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Stolen: A SciFi Alien Warlord Romance

Page 17

by Alison Aimes

  His question caught her off guard, yanking her from her dark thoughts. “S-sometimes I just need a moment to breathe—and I hate the races.” Not a lie. Just not the full truth. Bile rose at the back of her throat. “W-why do you ask?”

  “Because it’s far too dangerous to give in to such urges now.” His expression remained stern. “There is a thief and a murderer on the loose, and what’s more, I don’t like the way Peller looks at you. No more traipsing off alone, especially until I deal with the monster behind all of this.”

  Every muscle went on alert. “What are you planning?”

  “It is not a plan. It is a certainty. One I’ve already begun.” He smoothed the tangle of curls at her temple. “I am going to find the thief and murderer behind these atrocities and make him sorry he chose me as his scapegoat. Now that I’ve got our mating ceremony on the horizon, I’ve even more incentive to crush the bastard quickly.”

  Horror crashed through her. “Why…why do you assume the thief and murderer are connected?”

  “I’ve had time to analyze the letter sent to the judge and it’s clear the person writing it knows far too much about the thefts and murders to be a mere observer. He is almost certainly involved. So, it stands to reason, that when I find that spineless thief, I will have my letter writer and murderer. Just give me a few lunar rotations. This will all be over soon.”

  Goddess help her, she’d made such a mess of everything.

  “Let me help you.” The offer exploded from her. “Let me help you find the murderer.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Why not?” She scrambled to mount an effective argument even as his unwavering resolve washed over her. She’d been ready to part from him forever here and now, but not anymore. “I can be of use. I am well positioned to hear rumors that you can’t. Rumors which may very well offer clues to the identity of the person you seek.”

  “That may be, but the answer is still no. I will not risk my future mate.”

  She fisted her hands in her skirt, no longer so appreciative of his displays of protectiveness. She couldn’t allow him to shut her out. Not when she needed to know everything he knew.

  “DaKar, please.” She fought to slow her breathing. “I need to be a part of this.”

  She wasn’t lying. She needed to find the monster killing those poor women. She needed to discover the identity of the letter writer and the murderer. She needed to clear DaKar’s name with a desperation that bordered on obsession.

  And she would. She would do everything she could to aid his investigation—while keeping tabs on his progress. She couldn’t afford to be taken unawares.

  His expression only hardened. “If you truly want to do something for me, stay far away from me in public. I don’t want you connected to this at all. And be careful. Don’t go anywhere without an escort. Socialize with people you know and trust. No more roaming the halls alone.”

  His protectiveness burned like salt in her wounds. “I appreciate your concern, but I refuse to do nothing. If you do not want to work together, I will find out something on my own.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What do you intend?”

  “What do you intend?”

  “I plan to keep a close watch on my half brother’s late-night activities and survey a few of the Forbidden Zone locals to see what information they have on the murdered women and their killer.” Smug triumph flared in his gaze. “As you can see, that is quite beyond the scope of what you can be involved with and—”

  “Perfect,” she cut him off. “My stepfather is leaving the city to attend a house party this wheekend. I will slip out Friday night and meet you.” During the morning hours, she would hammer out a new escape plan. “We can pursue your investigation together.”


  “Unfortunately, I can’t stay longer.” She gathered her skirt in hand. “I will be waiting for you behind the alley to my stepfather’s estate. Alone. With no escort.”

  He stepped in front of her, nostrils flaring as the veins in his neck popped. “Janus hells, woman. Did you not hear what I said?”

  “If you don’t want me to be out alone, come for me.”

  “I won’t be there. Stay inside. Be safe. I command it, mate.”

  A silent sob reverberated through her. Be safe. There was no such option for her. “We are not yet mated. I am not yours to command.”

  His eyes narrowed dangerously.

  “Come for me, DaKar.” She picked up her skirt and hurried past, determined to get in the last word. “And, please, watch your back as well.”

  Her words were a caution. A plea. A warning.

  Because now, tragically, she was as great a risk to him as he was to her.


  Whetherton didn’t bother looking up from his scotch glass as the door to his private room hissed open and closed in quick succession. In the wee hours of the morning, he knew who’d entered. Plus, he liked to keep them waiting. It heightened his anticipation.

  He swirled the amber liquid around in the glass, splashing some onto the carpet. He’d returned Aurora to the estate a while ago, but he couldn’t let go of his disquiet over the evening.

  Upon his return from the impromptu shareholder meeting, where he hadn’t made quite as much headway accumulating new supporters as he would have liked, he’d found her in the main room where he’d left her, surrounded by the usual busybodies, her behavior seemingly exemplary. But she’d also appeared preoccupied.

  It irked. He did not like to be anything but her central focus.

  He’d taken away her privileges for the next two lunar rotations—and that had definitely gotten her attention—her face going pale—but even then, she’d remained…distracted.

  Liquid sloshed over the side as his grip on the glass tightened. He did not want to travel to the end of dome civilization to attend the Asher’s annual wheekend house party right now. Neither the location in the middle of nowhere nor the long confinement with other élithe interested him in the least. He had too much else to do, too many schemes to watch over, too many lessons to administer. But his campaign to be Chancellor demanded he attend and so, inconvenient or not, he would.

