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Page 9

by ML Guida

  “Move,” he said.

  She nodded and slid up and down on his shaft. Her blood was strumming through her veins; her heart beat like a manic drum. He lifted his hips and pushed deeper into her. Every shiver, every tremor, that pumped through his ragged body found a mirror in hers. The glowing light around them burned brighter, like a burning sun. She wanted to cradle him to her breasts, but she was afraid she’d hurt him.

  The intensity between them escalated. She couldn’t think. Power rushed through her. This was love—pleasurable, fierce, and unstoppable. An overwhelming shudder of pleasure gripped her, never seeming to end, never relenting in heat or fervor.

  Lethal couldn’t breathe. Hot sensations gripped his battered body. He’d never experienced anything like this before. The agony pulsing inside him died. Waves of pleasure shot through him. Torn muscles mended. The bitterness in his mouth and burning his gut disappeared. His wounded heart beat harder and stronger.

  He stared into Cupid’s glowing silver eyes. Every time she moved, he plunged deeper and deeper inside her. There was nothing shy or hesitant about her passion, but there was something else. A power caressed his hot body, burrowing beneath his skin and diminishing the throbbing pain in his skull. He could inhale and exhale without pain.

  His eyes widened. The piercing agony in the middle of his chest vanished. Muscle and skin pieced together as precisely and effectively as if Raphael had healed him, but this was coated with the gentleness of a woman’s touch.

  He could move his paralyzed arm. “Cupid.”

  She clasped his cheeks. Tears glistened in her eyes. “Lethal, you’re alive.”

  “Because of you,” he whispered.

  It was time for him to pleasure her. He placed both his hands on her large breasts, and she shuddered beneath his palms. He forced himself to sit up to suckle one breast. She cried out his name and pushed more of her flesh into his mouth. She tasted as sweet as honey, and he would never get enough of her silky skin. Every whimper sent his body into a frenzy. He needed her. She completed him.

  He arched his back and flung his hips upward, surging into her greedy hips. He clasped onto her, afraid to let go. A crowning, vibrating shudder left him so entirely and immutably spent that he sank back onto the ground, his arms at his side.

  Whether he moved first, cupping his hands around her ass, or she squirmed, sending more desire through him, he didn’t know. One minute, they were in the grip of amazing passion, and the next, their eyes locked. The flooding white light had subsided, and he could see her clearer. Her hair had fallen out of her bun and hung in loose ringlets over her creamy shoulders. Sweat glistened off her glowing skin. He hadn’t noticed the little mole to the right of her mouth or the slender arches of her eyebrows. Her skin was a golden tan, as if she’d flown in the sun long enough to glow. Even her breasts were the same color. Had his little cherub flown naked in the sun? He smiled. A sight he’d love to see.

  He gasped. “I’ve never—”

  Panting, she leaned forward and cupped his face. He inhaled her sweet breath, which ignited another wave of need.

  “Neither have I,” she said. “I love you.”

  He cradled her shaking hand. “I know.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “And?”

  He gazed at her flushed face. It was lovely, one that would launch a hundred angels to defend her. She had high cheekbones, a wide brow, and large, luminous eyes that were filled with love and compassion. Her bruised lips were full, and he’d always be tempted to kiss her and bring her to orgasm just to hear her cry out his name. “You know how I feel.”

  She slumped, and disappointment flickered in her eyes. “Sometimes an angel needs to hear the words.”

  He lifted his arms and gripped her shoulders, rolling her onto her back.

  Her eyes widened. “Lethal. What are you doing? You can’t—”

  “Yes. I can.” He put his thumb on her luscious lips. “You wanted to hear it. Yes, my little Valentine. I love you. And now, I’m going to show you.”

  For the next few hours, Lethal made good on his promise. He took his time making love to Cupid, first sampling her breasts, then suckling on her soft mound until she beat the ground with her fists in fiery passion. His curvy angel was as lusty as he was, and he looked forward to finding new ways to satisfy her.

  Afterward, they lay intertwined near the waterfall. The mist cooled their hot bodies. She slept in his arms, totally sated. Or at least, he hoped so.

