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Forbidden Promises

Page 17

by Synithia Williams

  India rested in the park downtown. A trio of men performed an upbeat bluegrass melody nearby. Their voices harmonized over the words as they played a banjo, harmonica and guitar with fluid expertise. She settled on one of the small stone walls nearby and watched them while she munched on popcorn she’d purchased from one of the vendors.

  “They’re really good, aren’t they?” said a male voice to her left.

  India looked up and met the smiling face of a nice-looking man with interested brown eyes. He was tall and lanky with a stylish haircut and bohemian vibe about him.

  “They are,” India replied.

  The guy eased closer. “The one playing the harmonica is my roommate. He’s always practicing.”

  “His practice is paying off. I’ve only heard a few people who can play riffs that well.”

  “You’re a bluegrass fan?” His tone indicated he was pleasantly surprised.

  “I’m a music fan.” She took another bite of her popcorn. The buttery goodness was so addicting she wanted to lick the salt from her fingers, but opted to use the napkin on her lap instead.

  “So am I.” He held out his hand. “I’m Rick.”

  She held up her sticky fingers. “I won’t shake because I’m covered in popcorn butter,” she said with a laugh. “But my name is India.”

  “So, India, are you here by yourself?” Rick glanced at the empty space on the wall next to her. His eyebrows rose in expectation. He looked like a puppy begging to be petted.

  Meeting a new guy wasn’t part of her plan. Russell had stopped calling, so she knew he’d taken the hint that they weren’t going anywhere. Rick seemed nice enough, but spending the next few minutes engaged in idle chitchat while he tried to hit on her was not how she wanted to end the afternoon. Her mind raced with multiple excuses that wouldn’t sound completely lame.

  “No, she’s not here alone.”

  Goose pimples sprouted across her skin faster than weeds in springtime. She slowly turned to her right and met Travis’s bold gaze. He stood casually, his hands in the pockets of his dark pants with the thumbs out, a dark blue T-shirt fitted against the lean muscles of his body just enough to make her mouth water. Her heart picked up the pace and her breathing fought to catch up.

  She was dimly aware of Rick saying something and walking away. Travis didn’t wait for her to invite him the way Rick had. He sat right next to her on the wall. His left side pressed against her right. The touch of his bare arm on hers a lightning bolt across her nervous system.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” Her voice trembled, and she wanted to slap herself.

  “I came for the arts festival. What are you doing here?”

  “I...I needed some time to think.” She scooted away from him. The bolt of awareness had fried her ability to talk without stuttering.

  “So did I.” He watched her.

  India didn’t meet his eyes. Meeting his eyes would only remind her of his lips against hers. His hand trailing down her side. The fire that erupted when they touched.

  “Did Byron tell you I was here?” Had Travis followed her?

  “No. This was the out-of-town trip I’d told you about before. The trial starts the week after next. I need the break before things get real.”

  Her bubble of anticipation burst. He’d planned this trip in advance. Which meant he hadn’t come because he needed to think about what happened between them. Hadn’t needed to get away. “Oh.”

  “The timing was perfect for other reasons, too.” Travis shifted next to her. He tugged on his pants, then ran a hand over his shirt.

  Was he nervous? She finally looked at him. “Reasons like what?”

  The wind blew one of her long curls into her eyes. Travis reached over and brushed the strands out of her face before she could. The tips of his fingers were a gentle caress across her temple and cheek before he tucked the wayward strand behind her ear. India sucked in a breath. Awareness prickled across her skin and concentrated in areas that craved his touch.

  “I can’t get you out of my mind.” The words were spoken like a revelation. Quick and tinged with relief and wariness.

  If he’d been coy, arrogant or seductive with the words, she would have pushed him away. Well, she was 75 percent sure she would have pushed him away. But no, he had to sound just as tortured by what was between them as her.

  “Travis, what are we doing?”

  He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand before pulling away with a frown. “I don’t know, but don’t you think it’s time we found out?”

  The word no formed in her mind. Clear as the sun shining down on them. The automatic, practiced answer to a question she’d never let herself consider another answer. No, she shouldn’t tell Travis how she felt. No, she shouldn’t believe there was something serious between them. No, falling in love with her sister’s ex wasn’t acceptable. But as she looked into his dark eyes, she knew she couldn’t go with the expected answer anymore.


  * * *

  “THIS POPULAR CANDY bar was introduced in 1930 and named for a horse owned by the Mars family.”

  Travis slapped his hand on the wooden table and pointed at India. “I know this.”

  She waved her hands in a come-on fashion. “Okay, what’s the answer?”

  Travis squeezed his eyes while he tried to pull up the answer to the trivia question from the dregs of his three-shots-addled brain.

  After she’d said yes, the only thing he’d wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss her until they both were running to the nearest hotel room. Instead, he’d taken a relieved deep breath, taken her hand in his and turned back to the bluegrass band.

  They’d spent the afternoon exploring downtown Asheville. It had been like old times. They’d talked about art. Debated current events. Shared an organically grown and locally sourced meal at an Indian restaurant. Now they were ending the day in one of the bars where they struggled to maintain third place in the trivia contest.

