Book Read Free

A Day's Venture

Page 5

by Nathan Anton


  The observation tower had the best view in the entire Underworld and could even be considered a nice romantic retreat for a couple. From the front of the tower, a giant pit was visible in the distance where the screams of the dammed let loose their voices to the realm. This pit spiralled on and on, increasing in torment and punishment the deeper it went. An infinitely long road was connected to the left of it, stretching so far that the end was invisible. This was the road of limbo, where countess souls awaited judgement or where lost ones found it. The meteor skies high above were truly a sight to see and the group that had entered the tower were stuck admiring its view. Hell may be a dark and uncared for land, but there were parts of it that would make angels jealous of its beautiful sights.

  “Nyaa, look at that one, nya,” Nekona squealed in excitement from the bright moving objects. The others smiled at her energy and began to think she’s more cat than human.

  Ghost was comfortably perched under the ceiling of the observation tower and watched her tour group getting giddy as she made notes on her notepad; jotting down the respective impressions each of them gave her and planning ways to investigate their delicious looking bodies.

  The group moved around the circular room and saw a massive ocean, far away to the right of the tower. This place was called the deadly waters and for good reason as hungry sirens swam in its midst, to devour souls repeatedly, as well as other unspeakable monstrosities. The ocean sparkled gallantly in the rising morning sun, with artificial rays spread out far and wide; the small tropical islands decorating the ocean gave it a summery feel. North of the ocean was a curious desert that was best avoided, as the cracks that decorated the ground held monstrous evil. Scorpina and Cobera were interested in what the desert was like as they had grown up in one, and looked at each other in nostalgia.

  Creepy caves of darkness were just barely visible further ahead; they were beneath 3 massive volcanic mountains that held them inside. The air was thick around the mountains and mesmerised the group. They stood in awe, admiring the magnificently dark view.

  To the left of the tower was a large arena overshadowed by a vast metropolis in construction, which was best seen at night as it never slept, and provided an unforgettable scene. The group turned to the back of the tower and were greeted by a large thick forest where various trees, vines, plants and creatures could be spotted. Mimi perked up at this sight and was eager to fly in the lord’s forest. The group was astonished by the many sights in the Underworld as they had been expecting what everyone else had…a barren wasteland. While not completely untrue, the Underworld had started as a wasteland, only containing the most necessary things. Today, Leros and Aimi were to thank for its prosperity.

  As the girls were being shocked by the amazing sights, Ghost peered towards the desert and wondered when Leros would be back. After sulking for a moment she spotted the spider den, her previous home, just outside the palace. She recoiled, and dropped down to the 4 girls to advance the tour, knowing that the Dark Palace was her home now and she couldn’t be happier. Ghost prodded Mimi’s squishy behind and groped Scorpina’s large round buttock; Nekona’s tail was intricately stroked and Cobera’s snake scales were licked from interest in their texture. The women all made a unanimous ‘Hii!’ sound, meaning Ghost was successful in her mission. Ghost turned around and began walking down the stairs to indicate they were leaving. The group followed her after much displeasure, rubbing their bottoms, and Cobera was now re-evaluating staying at the back of the group.

  The group reached the dormitories next and Ghost walked to the middle of the corridor, stopped, and began writing on her notepad.

  “Ooo another riddle!” Nekona said in excitement.

  Scorpina and Mimi sighed while Cobera looked at them innocently, not understanding the situation. They began reading the pad Ghost held up:

  “This is where people stay. The picture on the wrist gets you in your room. You can change that.” Mimi read out loud.

  “Picture? You mean these weird lines, but which room?” Mimi said examining the barcode on her wrist.

  “Any,” Nekona read.

  Ghost then pointed to a door and the 4 girls approached it. Scorpina confidently grabbed the handle, as she was closest, but crushed it by mistake…

  “Nyaa, what are you doing?” Nekona shouted.

  “…” Scorpina held her head in shame as Cobera and Mimi snickered at her clumsiness.

  Ghost made a quick note in her notepad and then pointed at another door for them to try, and Mimi took the lead to prevent any more unfortunate accidents. The door swung open and the group entered a blank room with white walls and a white tiled floor. Ghost checked the door was shut properly and that no openings were apparent, and after a while she deemed them safe from harm. The room suddenly grew in size as it sensed their presences, and began dropping in furniture and belongings that were revealed to be Mimi’s. The wallpaper grew darker and the tools she possessed were eerie enough to make Cobera coil around Scorpina’s leg in fear.

