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A Classic Alpha for Christmas

Page 8

by Shani Greene-Dowdell

  “I’ve been craving the same thing all day. But listen, I’m serious about being there for you. We don’t have to do anything extra.”

  Astalia takes a step back and then two more. In a surprise move, she slips the long sweater she’s wearing over her head, revealing she is not wearing a bra. My mouth waters as I take in her luscious hard nipples. My eyes go to hers as I try to read what she is thinking. I see only desire in her orbs, and she is beckoning me with them.

  I waste no time following the path she took when walking away from me. All control is lost when I reach her. “Be sure you want to do this for the right reason, Astalia.”

  “What’s the right reason?” she whispers.

  “Because you want me so badly I’m damn near the air you breathe instead of oxygen. Because you’re no longer thinking short term about us but giving us a real shot at long term.”

  Her eyes tunnel into mine, seeking something. “Is long term really what you want because if it isn’t, just say so, Omega? I need the honest truth from you, not pretty lies that lead to a broken heart. I don’t want to be at your doorstep, begging to stay when you no longer want me.”

  I move closer until there’s no air between our bodies. “Long term has always been my goal with you from the start, Astalia. The second I laid eyes on you, I knew I had found the woman I needed not just wanted… and I can’t exactly picture you begging to stay with anyone.”

  She peers a little longer at me as if she is searching for the windows of my soul. Not once do I look away because I have nothing to hide from her. When she speaks next, I’m anticipating with bated breath her decision. “Then, you better kiss me because long term has to start somewhere.”

  My lips crash down onto her soft ones and lock in position. She, too, gives in to the moment, gasping and then blowing wind into my lungs. Our tongues do a tango, dancing to the beat of one drum. The kiss is so passionate that my heartstrings tighten. I head to ecstasy when Astalia’s hands go to my pants to loosen the string on my joggers. With my pants loosened, she breaks the kiss to look at me. As I look into her eyes, the moment grows intense. She desires me as much as I desire her.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whisper against her neck as her light moans fill the air. I move toward her breasts, dipping my head down and taking one darkened nipple into my mouth before devouring the other. What we’re about to share, there will be no coming back from. There has been hesitation before but right at this moment, I’m about to lose myself in Astalia willingly.

  After I have sucked her perky nipples until they are reddened, Astalia stands up and looks down at me as she strips out of her shoes, socks, and leggings. Watching me intently as I watch her in all of her sexiness, she walks around to the back of the sofa and palms the corner of it, positioning herself so that her ass is poking out. She crooks her finger and beckons me over, and with this, I am fucking undone. My dick feels like it’s about to explode. Never have I had an erection feel so thick and pull my skin so tight. All I can do is pray I don’t cum before I get to touch her again.

  “I want you, Omega. I do,” she moans out.

  Shedding my shirt and pants, I grab a condom out of my pocket and walk over and stand behind her. As soon as my dick touches the hot flesh of her taut ass, I feel the precum sliding out of the tip of it. I slip the condom on while asking, “Is this what you want, Astalia? This is your last chance to say so.” My fair warning that we have reached a pivotal moment.

  She turns to face me, pulls my face to hers again, and kisses me like I’ve never been kissed before. Undone is really not a good word for what I experience the moment I deepen the kiss by picking her up, and she wraps her legs around my waist. I feel like I’m hers, and she is mine. I palm her ass into my hands to hold her right where I want her to stay. The heat from her core has me on fire. I shove my dick in her hot pussy, immediately feeling the snugness wrap around me like a blanket.

  “Oh, Omega!” she screams and begins panting like I’m giving her everything she ever dreamed of.

  Her excitement sends me over the edge, and I pound into her, grunting and moaning my passion for her until the sound is bouncing off the walls. Clenching and releasing around me, she drives me deeper inside of her wetness. I want more and more of her, so I go deeper inside in hopes of finding an even better treasure the further I go. And it does get better with every stroke. Her heat sears my soul, leaves me satiated yet wanting more of her with every passing moment.