  The night was still young, not even eight thirty, but if he hadn’t run into India, he would have probably already gone back to his hotel. He wasn’t ready to say good-night yet. When he’d suggested they get a drink together, he’d expected her to say no. When she’d agreed, he’d chosen to believe it was because she wasn’t ready for the night to end either.

  Today told him everything he’d already known. There was something real between him and India. He hadn’t told her he was coming to Asheville, but he wasn’t surprised she’d also chosen the artsy location for her own getaway. There was a vibe between them. A vibe that had always been there, first as friendship, then supplemented with the awareness of each other as a man and a woman. The mistakes of youth led him to jump in bed with Elaina when she’d shown interest instead of practicing restraint. Restraint would have given him time to realize what was developing between him and India before it had been much too late.

  India slapped his arm. “Come on, we get this, we move up to second place.”

  “Time is running out,” the bar’s announcer/DJ said into the microphone. “No cell phones, table four!”

  Travis slapped the table. “Snickers!” he yelled.

  “You got it!” the DJ said, then pressed a button and the sound of horns blasting filled the bar. Patrons clapped and cheered.

  He and India slapped high five, then turned their triumphant grins on table four, whom they’d just bumped from second place.

  “Last question,” the DJ said. “We’re quadrupling the points. Winner takes all. And by all, I mean another round of shots and bragging rights.”

  Laughter came up from the crowd of people in the bar. A right answer was rewarded with a shot of your choice. In third place, Travis and India had already had three shots each. The waitress came through the crowd and dropped two shots on the table. Travis was thankful his hotel was in walking distance
from the bar. He hoped India’s was downtown, as well.

  “Here’s your orgasm,” the waitress said with a wink and grin.

  India laughed and covered her mouth. “I can’t believe you ordered these.”

  “I just asked what was in it,” Travis answered honestly. “I didn’t know we would be stuck with multiple orgasms all night.” India covered her mouth and laughed. He held up a hand. “I did not mean that the way it came out.”

  “I don’t know.” India lifted her shot glass. “Multiple orgasms all night isn’t a bad thing.”

  The glint in her eye sent a rush of desire straight to his crotch. Did she have any idea how one look from her turned his body into a tuning fork? How the magical hum from one of her smiles made him perfectly in tune with everything about her? The pace of her breathing, the lift of her lips, the dilating of her eyes... She was his kryptonite.

  He lifted his glass and clinked it against hers. “Then I’m happy to provide you with even more orgasms.”

  India licked her lips and sucked in a breath. He did mean that exactly how it sounded. He would love to see India’s face flushed with pleasure. Pleasure he gave. She nodded and brought the glass to her lips. They downed their shots.

  India slammed her empty glass on the table. “Okay...we need to lose now.”

  Travis chuckled and put down his own glass. “That’s probably a good idea. I haven’t had this many shots since—”

  “That night in the tobacco field,” India supplied.

  The reminder made his dick swell. Travis shifted in his seat. India licked her full lips. She was fucking irresistible. The reflections of red, blue and yellow light from a rotating ball on the DJ’s booth played across her smooth skin the way his lips yearned to. Slowly, across every inch of her.

  “That was the last time,” he answered. He ran his fingers over the back of her hand resting on the table. “You?”

  Her sexy smile made him want to pull her into his lap. India flipped her hand over and trailed her fingertips across his palm. “I partied a little while on tour with the orchestra.”

  He felt her touch all the way to his toes. “Oh really?” He threaded his fingers with hers until their palms pressed together.

  “Really.” Her eyes were filled with mischief.

  Maybe she’d had shots with another guy. Flirted and held hands with another guy. No matter how much the idea of another man touching her made him want to revert to prehistoric days and claim her as his woman, he didn’t begrudge her previous dating history. Whoever had kissed or made love to her before didn’t matter. He wanted to be the last man she kissed. The last man who made her body tremble with pleasure. No matter what the cost.

  “Okay, folks, for the win,” the DJ cut in. “The first minimum wage in the US was implemented in 1938 and was what amount per hour?”

  India’s eyes widened and her hand tightened on his. “I know this.” She turned to the DJ and yelled, “Twenty-five cents!”

  “Damn, table six, you’re our winners!” the DJ announced.

  Travis looked from India to the DJ and laughed. “I thought we were going to lose.”

  “Sorry, I knew the answer and couldn’t help but yell it out. I just watched some documentary on labor reform in the US.”

  The waitress returned with another shot. “I think we should go,” Travis said after their fifth orgasm.

  India pushed away the latest empty shot glass and nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  He paid out their tab, which wasn’t much since they’d won most of their drinks. The other patrons congratulated them on winning and a few even begged for them to stay for a few more rounds. He and India gave high fives and accepted their accolades, but they left.

  Travis wasn’t a heavy drinker, but he did enjoy the occasional highball or beer after a long day. Still, he felt the effects of five rounds of shots as they left the bar. India was steady on her feet, a testament to the “partying a little” in the orchestra, but her eyes had the bright, slightly glazed look of someone who was buzzed.

