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Dark Wish (A Dark Romance)

Page 10

by Clarissa Wild


  His big forearm tightens as his jerking off speeds up, his muscles bulging underneath that rolled up white shirt, and for some reason, my mind veers off into the forbidden … imagining what it would be like to strip away those last pieces of fabric still covering his skin.

  Suddenly, he stops, and I’m brought back to reality. His hard-on bounces up and down as his hands come down his side, his eyes smoldering with rage.

  But why is he angry? This is what he wanted, isn’t it?

  He cocks his head. “Are you hungry?”

  Is that a real question or a rhetorical one? And is he talking about food … or something else?

  I gulp and nod, wondering what happens if I agree to his terms. Would it be easier if I just complied? If I let my captor take control?

  “Then show me … show me how far you’re willing to go …” he says with a guttural voice that completely unhinges me.

  I bite my lip and look at his dick as it bounces up and down, my eyes following the trail of pre-cum as it drips onto the floor. And I open my mouth and lean in until the tip touches my lips. His back arches, and his hand reaches for my face. I close my eyes, expecting the worst for my insolence at the table.

  Instead, he offers me the sweetest of caresses, and I almost melt into a puddle right there.

  I know I’m not supposed to feel this way, but my body is already faltering as I’m getting more and more confused by my own desires. And the longer he stares at me with those passionate eyes, the more I’m beginning to wonder … what if? What if I let him have his way with me?

  He reaches for my hair, bundling it up into a fist before slowly entering my mouth. He takes his time sliding down my tongue, inch by inch, as though he’s savoring the moment I gave in to his demands.

  A devilish smile forms on his lips as he dips lower and lower until he’s fully inside. I have to force myself not to gag; that’s how huge he is. For a second, I contemplate biting him, but I stop myself before I give in to the thought. What good would hurting him do? It would only keep me here longer.

  Instead, I stay silent and obedient like the little angel he pegs me as. He fucks my mouth, each stroke faster than the one before. I’m completely overtaken by the control he exudes from just his eyes boring into my soul. I am powerless against him, yet I want nothing more than for this man to take what he wants. Because it is the only thing leading to my release from this beautiful, opulent prison.

  So I let him claim my mouth as though it belongs to him. I let him revel in the sight of my open mouth as he plunges inside, pure lust filling his eyes. The faster he goes, the harder he grips my hair, his muscles tensing up.

  I’d be lying if I said it didn’t turn me on.

  But I would never admit that out loud, especially not to him.

  He bites his lip, and I can’t help but stare right back into his eyes as he comes. A loud roar emanates from his mouth, and a spurt of warm, salty seed gushes down my throat.

  He doesn’t relent. Not until every last drop has slipped down onto my tongue where it’s impossible to spit it back out.

  “Swallow …” he groans, his dick still deep inside.

  I do my best even though the feel of him there at the back of my throat makes me gag. I gulp it down until there’s nothing left.

  He cleans himself on my tongue and pulls back out again. But I will keep this down, no matter the cost, because that is the only answer. The only solution to all of my problems.

  Submit to this man, and it’ll be over soon.

  At least, I tell myself that while I look at him. But he refuses to look at me as he zips back up, his face scrunched up as though he’s thinking of something and doesn’t want me to see. He takes in a deep breath.

  Suddenly, he marches off to the door.

  “Wait,” I mutter as I get up from the carpet. My feet wobble as my bruise-covered knees aren’t used to standing yet. “Where are you going?”

  He pulls the cuffs of his shirt back into place. “I have business to attend to.”

  I frown. “But I gave you what you wanted.”

  He pauses and glances at me over his shoulder. “If that’s what you think, then you still don’t understand why you’re here …”

  He opens the door. I step closer and hold up a hand. “Wait. You can’t do this.”

  “What? Leave?” His brow rises. “Are you going to stop me?”

  My jaw drops. “If I did what you wanted, you’d let me out. Right?”

  His lips slam together, and he breathes out a sigh. “Only you can free yourself.”

  “How?” I ask, but it sounds more like a plea.

  “Admit the truth,” he replies.

  “What truth?”

  “Stop looking for a way out, and start looking for a way in,” he says.

  Then he turns around and marches off.

  I run to the door. “Wait. I don’t get it. What do you mean?” But as the last word leaves my lips, the door is shut right in my face. I bang on the wood. “Please! Tell me! What did I do? If you don’t tell me, how will I know what to do?”

  But there is only more silence to my questions and zero answers, just like before.

  All I can do is slowly lower myself against the door as the tears stream down my cheek. I let myself believe that I could win this man over. By doing his bidding, by being his and allowing him to have his way with me, I thought I could make him fall. That he’d eventually set me free.

  Instead, it was only more punishment.

  Punishment for a crime I don’t know I committed.

  Chapter 15


  I slam the door shut behind me and stay put for a few moments, listening to the sounds emanating from behind the wood.

  “Wait! Let me out!” she calls.

  Her cries reach through and slice into my heart like a knife.

  I wish I could go back in there. That I could hug her and tell her it’ll all be okay.

  But doing so would only confuse her … and me.