  “This room is boring, I wanna new one,” Nekona cried.

  Ghost shook her head and began searching through past notes to tell the group about their new rooms. After a few minutes of shuffling, Ghost found the paper she was looking for and presented it to the group. Mimi stopped admiring the sorcery and the accuracy of her tools to take the lead again and read the note out loud:

  “This room can look how you want. There is a catalogue on the desk for ideas. It also has everything else.”

  Sure enough there was an electronic tablet on the desk that acted as a catalogue. It was a new device for these girls as Leros had taken the idea from the world he grew up in.

  “Make it look how we want? How do we do that? And what do you mean ‘Everything else,’” Nekona exclaimed.

  Ghost stood in silence sucking her thumb, and indicated for them to look at the tablet with an appendage. She felt no use in explaining everything. Mimi was the first to look and began pouring the tablet’s features on the others.

  “Wow we can make our rooms look the same as back home. We can order food and decorate it with our thoughts. The palace caters to all our needs apparently.”

  Nekona stood dumbfounded, only reacting to the word ‘food’.

  “It says we should first make our keys unique to ourselves by imagining them and saying ‘change’.”

  Mimi closed her eyes for a few seconds then followed the instructions as she visualised the outcome she wanted.

  “Change,” she said.

  Her barcode did indeed disappear and her right hand glowed for a second before subsiding. She was pleased to see a fancy rune with lips engraved on it, as the transformation was a success.

  “It worked,” Mimi said happily, admiring her new tattoo.

  “No fair, I wanna try,” Nekona copied Mimi until her index finger glowed, and placed a fang-like rune on her claw.

  “Yay!” she squealed.

  “…” Scorpina couldn’t say the incantation but thought the word ‘change,’ and sure enough a rune of a scorpion appeared on her pincer, which impressed her and Cobera, who watched closely.

  Cobera muttered the incantation under her breath, and she also received a rune on her hand, one of a snake.

  The group was amazed at the technology of the Dark Palace and talked and gestured happily to each other, comparing their new tattoos. Ghost climbed up on the wall, observing her flock as they communicated. She began making more notes and deductions on each party member as they continued their social activities. She deemed Scorpina the strongest and most ‘warrior like,’ but also the most unaware and easiest to sneak up on. Cobera looked slippery and Mimi would probably end up ‘investigating’ Ghost if she tried anything. Nekona would be the biggest challenge with her sensitive ears and sensory tail. The challenge excited Ghost somewhat but also made her frightened, so she stopped thinking about it, starting to get hungry. Soon afterwards, the girls all pleaded the spider for grub as if
they had heard her wish. Ghost advised them to read the manual in the electronic tablet (via her notepad of course) and the group headed out of the room and down the spiral staircase.

  It was then that Ghost had met her match as the group landed in the lobby. She curled up into a ball by the staircase and became reluctant to come out.

  “H- Hey don’t bug out, what is the problem!” Nekona shouted, her hunger starting to get to her.

  “Awww the poor thing, she’s scared. Do you not like the lobby darling?” Mimi asked softly, and licked her lips as the vulnerability made her excited.

  The ball shuffled as Ghost shook her head.

  “It’s alright, just point where we need to go and we’ll meet ya there,” Nekona said, selfishly drooling.

  One of Ghost’s eight appendages pointed forward, showing the direction of the dining room. Because it was vacant, it looked like a small storage room, which confused the group.

  “Is she for real?” Mimi said, scratching her head.

  “…” Scorpina looked at the room and walked towards it briskly

  “Come on, if there’s food in there I don’t care,” Nekona said frankly and she walked off with Mimi as well.

  Cobera suddenly stopped and approached Ghost, staring at her intently. Cobera was also a very shy girl and resembled Ghost in many ways. She coiled around Ghost warmly, holding the spider tight and whispering gently, “I’m scared too”.