  This is it. I want this forever. That much is for sure.

  Just when I think I can’t get any harder, my dick swells even more when Astalia murmurs against my ear, “I want to feel you from behind.”

  I release my arm from around her waist and allow her to slide down. Turning around to position her palms on the back of the sofa again, she arches her back. I don’t enter her right away. Instead, I embrace her from behind and drop kisses from her ear to the center of her back. Licking a trail from her back to her beautiful, rotund ass, I suck each ass cheek with fervor, leaving a mark of passion on each.

  Astalia grinds her ass in a circle when I slip down further to taste her pussy from the back. “Omega…” she whines. “Ah, that feels so good. I want to feel you inside of me, Omega.”

  Obliging my beauty, I position my dick at her opening and slowly make my way back in. Her body tenses as soon as she feels the impact of me pressing inside of her. As she gets used to my size, her hips begin to thrust in time with mine. She moans my name and some other incoherent things until it becomes clear to me she is saying, “You are mine.”

  Those three words reach down inside of me and pull something out. I can’t explain it. I lose myself in making love to her. We’re perfect strangers but also soul mates. I hunch over her and hammer into her sweet pussy relentlessly. An urgency to be everything she wants me to be in this moment overtakes me, and without even realizing it, I answer her repeated claims of me being hers by saying, “Take all of me, baby. I’m yours.”

  Somewhere in the midst of her claiming me, and my surrendering to her claims, we both release and lean over the couch spent. I stand up and pull her up from her limp state, pick her up into my arms, and carry her to my bed where we lay—Astalia in my arms, and me with a smile on my face and in my heart.

  Being claimed by a woman isn’t new to me. Many have tried. But this right here is different. I actually want Astalia for all time, and I hope she means every word she said while we were making love. Lying asleep in my arms, she stirs awake and looks at me. “You are mine,” she sleepily says, peering into my eyes before drifting back off into a slumber. She appears to be talking in her sleep, but still, those three words resonate in me.

  I whisper against her ear. “And you are mine, Astalia.”

  A small smile appears upon her face before she lets out a light snore. I kiss her forehead and hold her tighter than before.

  Finally…the one.

  Chapter Eleven


  ‘Tis the Season

  December 24, 2019

  After four days of being in Omega’s apartment, I talk him into letting me do something to make it look festive. He resists at first, saying it’s not necessary to decorate, so I wager him in a game of spades. If he wins, he only puts up his Atlanta Falcon’s themed wreath for decorations—it’s the only holiday ornament he owns. If I win, I get to decorate the place as much as I want. Well, I win again.

  Omega clears a space for the Christmas tree, and we go to two different department stores looking for a nine foot, frosted fir tree. While we are out, we pick up some gifts for family and friends, during which time Omega spends most of his time trying on and buying clothes for himself. He is so strategic in putting together his wardrobe that it’s amazing to watch him shop. But now that his shopping is done and we’re out looking for a tree, he suddenly turns into Scrooge.

  “Come on, Astalia. How long do we have to look at different trees? Pick one and let’s go,” Omega barks as I pull him through the Christm
as decoration section of Target.

  “They have the tree I want. Just give them a few minutes to bring it from the back, then we’ll go.” Standing in Target, I have already picked out the ornaments. All we need is the tree.

  “We can celebrate Christmas morning at your apartment, since you have already decorated it. You have a nice tree, so it’s not necessary to buy all of these decorations,” Omega fusses.

  Sensing his frustration, I walk over to stand in front of him. I look up into his eyes, trying to read him. Is he really bummed out about me decorating his apartment, or is he just sick of shopping? “Are you okay?” I inquire quietly.

  He looks down into my eyes. “Yeah, if this is what you want…”

  “I do want it.”

  He looks at the sparkling watch on his arm. “It’s just that we’ve been shopping since 10 a.m., and it’s now 4:08.”

