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Page 6

by ML Guida

  Because it was.

  Michael leaned close, as if he were afraid the walls had microphones. “Gabriel let something slip that I’ve not been able to prove. I believe some of her unveiled power comes from one of her weapons.”

  “You can’t detect which arrow?” He was able to conceal his smirk, but he couldn’t hide the sarcasm out of his voice.

  “No, I can’t.” He squeezed Lethal’s shoulder. “But you, as her angel-mate, can.”

  Letha jerked away. “This is why you wanted me to mate with her, isn’t it?”

  “You’re one of my most valuable assassins, but don’t think you can’t be replaced. I don’t like sarcasm.” He stabbed him in the chest with a finger, forcing Lethal backward. With each jab, hot tingles shot through Lethal.

  Lethal grimaced. It was a warning, a very personal warning. Michael’s biggest flaw was his pride, and if anyone made him look bad, they lived to regret it.

  He put up his palms. “Fine. I get it.”

  A smug smile fell across Michael’s face. Lethal didn’t like it, not one fragment. He was hiding something. Not caring if he got locked up in a heaven cell, he gripped Judgment’s hilt tight. “Don’t double cross me, Michael.”

  “Or what?”

  “I’ll tell Saint Peter every one of your infractions.”

  Michael snorted. “Go ahead. You’re part of those infractions. Don’t think he’ll let you escape punishment.”

  “As long as you’re there with me, it would be worth it.”

  Michael looked at his fingernails. “The last person who threatened me ended up with his wings torn off and transformed into a human.”

  A shudder wiggled down Lethal’s spine. He knew that angel—Sledge, another assassin. He’d tried to blackmail Michael into giving him what he wanted or else he’d go tattling to St. Peter. It was the last thing the angel ever did.

  If he were turned into a human, Lethal wouldn’t be able to protect Cupid. He forced himself to lower his head. “I’m sorry.”

  “Good. Forgiven.” Michael flicked his hand. “Now go.”

  Lethal hurried down the hall toward the Love Angels’ wing to find Cupid or Gabriel. Maybe he could get Gabriel to delay sending Cupid on a mission until he could figure out this so-called power. Gabriel had to know more than what he was sharing with Michael.

  He opened the door to go down the pink hall, and Venus stepped in front of him. It was amazing these two were sisters; they were so opposite in looks. One curvy, the other muscular and tall. He preferred his curvy mate.

  Venus blocked him. “Where are you going, Lethal?”

  “That’s my business. Out of my way, Venus.”

  “I won’t let you hurt her.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” He went to move past her, but she blocked his path.

  “Cupid doesn’t understand darkness or evil. She only sees the good things. I don’t want to see the purity leave her.”

  He thought about grabbing Venus by her stubborn neck and dangling her off the floor but it wouldn’t win any love points from Cupid. He edged away to keep from flinging the annoying wench behind him. This wasn’t the time to press him. “You’re too late. We’ve mated. Now, move.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “What about Vixen?”

  He stiffened. “What about her?”

  “Don’t play games, Lethal.” She gestured with her arms. “Everyone knows Vixen broke your heart.”

  “That was a long time ago.”

  She raised her eyebrow. “Really? If you love Vixen so much, why are you trying to keep her from doing what she desires most?”

  “I see she didn’t tell you about Balthazar.”

  “No, she did. She’s not afraid and wants to keep doing her job.”

  “Then she’s a fool.”

  Venus shoved his chest. “No, she’s not. Sounds like to me you’re holding a torch for Vixen.”

  He cursed under his breath. He was done with her stupid games. “You’re wrong.” He clasped her shoulders and moved her to the side. “Now, get out of my way. I need to find my mate before she gets herself in serious trouble.”

  “She has a power you’ll never understand. ”

  He turned around. “What power?”

  She lifted her chin. “She’s such a goody two shoes she doesn’t even know she possesses it. How dumb can you get?”

