her lips together in an attempt to smile. “Sure.”

  “There’s not enough room for her, too,” Stelli said.

  She swallowed her anger and took a deep breath, afraid of what she might say if she didn’t calm down. Was it going to be like this forever? The three of them together, with her on the outside looking in? Even though the queen-sized bed was small for four, it galled her that Leo remained silent. After it was clear that he wasn’t going to object, she spoke. “I’ll go sleep in one of the guest rooms. It is a little crowded in here.”

  Leo gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks for understanding.”

  Piper forced herself to say something nice to Evie. “I’m sorry about your bad dream, honey. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night, all.” Before she left, she grabbed the bottle of wine and her glass.

  She walked down the hall to the last room on the end and went in. Turning on a lamp, she sat by the window in one of the cushioned armchairs and filled her glass. This was definitely not the vacation she’d envisioned. She may not be the children’s mother, but she was their father’s wife. It was about time he got his priorities in order. She was tired of being second fiddle to the children in her husbands’ lives. She thought about Matthew and Mia.

  If Matthew hadn’t let Mia get her way all the time, maybe they’d both still be alive.



  Their car pulled in late this afternoon. As I watched t
hrough the slender space between the curtain and the window frame, I could feel every nerve ending pulse, and I held my breath as if doing so might make me invisible. Leo was the first one out of the car, followed quickly by Piper and the children. I almost cried out when I saw them. Leo grabbed a knapsack and suitcase from the back of the Range Rover and followed Piper and the kids into the house. I moved away from the window and sank into a chair, suddenly filled with fear and self-doubt. What if she outsmarted me? I breathed in deeply. I had to think positively, get my thoughts in order, and go back over my plans.

  Years ago, Leo had installed cameras outside the house so he could check on it remotely. I’d never deleted the app from my phone, and while it didn’t allow me to see into the house, if I turned on the audio, I could hear what was going on in most of the rooms. I kept the sound turned up all night, so that even when I fell asleep, I would be awakened by anything unusual. I doubted I’d get much sleep anyway. The night sounded a fitful one in the main house, but after the kids were settled in bed with Leo, all had been quiet. I could tell from her voice that Piper had been angry at being kicked out of the bedroom, and though I felt some satisfaction about that, I mostly worried that it might add more fuel to her crazy fire.

  The next morning, I heard them as they woke up and had breakfast. After some fancy footwork, Piper persuaded Leo to take them to Gorham Trail in an hour. My heart broke hearing the fear in my poor Stelli’s voice and Leo’s lame attempt to comfort him. I couldn’t believe the way he was allowing Piper to run roughshod over the children. I knew this was my one chance to act. Grabbing my backpack, I slung it over my shoulder and walked into the woods. I pulled out my binoculars as I approached the back of the house and scanned the windows. The kitchen was empty, so I figured they must be getting dressed upstairs. I was debating whether to go in through the garage or the front door when my heart leaped at the sight of Stelli and Evie coming down the stairs to the first floor. They were so much bigger than they had been just a month ago. They already had their outdoor gear on, and when they came out onto the back deck, I realized it was the sign I’d been waiting for.

  I ran to them. I could see the shock on both of their faces when they saw me. Stelli stood still, but Evie took a step back.

  “Shhh. We’re playing a game,” I whispered. “Come with me.”

  Stelli scrambled down the steps and threw his arms around my legs, but Evie, rooted to the spot, looked hesitant. “Stelli, wait.”

  But he was already holding my hand.

  “What are you doing here?” Evie asked.

  “I came to save you from Piper. Come on, Evie.”

  She was looking at me with suspicion. Piper had fooled her, that much was clear. “Stelli, you have to come back in the house,” she said, putting her hand out as she moved back toward the French doors.

  He’d turned around to look at his sister, so now I stood behind him, my hands on his shoulders. I bent down, holding him, and put my mouth against his ear. “Stelli, Piper wants to push you off the mountain. You need to stay with me.”

  He looked at Evie and then tilted his head back to look at me, and I could feel the hesitation in his body. I tightened my grip on him.

  “You let him go!” Evie yelled again. “I’m going to tell.” She turned away and ran into the house.

  “I don’t think I should go with you, Joanna. Daddy will be angry. Please . . . let me go!” He started to pull away, and I had no choice.

  I pulled the stun gun from my coat pocket and gave him a quick zap on his hip. His eyes widened, and then he went limp. I couldn’t understand why Evie had betrayed me, but I didn’t have time to dwell on it. Instead, I hoisted Stelli into my arms and ran into the woods. He was growing heavier with each step. My arms began to shake, and my lungs were burning. I had to slow to a brisk walk when I heard the sound of footsteps and shouts behind me. Taking my eyes from the path, I looked behind me, then tripped over a branch on the ground.

  Stelli fell from my arms as I registered Leo running toward me. I was panting, my heart going wild. Stelli lay on the ground next to me, and I knelt, putting a protective hand on his chest.

  “What have you done?” Leo crouched down by Stelli’s unmoving body. “What did you do to him?” His face was white, and there was terror in his eyes.

  “He’ll be fine in a little while, Leo,” I said, and I pulled out the stun gun. “But stay back, or I’ll use it again.”

  “You’re insane! Get away from him!”

