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Greed Lust Addiction

Page 13

by Ravi Dabral

  Suman waited for some time as if recollecting her thoughts and then continued, “Yesterday night I had gone to Guruji’s room to make him unconscious and complete my assignment. Just as I entered the room, Guruji woke up, most probably to drink water. Seeing him awake, I rushed out, postponing my plan for another day, but it seems he recognised me, and now I am facing this investigation. This is the entire truth. I am not claiming to be innocent. But the truth is I am just a pawn whereas the mastermind is beyond reach. I have no idea of the reason for their enmity with Guruji. Maybe Guruji’s past background has something to do with it?

  Our objective was to make a video depicting that Guruji was sexually abusing me. This video would have been uploaded on some social media sites, thus not only destroying his reputation but also landing him behind bars.”

  I was horrified at this planning against Guruji and asked Suman if the story of depression that she had told in the introductory session was all a lie.

  Suman replied, “No, the story is true and actually when I mentioned to a casting director friend of mine about coming to the ashram to get rid of my depression, he got this honey trap assignment for me.”

  I asked her what would be her next step. Suman said, “I have already taken ₹ 10 lakh as advance and have already spent it to clear my pending dues. I cannot back out of the assignment. My request to you and Guruji is to allow me to stay in the ashram until the completion of the course. This will also give you some time to strengthen the security at the ashram. Later on, I will be able to tell them that the security in the ashram was such that I could not complete the assignment.”

  I told her that I had heard her request but the decision rested with Guruji. In the meantime, if she tried any underhand activity, I would not hesitate to expose her.

  Suman said, “Have faith because I cannot risk the safety of my parents who live in a village without any security.”

  I met Guruji in his room during the lunch break and apprised him of the entire situation. Guruji said, “Let her complete the course but keep a close eye on her activities.”

  I was curious to know if Guruji had any idea who this mastermind person could be. Guruji said, “As of now, I am unable to figure out any person who is my enemy, but let me think about it.” These words of Guruji aroused my interest in his past background, and I thought of waiting for an opportune time to ask him about it.

  As I was leaving the room, Guruji gave me an additional task of keeping an eye on Haroon Hussain. He said, “Today morning, an ashram staff informed me that Haroon has a satellite phone, as some beep sounds were coming from his room.”

  I was shocked to hear this. What kind of activities are going on in the ashram? Is it a big conspiracy? I assured him I would look into the matter.


  Controlling Thoughts, Words and Actions

  T he start of the second week of self-reform course was extremely tough as for two days we had to remain silent. This silence was to help us control our wild thoughts. From the third day onwards, we could listen to some soothing music.

  The slogan for the week was ‘controlling wild thoughts using intellect and reasoning power’.

  In this week, we were initiated into the basics of yoga postures, pranayam, and anulom-vilom. This would make our body flexible as well as strengthen the respiratory system required to do vibrant yoga and meditation at a later stage. We had to do these activities twice a day, morning and evening. The rest of the four days were devoted to learning meditation.

  Guruji told us that there were four main meditation techniques as per popular philosophies. First, ‘disciplining of the mind or mindfulness’; second, ‘knowledge’; third, ‘prayer’; and fourth, ‘karma or welfare meditation’.

  Guruji said, “The mind is like a wild horse. The more vices you have, the wilder is your mind. In twenty-four hours, roughly sixty-thousand thoughts come to a person’s mind. Through a disciplined lifestyle, values, virtues, using intellect and reasoning power, we can control these wild thoughts.”

  Guruji further explained, “Meditation is the extraction of toxic elements or vices from our mind. The ancient sages or monks were able to reduce these sixty-thousand thoughts even to zero or nil or still position during Samadhi stage to awaken the soul powers.”

  Roberto exclaimed, “Oh my God! Is it possible to reduce thoughts to zero? It is unbelievable.”

  Guruji said, “Our ancient sages and monks during this samadhi stage used the powers of the soul to travel in the universe through wormholes. During this stage, they discovered astrology and the miracles of outer space, planets, stars, and galaxies which even scientists in today’s modern world have not been able to achieve.”

  Haroon asked Guruji to explain the karma philosophy for our enlightenment.

  Guruji began by saying, “Karma philosophy teaches us that we are the creator of our own little world and it has two basic principles.

  The first is what goes around, comes around or law of cause and effect or law of action and reaction which means if we throw a ball at a wall it rebounds to us.

  The second, karma is a flow of energy in three forms; thoughts, words, and actions. This means keep your circle positive by having positive thoughts, uttering positive words, and by doing good deeds.

  ‘Thoughts’ are the ‘seeds of our actions’. Many of our problems are a result of our unhealthy thinking and negative attitude towards self, life, and other people. Hence, it is essential to think before you speak and to have positive thoughts.

  The second form of karma is ‘words’. Those who speak do not know; those who know do not speak. What we cannot speak about, we must pass over in silence. If a person speaks or acts cruelly, sorrow is sure to follow, as the cart moves behind the ox.