  He edged toward her. Sometimes he couldn’t believe Venus was one of Gabriel’s. Unlike Cupid, her heart was made of stone. “Your love for your sister is overwhelming. Now, tell me about this veiled power.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like to live under her shadow. She’s Gabriel’s favorite slice of cherry pie.” The bitterness dripping from her voice made the hair on the back of his neck stand straight up.

  He was done. He crowed her against the wall. “Sisterly compassion knows no bounds, but yours is questionable.”

  She pushed on his chest. “Whether you believe it or not, I care about my sister.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  She glared. “Well, I do. Even if she has never fought one, I happen to know she has the strength to stop a demon.”

  “Then tell me.”


  He grabbed her neck. Her eyes grew two sizes, then filled with tears. He didn’t care. He heard too many tales of her antics. Her last one of switching Cupid’s arrows almost cost a man his soul. He didn’t trust her.

  “Listen, and listen carefully, dearie. Balthazar is not any ordinary demon. He’s the duke of demons, one under Lucifer. What makes you think your sister can face him and survive?”

  “Let me go.” She slapped his wrists.

  He increased the pressure. “No, tell me why you think she’s strong enough to go up against Balthazar?”

  Her face turned red. “Release me, and I’ll show you.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t try any of your games on me, Venus. You don’t want me to be your enemy.”

  “Lethal! What are you doing?” An angry feminine voice made him grimace.

  He glanced over his shoulder and grimaced. Cupid’s scowl froze his blood. She clenched her fists and her eyes burned with rage.

  He released Venus. She coughed, then flashed him a smug look.

  He flashed his gaze over. “We’re not done yet. If you do anything to hurt Cupid, I swear there will be nowhere you can hide from me.”

  Her smirk faded.

  Cupid hurried over to her and hugged her. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  “Please. If I really wanted to hurt her, I would have,” Lethal mumbled, drawing out the word. He leaned against the wall.

  Cupid cast him a ‘you’re-so-in-trouble’ glare. “Excuse me? You were strangling my sister.”

  Venus’s lower lip trembled and tears glistened in her eyes. “I don’t know why he attacked me. I just wanted to congratulate him of becoming your mate.”

  The little two-faced bitch. “Liar.”

  “Don’t you ever threaten my sister again,” Cupid said, as she escorted Venus down the hallway.

  Venus flashed him a triumphant look. What was her game? Why did she play all these mean tricks on Cupid? Not exactly sisterly love. Chills ran down his back. He remembered what Joan had said about a rogue angel. He couldn’t hear her, but thought the name either began with a V or a B. Venus? Could it be possible?

  Something wasn’t right.

  He needed help, and unfortunately he couldn’t follow Venus. Michael would be pissed if he ignored his assignment. He smiled, but he knew who he could trust—his brother, Arrow.

  Lethal walked into the Seraph’s Bar and Grill that was located on Golden Brick Road. Golden Brick Road was about a mile from the Grand Hall, and Seraph’s was one of the many restaurants and shops. In the bar, angels were drinking and talking quietly. He made his way through the crowded room until he reached the far corner where the assassins gathered—not that anyone knew they were assassins. The corner was darker than the rest of the lighted
bar, and his comrades talked in whispers. Strangers were not welcomed, not even other Dark Angels. Secretive was their middle name.

  Away from the other assassins sat his brother, Arrow. His long dark hair shadowed his face, and only a little candle offered any light. His precious bow and arrows leaned against his thigh. He never kept them far from reach. He was even more secretive than most and Lethal couldn’t remember the last time Arrow smiled. Different from any other Dark Angels or assassins, he sported a bow rather than a sword. Not that he couldn’t wield a sword, but no one was as deadly or fast as Arrow with his chosen weapon.

  He nodded to Lethal as he approached. “Brother.”

  Lethal slid onto the stool. “Back from a mission?”

  “Yeah.” He circled the top of his mug with his finger but didn’t offer any further explanation. Lethal had learned long ago that Arrow wouldn’t divulge his assignments. Lethal never understood why but suspected they were far more dangerous than the rest.

  “Has Michael summoned you to go on another one?”

  Arrow’s silver eyes darkened. “No.” He took a sip of his ale.

  “I have a favor to ask.” He motioned to the waitress. “Bring me a shot of whiskey.”