  Ghost’s defence slackened its grip as Cobera’s soft words pierced her. Cobera encouraged further until Ghost’s appendages had gone back in their place. She recognized Cobera’s uneasiness and sincerity, and deemed her safe enough to escort her across the lobby. Perhaps we could be friends, Ghost thought. They held hands as they walked (and slithered) until they entered the room with everyone waiting. As they did, it reacted and changed into the small dining room that Ghost had entered this morning. She struggled a bit then disconnected her hand from Cobera. She sat in her seat and kicked her legs again. Cobera looked disappointed as her ally had abandoned her, and promptly coiled up next to Scorpina instead. Ghost was too timid to thank Cobera directly and promised to thoroughly extract her juices as a reward (deluded as it may be).

  “So how do we–” Nekona was cut off as the wall to the back of the room lifted up, revealing a small kitchen and an occupant cutting vegetables with what appeared to be a knife, transformed from her hand. The woman was the very familiar Aimi, Queen of the Underworld. The others had only met Aimi once or twice in her ‘miniature’ form; however they were seeing her in her normal ‘big’ form instead today. Aimi wore a flowery apron with a short skirt and…nothing else. Aimi noticed the crowd behind her and asked sweetly:

  “Hi I’m Aimi, what would you like?”

  Ghost seized her innocence and curled up into a ball once more, fearful of the dangerously powerful woman.

  “Daww she hid again, it can’t be helped I guess,” Aimi sighed.

  Aimi was aware of the intense magical aura she gave off, similar to Leros’s. As the ruler of the Underworld it was natural for lesser beings to fear or revere her. Ghost was exceptionally sensitive to natural energies such as Aimi’s aura, and always felt like she was going to be attacked, at any moment. Aimi always assured her she’d never do such a thing but Ghost only trusted her instincts…and Leros.

  “That is very daring of you,” Mimi said, surprised and impressed at her obscure clothing choice.

  “Hehe as a ruler of the Underworld freedom is one of the perks,” Aimi winked.

  The native Earth Alpha women weren’t surprised by anything anymore, but were sceptical that this happy looking and youthful woman was really the queen; they soon forgot about it and began placing their orders as hunger distracted them. Aimi happily accepted and began cooking passionately in the background while being quizzed by the bored trio.

  “How come the room just…changed, and why is there a kitchen here?” Mimi asked.

  “Most rooms change depending on how many people are in it and what your needs are. Thank the palace itself for that.”

  “So say you really need the bathroom…” Nekona inquired.

  “Haha, you can have one in your room but it can appear anywhere if you need it…” Aimi answered.

  “Really, so if I think of a bathroom it’ll appear?” Nekona said impressed.

  Nekona’s question was answered by the palace as a door appeared nearby, which Nekona promptly entered in a hurry. It would be correct to say the deceased needed neither sustenance nor the need to expel it, they would feel somewhat empty inside. This emptiness would have been part of the life missing from their soul. However, the dead found it difficult to stop eating and excreting, and as such continued even after their souls were bound to the Underworld.

  Nekona and the other visitors weren’t dead and did need to do these things.

  When Nekona came out of the door, it vanished, and the three vocally capable girls ‘oooed,’ and ‘ahhhed,’ once more.

  “Food’s ready,” Aimi shouted and the group collected their plates. Ghost however just grabbed it from afar with her nearest appendage, and came out of her defensive ball to eat, but kept an eye or 3 on Aimi at all times.

  “Deliciousss,” Cobera hissed and Scorpina nodded in agreement.

  “Nyaaa yummy.”

  “Very good meat here,” Mimi said.

  “I’m glad you all like it,” Aimi smiled.

  “When can we see Lerosss?” Cobera whispered in her usual hissing tone.

  The others wanted the answer to that question as well. Leros was the main reason they came to the Underworld, it would be disappointing if they couldn’t see him today.

  “Hmm he’s busy right now but I’ll send him to you all tomorrow, providing nothing comes up.”

  “What’s he doing?” Mimi asked.

  “Well…sometimes the souls that come in by the meteors that you’ve probably seen go way off course and end up somewhere else in the Underworld. It doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s Leros’s job to get them back on track.”

  “Is it dangerous?” Mimi asked again, with the whole group listening to the conversation.

  “It can be, it depends on where they land, if it’s our front door then it’s not a problem, but if it’s in a torture area then the victim may be afflicted by what we call ‘The Influence of Sin.’ Basically the victim could be mentally scarred after seeing terrible things.”

  “But I thought everyone that comes here deserves it, nya?” Nekona asked.