  The third form is ‘action’. Newton’s third law is every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Karma field is the place where people sow the seeds in the form of actions and reap the fruits in this life or next life.”

  Mr. Chopra asked, “Guruji, what is the role of meditation, its stages, and process?”

  Guruji said, “Meditation provides nourishment for the soul as food offers nourishment for the body. There are five stages of meditation; relaxation, contemplation, concentration, realisation, and transformation.”

  The metaphor of radio transmissions will give you a greater understanding of the meditation process. Broadcasts from a radio station are transmitted invisibly in all directions, but only if the receiver is adjusted to that particular frequency, do you catch or receive those broadcasts. Similarly, during meditation, when our soul is attuned to the Supreme Soul, we can glimpse a part of it.

  Guruji concluded the session by saying, “I hope you have understood the basic concepts to purify the body and soul to do proper yoga and meditation to move ahead in your self-reform course.”

  As an investigative journalist and the victim of an attempt to murder crime whose next plan was to take revenge on the crooks, I learned a lot in today’s self-reform session on mind control and meditation techniques.

  The main learning was ‘before you win any battle in the field, you have to win the battle in your mind first’ and ‘to get success in life mental and spiritual strength is important than skill and physical strength.’

  These self-reform sessions are effectively helping me so far to gain mental and spiritual strength to fight my crucial battle against crooks and the corrupt political, social and economic system.


  Soul Powers and Self-Change

  I n today’s session, Guruji talked about ‘soul powers’ and ‘self-change’.

  Guruji said, “Before understanding spirituality, let us explore the meaning of three basic faculties of the soul which are ‘mind’, ‘intellect’ and ‘sub-conscious mind or sanskar’.

  The ‘mind’ is a screen or field upon which thoughts and sensations like tastes, textures, images, ideas, and senses are projected.

  ‘Intellect’ is a screening, filtering and monitoring process
to generate reasoning, logic, and judicial powers.

  ‘Sub-conscious mind or sanskar’ represents values, virtues, ethics, morals, beliefs, and memories. It holds archives of all previous births and a record of this birth.”

  Mr. Jain asked, “Guruji, what are the functions of the soul?”

  Guruji said, “Soul mainly has three functions.

  First is to ‘give and maintain life’.

  Second is ‘to express and experience its own unique life’.

  Third, ‘to receive the punishment or rewards of actions performed in this life and previous existences’.”

  Tomo Nomura asked, “Guruji, what are soul powers? How does one acquire these?”

  Guruji said, “There are eight main soul powers.

  ‘Power to withdraw’: The underlying principle is I don’t want to react immediately. I want to act with concern and reason, after applying my intellect and reasoning power.

  ‘Power to pack up’: This means always travel light. Never carry the baggage of the past into your present and future. Do not carry negative and wasteful thoughts with you. Follow forgive and forget approach in life.

  ‘Power to tolerate’: This means to be broad and open-minded, and respect others’ perspectives and lifestyles.

  ‘Power to accommodate’: This means 3As - Accept, Adjust and Adapt to avoid any conflict in any situation. It means having a heart so big and generous as the ocean absorbs all the rivers.

  ‘Power to face’: That is to face challenging and threatening situations with courage, wisdom, intellect and reasoning power.

  ‘Power of discrimination’: Always follow the principles of natural justice by hearing both sides as a judge does.

  ‘Power to decide and judge’: That is making unbiased decisions free from prejudices.

  ‘Power to co-operate’: Be a team member, with the ultimate objective of making this earth a better place to live in.”

  Indu Bala asked, “Guruji, what is the real meaning of ‘self-reform’ or ‘self-change’? How to implement this to improve our personal and professional life?”

  Guruji said, “First, be your own true friend, by knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (known as SWOT analysis) through the self-criticism process.

  Second, always remember that change is the only permanent and dynamic thing in life.

  Third, passion, discipline, determination, courage, and faith are needed to undergo self-change.

  Fourth, blame game, excuses, procrastination, negative attitude, false ego, arrogance, bad habits, and addictions restrict self-change, so remove these vices from your life.”

  Mr. Ghosh asked, “Guruji, we understand the importance of self-change to live a better and peaceful life but why is it challenging to change ourselves?”

  Guruji said, “Let me explain this to you through a story. It is said a frog adjusts so well to changes in water temperature that it won’t jump out of a pot even when the water is nearly boiling. So, it dies! Similarly, we have adjusted and addicted ourselves to the materialistic philosophy of ‘eat, drink and be merry’ and we resist any change until we die.”

  Guruji further said, “I have tried to explain philosophy, soul and spirituality concepts at an elementary level. I request you to please do thorough research to understand these concepts in-depth to apply in your personal and professional lives. If you have any further questions, please ask me later on.”

  During this thought-provoking self-reform course, I have learned that spirituality, soul consciousness and philosophy are very simple concepts to understand and implement to live a quality and conscious life. Who made these concepts so complex beyond the understanding of common people? Is this because of our materialistic approach in life? Is there any conspiracy by religious gurus, preachers or priests? Why did they do so? Is it to keep us narrow-minded, superstitious and prejudiced under their control in nexus with rulers and politicians, so that they can exploit us for their selfish purposes?