  Arrow lifted his eyebrow and placed his mug gently on the table. “A shot? This wouldn’t have anything to do with your new mate, would it?”

  The waitress brought Lethal his shot. “How d’you know?”

  “News travels fast.”


  Arrow fingered his bow. “His nosiness has no bounds.”

  “It’s about my mate. More to the point. Her sister.”

  “Venus, isn’t it?”

  Lethal nodded.

  “What about her?”

  “Michael wants Cupid to face Balthazar.”

  “An Angel of Love? That’s even low for Michael. She’d be dead in a millisecond.”

  Lethal’s heart clenched. He leaned close. “Cupid’s supposed to have some kind of hidden power, but Venus won’t tell me.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “I wish I was.” He lowered his voice. “I want to find out what.”

  Arrow grinned. “I take it you were using your normal inquisition techniques.”

  Lethal winced. He tossed the whiskey back. It warmed his innards and took away some of the edge. “Works on demons.”

  Arrow flicked his gaze over him. “Why can’t you follow Venus?”

  Lethal drummed his fingers on the counter. “Because his Royal Highness has sent me on another errand.” He clasped his brother’s forearm. “Will you do it?”

  Arrow took another sip of his beer. “Are you going to tell me why I’m so supposed to do this spy dance?”

  He whispered into his brother’s ear, “I believe she has something to do with Balthazar.”

  He jerked his head. “Balthazar?” He scanned the bar as if looking for an enemy. “What do two love angels have to do with him?” His soft voice made the hair on Lethal’s arm quiver.

  “I honestly don’t know. That’s what we both need to find out. Michael’s involved, and you know if he’s involved...”

  “It’s even bigger than he is telling.” Arrow shoved his mug away. “I take it the Royal Inquisitor doesn’t know about this meeting?”

  Lethal nodded. “He won’t be happy if he finds out.”

  Arrow rolled his eyes. “Exactly when is he happy?”

  “Are you in?” His brother’s face was stone dead. No emotion flickered in his eyes. Lethal held his breath.

  Arrow gripped Lethal’s shoulder. “Relax. Yeah, I’m in.”

  Lethal exhaled his pent up air and his muscles relaxed. “Thank you.”

  Arrow dropped his hand. “You owe, but don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on Miss Happy Pants. We’ll meet back here—”

  Lethal shook his head. “In a few days. I’ll contact you.”

  A waitress put another beer in front of Arrow who grumbled a thanks. He took another swig from his beer. “Fine.”

  “Thanks, bro.” Lethal stood and turned to walk away.

  “But don’t take too long,” Arrow said, as he put his drink down. “Michael doesn’t like me to be idle.”

  Lethal grimaced. “I won’t.”

  Michael’s missions were wearing on Arrow. He could see it in his eyes. Most people wouldn’t notice, but he did. He hated adding to his brother’s troubles, but Cupid’s life was in trouble, even if she couldn’t see the forest through the trees, especially when it came to her sister.

  Chapter 8

  Back in her apartment, Cupid brought a glass of water to Venus. She and her sister shared it. Most of the Angels of Loved lived in the big pink heart-shaped complex that was closest to their wing. Their third level apartment wasn’t one of the biggest ones, but it had a balcony and she could watch angels, and human and animals’ souls below in the flower gardens. A creek bubble that was loaded with fresh-water fish.

  She still couldn’t believe Lethal had threatened her sister. He was supposed to be her mate. How would he like it if she threatened his brother Arrow? She almost burst out laughing. Like that was possible. Arrow scared the hell out of her. The man never smiled. He was an angel on the verge of going dark side.

  Venus sat on their red leather couch and took the water with her hand shaking. “Are you sure you can trust Lethal?”

  Cupid took off her bow and quiver and sat next to her sister. “I’m mated to him, Venus.”

  Venus finished sipping the water. “That doesn’t mean you have to trust him.” She put the glass on the oak coffee table. “If he loved you, he wouldn’t stop you from doing your job.”

  Cupid stiffened. “Meaning?”

