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A Classic Alpha for Christmas

Page 3

by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  “Well, we all have our crosses to bear. But I worry about you, Jayne. I just want you to be happy. I know you took it pretty hard when he married her.”

  “I did…” She sucks in a breath and takes a moment to get back her composure. “But I’m over it now. What we need to do is find you a man to take home for Christmas so your mom won’t disown you for lying to her.” Her face lights up with a huge smile. “Oh, I’ve got to be there to see this. I’m going to stop by for Christmas dinner to lend you some support.”

  “Are you sure you’re coming to support me, or are you showing up so you can get a front-row seat to see Mom torture me?”

  “A little bit of both.” She laughs. “Aunt Skyler cooks a mean turkey dressing, so I’ll get to eat good while I watch the drama unfold. This should be hilariously good.”

  “Since you’re so excited about watching me squirm Christmas Day, I guess you’re not that enthused about helping me find this man I need,” I pout.

  “No, I’m going to help you, Stalia. It’s just—” She laughs, and I know she’s thinking about how funny it would be to watch Mom hold my feet to the fire about the pretend man I have hyped her up about. “Okay, let’s see,” she says, and I can see the wheels turning in her mind. “Have you called all of your contacts?”

  “What? No way I’m about to start soliciting people I know, asking them to be my boyfriend for Christmas. No, thank you, ma’am.”

  “Well…” She taps her finger against the rim of her glass. “Oh, I got it! How about speed dating?”

  “Speed dating?”

  “Yes, they are hosting one tonight at Tameka’s husband’s club. I told you he owns Elite, right?”

  “Yeah, you told me. That’s why I went there last night, to see Alise and to support his grand opening. One of my coworkers went with me, and now that you mention it, I remember seeing the speed dating flyer on the door when I was leaving.”

  “So, have you tried it before? There should be at least one man there who fits the description of what you need,” she says.

  I frown, dismissing the idea. “I’ve been to one before. As soon as you walk in, you get a card to write down your information, and you write what kind of guy you want. Then, for the next hour, you proceed to meet every type of guy, except for the type you’re interested in. No thanks!”

  “I’ve never been to one. I just thought it would be an interesting way to meet new people. I wish I would have known you were there last night. We could have hung out.”

  “I should have known you would be there if Alise was there, but that’s how you do me. You come to town without telling me, so I have no idea when you’re here or not. Had you not shown up here today, I still wouldn’t have known you were here.”

  “My bad.”

  “Yeah, I would have asked you to save us some seats. Elite was so packed by the time we got there that there was nowhere to sit, and since Alise had already performed, we left.” A text comes through on my phone from Rena that makes me smile.

  “Why are you smiling like that? Is it a man?” Jayne looks hopeful.

  “No, it’s a picture of Rena in Costa Rica with Keith.”

  “Oh.” She takes a sip of her wine.

  “I texted her this morning and asked how they were doing, and she replied with this picture of them on the beach.”

  “Must be nice,” Jayne says. A faraway look enters her eyes as she stares off into the kitchen. “How was the wedding?” she asks, sounding as if she is now running on autopilot.

  “It was nice.”

  “That’s good. Rena deserves it. I always liked your cousin, Rena, even though she’s stuck up.”

  Rena is my mother’s niece, while Jayne is my father’s niece, so they aren’t related. Anytime the two are together, they hardly get along. Jayne is outspoken and Rena is the polar opposite. Jayne doesn’t like how Rena sits there and looks at her while she talks and jokes, trying to make sure everyone has a good time, and Rena wishes Jayne would chill out and relax.

  I tell Jayne about the wedding and how in love Keith and Rena looked, and she says, “Well, tell her I said congratulations.”

  “I will. I couldn’t even enjoy the reception. I left early because I am so sick of the pressure Mom is putting on me to find a husband.”

  “Astalia, I can see it in your face that this is getting to you. I wish we could have hung out last night. It would have helped you relax.”