  It might have been less irritating if he could have brought Aurora with him, but the gentlemen-only policy made that impossible.

  He comforted himself with the fact that he’d only be gone for two lunar rotations—along with the truth that, distracted or not, there was nothing Aurora could do to change the inevitable.

  He knew it. And after the last few wheeks, she knew it too.

  Once he secured the Chancellor position, he would have unlimited, uncheckable power. All pretenses could finally be shed.

  He and Aurora would have their time.

  Then, he would send her off to Peller. But only for a little while. Once his position as Chancellor was secured, Peller and his shrew of a mother would die—once there’d been time enough to ensure that the Starlight estates and shares that Aurora gained as Peller’s widow would pass to her nearest and dearest male relative—and she would return to his care as well.

  Just the thought of their altercation and what was to come had him growing hard. The memory of her lush tit under his fingers, the skin giving way as her expression twisted in pain enough to make him almost spend.

  He took a substantial swallow and set the glass down hard on the side table. It was time.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  He heard the rustle of clothing. A thin, frothy white confection floated to the ground.

  He loosened his cravat while satisfaction coursed through him. This was precisely why he preferred the Pleasure Dome. The girls had been trained properly. They did as they were bid.

  His cock swelled at the thought of what was to follow.

  Confident he’d stretched the silence long enough to make even an experienced whore nervous, he swiveled in his chair and looked her over. She did not gasp or step back, but she did stiffen.

  It pleased him. He so rarely show
ed his true character and it gratified him immensely to witness someone’s reaction.

  Still, as delicious as her fear was, he was—as always—slightly disappointed.

  She was pretty, young, blond, and still relatively new to the profession, as such she fit his expressed requirements perfectly. But her hair was too ashy in color and deplorably stick straight. He preferred golden with luxurious curls cascading down her back.

  Too, this whore’s flesh was more yellow, when he craved creamy peach skin that looked as soft as silk.

  Her body was pleasing, but lacked the bountiful sensual curves, long legs, supple thighs, and petite ankles that taunted him daily.

  Plus, most importantly, she was devoid of that intoxicating mix of grace, innate sensuality, and haughty disdain that simultaneously enraged and provoked him.

  In reality, she was not the one he wanted. But she would do for now.

  He stood and beckoned her forward. “Come here.”

  She scuttled across the room to stand in front of him. The rapid in and out of her breath announced her fear—and sharpened his pleasure.

  “You have been very naughty, haven’t you?” He held her chin gently in his hand and tilted her head up while he waited for her to answer as he’d instructed her keeper earlier.

  “Y-yes, Father.”

  “You need to be taught a lesson.” He clamped his hand around her breast and squeezed, enjoying her sharp gasp of pain.

  “Say it.” He grasped harder.

  “Yes…yes, Father.”

  “Good girl.” He loosened his grip, gently stroking the area he’d abused. “Still, you must pay.”

  He always liked to use the same words his own sire had.

  He smacked her across the face. Plunged his fist into her stomach. She went down hard, wheezing and crying. Her body curled instinctually into the fetal position.

  She raised her hands in a feeble attempt to ward off his next blow. His erection swelled. He loved it when they showed a little fight.

  Only then did he feel fully satisfied when he gained their complete obedience. When they lay completely docile and supplicant before him and he spread their legs and drove inside, proving to them he was their true master.

  And if, after they were bruised and bloody and broken, they all looked like one female in particular, that was even better.


  A flash of pale white flickered against the pitch black of the alley. DaKar’s body tensed. The stubborn minx had actually done it. Slipped out of her house, despite his expressed demand to the contrary. He ought to teach her a lesson. Stay hidden. Let her think he hadn’t come. Maybe then she’d give up and go back into the house.

  Except he knew she wouldn’t. His mate-to-be was far too courageous for her own good.

  Plus, thanks to the mating heat, she already knew he was here.

  “This way.” He stepped from behind the tall oak replica bordering her stepfather’s property and strode forward.

  Hurried light footsteps. Shallow breathing. And then her beautiful face was before him, her soft smile discernible even in the near darkness, her shimmering, addictive energy fluttering against his skin and lighting him up from the inside out. Making him burn.

  “You came.” Her eyes shimmered with relief and victory as she cast off the white hood of her cape.

  Through the opening of her outer wrap, he could see the shimmering strips of white fabric that crisscrossed her perfect breasts, shoulders, and waist and bared other pieces of creamy skin in equally bold slashes. His cocksto twitched. “You gave me little choice.”

  Her smile disappeared. “Where are we going first?”

  He ignored her question, preferring to ask one of his own. “Where have you been?”

  He’d known he wouldn’t seek her out after what had happened in Lady Tanaka’s bedroom, but he’d assumed they’d cross paths at some event. Instead, she’d vanished for the last two lunar rotations and he’d gone half mad, attending every élithe event he could get himself invited to, hungry for even a glimpse, battling the ferocious desire to simply invade her home, drag her out, and stop playing by dome rules. But then he’d look at Tom’s face and force himself to remain in check just a little while longer. He bleeking hated this feeling of being leashed.