  “Alas that is not true…” Aimi sighed.

  “Huh?” the party exclaimed, and even Ghost was all ears now as this was news to her.

  “Almost everyone comes here when they die, not the angelic world, here. Also, a person that only commits two sins is tortured appropriately or even forgiven, as it is natural for all to delve into the realm of pleasure. But if they encounter a third and they commit and commit, they get a whole different torture schedule…” Aimi explained while the group listened intently.

  “Every soul dabbles in sin, most commit one or two regularly but any more then they are in for a serious rehabilitation.”

  “Heaven exists?” Mimi asked the obvious question.

  Aimi appeared to wince at the word; it was clear she didn’t like that side of the universe and possibly, no probably, had a past with it.

  “Yeah it exists, but it’s off limits for someone like me…or anyone for that matter; the conditions to get in are ludicrous and it’s so boring up there anyway…let’s just not go there…” Aimi ended that conversation, bringing about silence for a moment.

  “Don’t you sssin?” Cobera asked.

  “Of course, I’m the queen and Leros is the lord, so it’s natural for us otherworldly beings to do it, but it is our job to prevent others from committing sin, kind of like a special gift reserved only for us that lower life forms shouldn’t dare do hehe,” Aimi laughed and the others looked at each other awkwardly, finally realising their vast
inferiority to Aimi.

  “…” Scorpina looked down after the conversation and wasn’t ready for prolonged punishment. She began to think if she’d committed too many sins and was having an internal breakdown, until Aimi cleared her conscience.

  “Will I be hurt?” Cobera asked, clinging to Scorpina with all her might.

  “Relax girls, the Underworld is changing from its brutality slowly but surely. If you sin in moderation and are a good person then you will live happily here; we have a school, cities and villages; it is becoming more and more like a second life, so don’t worry so much little one hehe,” Aimi laughed again.

  It was clear Aimi was the ruler now. The way she talked and the way she referred to them as ‘lesser beings’ made the distinction in hierarchy clear. It was the greatest honour to be able to speak with the ruler of an entire realm, where dimensions intertwined. Mimi and Scorpina were perhaps the only 2 who realised how lucky they were.

  Once the group had finished eating, and stopped bombarding Aimi with questions, they exited the dining room and bid farewell to their new queen. As they left, the room transformed back to its small state and left the group feeling like they were getting used to the place.

  “Where to next?” Mimi asked, stretching her arms and large scaled wings from their confinement at dinner.

  Ghost pointed in the direction of the lounge and the group resumed their adventure, talking about the events they had just discussed.

  “Wait, what’s this door?” Mimi said pointing to a door they were passing by.

  “Kitchen,” Ghost wrote, while traversing the wall to their side, not wanting to set foot in the massive space of the lobby.

  The group entered the lounge and saw what looked like a small cinema room with comfy sofas and chairs littered around the place. The décor was also the same as the halls and lobby, but the atmosphere was relaxing despite the diverse energy emanating from it. The room’s occupants looked like they did a variety of activities including: watching animated TV, reading; and playing video games, cards and board games. The 2 girls, named Alice and Aquila, waved to the group and then resumed the movie they were watching as the tour behind them continued.

  At the back of the lounge was a conservatory with checked floors, and a range of utilities no doubt used by the residents. A comfortable patio and a large beautiful garden were visible through the conservatory window, with what looked like a Petlan watering flowers and humming a sweet melody as she danced from flower to flower. The spacious garden was protected by a large fence, no doubt stopping the incomprehensible amount of entities from the towering forest behind from disturbing its peace.

  Nekona wanted to stay and play in the lounge, but Ghost didn’t like the noise and ushered them back to the lobby to continue the tour.

  After comfortably grabbing Cobera’s hand to pluck up the courage to cross the gargantuan lobby; Ghost led the group to the other side, past a large set of stairs in the middle.

  “Which way?” Cobera asked the spider clung to her, pointing at two doors.

  “Any,” Ghost wrote.

  “Left, left!” Nekona persuaded.