  “This is the last store, I promise. But please remember we stopped and ate lunch, then spent three hours inside of Dillards, looking at different suits for you.” I laugh. “Also remember I complimented you on what looked good and told you what I didn’t like. The entire time I was patient and waited on you as you picked out your sexy suits.”

  “You’re right. I am sexy.” He broadens his shoulders and flexes his muscles. “I’m only tripping because it’s been too long since we’ve been alone. I’m ready to get back home where there’s only me and you. I don’t want to spend the time I have with you out here with all of these people.” He gives me this desirous look that lets me know Omega is horny.

  With the way we’ve been getting it on, how is that even possible? The truth is I need this shopping trip so my VJ can heal from the beating it has taken over the past eight days. We have taken turns exploring each other’s bodies until we are completely sated. Between sex, sleep, board games, and long talks with Omega, this Christmas break doesn’t owe me anything.

  “We have to get out of bed sometimes, Omega,” I tease.

  “But do we really have to? We’re both out of work until the first of the year. We need to take full advantage of the time we have.” He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him until there is no space between us. “Am I wrong for wanting you all to myself?”

  I shake my head as the employee comes from the back with the tree I want.

  “Ma’am, here is your tree,” he says and puts it in the buggy.

  Glad to have the tree I want, I give him a huge smile. “Thank you.”

  Omega loosens his grip on me and grabs the handle of the buggy. We make our way to check out and then out of the store.

  Once home, he brings the tree inside his apartment. I attempt to help with the bags, but he shuts that down quickly. “I’ve got this, baby. You can go and have a seat until I finish unloading.”

  “But I can grab the little bags, at least.”

  “Astalia, I have it. Go rest for a few minutes from shopping because you’re going to be the one hanging most of these decorations. I got this.”

  I go inside the apartment and sit down, pouting. It’s going to take some getting used to, but I like that Omega is chivalrous. I smile thinking about how different he is from Lewis, my rude and abusive ex-boyfriend. That guy would die and come back to life screaming and punching before he would watch me sitting down while he worked. That part of my life I keep bottled up. I don’t want those feelings of inadequacy and hurt to cloud my mind, coloring moments with Omega.

  I smile when Omega comes into the house, drops off a load of bags, then heads back to the car. “Alexa, play the Soulful Christmas Carols record,” I command, and the sweet sounds of Silent Night by the Temptations wafts into the room, broadening my smile. I’m a long way from where I was with Lewis, and that makes me happy.

  “Okay, this is everything,” Omega says when he brings in the last bag. The foyer and part of the living room are filled with bags from at least five different department stores. Omega scratches his head as he looks at all of our new items. “We went out looking for a Christmas tree and ornaments, and it looks like we shopped for ten people.”

  “Yeah, but we need everything we got,” I rationalize as I begin unpacking.

  When I bend over to pick up the Christmas tree, Omega is right there to take the box out of my hands. He walks it over to the spot he made for it before we left.

  “Stop trying to pick up these heavy boxes, Astalia. Let me do that for you.”

  “Yes, sir,” I step back, feeling useless. I’m not used to this. “You know, as a girl raised in a house with three boys, it’s going to be hard for me to relinquish my independence and let you do things for me. I have always jumped in there and pulled my own weight. When I was younger, I raced my brothers, camped out with them, heck, even fought them.” She chuckles. “My dad treated me like one of the boys. He never made me feel like I could do less than them.”

  “That explains why you attempt to pick up heavy things even though I’m standing right there. I understand what you’re saying, Astalia. But I don’t want you doing what I can and will do for you, at least not while I’m standing right there. I was raised thinking a man is supposed to take care of his lady, and that includes not allowing her to touch door handles, heavy boxes, and not to lift a finger at a job unless that’s what she wants to do. My parents have been married for thirty five years, and this has worked for them really well.”

  “So your mother is a housewife?”

