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Defending the Reaper: A Standalone Steamy Sports Romance (The Playmakers Series Hockey Romances Book 5)

Page 38

by G. K. Brady

  “Well, yeah. She works in Sonoma’s shop. Obviously, you know her.” Her arms folded over her chest, and he noticed for the first time she was wearing makeup and his jewelry. Where was she going all dressed up?

  “Uh, yeah. From Sonoma’s.” He barreled ahead. “I haven’t been out with her, if that’s what you’re wondering. Pretty sure she’d like to go out, but I’m not interested.” Oh great, dumbass! Don’t think you could sound much stupider.

  “Um, okay. Not sure I needed to know that, but … thanks?”

  “Just trying to be as open and honest as I can here. And speaking of being honest … you look beautiful.” His eyes roamed over the necklace, and he tried to lock out the image of her in muted golden light with nothing on but the necklace and earrings. “Going on a date?” He held up his hand. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have. And honestly, why do you care now that you’re back with Nicole?”

  Now it was his turn to go slack-jawed. “I’m not back with Nicole. Who told you that?”


  He couldn’t hide his amusement. “Benny told you?”

  She gave him an eye-roll, and that pretty blush of hers pinked her cheeks. “No, Natalie says she watched Benny for you a few times.”

  He nodded. “So you assumed …”

  Ellie slid her eyes to the side as though she were embarrassed. “Natalie said you had him for keeps, and I couldn’t see any other way of that happening.”

  “I was a little shocked myself when I got a call from my attorney—”

  She tilted her head. “Your attorney?”

  “Yeah.” He blew out a breath. “I finally did what I should have done a long time ago. I told Nicky there was no place in my life for her anymore, and that if she wanted to get word to me, she had to do it through my lawyer.” Her gaze held his without wavering, and he wanted to drown in it. “I was beyond pissed about what she did to you. That never should have happened, and it was my fault because I ignored it until it reached the boiling point. I never, never intended for you to get hurt.”

  She nodded.

  “Hey,” he ran on, “I haven’t used your certificate yet, but I was thinking, I don’t know, a friend for Benny? Look, can we go grab a coffee, a drink, go somewhere and talk?”

  “Can’t. Like I said, I have an appointment.”

  “A date?” he repeated, his gut clenching at the thought.

  “Dave, I really have to go.” She pivoted, and Casper followed in her wake.

  Stuck where he stood, he watched helplessly as she climbed into her van and shut the door. The sound tolled a bell of finality and shook something loose deep inside him. All of him sprang into action, and he ran for his car, nearly toppling Mandy as he climbed behind the wheel.

  Let her go out with another guy? Oh hell no.

  Chapter 40

  Grim Redemption

  Ellie’s heart thundered like a runaway locomotive in her chest, threatening to break free and hurtle over a precipice. Her hands shook so badly she couldn’t stab at the ignition button.

  “Get yourself under control, for God’s sake!”

  Finally, she got the van started. Her only mission was to floor the accelerator and get away from Dave as quickly as possible. If she looked into those intense hazel pools any longer, she might embarrass herself. Rattled to the core, she didn’t pay attention as she pulled away from her back door. The alley wasn’t wide, so when a car swerved around her and pulled in front of her, she had no room to maneuver. It skidded to a hard stop at an angle, and she stomped on her brake, narrowly avoiding plowing into the moron. Now her exit was blocked.

  What the hell?

  Emotions already whipping around inside her like a summer twister, anger joined the mix and she jumped out, determined arms and legs pumping as she made for the car. Asshole! Jerk! The driver got out at the same time she registered the deep blue Aston Martin DBX.

  Six-foot-three of towering, hard-packed muscle drew up to meet her. Casper had jumped from the van and now capered around the tower’s ankles, adding a touch of ridiculous whimsy to the scene.

  “What the hell are you doing, Dave?” Ellie screamed. Then, stupidly, she said, “When did you get the Aston back?” She shook the idiotic thought away. “Never mind. What the hell are you doing?” she repeated.

  Hands on his hips, he shrugged unapologetically. “It worked for me once before. Thought I’d try it again.”

  “Crashing into me?”

  “Well, technically, you would’ve T-boned me this time, but bottom line is whatever it takes to get you to stop running and listen to me. To give me another chance. To look under car hoods with me. To square-dance with me.” He narrowed his eyes. “Exactly why were you running anyway?”