  Outside he pulled her arm through his. The warm night air caressed their skin and he breathed in deep. “Where’s your hotel?”

  India frowned and rested her head against his shoulder. “I drove here.” She sounded disappointed. “I’m not staying downtown. I wanted to be more toward the Biltmore Estate.”

  Travis shook his head. “No way I’m letting you drive back there tonight. Come to my room.”

  Her head popped up and she stared at him with wide eyes. Confusion, desire and hesitancy in their beautiful depths.

  He shook his head. He wanted India, but he wanted to make sure she was safe more than anything. “I have a suite. You can take the bed. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “I thought you were planning to finally make love to me.” Her smile was teasing, but he noticed the relaxing of her shoulders.

  Sex between them was a big step. A step he didn’t want to blame later on the multiple orgasms they’d had in a bar. As good as her body felt resting against his, her curves warm and soft, her eyes bright with desire, and her mouth full and tempting, he did not want her to wake up the next morning with fuzzy memories of the first time they made love. Oh no. He wanted her to remember every single detail. Every stroke of his tongue, caress of his hand and thrust of his hips.

  Travis pulled her fully into his arms. His hands rested on her hips and he eased her closer until the hard press of his dick was noticeable between them. “I want to make love to you. But not like this. I want to be one hundred percent sober when I finally get you in my bed.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Because, India Robidoux, you are worth savoring and I plan to enjoy every inch of your body.”

  He was a man, not a saint, so he gave in a little and kissed her. She tasted like the smooth buttery flavor of the shots combined with the sweet feminine spice that was all India. Her arms wrapped around his neck. The softness of her breasts cushioned his chest. Travis gripped her hip with one hand, the other cupped her lush ass. His head spun, from the alcohol and the tumultuous emotions stirred by the kiss. Almost enough to make him say to hell with being a gentleman and take India back to his hotel where he could fuck her all night long.

  He broke the kiss before he went with that thought. He was crazy about her. He needed to be sure she knew what they were doing. Needed to be sure in the morning she was still okay with going against everyone in her family for what they both wanted. The ramifications of what they were doing were serious. India brushed her lips over his neck and lightly bit him.

  We could have sex tonight and talk tomorrow.

  Travis wrapped an arm around India and pressed her head against his chest. “Do that again and I might lose the last bit of self-control I have.”

  India nodded and slid her arms around his waist. “I don’t want to think about doing right.”

  “Neither do I.”

  They held each other for several long minutes. With every breath, her sweet perfume dug into him. Branding him as hers forever. Eventually he started walking. His arm around her shoulders, hers around his waist. Her body was nothing but warm curves and soft temptation next to him. Thoughts of ramifications began to dwindle away.

  India’s steps faltered. He steadied her, and she leaned heavily against him as they continued. When they made it to his hotel room, her eyes were droopy and her breathing heavy. He kissed her forehead and took her into the bedroom.

  India sat on the edge of the bed. Travis lowered to his knees and pulled her shoes off. When he stood, she reached for his belt. “Stay,” she said in a sexy, silky voice. She looked up at him with sleepy, desire-filled eyes.

  He kissed her softly. “Tomorrow.”

  Slowly, he lowered her back onto the bed. India turned on her side, hugged the pillow and sighed. Her lashes fluttered closed and within seconds she
was out. With one last longing look, he walked out and prepared for a long, cold, uncomfortable night on the couch.

  * * *

  THE SOUNDS OF running water and off-key singing woke India the next morning. Her eyes popped open. Muted sunlight through the drawn curtains in the hotel room cast everything in a golden glow. Not her hotel room. Which meant she was in someone else’s hotel room. She’d come back to Travis’s room.

  A slow smile inched her lips up. She pressed her hand to her mouth to suppress the giddiness trying to turn her into a giggling grown woman. She shouldn’t be giggling or feeling giddy. In the dim morning light, shouldn’t she be overwhelmed with regret? Shouldn’t she feel bad for spending the day with her sister’s ex-husband? For holding his hand, sharing food and agreeing to find out what could be between them? Shouldn’t she feel nervous because she was believing the promise in his eyes or terrible because she wasn’t filled with guilt? This was wrong...wasn’t it? But how could being with Travis be wrong when everything felt right?

  Great, next thing you know you’ll be singing Luther Ingram.

  The water in the shower cut off. Along with Travis’s singing. India jumped out of the bed. She examined herself in the mirror over the dresser and cringed. Her hair was a mess. Her face was lined on one side thanks to creases in the pillowcase. Her shirt and underwear were wrinkled. She vaguely remembered getting hot and kicking off her pants last night. Basically, she looked like a hot mess. This was not the way she’d pictured her first morning waking up with Travis.

  Water in the bathroom sink turned on. She picked up the in-room phone, called the front desk and ordered an extra toothbrush and comb. Thank God for complimentary toiletries at hotels. She rushed to the closet and opened it. Spotting the bathrobe hanging there, she breathed a sigh of relief and quickly slipped the white terry cloth over her. Travis’s overnight bag was open in the closet. She grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of clean boxers off the top. They would have to do while she washed out her underwear in the sink. Or maybe the hotel had laundry service.


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