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Ignited: A Vampire Urban Fantasy Series (Daywalkers Series Book 6)

Page 5

by Maya Daniels

  My mouth opens, but I lose my train of thought when Daren jerks his spine straight, his head snapping in the direction of the window overlooking the forest outside. His fingers twitch and sparks like tiny firecrackers burst from them. Astara jumps to her feet, and I scramble off the bed to join her.

  “Someone is trying to open the portal forcibly.” Daren sounds distracted as he stands frozen in place.

  “Trying how?” Dropping on my knees, I search for my boots, but I don’t see them anywhere in the room. “They are opening it now?”

  “No.” Sounding confused, Astara walks up to Daren and places her hand on his forearm. “It feels like they are testing it. Not opening it, at least not yet.”

  Popping my head up from under the bed, I almost headbutt Tenebris, who was crawling under it as if we are playing a game. “Testing from the other side, correct?”

  “It’s hard to tell.” When I turn to Leo, he is frowning, his wolf coming to the surface to look through his eyes.

  Dread washes over me and my lips numb, tingling like crazy.

  “Zoltan.” I have no idea how my voice sounds because I’m unable to hear it thanks to the thundering of my heart in my ears, but his head turns in my direction so fast I’m not sure how his neck doesn’t break. “The book.”

  He stiffens, anger and confusion warring on his face long enough to bring me out from the brink of passing out. The dark spots dancing on the edges of my vision clear out, and using Tenebris as a clutch, I jump to my feet.

  “There is no time to hide stupid shit. We trust them, plus none of them will want to brave your alien thingy with those tentacles of death. Not unless they wanted to steal it. Check the book.”

  Zoltan moves to obey without grumbling about it for a change, and I lean on Tenebris further, the shifter angling his body closer to better support my weight. It’s either the fear that the book might be stolen, or whatever the creature did to me that is still making me unsteady on my feet. Bitterness coats my tongue as I watch unblinking, my chest burning from the breath I’m holding. I know we are screwed the second he removes the tile on the roof. No tentacles reach out like in a horror movie, the gaping black hole mocking us with its emptiness.

  Zoltan’s hand lowers slowly to the side, but he still has his face tilted up as if he can’t believe what he is looking at. The silence in the room is choking me, pressing on my shoulders with such force I’m surprised I’m not pushed into the floor waist deep. Painfully slow, Zoltan turns, his eyes burning into mine over his shoulder. Three attempts at talking fail before I manage to push the words through my numb lips.

  “It was a distraction.”

  Daren is out the door so fast a light breeze ruffles my hair. My feet are moving on their own, and before I know it, I’m right on his heels, everyone else following right behind me.

  Chapter Seven

  “Francesca.” Zoltan is breathing down my neck even while we run.

  “I need to see where Soren is.” Veering off to the left, I bolt across the open foyer of the academy heading straight for the infirmary. Leo, Daren, and Astara disappear through the front doors. “You should go help them out. I know squat about how to stop someone who’s trying to open a portal.”

  “No.” That’s all from the jerk. Just no.

  The vice tightening my chest squeezes so hard my breath comes in short gasps, but I don’t stop. Arguing with him will be pointless. The vampire became more clingy after I accepted our bond, apparently taking it as an agreement to be attached at the hip. As if just by saying the words I created this invisible cord tying us together, and the leash is incredibly short. If you see me, he will be a couple of feet away at best. He must’ve learned that trick from Tenebris. The panther is looping down the hallways and stairs at the same speed as me, his body constantly brushing against my hand or thigh. I’m moving up in life with not one, but two pains in my ass now.

  When I reach the double doors of the infirmary, I burst through them and nearly collide with the nurse Aspen. Her eyes widen for a split second before she plants herself in my way, bracing as if she is about to fight me to prevent me from going any further inside. Her red hair is up in a bun with pencils sticking out of it every which way, and her lips are pressed in a thin white line while she glares at me. The dark gray scrubs she is wearing tighten around her thighs and shoulders when she slightly bends her knees. Crazy female.

  “Soren,” I snap, trying to shoulder my way pass her. “Where is he?”