  “Yes, and a very happy one.”

  “Good that it works for your mother. Not all women want that, though. My mother worked a full-time job, and she pulled her weight by paying half the bills, not only because my father was a blue-collar worker but she wanted to help out,” I tell him.

  “I understand, and I don’t have any objections to my woman going to work. That’ll give me more money to buy clothes.” He laughs. “I kid about the clothes. But everything else I said, I mean it. I won’t have my woman lugging around heavy bags and boxes on my watch. I’m glad you brought up your mother though. Tell me about your relationship with her,” Omega says as he begins assembling the tree, spreading the bottom branch out and attaching the second layer on top of it.

  “My mother loves hard, but she can be a very overbearing woman. When I turned twenty six in May, I said I wouldn’t hold myself to her standards anymore. Then, my father died, and all of that went out the window.”

  Omega raised a brow as he looked at me. “How so?”

  “I have always been the type to do anything to make my mother happy. I mean, anything. If she’s having a bad day, I feel the need to do something to make it better, whether it is to clean the house, get good grades, tell her jokes, anything. Sometimes, I do too much though.”

  Omega turns to look at me after he snaps the top branch to the tree into place. “Like telling her you have a chocolate professor that’s ready to marry you?”

  Twirling a string of my hair that’s up in a bundle of coils, I reply, “Yeah, things like that.” To give myself something to do, I open a box of red, glittery ball ornaments then a box of silver ones. When I reach to hang the first red ball onto the tree, Omega touches my hand.

  “What about your happiness?”

  “Who me?”

  “Yes, you, Astalia. What about your happiness?” he asks again.

  “I get it from seeing her smile.”

  “Well, what if all she wants to do is frown? Does that mean you’re never to be happy?”

  “I didn’t think about it like that.”

  “You have to change the way you look at it. It’s okay to want your mother to be happy. As a matter of fact, it’s commendable to do for our parents and make them happy. They gave us a lot and deserve the best. But above all else, your happiness matters. Now, tell me, what makes you happy, baby?”

  It takes me a couple of minutes to think about what actually makes me happy at this point in my life. At one point, it was spending time with my father, and then that was stripped away from me. Achieving my degree and starting
my dream job are accomplishments I enjoy. But what makes me happy right now?

  “You,” I admit in a shaky voice as I stare into Omega’s eyes.

  He smiles and releases my hand. He picks up an ornament and hangs it close to the one I just put up. This sudden detachment leaves me feeling anxious until he starts speaking again. “Astalia, as much as I love hearing you say that, your happiness can’t be tied to anyone, including me. It starts with living your truth and not letting anything or anyone get in the way of that.”

  “The crazy thing is I know these things, Omega. It’s just that when it comes to my mother, I clam up every time. Because of ambitions for my life, I feel obligated to make them come true. When my father was alive, he kept her at bay, but after he died, she just unleashed everything on me at once. She wants me to get married, wants me to have babies, wants me to lose weight, and a million other things that are everything but who I am. Sometimes, I wonder if she even loves the girl standing in front of her.” With that, I put the ornament in my hand back into the box and walk over to the sofa to sit down. Thinking about Lewis and now Mom has drained me of the festive spirit.

  “That right there. That emotion I see in you right now. That’s what your mother needs to understand. Talk to her about the unfair requirements she puts on you. She does it because she knows you care enough about what she thinks. She needs to know you’ve closed yourself off and have started to tell her anything just to make her happy. She doesn’t even know you, for real.”

  “Omega, I—”

  “Astalia, make her see that girl standing in front of her. Because when I look at you, I see a sexy woman with not an ounce of weight in the wrong place. I love your body. I love your mind and your beautiful spirit. I also love that you wear your emotions on your sleeve so I can always detect how you feel. I love that you twirl your hair when you’re nervous, and I love that you care about others. I see you, Astalia. Your mother will too, but you have to start being brutally honest with her.”


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