  Why had she been running? Her muddled mind hadn’t a clue. But give him a second chance? Or would that be a fifth? Not that she was counting. “There’s too much Nicole said that I can’t un-hear.”

  “Then lay it out there, no holds barred. Let’s talk it through.”

  “Here? In the alley?” she squeaked. Casper yapped.

  One corner of Dave’s mouth twitched. “If that’s how you want to play it. Like I said, whatever it takes.”

  Intense eyes locked on hers, and she could have sworn he saw straight into her soul. Every emotion seemed to shimmer in those hazel depths: sadness, heat, hunger, overwhelming determination, and so much tenderness it nearly stole her breath.

  “I feel like a puck.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “A puck?”

  Yes, and you’re skating for me. “Never mind.”

  A two-second standoff ended when he said, “Aren’t you going to come over here and push me around?”

  “Pretty sure that’s impossible.”

  “Pretty sure that didn’t stop you the first time.” His eyes suddenly lit with a smile. “I’m also pretty sure that’s when I first fell in love with you. So damn bossy, so full of spirit and fight, and you didn’t give a shit who I was or that I was twice your size … or that I was scary. You rocked me, Ellie. Literally.”

  “What did you say?” She pulled in a few shallow breaths—it was all her lungs were capable of—marshaling her thoughts, corralling her emotions, willing her jelly knees to hold her up.

  “You want to hear it again? Good, because I want to say it again. It’s something else I should have done a long time ago.” His stance softened, and his arms fell to his sides. “Ellie Hendricks, I love you. So damn much, it physically hurts. And I need you in my life to help me be less Wookiee and more human.”

  Oh. My. God. In that moment, she realized how much she’d longed to hear him say he loved her, and here he was saying that and more, baring himself to her. And Lordy, he was making mincemeat out of her insides in the process; she could only stare at him.

  He bent to scratch Casper’s head. When he stood upright, he puffed his cheeks and blew out a breath. “I understand if you don’t want anything to do with me. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I realize how wishy-washy I’ve been, jerking away one minute, then coming back because I can’t stay away from you, then pulling away again because you’re so out of my league. But I don’t care if you’re out of my league because I know right here”—he beat his fist against his heart—“that I’m the best man for you. If I thought there was somebody better, I’d find him and introduce you.”

  “I’m out of your league?” How was that even possible? She of short stature, skinny knees, and questionable fashion tastes. In other words, nothing like the Nicoles of the world.

  “Yeah.” He visibly swallowed. Then he tucked his good hand in his armpit and dropped it again, as if he didn’t know what to do with the appendage. Was this big hunk of a man nervous? “You are more beautiful than any woman I’ve ever known, and I’m not talking about just the outside, but the whole picture, through and through. Plus, you’re so damn smart and independent and giving and loyal. Jesus, so loyal! And so, so sweet.” Melancholy shon
e in his eyes, and it gripped her heart.

  A beat passed, and she recovered herself and cocked her head. “I thought I was bossy.”

  He cast his eyes down and quickly swung them back up to hers. His lips tipped up. “Incredibly bossy. And did I say sexy? Because you are really sexy, especially when you boss me around in bed.”

  She felt a heated flush race up her neck and engulf her cheeks. Her heart kicked up a few beats and began slamming against her rib cage again. “You mean, when you let me think I’m bossing you around in bed.”

  He shrugged. God, he so was damn cute! She wanted to plant her hands on those square shoulders and rise up on tiptoe and nibble that full bottom lip of his. She had missed him like summer without sun. Could they get back to where they’d been? Maybe … if …

  “I want to come clean about something,” he said. Casper sprawled in a sloppy sit across his foot. “I don’t know what-all Nicole said, but she lied about the bracelet. I gave it to her years ago, and it was more a matter of giving in to her than actually giving her something. But I did not give it to her this past Christmas. I got her exactly what I said. Something that was in a display case that took little thought and little money. And it’s no excuse, but I bought it because she had just told me she’d gotten me something. Now. Am I missing anything else that has to do with her? Because I don’t want to talk about her anymore. I want to talk about us.”

  Did Ellie want to bring up the bit about the “most beautiful woman in the world”? No. Didn’t need to. He’d more than answered that question without her having to ask, and she could bury that doubt.