  The group followed Ghost once more as she left Cobera’s comfort and skipped through the door and down some stairs. The atmosphere grew warmer and humid as they continued down this mysterious passage. The floor also grew increasingly wet and Ghost warned them not to slip. When they reached the bottom, the girls’ eyes lit up as they realised they were in an underground hot spring with showers and benches with colourful towels dotted around the outside. The middle of the room had several large circular holes filled with water at varying temperatures. After pleading Ghost to allow them some free time, the girls rejoiced as they began preparing to enter the nearest hot spring. Mimi tore off her clothes and jumped in, closely followed by Nekona and Cobera, who didn’t wear anything as her snake scales covered all her essentials; Scorpina was somewhat more refined and slowly entered after de-clothing and testing the water timidly.

  Ghost’s skin reacted to the humidity and vapour in the air and it became quite slimy. She didn’t like this place and would prefer to curl up in a warm dry place like a heated cupboard. She then indicated to the others that she would wait outside. Ghost needed some time alone anyway to jot down interesting information as a way to relax, since the many interactions today were wearing her out.





  The girls responded as they settled into the spring.

  “Nyim going to play in the big tub!” Nekona said rushing over to the biggest spring, unable to keep still for a second.

  “Such a child,” Mimi sighed.

  Cobera suddenly felt very nervous and fell silent, giving Mimi and Scorpina embarrassed looks. Their breasts were large and perfect pillows as far as Cobera was concerned, but she looked at her own cup size and shuddered in inferiority.

  “Mimi, what do you feed those thingsss?” Cobera asked shyly.

  “You want to know…” Mimi said, casually approaching her in a seductive manner, something only a succubus would do.

  “No sss-ssstop,” Cobera moaned, as her dignity was being shattered by Mimi’s firm and finite touch.

  “Hey newbies how’s it-, wait what are you doing?”

  Aimi stood staring at them as she entered the spring. Cobera was coiled around Mimi, enveloped in her massive bosom, while having her own groped mercilessly. Scorpina looked away in embarrassment, trying to hide her disfigured face somewhat as she’d taken her magic mask off.

  “Ah n–nothing,” Cobera said, using the distraction to slither away.

  Aimi gave them a smirking sceptical look.

  “You’re…not being affected already…are you?” she pondered out loud.

  “Affected by what?” Mimi replied on behalf of the others.

  “Well…” Aimi said.

  “I’m not sure I should be telling you this yet but…” Aimi continued.

  “But…” Mimi urged.

  “The longer you stay in the Dark Palace or near me or Leros, certain…desires may begin to amplify,” Aimi casually said.

  “Like what?” Mimi asked sheepishly for the trio as they already knew the answer.

  “The best thing to do is to embrace it, because if you hold it in then you will become ill and lose your mind…” Aimi said worriedly.

  “Imagine it’s a free environment where your inner self is reflected, where no secrets are hidden, and your true personality shines; that is the true power of the Underworld.”

  “R-really,” Cobera said, surprised before promptly taking a back seat again.

  “By desire it could be anything, by the way, not just…ya…” Aimi said softly.

  The three looked awkward for a second as it had indeed been the first thing to appear in their tainted minds.

  “So say you wanted to hurt lots of people…” Mimi hypothesised.

  “Then you would have to do it regularly so you don’t turn insane; your nature is amplified in this place, so you wouldn’t be able to contain it like you would in your home-world. Ever wonder why it’s called the Dark Palace even though everything is so nice here…” Aimi continued.

  “Becaussse it’s black?” Cobera guessed.

  Scorpina rolled her black eyes and Mimi enlightened her, “It’s because we can’t control our feelings like in our own world, it requires a stronger will to survive…so to speak.”

  Aimi nodded and the other two began analysing the gravity of staying in this place, the sacrifice. The Dark Palace was like a paradise for those that followed the rules and let their pure desires loose, but it became a prison if they were corrupt or unwilling to part with their dignity or moral standing.

  “My dear Leros probably would have told you this later anyway, but it is like a filter for good people in a sense, so just keep it in mind…” Aimi added.

  Ghost, who had been eavesdropping, frantically made note
s for future reference before scuttling upstairs, away from the piercing gaze she felt from Aimi. Aimi hadn’t directly looked at her, but there was this unshakable feeling of being watched and exposed; it was clear Aimi had no need to physically look at a person to know what they were doing.

  A few moments of stiff silence ensued around Aimi and the group, while Nekona could be heard playing and splashing loudly in the background. Scorpina was constantly facing down and attempting to shield her face with her long brown hair. It was useless however, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t hide her exposed jaw or tongue and eventually gave up, feeling extremely embarrassed, especially since Cobera was watching her every move with an immature amazement.