  “How do you know you he did this because he’s still in love with Vixen?” She gestured with her arm. “With you stuck up here, he could sneak off and have a secret rendezvous with her.”

  A lump of dread formed in Cupid’s throat. Her core was still sore from his love-making. She smoothed the wrinkles on her dress with her sweaty palms. “I don’t know. He says he doesn’t love her.”

  Venus laughed bitterly. “And you believe him?”

  Heat swelled over Cupid’s cheeks. She shrugged, but didn’t answer her sister.

  “Cupid, you know you can’t trust a Dark Angel? The only thing they care about is their mission.”

  Cupid sat taller. “Not always.”

  Venus cupped her face with her gloved hands, the diamonds scratching Cupid’s face. “Why do you always see the good in everyone? Not everything smells like a bouquet of daisies.” She pressed her hands tighter. “Underneath the daisies lurk stinging killer bees.”

  Cupid clasped Venus’ wrists and gently pulled them apart as to not scratch her face. “You didn’t use to feel this way. What’s happened to you?”

  Venus flicked her hair. “You’re imagining things. I’m the same.”

  But something flickered in her eyes for a brief minute, and Cupid thought it was pure hate. She must be imagining it. Her sister was an Angel of Love, not a demon. Hate led to the dark side.

  “You’re so pure.” Venus pulled her glove down tighter on her right hand. “I don’t want him to humiliate you. You know the gossip mill would spend stories about how Lethal left his chubby wife to have a fling with his old flame.”

  Cupid lowered her head and ran her hand over the pain throbbing in her chest. It was as if her sister had just stabbed her. Tears pushed on the back of her eyelids. “I don’t want to think about the court.”

  Angels loved to gossip and she would never be able to hold her head up high in the Grand Hall.

  Venus smirked. “Cheer up, sis. I swear your mate only see things in white and black. He’s the one who should be color blind. I bet he doesn’t have one ounce of color in his closet. I’d love to do his laundry and turn all of his tighty-whities bright pink.”

  Cupid’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  Venus smiled. “No, I won’t.”

  But there wa
s a glint of mischief in her eyes, and Cupid prayed her sister would think twice about getting even with Lethal. He was her mate, better or worse.

  Cupid cleared her throat. “I’ve my assignment, and I want to go straight away.”

  Venus crossed her arms. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought your wonderful mate wanted you to stay here–” she put her arms over her head and moved her fingers “–because the big, bad demon was out to get you.”

  “That’s not funny, Venus.” Cupid frowned. “I’m not scared, Venus. I want to bring love to Kristyn and Bobby, that’s all.”

  Venus put her arms down. “So, you’re not worried about Balthazar?”

  Cupid instinctively reached for her bow and put it on her shoulder. It always gave her comfort against evil. “I’ll be careful. I’ll be there and back before he knows it.” Her voice sounded braver than the coward deep inside her.

  Venus stroked her glove. “Balthazar has spies.”

  She gave her sister a small smile. “I know. Now you’re beginning to sound like Lethal.”

  Venus patted Cupid’s thigh. “If Balthazar does come, you have to believe in yourself. If you don’t, I fear you will lose.”

  Clouds covered the sun, and the light flickered. The hair on the back of Cupid’s neck quivered. Maybe she shouldn’t go, but she thought of Kristen and Bobby. They needed her. She gripped her bow tighter. She had a job to do, and hiding like a frightened squirrel wasn’t her. “I promise I won’t take long.” She stood and gathered her quiver, then pulled the strap over her shoulder. “You won’t tell Lethal.”

  “Ah, no. I’m not a fan of the Lethal club. He wouldn’t dare come into our apartment.”

  Cupid wasn’t too sure. So far, her mate didn’t let anything stop him, and a gentleman’s code of ethics would definitely not deter him.

  She left Venus, who made her swear for the thirty-third time to be careful and trust in herself. She didn’t think trusting in herself would defeat Balthazar. Not many angels could go against him and survive. She only knew of one who’d defeated him, but he had been second in command beneath Michael and he didn’t walk away unscathed. Balthazar had been defeated––not killed.


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