  I’m her captor, the one she should submit to. I’m not supposed to care.

  Grinding my teeth, I throw my head back and force my legs to move. Away from that door, away from that room, away from that woman … That little angel who made me sin.

  I should’ve never gone in there. It was a mistake to think I could feed her by hand, that I could make her trust me, when I can’t even control myself.

  Tobias was right, and I knew it. I just didn’t want to face it.

  I march straight to my room, ignoring the screams coming from down the hall. I have too much on my mind to be able to focus right now. I have to calm my nerves.

  When I get inside, I immediately throw the door closed and stampede around the room. It feels as though I’m practically breathing fire. I reach for a glass of water, but that won’t quell the flames either, so I chuck it into the fireplace. I roar out loud and slam my fists onto the wooden door, enraged at myself.

  How could I let myself slip that far?

  She was supposed to be punished for her sins.

  I wasn’t supposed to indulge in mine.

  But fuck me, those pouty lips just begged to be used. And I succumbed …

  I was supposed to teach her not to stray. To obey, submit, and dig deeper and deeper until she found the answers. Until she’d see just how much she’s sinned.

  Instead, I was the one to lead her astray.

  She thinks I’ll give her freedom? Wrong.

  I’m the one to bring her hell.

  I slam my fist against the door again and close my eyes, breathing out a few sighs to calm myself, but nothing works. Why? Because I know what must be done now.

  After all, the sinner must be punished.

  I lean away from the door and turn my head to glare at the fire churning at the other end of the room. Without thinking about it further, I rip open my shirt and tear it off my broad shoulders. Then I march toward the fireplace, grab one of the irons lying on the coals, and shove th
e burned end into the skin between my shoulder blades.

  I roar out loud from the searing pain, the fire singeing its way through my skin. When I can’t take it anymore, I drop the metal onto the floor and go to my knees with it. Burning pain surges through my veins, my eyes blurry and watery. With a fistful of carpet, I take in a deep breath and let the pain ebb out of me like a wound seeping blood. Cathartic.


  I stay put where I am, even though I know full well who just entered my room.

  “Tobias,” I groan, still on edge from the scent of burned skin. My skin. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was going to tell you the new arrivals are here, but I could hear your screaming from downstairs,” he says as the door slowly falls into the lock. He sighs out loud, and I can hear from the tone he’s looked at the burn. “What did you do to her?”

  “Nothing,” I retort as I stand straight even though the wound is still burning into my flesh. I cannot show any weakness. Not even amongst my own.

  “Nothing doesn’t warrant a punishment,” he replies, walking in farther. “C’mon. Spill it.”

  I turn to face him. “It’s none of your concern.”

  He eyes the hot iron and then the glass pieces scattered all around the fireplace. “Something the matter?”

  “What do you want, Tobias?” I interject.

  “I’m your right-hand man. Can’t I be worried about you?” He folds his arms. “Seems to me like you’re going in too deep.”

  “I have it under control,” I reply, rubbing my eyes with my index finger and thumb. “Do we really have to talk about this again?”

  “You’ve been acting out ever since—”

  “Say it then. Say what’s on your mind,” I interrupt, slamming my fist onto the table. “I don’t need your pity.”

  “She shouldn’t have been brought here,” he says.

  I make a face and sigh. “You think that because I personally chose her over any other girl, I’m jeopardizing this House?”

  “No, I know our guards are the best of the best. She cannot escape,” he replies.

  “Then what is it?” I step toward him. “Are you afraid I chose the wrong one?”

  “I trust your judgment,” he says, swallowing when I get up in his face.

  “Your questions tell me that’s a lie,” I say.

  A flicker of regret briefly flashes in his eyes.

  “I’m worried about your health. About what this girl might do to you if you don’t go easy and do this gently,” he says.

  “I know what I’m doing.” I grab the bottle of scotch from the table and drink from it without a glass. Tobias looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, but I don’t care. I need this to numb the pain. “She needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “Is this about you or about her?” he asks.

  My eyes narrow. “I don’t have feelings if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Then why do this?” He points at the iron.

  “Because I claimed her,” I blurt out.

  His eyes widen. “Already?”

  “It is part of her submission,” I say as I pass by him to look at myself in the mirror and the added gashes on my back that will soon form a scar. “There is no other way.”

  “Yes, there is,” he replies.

  Our eyes connect through the mirror, and for a moment in time, I imagine striking him with the bottle of scotch in my hand.

  “No,” I say.

  “But I haven’t—”

  “I know what you’re thinking and what you’re going to suggest, and the answer is no,” I rebuke before he even gets a chance. “She is mine and mine alone.”

  “You’re obsessed,” he retorts.

  “That’s your perception, not mine,” I reply, still gazing at him through the mirror. It’s easier than facing him or my sins head-on.

  “You wouldn’t have gone down this road if you weren’t,” he says. “No wonder you’ve done this to yourself. You’ve already fallen.”

  “It was just one slipup,” I reply.

  “A slipup?”

  I chuck the bottle of scotch at the fire too and watch as it erupts into a fiery blaze. “I do what I need to do for this House. Do you understand?”