  But as much as he wanted to lie there, he had to find out what happened with Balthazar. He stroked her damp hair, then kissed her neck. “Cupid?”


  “I need to find Michael.”

  She looked up at him. “But you were just healed.”

  “I know. But—”

  “Even Dark Angels have to rest––including assassins.”


  “Can wait.” She put her palms against his cheeks. “You’ve just been healed. Heaven and Earth can survive this once with you.”

  He laughed. “You’re my sunshine to my darkness.” He cupped her chin. “And I’ll tell you something else. I’m glad you pierced my heart with your arrow.”

  Her cheeks reddened, and he liked how her body turned a pretty pink. He could get used to making his angel blush.

  “I didn’t mean to. But I’m glad I did, too. Maybe being colorblind isn’t such a bad thing.”

  “In our case, it’s nice.”

  She looked at the waterfall longingly. She picked up his hand and kissed his knuckles. “Before we go, will you make love to me under the waterfall?”

  He hardened immediately. Cupid was right. Michael could wait. Besides, if he needed him, he’d someone to get him, no matter what he was doing. He stood and brought Cupid to her feet. “I’ll give you an orgasm you’ll never forget.”

  The same beautiful pink hue fell over her cheeks, but wickedness flared in her eyes, and she cupped his balls with her hand, taking his breath away.

  “I’m counting on it,” she said.

  Together, they disappeared into the gushing waterfall and lost themselves in each other’s secrets.

  Chapter 11

  Cupid held Lethal’s hand as he led her into the Grand Hall. A white dove had delivered a summons. Michael had not only requested Lethal, but her as well. He even asked they bring their new pet–Valentine. He seemed to be intrigued with the transformed hellhound who now resembled a wolf. Valentine came up to Cupid’s hips, and he looked up at her with his silver eyes.

  “It’s okay, boy,” she said. At least she hoped it was.

  An angel playing the harp stopped and angels who were talking quieted.

  Michael waved his hand. “Leave us.”

  The angels bowed and shuffled out of the room. This wasn’t good.

  Michael was back, his face grim, and he spoke to Gabriel and Raphael in the center of the room. They were examining a parchment. Cupid forced herself not to hide behind Lethal’s broad back. Gabriel nodded at her in approval, and Raphael looked at her curiously.

  Angels parted as Lethal led the way to the huddled archangels. Valentine stuck to Cupid’s side like glue. She didn’t think he trusted Michael.

  Cupid couldn’t stop shaking. She’d never received a summons from Michael, and wariness weighed heavy in her heart. Lethal squeezed her shaking hand and Valentine nuzzled the other. Being summoned by Michael wasn’t like being called by Gabriel when he sent her out on a mission. Michael’s calling filled her with dread.

  Cupid hunted for a friendly face but didn’t see Venus or Arrow. All the Angels of Love were in the Grand Hall. Not all the Dark Angels were, but that wasn’t unusual. After the battle with Balthazar, Cupid had searched for Venus, but hadn’t found her in their apartment or the heavenly stores. Where was she?

  The hair on the back of her neck stood straight up. Had Balthazar been telling the truth? Had she fallen?

  Michael faced them. “You took long enough.”

  Cupid petted Valentine’s thick fur to keep her hand from twitching.

  Lethal shrugged. “We were busy.”

  Heat whipped through Cupid’s cheeks down to her knocking knees. She lowered her gaze, afraid to meet the fierce archangel’s knowing look.

  Gabriel smiled, but sadness was in his eyes. Something was wrong.

  “Obviously, he needed time to heal.” Raphael laughed. “Don’t you want your Dark Angels at full strength?”

  He never missed a moment to needle Michael. Cupid would rather tease a cobra.

  Michael glared at Raphael but didn’t snap back. Instead, he studied Cupid, and she trembled.

  Valentine growled.

  Raphael grinned. “Doesn’t appear their new pet likes you, dear brother?”

  Cupid clutched Valentine’s fur. “No.”

  “Don’t worry,” Raphael said. “He won’t hurt him. St. Peter’s orders.”