  Snatching my arm, she yanks me back and almost mushes me against Zoltan’s chest. “No one gets in that room until I’m done.”

  “Is he in there?” Grinding my teeth, I remind myself that fighting with her will take more time.

  “Soren went through the sanitizing chamber and changed clothing before entering. You two will not go in there.” Tightening her grip on me, Aspen holds me at arm’s length with a stubborn tilt to her chin.

  “I killed the thing; my germs are already all over it.” Dismissing her, I jerk on my arm, but she clings to it for dear life. “You can hold Zoltan hostage if you like. He definitely should stay outside.”

  “Both of you will not go anywhere near it. Here my word is law.” I’m too late to see her other hand moving until the needle is almost piercing my shoulder.

  At the last moment I twist, bending my body like a contortionist and slapping the syringe to the side. The thick long needle sinks into Zoltan’s shoulder, and he takes a step back a moment too late. His back hits the doors that bounced closed after our entrance, and he blinks at me very slowly before dropping his chin to look at what’s sticking out of his body.

  Tenebris snarls even as he slinks away from him, his ears pinned to the side of his head.

  “Oh, shit,” Aspen breathes, dropping the hand she was still holding mine with.

  “It’s not bad.” A hysterical giggle escapes me. “Not like you injected him, right?” When I don’t get an answer, I glance at her. Her red hair is standing out stark against her blanched face. “You did. What was in that thing?”

  “Tranquilizer.” Her lips barely move.

  Zoltan jerks his head up, his murderous gaze locking on Aspen with so much malice that even I take a step back with her. Her hand latches onto my forearm for a totally different reason this time.

  “How much tranquilizer?” We both move a step back when Zoltan stumbles toward us.

  “To knock down a house.” The quiver in her voice does not help my anxiety.

  “You were going to stab me with it?” We take another step back because Zoltan moves toward us again. I’m just not sure how long we can keep this crazy dance up.

  “It’s not personal.” Sounding defensive, Aspen digs her nails into my skin. “Do you know how thick headed the males in this building are? When I knock them out, I need them not to get up again, at least until I have a chance to tie them to one of the beds.”

  “If the situation was different, I might tell you that sounds kinky.” My snickering is hoarse and strained.

  Tenebris circles Zoltan almost as if he has found weakness in his prey.

  “Tenebris, don’t you dare.” Hissing at the shifter, I keep Zoltan in my sight in case he decides to pounce. “Get your furry ass away from him.”

  “He is going to be so pissed.” The laugh coming from Aspen is more of a hiccupped sob.

  “You’ll be fine.” Not even I believe my own words when Zoltan snarls. “I do shit like this to him all the time.”

  “You tranquilize him?” Forgetting all about the furious vampire, her head jerks in my direction.

  “What? No.” Zoltan lurches at us, and I yank her away to the side. “But I have stabbed him, broken quite a few of his bones, cracked my knee on his jewels, fought him many times, and I’m pretty sure I piss him off enough that he thinks about killing me at least a few times a day. As I said, you’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, dear fates … I’m going to die.”

  “Didn’t you hear what I said?” I check to make
sure she didn’t stab herself with the needle as well. She’s not making sense.

  “You are his mate.” Aspen looks at me pointedly before ducking under Zoltan’s flying fist. Good thing he is slow or he would’ve cracked her skull for sure. “I am not.” Panting, she scurries to the other side of the waiting room.

  Telling her when he is furious it doesn’t matter who you are goes unsaid when Zoltan stops moving, swaying twice on his feet before his eyes close and he drops like a chopped-down tree. The hard thump when his body hits the floor makes Aspen and I jump a foot off the ground before we look at each other. Her green eyes look too big on her face, probably the same way as mine.

  “How do we tie him up?” Aspen almost swallows her tongue at my question. “Do you want to die?”

  That propels her into motion, and between us we drag him to one of the rooms with a bed bolted to the floor. I’m not sure what kind of procedures they do in these types of rooms and I’m not going to ask. She is working meticulously as if she’s done this way too many times before. I remember Fenrir and Leo freaking out and acting like scared children around her. Now I understand why. I’ll be keeping one eye open from now on when it comes to Aspen.