  “I know, and I really wanted to see Alise.”

  Jayne smiles. “Alise has really grown a lot. I’m so proud of her. She’s going to be performing in Arkansas next week. Her schedule is filling up fast. I can’t lie; it’s a little scary to know my best friend is out there like that. She’s gone all the time now.”

  “Tell her not to forget the little people,” I say, laughing. While I know Jayne’s circle of friends includes the sisters, Tameka and Kemara, Alise is her best friend. They have been close since they were knee-high.

  “Oh, she won’t. Because if she does, I’m going to bring her back to reality so fast. Now… back to this speed dating thing. I really think you should go. It’s happening in a few hours.”

  “Let me think about it while we enjoy a few more glasses of wine,” I tell her. It’s not like I have much of a choice. Mom is expecting me to produce a live, breathing, tall, and dark professor for Christmas dinner. “You know, Jayne, Mom wouldn’t be stressing me like this… if…” I pause because my words get caught in my throat.

  “I wish my uncle was still here,” Jayne says what’s been heavy on my heart and mind.

  Thinking of my father makes me go still inside. I’m so lost without him. He was a big part of me, and now that part is missing.

  “She doesn’t understand how much of a burden she puts on me every time she demands I find someone like him as if men molded from greatness are sitting on every corner in Atlanta.”

  “Well, we both know that ain’t true,” Jayne says and lets out a cynical chuckle before she takes another sip of her drink.

  “Right, this is not easy.”

  “Tell me about it, Astalia. Men like Uncle James are rare. He was rough on me when I was growing up, but it was because he knew I was doing some things I shouldn’t be doing, and he wanted the best for me. It’s a blessing to have people in your life that genuinely care about you and are willing to get down and dirty with you if they think you’re messing up. I love and miss him every day for being hard on me when I needed it.”

  “Yeah, we both know he doesn’t play…” I pause, realizing I’ve just spoken of him in the present tense. “I mean, didn’t…” I suddenly feel weak. One tear drops, then another, then so many that I lose count. The next thing I know, I’m wrapped up in Jayne’s arms, and we’re both ugly crying.

  “I looked up to him like he was my own father, so I know it’s hard with him being your real dad.”

  “It’s very hard, Jayne. So hard.”

  “He wanted what was best for us. He was the one that would be there if we needed anything. If he were here right now, he would tell you that you don’t need a man, and then he would tell Aunt Sky to leave you alone and let you find a man when you’re ready.”

  I smile at Jayne, happy she has reminded me of the essence of my father. “That’s why I miss him so much,” I say as we pull apart. “He was the sensible one.”

  “Well, you know they say God has a sense of humor, so he left you with Aunt Sky, who is a pistol. So, now that we’ve gotten the crying out the way, you have ten days to find a very distinctive looking man who is willing to pretend you’ve been with him for four months. What in the hell are you going to do? Because she’s going to be on your ass like hot grits if you don’t come through.” Jayne grabs her wine glass and sits back on the couch.

  “I know. I know.”

  “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  I roll my eyes and exhale a deep sigh. I really have no choice as to what my next move is going to be. “I guess I’m going speed dating.�

  “That’s my girl. Now, go put on something that says ‘fuck me, spoil me, wife me,’ and let’s go find us a man.”

  “Us? You never told me about what you were referring to as your little situation. Are you dating someone?”

  “Girl, it’s really nothing to it. Just some guy I met, and we started hanging out, but I want more. Everybody in town knows he’s a playboy, but when he comes over to my house, all he wants to do is play video games, talk about work and where he wants to travel, and eat. At the end of the night, he hugs me, and he’s out. His hug is long, lingering and leaves me wanting to jump into his arms and make him stay. But when I come on to him, he just pulls away from me even more. To say I don’t understand him is an understatement.”

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “Three months—too long for a woman who has needs. He makes me hate I told him I like to play video games. There’s nothing wrong with a little gaming, but I am a woman who needs attention in other areas too.”