  “Not until you listen to me.” I pointed the stun gun at Stelli with one hand and pulled a folder from my backpack with the other. “Move away from me,” I ordered him.

  He hesitated a few seconds, looking from me to Stelli, and then took a few slow steps backward, never taking his eyes off me.

  “Here,” I said, and tossed the folder to him. “Take a look, Leo. You’re angry at the wrong person. Piper is the dangerous one, not me. Did she tell you how she got rid of her last family? And another husband before that? She moved to Connecticut to hide. Changed her name, whitewashed her past. She’s lied to you. Don’t you get it? She’s going to kill Evie and Stelli . . . maybe you, too. She belongs in jail. You need to come back to me.”

  He shook his head. “Back to you? I was never with you. I knew all about Piper’s past before I married her. She told me everything.”

  He took a step toward me.

  “Stop!” I screamed at him. “Don’t come any closer.”

  He ignored me and reached for my arm, trying to grab me. “Give it up, Joanna. Piper’s called the police. They’ll be here any minute. Give me that.” He took another step toward me, and I pressed the stun gun into his chest and watched him go down.

  My hands were shaking, my breath coming in short gasps. I picked Stelli up and ran once again, this time toward the house. Leo was never going to believe me. He was going to stay with that bitch until she killed them all. But she wasn’t going to get Stelli. He was mine. I knew then what I had to do. Stelli writhed in my arms, beginning to rouse. “Shhh,” I said, and kissed him on the head. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’re going to see Mommy. That’s what you wanted, right? Everything’s going to be okay.”

  I stumbled along, holding Stelli against my chest, until we reached the edge of the mountain. I turned to the house for a final glimpse and then looked back over the cliff to the sea. It was beautiful down below.

  Stelli’s eyes were open now, and I could see the fear in them, but I didn’t want him to be afraid. “Stelli, it’s all right. Don’t be afraid. Your mommy’s gone, but she knew I would take care of you, that I would be your new mother.” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, saying a little prayer.

  Olivia was waiting for us, I knew. I tried, Olivia. Leo wouldn’t listen. But I’m protecting Stelli, bringing him to you, and we can share him. I opened my eyes and took one last look at the splendor below, at the black, howling ocean that would soon be our home.

  I lifted my foot to step forward, holding Stelli against my body.


  I turned around. Piper was standing there with Evie next to her, crying.

  “Joanna, please. Talk to me. Step away from the ledge.”

  I laughed. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You must derive some sick pleasure in killing. You can’t have Stelli. He’s mine.”

  “You’re right.”


  “He’s not mine. I should have never come between you. Just come back to the house, and we can talk about it.” She took a step toward me.

  “Don’t come any closer, or we’ll jump right now. I’m not an idiot. You’re lying.”

  “No, I’m not,” she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Please, let him go. Take me with you instead.”

  “Why would I want to take you?”

  “He’s young. Too young to die. You don’t want me to have them, and that’s fine. I’ll go away. Let Stelli stay with his sister. Please.”

  She looked sincere, but she’d
fooled a lot of people.

  “No deal,” I said, and turned back toward the ocean.

  “Wait!” she screamed.

  I whipped around. “You think I’m stupid, don’t you? I don’t believe you. Leo’s just like my father. He’s taking your side against mine. But Stelli belongs with me. You and Leo can’t have him.”

  Stelli was now squirming, though sluggishly, in my arms. I was having trouble holding on to him. I looked over my shoulder. The edge was only two feet away. I could make it over with Stelli before Piper had a chance to reach me.

  I hitched Stelli up, wrapping my arms more tightly around him. “Stay still!” He was crying now and calling Piper’s name. “Stop, you can’t trust her. Stay with me.”

  Here we go, I thought, as I took a step and leaned back.

  “She’s going to push Stelli just like she pushed Mommy!” Evie yelled.

  I froze. What did she say? What had she seen that night? Suddenly, nails clawed at me, ripping into my flesh. I fell to the ground and Stelli rolled from my arms. I was too stunned to understand what was happening at first, but then I saw Piper pick him up and push him toward the house.

  “Run,” she said, following behind him.

  I had no choice. I’d never wanted to use the real gun, but I couldn’t let Stelli run away. He belonged to me and to Olivia. She was waiting for us. I’d promised her that I would never let him go. I withdrew the gun from my pocket and aimed at Stelli. Taking a deep breath, I tightened my finger on the trigger and fired. The next bullet would be for me, and then we’d be together forever.



  “Come on, Stelli, hurry,” Piper cried, catching up to him and grabbing his hand. She turned to look behind them and saw the glint of the gun in Joanna’s hand. The veins in Piper’s neck pulsated, and her heart was hammering in her chest. She squeezed the tiny hand in hers and steered Stelli’s body in front of hers as they continued to run. Stelli was crying, and his legs were faltering. Piper turned once more, panicking, heart thumping, as Joanna raised her hand, the gun pointed at Stelli. Without a second’s hesitation, Piper pushed Stelli to the ground and threw her body on top of his, just as a gunshot tore through the morning air. With Stelli’s small, shaking form beneath her, she could hear his sobs and feel his terror. The musky scent of grass filled her nostrils, and as she wrapped her arms and legs around his little body, a searing pain registered, shooting through her upper arm.


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