  The relax time was well needed after the bulk of the tour; the Dark Palace was a large place and communicating with each other in obscure ways had tired the team out. Mimi was thinking of how nice it would be to stay here. She’d have all the peace and time in the world to experiment with alchemy and further her necromancy, and she’d even be able to snag some fun time with Leros or any other substitute she could get her claws on. Mimi stretched her impressive wings wide and instructed Cobera to massage them, as she’d been scrunching them tight to avoid knocking anybody down or stabbing anyone with the numerous spikes dotted around the edges.

  Cobera broke the silence as she scrubbed Mimi’s large appendages; she’d had a question on her mind for a while:

  “Ssso…what do you do to sssatisfy your desssire?”

  “Well…” Aimi was oddly embarrassed, “I don’t get affected so much by this phenomenon as it radiates from me, and I’m very busy most of the time with running the Underworld, but…”

  The trio leaned in closer.

  “I generally satisfy my lust with Leros personally... but if I couldn’t, I’d go to the gym,” Aimi felt exhausted as though her personal feelings were made public. Even though nearly everyone assumed Aimi and Leros had sex, it was never brought up in discussion.

  “The gym?” Mimi asked

  “You…haven’t been there yet, have you…?” Aimi replied.

  The trio shook their heads and Aimi looked like she’d blown a huge secret, and couldn’t strike up conversation again.

  After a minute or so of inevitable awkward silence, Cobera, Scorpina and Mimi decided to get out and meet up with Ghost to check out this mysterious gym. They found Nekona sleeping in one of the smaller tubs and had to abruptly grab her before she accidently drowned. Nekona was filled in on the conversation with Aimi but seemed unfazed by the secret as she always did what she wanted anyway and wouldn’t feel the effects as much as the others.

  The group was now more relaxed in one way but also slightly more on edge. They arrived in the lobby to find Ghost clung to the wall above the door, resting peacefully. She looked adorable as her head bobbed back and forth with her mouth open and actively drooling. As she sensed the group’s presence, she jumped down, rubbed her 8 eyes and entered the gym next door in an almost drunken fashion.

  As they entered the gym they were greeted by a long aqua blue corridor with a long window, which they hadn’t quite reached yet. The place contradicted the rest of the palace’s décor with its striking blue and blinding white colours; it was obviously recently implemented.

  Cobera quickly asked Ghost what her desire forced her to do while still at the entrance.

  “I get scared of people so I protect myself,” Ghost wrote, stopping for a moment before continuing, “Also like being with Leros because he is special.”

  While the group tried to translate that, strange noises and machines whirring caught their attention. Upon closer inspection Mimi and Scorpina knew exactly what the voices were and could clearly guess the machines making the noises. Nekona and Cobera were oblivious to these moans, but the other two now knew what Aimi meant when she said she could, ‘Visit the gym.’

  “Erm Ghost,” Mimi voiced hurriedly.

  “Do we have to go in there? Can’t we skip it?” Mimi said worrying for the younger one’s purity, which she’d rather corrupt herself.

  “Don’t you want to see the facilities?” Ghost wrote, her hair swaying to the side innocently as she turned her head.

  Scorpina and Mimi looked at each other, blushing. Even though Scorpina couldn’t talk, her acute expressions made it clear what she was thinking, especially to Mimi who was good with other people. Mimi wasn’t actually that embarrassed but didn’t want to suddenly lose her image of being a strong leader in front of her flock.

  “Hey I’m embarrassed too but won’t it be fun seeing other guys and girls get-it-on?” Mimi encouraged, slapping Scorpina on the back. Attached was Cobera, who also felt the abrupt shock.

  “M- Mimi,” Cobera squealed in confused opposition.

  While they were debating, Nekona was obliviously following Ghost towards the window. The others caught on and quickly grabbed Nekona, shielding her eyes and ears.

  “He- hey, what’s the big idea, ksss, let go you meanies,” Nekona hissed.

  As Scorpina and Mimi looked up and dreaded what they were about to see, they were pleased to witness a normal gym with unrecognisable technology, such as a pedalled bicycle and multiple weights piled up in the corners. However their eyes widened as they saw a doorway leading to another corridor with cubicles and doors, where the noises they heard before had originated.