  “Well, three months is not a long time for two people to get to know each other, Jayne. That he’s taking his time getting to know you is actually a good thing.”

  “Nope.” She shakes her head. “Hell no. Three months feels like an eternity. An actual good thing would be for him to give me what I want, and that’s hot, sweaty, and sticky, toe-curling, all-night-long sex.”

  “It’s not about jumping each other’s bones all the time. You say he is known as a playboy, so maybe he’s done enough playing, and he’s trying to see what’s real.”

  “First of all, sex is real.”

  I laugh. “Okay. You’re right about that.”

  “Second, he does text me throughout the day to check on me. He always sends a good morning text and a good night text. But—”

  “Maybe he needs time to feel you out. I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this, but you’re a lot to handle, Jayne.”

  “I know this, and I don’t apologize for it.”

  “Obviously he likes it, since he’s texting you morning and night. It may sound cliché, but that means you’re the first thing on his mind in the morning and the last thing before he goes to bed.”

  “I feel that way too, but if it’s one thing I learned from Ned, it’s that a man can send out a string of texts to different women and only lose ten minutes out of his life. Xander is going to have to do more than that to impress me.”

  I make a mental note that his name is Xander as I say, “Good girl.” I am actually proud of her for talking this way. There was a time when I couldn’t get her to see Ned’s deceptive ways for anything. “What do you think about this dress?” I hold up a tangerine-colored, form-fitting, long-sleeve dress. “I have heels that match it, and I can wear my autumn colored makeup to make it pop.”

  “I like it a lot. Let me see what jewelry you’re going to wear with it.” Jayne spends the next few minutes helping me decide on jewelry to wear with my dress. “I guess I’ll go to the car and get my bag so I can get dressed too,” she says.

  “Alright. Let’s do this,” I say, giving myself a vote of confidence.

  As I walk into the bathroom to shower, I can’t believe I’m really about to go speed dating.

  Chapter Four


  Mystery Solved

  Santerían walks into my apartment with an unreadable look on his face. He then goes into this spill about his girlfriend, which I knew was coming before he showed up.

  “Man, I don’t know what I’m going to do with Tangie. She’s always pulling some slick shit when I’m about to go out without her. Either her car breaks down, she’s sick, someone dies in her family, or something weird happens at my job. It’s crazy.”

  “I have to give it to her. She’s dramatic when it comes to keeping you at home, but you love her and all her antics. You eat it up, then have some bomb sex, and forget about it. You love this shit, man.”

  “I like her a lot, but come on, Omega. She had me stuck at work for hours, which is time I can’t get back. The games have to stop if she wants me to get serious with her.”

  I chuckle at Santerían’s comment. He actually thinks his relationship with Tangie isn’t serious, which is hilarious. He’s head over heels in love with her possessive ass, and this is just another round of their love spats. She never disappoints when it comes to creating drama to control his movement. For some reason, she has it made up in her mind that I’m corrupting Santerían and making him be interested in other women. She actually has blacklisted me and all of our homeboys from hanging around him. He just refuses to comply with her demands, which makes her come up with crafty ways to keep him home.

  “What did she do this time?” I ask.

  “I’ll tell you about it over drinks. I have a lot to think about, and I need very strong drinks to help me do it.”

  “I just left a bar last night,” I tell him. I have finals to grade before Christmas break, so I’m hesitant about getting bar-wasted a second night in a row.

  “I’ll buy the drinks since I didn’t show last night,” he says to sweeten the deal.

  I can tell by looking in my friend’s eyes that he needs someone to talk to, so I say, “Alright, you owe me, anyway.” I grab my coat off the rack and walk to the door.

  On the ride to the bar, Santerían begins a long story about what happened last night. I relax my head on the headrest and listen and laugh at Tangela’s plan and how it worked perfectly.