  “What?” she mumbles when she sees me watching her.

  “I’m kinda in an awe to be honest.” Snorting at her frown, I wave a hand over Zoltan’s body. “Quite impressive if I may say so.”

  “All of them are stubborn and think they are invincible or smarter than a female.” Tugging on the metal cuffs around Zoltan’s wrists to make sure they are secure, her face twists in a grimace. “After being yelled at, kicked when I try to help them because they are like spoiled younglings, and being looked down upon, I had to make a choice. I will either teach them a lesson, or stop doing what I love to do.” Squaring her shoulders, she gives me an even look, bracing for my reaction, I guess. “I will not be looked down upon.”

  “I can respect that.” Giving her a small smile, I glance down at Zoltan. “I also owe you one for this.” She doesn’t look convinced, but I’ve wasted enough time. “I must see Soren. Someone is trying to tamper with the portal.” Not seeing any harm in telling her that much, I’m already moving out of the room.

  “You think it’s Roberti?” Rushing past me, she hurries across the waiting room and waves at me to follow her. “You should’ve said so to begin with.”

  “I don’t make it habit to explain myself or what I’m doing.”

  The soft creme walls break the sterile look of the infirmary, softening the harsh glint of the stainless steel cabinets and machines that are pushed in the corners. Gray chairs with pale pink cushions must be Aspen’s touch judging from the pink fabric attached to the pockets of her gray scrubs. Her head bobs up and down as she leads me to a door almost at the end of the hallway, passing dozens of others which are closed.

  “There are many people here at the moment?” Curiosity gets the better of me.

  “A few.’ Looking over her shoulder, she gives me an eye roll. “Mages and shifters are the worst. The former can’t help but show how tough they are by flinging magic around, which usually backfires in some way or another. The latter can’t help but be bullies and fight to show their dominance. Like younglings, I’m telling you.”

  I hear the sounds before we reach the last door on our right. Aspen falters in her steps, then she almost trips so I reach out to grab her in case she goes down. I shouldn’t have worried. Nimble as a cat, she skips and bounces a couple of times with both arms outstretched for balance until she is steady enough to dart for the room. I’m right behind her when she pushes the door open, and we spring off each other when she stops abruptly.

  “What the actual fuck, Soren.” My incredulous shout makes the damn Fae look at me with a huge grin plastered on his face.

  “Isn’t it marvelous?” Twirling like a ballerina, he misses the claws aiming for his head.

  “How is that thing still alive?” Shoving Aspen away, I rush inside to help him.

  I regret gloating about how Zoltan is chained to a bed and sleeping right now. Fighting the damn creature once was more than enough for me. Luckily Tenebris doesn’t leave me alone, so he slinks around the creature in a way that we have it cornered from all sides between the three of us. My feet slow when I notice the jerky movements of the creature, so unlike how it used to glide the first time I saw her.

  “What’s wrong with it apart from it not staying dead?” I kick her in the back of her leg to force her to her knees when she tries to pounce on Soren again.

  “I gave her some of my blood to see if I can get any information.” Soren sounds dismissive and is totally oblivious to my jaw unhinging in shock. “She was awake and moving within half an hour. Do you see, Francesca? This is brilliant news. Whatever Roberti is trying to achieve, it’s failing because he is not using Dragon Blood in whatever mutations he is creating. Good thing too that he hasn’t realized that yet, I would think.” Like a child receiving a new toy they wished to have for a long time, his eyes are sparkling from excitement. “We can study it and get ahead of him.”

  “I’m going to kill you myself.” Grinding my teeth at his pouty face, I kick at the creature again to keep it down when it struggles to get on its feet. “You really are insane.”

  “How is this possible?” Aspen gasps from the door, finally coming out of her stupor.

  “I have my ways.” Sniffing arrogantly, Soren crouches on his haunches and peers at the creature as if it’s a bug. His hand glides over his platinum hair to push it out of his face and over his still-bare shoulder. Aspen sighs wistfully.