  “I wasn’t feeling well these past two rotations and my stepfather felt it best I remain at home.” She rubbed her upper arm absently. “I’m much better now.”

  More unease snaked through him. That blaring in his gut the very reason she wasn’t already slung over his shoulder and already on her way back to her room.

  She’d said she wasn’t yet his to command. Before the night was over, he’d show her how very wrong she was. But that wasn’t why he was allowing her to have her way this time. Something felt off and he wanted more time with his female. More time to observe. To watch over her. To keep her safe. Because some primal instinct inside him was roaring that she needed him—and he’d be damned if he’d fail to listen to his instincts when it came to his mate.

  Even now, layered beneath the excitement, joy, and lust inside her was a deep well of worry and pain that swept along the golden soul ties, battering like little, delicate fists at his chest.

  She’d run from him on that balcony, and a part of her was running still.

  What he didn’t know was why.

  But he would.

  “The floater is this way.” He gestured down the alley, breathing easier now that she was finally by his side once more. “My driver, Tom, will take us around tonight. He’s as trustworthy as they come.”

  With a nod, she started forward. Not touching him. Not walking too close.

  He hauled her to him as they continued walking, his big arm curling around her waist and drawing her to his side, grinning inside at the wave of lust and relief that flooded through her at his touch.

  Silly female. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her—and she would learn eventually that even when they had disagreements, they would never hold themselves aloof from each other. He did not play such games.

  “We are headed to Peller’s house.” He nuzzled her neck. “It will likely be boring.”

  “Then we will be bored together.” She melted into his touch, but her teasing words were ruined by a tight, false smile.

  He pulled her to a stop just before the floater, his hands wrapping around her shoulders as he turned her to face him. “You will tell me what’s wrong.”

  A flash of panic, then pain. She covered both up quickly. “Nothing. I’m just…”

  She trailed off at the sight of his growing scowl. “Don’t lie to me.”

  She flinched. “You’re right. It’s not nothing. I-I am overwhelmed. The Martian heat, us, the charges against you. It’s…it’s a lot to address and I,” her voice broke, “I am terrified I will fail you.”

  “You will not. I will make sure of it.”

  A wild, pained laugh burst from her. “Just like that? You will make sure of it. I don’t think you can make such a statement. Even the strongest of men and the most powerful of wills can’t make everything right.”

  He blew out a breath. “That is true. There is no such magic. There will be stumbles. Mistakes on both our parts. I will likely piss you off on several occasions.” He wanted to beat his chest at the smile that spread across her beautiful face. “This is new to both of us and not at all what we expected. And clearly the timing is shanus. The obstacles high. But it will work out. I will not allow it to be any other way. I have known since I saw you in that ballroom all those planetary rotations ago that you were mine, and though it took the man in me a while to catch up with the boy, I am all in now. We will be together, and I will make you happy.”

  Did she fight her feelings for him? Or was the fear from some other foe? He had no clue. What he did know was that either way, he would crush all her enemies and slay every fear. He just needed time. Time to clear his name. Time to prove himself to her. Time for the soul fusion to complete. Time to earn her trust.
  “Oh, DaKar.” She cupped his jaw, her eyes shimmering, and he didn’t need the golden threads to sense the swirling core of awe and tenderness in the storm of her turbulent emotions. “You are truly the best of males.”

  His chest puffed out three sizes. Her words of praise almost as sweet as the taste of her honeyed need on his tongue. Her taste…

  He growled low, the image of dragging her to the ground in her pure white dress and burying his face between her thighs, feasting on her then and there as she moaned and writhed and he dirtied her up, hit him hard.

  Her breath caught.

  Their eyes locked.

  Her pupils dilated, the white-hot need that had originated in him streaking through the golden soul ties and crashing over her before wheeling right around and punching back into him.

  They really were well matched.

  He dragged her closer. His voice so thick with desire it was little more than a deep, rumbling rasp. “I am going to make you feel so good. I—”


  Ah, shanus.

  Haze of lust clearing, he looked over to find Tom holding the floater door open, a mix of chiding amusement and stern challenge on the old man’s face.

  Anyone else would have been in danger of decapitation, but for this male he reeled the beast in. “What?”

  His floater driver cleared his throat. “You said before that tonight’s business was of the utmost importance.” More than a shade of censure underscored Tom’s words. “On the way here, you berated me for going too slow, though I was already far above the maximum floater speed limit.”

  Right. Something that felt a lot like heat crawled up DaKar’s neck. He had said that. He’d been past ready to see Aurora.

  “You also mentioned,” added Tom, “that you thought tonight could prove critical in your efforts to clear your name and secure your title.”

  Damn the male. He was being berated by a man half his size and width. DaKar could feel his balls shrinking. That was the problem with hiring someone who knew you as a young pup—they never quite saw you as anything else.


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