  In layman terms, philosophy is knowing life through reasoning and intellect. Spirituality is to live a quality, meaningful and virtuous life in synergy with nature. Soul means having virtuous qualities within us, so that we can live a happy life and let others live a happy life as well. Knowing and following these concepts in our everyday life means having peace of mind and ability to face any difficult situations.

  Before today’s self-reform session, I was always giving importance to body and mind powers. Today I learned exciting concepts self-change and soul powers which have opened my senses. In schools and colleges, we are made a bookworm just to get good grades to survive in this material world. But we are never taught how to become a good human being by following self-change process and inculcating soul powers to face the real challenges of the materialistic world and tough situations in life. Now I have learned about the powers of body, mind and soul, which I hope will help me plan and take my revenge, and to fight the corrupt system.


  The Mysteries of the Soul and Spirituality

  D uring the brainstorming session, as part of the self-reform course, learners came up with many questions. A few of these were:

  What is the purpose of the ‘human body’s presence on earth? Is it just a biological vessel with a reproductive system or does it have a spiritual connection as conveyed to us by many philosophies and religions?

  What is the ultimate ‘purpose of the soul’ for coming on this earth using our body as a medium?

  How and from what source does the ‘soul enter a baby’ while it is in the mother’s womb at the embryonic stage?

  As per Bhagwad Gita, the soul is considered unborn, eternal, immortal, and can never be destroyed. So, if the same soul, being eternal, takes birth and rebirth multiple times, then why and how has the current population of the world increased to around 7.2 billion? How does biological reproduction system help in the ‘multiplicity of the soul’?

  We have read and heard that ‘ghosts or devils or wicked souls’ enter into another person’s body or soul and controls that person completely. How does this happen?

  What is life beyond the union of the soul with the Supreme Soul after liberation or enlightenment or Moksha or Mukti ?

  Is there a place like ‘hell for bad souls or heaven for good souls’ as propagated by almost all religions?

  What is ‘reincarnation or rebirth’? Why do only a few people remember their past lives?

  How did the ‘Supreme Soul originate’ or the main Gods take birth? Who were the father and mother of these Gods or creator of Supreme Souls?

  In most of the religions or philosophies, it is believed that ‘God is present everywhere’ in this Universe, even inside human beings, in the form of a soul or inner voice or inner consciousness. Without God’s will, nothing can move or happen on this earth. If God is inside human beings and is present everywhere, then why and how are crimes such as murders, rapes, corruption, and kidnapping – as well as natural disasters – occurring in this world?

  Guruji said, “These are fascinating questions full of curiosity and creativity. At this stage, please note that in different religions and philosophies, there are many arguments, rationale and theories for the existence of God, the soul and the Supreme Soul.

  One of the arguments is that Gods are aliens with higher intellect, soul and spiritual powers than those possessed by human beings. There is a high possibility that these aliens may be living on a different planet, in a different galaxy, solar system or universe. It is assumed that there are more than fifty-thousand planets similar to earth.

  As per myth, normal human beings can use up to 10 percent of their brain, intellect, reasoning power, and soul capacity to control their body, conscious and sub-conscious mind. It is assumed that aliens or so-called Gods living on other planets, galaxies or solar system can use up to 80 percent of their brain, intellect and soul powers. Thus, having greater supernatural and spiritual powers inbuilt in their body and soul—they’ve powers such as appearing at di
fferent places within a few seconds, astral projections, telepathy and knowing how to use a wormhole to travel in the universe. For such powers, modern human beings use external modern technological devices such as mobile phones, television, computers, aeroplanes, satellite, and so on.

  There is a possibility that these aliens have come to earth from time to time in the past for reasons best known to them.

  Maybe now they are not coming because of corruption and pollution on earth,” said Guruji and all of us laughed.

  Guruji continued saying, “These aliens may have shown their superpowers to ordinary human beings which they perceived as extraordinary powers and started worshipping them as Gods instead of developing such supreme powers within themselves, which is well possible through yoga, meditation and spirituality by energising body powers and awakening soul powers in samadhi stage.”

  Guruji said, “Inner spiritual enlightenment is a long-lasting process, which you will get through developing virtues, reasoning power, positive attitude, disciplined lifestyle, determination, and through constant practice. To achieve this, the first step I would like to request all of you is to focus on extracting toxic elements from your body, mind, and soul.

  Instead of me giving answers to your questions which will be based on my personal experiences and knowledge, it is better for you to personally experience powers of body and soul as you progress in your yoga, meditation and spirituality learning and during next soul-awakening course.”

  After attending today’s self-reform session on spirituality, I learned that human beings can only use upto 10 percent powers of their body, mind, intellect and soul. But God or Supreme Soul can use upto 80 percent. Thus they have supernatural and spiritual powers. Now I am wondering how I can attain supernatural and spiritual powers to fight the corrupt system. Some ideas are coming to my mind.


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