  Michael ignored him. “Cupid, your power has grown.” He gestured toward Valentine. “He’s living proof of that. No one has ever been able to change a hellhound.”

  She nodded, not sure what else to say.

  “Balthazar was defeated, but he will return. He will strike out at you, Cupid.”

  She put her hand on her chest. “Why? Because of Valentine?”

  “And because you exposed his weakness. Arrow told me what happened.”

  Raphael’s eyes filled with sorrow. “You made him vulnerable. Something he can’t afford to happen.”

  “What are you trying to say?” Lethal pulled her close. “Is Cupid in danger?”

  Raphael scratched Valentine’s ear––something he wouldn’t let Michael do. Valentine seemed to like Raphael. “The good news is that she’s too powerful, and Balthazar will not make a play for her, but there are others she cares for that will not be so lucky.”

  “I’m too powerful?” Cupid couldn’t believe it. A demon was intimidated by her, an Angel of Love?

  As if reading her mind, Michael said, “You’re not just an Angel of Love. You’re an Empath, a powerful one. That’s why you were able to change Valentine. Not only can you heal, but you also will discover what people are feeling.” He gave her a warning look, as if to say if she tried it on him, she’d find herself in the nastiest heaven cell.

  She swallowed, promising herself never to look into the archangel’s soul.

  “But you will also develop the power to manipulate others’ emotions and use their feelings against them.”

  She frowned. “But that would be evil. I can’t do this.”

  “Don’t be a dolt,” Michael said. His harsh voice was like a slap in the face.

  Lethal stuck out his chin. “Michael, don’t threaten her.”

  Valentine growled and barked.

  “Valentine, no.” She lifted her palms. “Stop. Please.” She didn’t want him cast down over her. He looked at her and grumbled under his breath, but he didn’t launch an attack.

  “So, what do you mean?” she asked.

  Michael nodded at Gabriel. “Venus was at the battle.”

  Cupid scanned each of their solemn faces. “But she’s not an Angel of Death.”

  “She’s not. I didn’t say she fought for us.” Michael’s soft voice broke her heart. Venus was marked. Assassins would hunt her down.

  Tears stung Cupid’s eyes. “No.”

  Gabriel handed her the parchment they’d all been all looking at. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I should have known.”

  Cupid took the parchment and unrolled it. It was in Venus’ elegant hand writing.

  Dear Gabriel,

  I no longer wish to be an Angel of Love. I wanted to be an Angel of Death, but Michael wouldn’t take me. There’s nothing left for me here, and I tire of the comparisons with my dear sister. I was once happy here, but since I touched her bow, something has changed in me. I want to be a warrior, and I found an army that will take me. I’ve given up my grace. I shouldn’t be writing this, because Balthazar will be mad, but I owe you this. Don’t try to persuade me and tell my sweet sister to stay away from me. I never want to see her again. The next time we meet we’ll be mortal enemies.


  Cupid lowered the parchment. “I don’t understand. This is all because she touched my bow?”

  Gabriel clasped her shoulder. “I’m sorry, but yes. It burned her hand and created a consuming jealousy.”

  “Balthazar was able to exploit her jealousy,” Michael said. “She was the one Joan was talking about.”

  Cupid clutched the parchment tight and pressed her hands against her chest. “No!” She’d found love now, only to fill the deepest agony. Venus would be hunted down. Maybe even by Lethal. Tears blinding her vision, she turned to face him.

  He glanced between Michael and her. He held her close and rubbed her back. The tears wouldn’t be denied, and she buried her face into his shirt, hating herself for crying in front of the archangels. Valentine rubbed his face against her leg.

  She closed her eyes, listening to the beating of Lethal’s heart. He couldn’t hunt down her sister. She’d make him listen.

  “Not all is lost, Child,” Gabriel said.

  She lifted her head and turned around, leaning against Lethal. He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in a warm cocoon of love.

  She sniffed. “What do you mean?”

  “Like you did with Valentine, you’re power might be able to turn her back,” Raphael said. “You could help her see past her jealousy and bring her back to the true light.”