  I glare at him.

  He pretends not to notice but his lips twitch at the corners.


  “First of all, she can’t speak so your excuse for this clusterfuck doesn’t hold. But you know that already.” Jabbing Aspen with my elbow to snap her out of it, I circle next to the Dragon Blood. “You just wanted to cause trouble. Second of all, where is your damn shirt?”

  “I do not need it.” Tilting his face to look at me, he smirks as if he’s enjoying my anger a little too much. “Does it bother you, young dragon?”

  “No.” Great, I’m sounding like Zoltan now. The poor vampire might have a point about me being insufferable. Especially if I’m acting like Soren.

  “It is settled then.”

  “What?” Confused, I frown at him.

  “That I do not need a covering.” His chuckle grates on my nerves.

  “What are we going to do with it now that you turned it into a zombie?” Choosing not to take his bait, I turn the conversation to more important matters.

  “It will not stay alive long.”

  Pulling his attention back to the creature, I see the calculating gaze flickering over the struggling female on the floor. Guilt at seeing her like this pushes to the front of my mind but I shove it back. She tried to kill me not long ago. There is no mercy when it comes between my life and hers. Not for the first time, I regret not listening to Zoltan when he told me not to wake Soren up. That day when the Order members organized a party for my arrival at the Daywalkers Academy feels like it happened in another lifetime. So much shit has happened since then that I can barely remember all the details. With a sigh, I nudge Soren with my foot.

  “How long is not long?”

  “I do not know.” A line forms between his perfectly-shaped eyebrows, and the tip of one pointed ear pokes between his silky hair when he cocks his head to the side.

  “The creature was a distraction.” I watch him like a hawk for any indication that he knew that. His golden gaze flicks to mine, but it’s unreadable. “Someone is poking at the portal as we speak and …” A quick glance tells me Aspen is paying more attention than Soren at the moment, but I throw caution to the wind. “The book was stolen.”

  Soren jumps up, and I flinch like an idiot. Tenebris, who was as still as a statue until now, hisses at him from the side, but Soren is already moving past me and heading for the door.

��I believe the mage was testing his control,” the Fae muses under his breath.

  “The mage has a name.” After a few steps I stop because I don’t know what to do. My gaze goes from Soren’s back to the creature on the floor.

  “I got this,” Aspen says, shooing me away and pulling out another of those tranquilizers from her pocket.

  “How many of those do you have on you?” Staring at her pockets doesn’t give me x-ray vision, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to check for myself.

  “Enough.” Pressing her lips in a firm line again, she approaches the creature carefully. “Don’t try anything, Drake. I like you, but I’ll use it on you, too, and I won’t bat an eye when I do.” An angry roar rattles the walls of the building, and Aspen almost jumps out of her skin. “Oh, no.”

  “Zoltan is awake.” I grin from ear to ear. “You’ll jab me with your needles, but only if you don’t die today.”

  “You keep him away from me, and I’ll save my needles for the males.” She can’t fake the bravado she is going for, but I still nod anyway.

  “Deal.” Turning away, I head for the door with Tenebris at my side. “Just keep that thing out of commission until it’s dead for good.” Another roar, much louder, echoes through the hallway.

  “Is that Zoltan?” Soren’s voice floats to my ears and I wink at Aspen over my shoulder.

  “I’m not sure, but let’s go check.” Calling out my reply, I rush after the Fae, but I have to force my lips not to curl up.

  I’m going to send Soren to face the pissed off Daywalker, and I’ll be watching the bloodbath from the sidelines.

  Chapter Eight

  To my great disappointment, neither Soren nor Zoltan were smacked around. They are both ruffed up with stoic faces and glaring at each other, but no one is bleeding. I was hoping a fight between them would slap some sense into their stubborn heads. No such luck. Stroking my fingers over Tenebris’s head, I watch them both from the corner of my eye, but I keep my mouth shut. At this point, I can handle Soren. It’s Zoltan who is itching for me to say something so he can scoop me up and lock me away in a room claiming it’s for my own good.


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