  “Are we going in?” Ghost wrote, turning her cute face sideways again, only to be ignored as Scorpina held the struggling kitten back and Mimi pushed them both towards the exit with Cobera in her arms.

  “We’ll…check it out later,” Mimi expressed strongly.

  “Wouldn’t want all the fun right away huh,” Mimi continued tightening her hold on Scorpina who in turn affected her captive, Nekona.

  “Fine we’ll come later,” Nekona said, giving up.

  Ghost was confused but nonetheless led them back into the lobby, glad they were cutting corners on the trip. Exhausted from the ordeal Mimi asked:

  “Where to now?”

  “Outside. Last place,” she wrote.

  “Yay garden!” Nekona screamed, forgetting about the gym entirely.

  By the look of her cheek bones, Scorpina was elated with the enthusiasm as they all followed the spider to their final destination. The garden was only slightly visible from the lounge and it looked really pretty. Standing in its midst however, was something else entirely. Beautiful flowers of varying colours and types were neatly plotted around the luscious green grass in fertile soil. There was a greenhouse in the corner that was alien to the girls and apparently a large swimming pool to the left which couldn’t be seen from inside.

  “Pool yay pool!” Nekona screamed childishly, running off again, while the party followed. There was a unanimous sigh because of how much hard work Nekona was to deal with. It was then that Cobera noticed how large the towering fence at the back of the garden actually was. It frightened her to tears and had Scorpina crouching down next to her in worry.

  “What’s the matter little one?” Mimi said as she came over.

  “…” Scorpina shrugged.

  “Sob I-it’s scary sob…sob,” Cobera cried.

  Cobera’s tears dripped off her smooth cobra hood and glistened as they fell down onto her tiny torso. Her chest was clearly moving up and down very quickly, almost as if she was having a panic attack. Despite having scales to cover her chest and sides, Cobera’s body still looked naked, as though she’d had an intricate run in with a body painting artist.

  Ghost understood the poor snake’s terror as the fence was indeed large and intimidating. It enhanced the fear of little ones such as them, and seemed very frightening.

  “It’s there to protect…” Ghost wrote, shoving the notepad in Cobera’s face. Cobera calmed down slightly after the uncharacteristic encouragement and coiled into Scorpina’s arms for further protection. Scorpina wasn’t sure why Cobera liked her and used her as a shield all the time, but narrowed it down to her intimidating looks.
/>   “Hey get off the grass you moron!” a mysterious girl shouted.

  “Nya?” Nekona meowed in confusion.

  “I take care of this garden so don’t mess it up…got it!” she shouted.

  “Hey I remember you…” Mimi said coming over to the argument.

  “You went squish squish, nya,” Nekona joked.

  The girl was none other than Lilica, who spent her time gardening in and out of the Dark Palace.

  “H-Hey…just get off the lawn,” Lilica said with less force.

  “Nekona…” Mimi said in a disappointed manner.

  “Sorry nya, I got too excited when I saw the pool and ran over there,” Nekona stepped off the grass and back onto the path.

  “I thought cats hated water,” Lilica said.

  “Yeah but we like playing more, nya ha ha,” she laughed.

  Lilica also laughed, but only at how simplistic Nekona was; and began plotting her flowers again as the cat ran off once more. The other four approached the working Petlan, which noticeably distracted her, making her petals turn red in frustration.

  “What do you all want? I’m busy!” she snapped.

  “Be nice. Guests,” Ghost wrote on her notepad as she and Cobera peered from behind Scorpina, making a comical effect. Lilica sighed in annoyance for some reason. Ghost didn’t like Lilica; she was too…forward, and easily annoyed. She had once spotted Ghost stalking her in the garden and had freaked out by trying to hit her with a spade, thinking she was a ‘disgusting degenerate creature.’ Ghost had been upset at this comment and Leros had been furious, confining her to her room for a week and making her write a story about ‘the 10 things she loves about spiders.’ Lilica eventually apologised but still didn’t like Ghost’s sneaky attitude. The feeling was mutual.

  “I wanted to ask you what’s behind the fence since you seemed to know more about the place…” Mimi asked in an enticing way.