  “So, you were held up at work waiting on a delivery. That’s how she got you?” I question.

  “The front desk called to tell me the freight delivery company was coming in with a late delivery. Apparently, the delivery man had been tied up in traffic, which was why he was coming in after 7 p.m. when the dock usually closes. Well, my boss hadn’t left any notes about a delivery, but I stayed because our receptionist can’t sign for packages. A supervisor has to do it.”

  “And Tangie knows this?” I ask.

  “I’ve told her this before when I was running late getting home. She knows.”

  “It’s still possible that she had nothing to do with it.”

  “I was thinking that too, but when I finally called our freight company to see what time they were coming in, I was told our next delivery isn’t until Friday. That was the moment I knew Tangie had called the receptionist and pretended to be from the freight company.”

  “That’s cold,” was all I could say. It’s not the first time she has done this.

  “I wasn’t expecting it last night. I called her on my way home and confronted her about it, and she told me she didn’t do it but she wanted me to come over. I reminded her I was going with you to Elite’s grand opening. Then, she hung up on me. Next thing I know, she’s standing at my front door wearing nothing but a coat.”

  “I guess she didn’t want to chance you hooking up with someone else.”

  “I wasn’t going to anyway. I haven’t been anywhere without her since we started dating frequently. We’re not monogamous, but— Well, I haven’t slept with anyone else since we’ve been together, but we have an understanding that I can if I want to, and so can she.”

  “You would be okay with her sleeping with someone?” I ask.

  A frown wrinkles his forehead, and he looks as if he’s about to growl at me like an angry lion.

  “Exactly!” I say. “Admit you’re in love with the damn girl. Everybody knows it but you. You’re not about to cheat on Tangie, and you would lose it if someone touched her. You’re only holding onto the idea of being single, but you’re actually in a committed relationship.”

  “I know you got your doctorate, but you’re not a love doctor, are you?” He chuckled, trying to play it off.

  “One day you’ll admit it, and I’ll be right here to tell you ‘I told you so’.”

  “Maybe you’re right, Omega.” He turns his attention back to the road and goes silent.

  I decide to tell him about what happened to me last night. “Well, while you wer
e under Tangie’s lock and key, I was this close to hooking up with a woman who has to be carrying Atlanta’s biggest booty.” I hold my index and thumb together closely to show him how close I was to doing something I haven’t done in a long time—smash a random.

  Santerían looks relieved to be talking about something other than his life. “Say what, man?” he asks. “What happened with that?”

  “This girl came and sat next to me and practically challenged the barstool to a duel with her phat ass. Then, she got into a back and forth with me, challenging my masculinity and saying I wouldn’t be able to handle her.”

  “And you took her up on it?”

  “I love a good challenge, so you already know I did. I bought her drinks, and we watched Alise perform.”

  Santerían snaps his fingers. “That’s right. Damn, I missed Alise.”

  “Yeah, it was a good show too.”

  He cocks his head to the side to look at me. “Sounds like you had a good ending to the night, too.”

  “We were chilling. She wasn’t clingy, she looked good, and I just knew I was going to have a good time with her once we got to a hotel. When the performance was over, she slid down off her barstool, and I followed her gigantic ass out the club like I was hypnotized by it. But the spell was broken when the mystery woman from Keith’s wedding walked in.”

  “Stop bullshitting,” Santerían says, mouth agape.

  “I stopped walking behind Miss Booty, and just stared at the other girl. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I didn’t even think about it; I turned on my heels and followed her to the lounge area so that I could get her number or something this time.”

  “Did you get it?”

  “Nope. Before I could approach her, the big booty girl grabbed me up like I owed her money or something. She started an argument in the middle of the club about me checking out someone else.”

  “Did ol’ girl from the wedding hear the argument?”

  “I don’t think so. She and her friend went to the lounge looking for seats, and by the time I got rid of Miss Booty, they were walking back out the club. The whole scene tanked my night.”


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