  He nods a few times, slowly. Finally, he’s gotten the message. I will not be persuaded to surrender. Not with this girl.

  “I will do it. Her punishment is mine and mine alone,” I say. “And if I have to sin to bring her to submission, so be it.”

  “But how far are you willing to go?” he asks, ogling the scar on my back. “How much of yourself are you willing to lose?”

  My nostrils flare, and I grab my shirt and put it back on, pushing the button through each hole before answering him. “That is my burden to carry, not yours.” Then I approach him and place a hand on his shoulder. “Now … shall we go meet our new guests?”


  No matter how many times I brush my teeth in this fancy marbled bathroom, it doesn’t make the memory of him go away. It’s not just the stain of his claim on me but my own submission that makes me want to rinse myself off over and over.

  How could I be so easy? So willing?

  I opened my mouth like it meant nothing, like it came naturally, and I’d done it a million times before. But no one, not even Chris, was allowed to do that. Yet I let this man, this monster, take my mouth as though it’d always belonged to him.

  I can still see those hungry eyes in my mind, yearning for more as he looked down upon me, as though he wished he could do this to me every single day. As though he wanted to sweep me off my feet and carry me into the bed to fuck the night away. All the ways he wanted to use me, own me, destroy me … all in a single look.

  And it mesmerized me to the point that I forgot what I was agreeing to.

  That I let this monster control the narrative.

  And he still didn’t set me free.

  Anytime I think of escape, I give in, yet when I do, it doesn’t change a thing.

  He won’t let me out, of course not … if I’m such a gullible, controllable girl, he’d be stupid to do that. I’m an easy mark. A girl he can use to his every delight.

  So why did I think that this was even a remote possibility?

  His words are deceptive. They make me think that I have a choice when, in reality, he’s already made that choice for me. Rules don’t apply to him because he makes them.

  I have to keep that in mind the next time he comes into my room.

  So I stay wary at all times. Even when sleeping, I keep one eye half-open and my ears perked. Doesn’t matter if I’m reading a book or if I’m soaking in the bath, I watch those damn cameras like a hawk. Any time they move, I capture which way they go to know if someone’s watching or not. I’ve even waved and wondered when they’d come to get me.

  But no one comes for hours on end, and it makes me question why I was brought here in the first place. Why would he capture me only to ignore me when he sees fit? Unless I’m truly nothing more than a plaything. Someone to beg him.

  Because that’s what this is all about … me asking for help, asking him to give me the answers, asking him to tell me what I did that made him do this to me. Me … finding out the truth behind my own wish.

  Punish me. Two simple words I still cannot wrap my head around even though I’ve tried for hours to decipher my own thoughts. I’ve dug and dug until nothing was left unscathed, but I have no idea why I would say those words, let alone to a stranger like him.

  All I remember is going to party at Club M and waking up with a hangover at the park with no recollection of what I did prior. But that happens sometimes, right? I’m not the first person to get drunk and do something stupid.

  Nothing to write home about … or punish someone over by locking them up in a tower.

  But then why did he pick me?

  I sigh and stare outside again at the garden beyond these walls. I wonder if he’ll at least let me roam around inside them, even if just fo
r a little while, just to get a whiff of what freedom I can have in this confinement.

  Suddenly, someone knocks on the door, and I sit up straight in my lavish blue gown that I found in the wardrobe, expecting another shot at persuading Eli.

  But Mary sticks her head inside my room, and the momentary buzz flooding my veins flows away like a bloodletting.

  “Hey … how are you feeling today?” she asks.

  Has another day already passed? I didn’t even realize.

  I nod. “Fine, I guess.” As I get up from the chair, she holds up her hand.

  “No need. Eli is quite busy today,” she replies, and she holds up a plate. “But look what I have!”

  I frown. Food? “But I thought that was his job?”

  “Job?” Her eyes widen, and her cheeks flush. “Oh, no, no, no. Eli never brings food.”

  “He did. Yesterday,” I say.

  With her lips still parted, she pauses for a moment. “Yes, well … that was an off-day thing. It probably won’t happen again.” She giggles. “As bringing food is actually my job.”

  Her job? Interesting. So he went against his own rules yesterday. Maybe he isn’t as strict as he seems.

  She bustles inside and places the plate on the table in front of me. “There you go. Bon appétit.” She smiles and places a fork and knife down too. “Please be gentle with your cutlery. If you misuse it, it may end up making things worse for you.”

  My eyes narrow. “Misuse it?”

  She finishes by setting down a glass of cola. “If you tried to use them as weapons.”

  When my pupils dilate, she adds an eerie smile.

  “But you won’t do that, I’m sure. Besides, the cameras keep an eye out for any trouble.”

  I gulp. She’s not even afraid to say it out loud. I don’t know why that surprises me, but it does.

  “Now, when you’re done, simply place the finished plate in front of the door and knock, and someone will come and pick it up.”

  “Someone?” I raise a brow.

  She nods. So there are more of her … whatever she is. The point is, Eli’s got help in keeping me here, which means my hunch was right. I won’t escape that easily.


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