  “It is a forest obviously, can’t you see the vines?” she pointed up with her green fingers, indicating large trees and vines enveloping the top of the fence.

  “Why isss it so big?” Cobera asked softly.

  “Bigger things like giants live there as well as elves. I don’t know too much since it’s forbidden to enter without permission; ask that spider there, SHE doesn’t understand rules like that,” Lilica emphasised, giving Ghost a cold look.

  The party turned to her and all she wrote was…

  “Lots of trees…”

  They sighed at the anti-climax and decided to finish admiring the scenery before them. Once Nekona had jumped in the pool and wet all of Lilica’s plants (which made her shout more) she was tired out and the tour came to a close. They went back into the lobby and said goodbye to Lilica, apologising in the process for drenching her plants.

  “Whatsss next?” Cobera asked.

  “Home. Done. End. Questions?” Ghost wrote.

  “End of the tour huh, guess I’ll check out that gym now,” Nekona said, slyly inching back through the door, only for her collar to be grabbed by her seniors.

  “Thanks for the tour spidy,” Nekona said, breaking free from Scorpina.

  “What’s up there?” Mimi pointed to the giant staircase in the middle of the lobby.

  “Spare rooms,” Ghost answered.

  “Where can we find you if we need help,” Cobera asked, patting her on the head.

  “Call for me. I’ll come. Or ask someone else,” Ghost scribbled.

  “Let’s go to Nekona’s room,” the group decided and bid farewell to the little spider. As they walked up the stairs and turned back to wave, Ghost had vanished into the shadows, and they continued upstairs with a happy grin on their faces.

  Ghost watched her followers disappear one by one behind the spiral stairway and was relieved to be alone and hidden once more. She began thinking it was time for tea but as she scuffled towards the dining room, she noticed it was occupied by the witch and the mermaid, as well as a few others, and therefore decided to get ‘take-out’ in Leros’s bedroom. Crowds were noisy and terrifying, and she’d had enough of other people. She sneakily made her way upstairs and managed to slip into Leros’s bedroom unnoticed. She briefly scanned for activity and found her home free from danger. Ghost sat playfully on the large bed, which was surely big enough for 5 people, and imagined the food she wanted to eat in her hand.

  Much like with every other part of the estate, changing air into premade dishes stored in the kitchen was a welcome bonus of living at the Dark Palace, a feature only possible because of its power. Aspiring cooks would make food at their leisure and keep it for residents to eat; if there was none then artificially made food would be prepared with magic instead, tasting virtually the same. Ghost dug in to her fly steak and finished off with an assortment of sweets and lollipops, leaving her fulfilled.

  The day had worn out this little spider and soon, after smelling the nice scent of Leros and curling up to his pillows, she drifted off into a sweet slumber. Her appendages wriggled slower and slower and she had only one eye droopily glancing around; until her body rested entirely, knowing she was safe in the lord’s cradle.

  Leros entered his room later that evening, tired from the day’s activities: slaying a monster and saving an innocent humanoid female from its clutches; flying the female home, and finally staying by her side until she dropped asleep. Leros placed his hand on his chest and dissolved his clothes and the dirt upon him, finally free from their grasp. He walked over to his bed and noticed a cute spider dreaming away, suckling her thumb and curling around one of the many pillows on his bed. He smiled and took the pillow away, placing himself in its stead. Ghost accepted the replacement and curled tighter around him.

  “You must have had a busy day,” Leros thought to himself, joining Ghost in sweet-sweet slumber...



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  About Nathan Anton

  Nathan Anton is a fantasy author currently studying Japanese to sate his love for the most interesting place on the planet. Apart from writing novels and short stories, Nathan is an avid video gamer and connoisseur of Japanese anime. Inspiration for his vast universe is everywhere, be sure to get sucked into it!

  Most of the stories Nathan writes about are set in the same universe and are sometimes linked to one another discreetly. Deeper meanings are everywhere in Nathan’s novels, keep that in mind the next time you read one.

  Other books by Nathan Anton

  Please visit your favourite eBook retailer to discover other books by Nathan Anton:

  Other available books

  Another Tiring Day of Magic (short story)

  Alive (short story)

  Revenge (short story)

  Leros of the Underworld – The Tournament (Full-length novel print version)

  Upcoming books

  Leros of the Underworld – The Tournament (Full-length novel eBook)

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