  She didn’t look at Raphael or Gabriel, but at Michael. “What if she won’t?”

  Michael glowered. “Then she’ll pay the price.”

  “You’ve already sent someone after her, haven’t you?” Lethal tightened his hold around her. Tension rippled through him, and she read his feelings, feelings broke her heart.

  “Arrow. You sent him after my sister.”

  “Fallen angels do not go unpunished. You know the rules.” Michael stuck out his chin. “However, he needs help locating her.”

  “You want me to find my sister so Arrow can kill her?” She couldn’t believe Michael was asking this of her.

  Michael folded his arms and clamped his jaw shut.

  “No.” Gabriel pulled a little black book out of his back pocket. “We are hoping when he finds her you’ll be able to help turn her back. Valentine has given us hope. If you can change a hellhound, hopefully you have the power to change a fallen angel. Balthazar has her hidden somewhere deep, and Arrow hasn’t been able to locate her. I fear Balthazar wants her to stop him from feeling lonely.”

  Cupid’s mouth fell open. Venus had always detested Balthazar, and now she had fallen for him. What had her blasted bow done?

  Lethal scrubbed his face. “He wants her to be his mate?”

  Raphael shrugged. “We don’t know. Maybe. He’s crafty and wants to punish Cupid. What better way than turning her sister?”

  Cupid thought about Balthazar and what she read in his heart. “Venus isn’t his mate.”

  “Of course not,” Michael said. “He’s using her.”

  She shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. There’s someone else for Balthazar.”

  All of them looked at her as if she were crazy.

  Lethal clasped her arm. “You’re kidding?”

  “No, I’m not. I don’t know who it is.”

  “Whatever,” Michael grumbled. “Whoever it is must be evil.”

  Cupid didn’t think so, but didn’t argue with him.

  Gabriel handed her the book. “Take this.”

  Cupid examined the book. “What is it?” She nearly fell over. It was written in Saint Peter’s handwriting.

  “It’s about the power of empath’s,” Gabriel said. “Saint Peter was an Empath. That’s why he is the rock the church was built upon. His greatest emotion was faith while yours is love. This will explain how to you can enhance your ability with the aid of your angel-mate. You must master your ability or Venus
and all the other fallen angels will be doomed forever.”

  “And Arrow will kill her,” Michael said. There was no mercy in his voice.

  “Don’t pay attention to Mr. Gloom and Doom.” Raphael waved his hand dismissively at Michael. “There is always hope.”

  Cupid clutched the book. “What hope? If I fail, my sister dies.”

  “You forget the Book of Love,” Gabriel said.

  Michael snorted. She wanted to slap him. She got so tired of his disdain for Angels of Love. They were just as important as Dark Angels.

  Gabriel put his hands on her shoulders. “Arrow’s and Venus’s names are written in the book.”

  The Book of Love was never wrong. Raphael was right. There was hope. Maybe she could save Venus. “Really? They’re destined to be together?”

  “Yes.” He squeezed her shoulders, sparking a determination inside her.

  Gabriel lowered his hands. He was so different from Michael, always wanting to bring hope and love to not only humans but to the angels on his team.

  “Yes,” Raphael said. “But Balthazar will work hard to break this bond. He’ll do everything in his power to keep them apart and create havoc.”

  “This is so futile,” she said, as the weight of her sister’s fate hung heavily on her shoulders.

  Lethal put his hand on her lower back. “No, it’s not. You had the ability to heal me.” He scratched Valentine’s ear. “And our buddy here. Together, we’ll find a way to bring your sister back home.”

  “If she doesn’t change, Arrow will be forced to kill her,” Michael said, for the millionth time. “I suggest you start working on your power. You’re both officially on my team.”

  “But I love my job.”

  Gabriel clasped her arm. “For right now, we need you to keep angels from falling. You’re an Empath and can heal their hearts.” He winked. “It doesn’t mean you can’t go out on love missions every once a while.”

  Cupid brightened and ignored Michael’s scoff. “Good.”

  “Your time is running short,” Michael said. “I suggest you get started.”


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