  “What about us?” she challenged. “And by the way, you can’t block me in an alley and tell me you love me and expect everything to go back to where it was.”

  “I don’t want it to go back to where it was. And by the way? Your dog’s really smart, and she loves me.”

  “You’re confusing me again.”

  “Then let me be very clear because I want something much, much more than what we had before.”

  A ringtone echoed off the alley walls, and Dave slid his phone from his pocket. He held up a finger. “I gotta take this.”

  She blew an exasperated breath out of her nose. Great way to show how important this relationship is, Dave. But he crooked that same finger at her and began a slow walk toward her while he put the phone on speaker, Casper dogging his heels.

  “Herb? What’s happening?” Dave covered the phone’s mic and whispered, “My agent.”

  His agent? Ellie drew a little closer.

  “Just calling my favorite Blizzard captain with some more good news,” a smoky voice said.

  “I’m your only Blizzard captain.” Dave slid Ellie a look and winked.

  The gravelly voice on the other end chuckled. “True, but you’re still one of my favorites. How’s the rehab coming?”

  Dave glanced down at his bad hand. “Good. The doctors are happy with how it’s healing, and they’ve already started me on PT.”

  “Excellent. Just what I want to hear, and I’m sure Arizona’s management will feel the same. I just got off the phone with them, and they’re willing to keep the offer the same as long as you pass their medical evaluations.”

  “Gotta admit I’m still a little surprised.”

  “Don’t question the hockey gods,” Herb said. “Arizona’s a solid Cup contender, and you’ll make an impact the day you join their club.”

  “That’s, uh, great news, Herb.” Dave’s tone had Ellie craning her head to look up at him; he was looking right back at her, a frown puckering his face. “Herb, what if I stayed in Colorado? Is it possible the club wants to keep me after all?”

  “It’s not April Fool’s yet, Dave.” Herb’s voice held no amusement whatsoever.

  “And I’m not joking.”

  Herb blew out a long, slow breath. “Why?”

  “Colorado holds a whole lot more appeal than it did before. I’d even entertain a pay cut to stay if that’s what it takes.”

  The phone call ended with Herb grumbling about clients who couldn’t make up their minds.

  Ellie blinked wide eyes. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because someone I know has a business here, and I figured she wouldn’t want to move to Arizona.”

  What? “No one ever asked her,” she sputtered.

  He picked up her hand in his good one and enveloped it with his strength, his warmth. “The truth is I’m not the easiest guy to get along with, and I’ve fucked up so much in my life that I couldn’t imagine you wanting to be with me for the long haul. I was afraid that if I asked, you’d say no.”

  “As the great Wayne Gretzky once said, ‘You miss a hundred percent of the shots you never take,’ or something sage like that.”

  His eyebrows kissed his hairline. “You’re quoting Gretzy now? You are a hockey fan.”

  “I’m a Dave Grimson fan.”

  Still holding her hand, he brushed a rough thumb over her knuckles. Chills—the good kind—raced through her body, numbing the toes she wanted so desperately to bounce on. “So about this move. You’d actually pass up a chance to make more and have a shot at the Cup with Arizona to stay in Colorado?”

  “I would … for you. Not for anybody else or for any other reason,” he said softly. The intensity and heat that shone in his eyes left her with no doubt he was serious, and fresh shivers rippled through her.

  “I’m speechless. I don’t know what to say.” Tears flooded her eyes and spilled over, taking her by surprise.

  “Well, you need to say something soon because you have to help me make an important decision. Do I stay in Colorado, or do I go to Arizona?”

  “You want me to wade in on something that … earth-quaking?” Her voice warbled with emotion she fought to hold in.

  “Of course I do. It’s what families do. They make big decisions together. I’m not going anywhere you won’t be happy, so …”

  “We’re not exactly family.”

  “Not yet, but I’m just stupid enough and determined enough to believe you’ll sign on.” He squeezed her hand. “Would you like us to be? I sure as hell would.”


  “I want you to marry me.”


  “Am I confusing you again?”

  A laugh broke free from her chest, and she was part-crying, part-laughing. “I haven’t even told you I love you yet.”

  “Then what the hell are you waiting for? Here I am proposing, you’re accepting, so get with the program already.”

  Up on tiptoe she rose, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. It wasn’t one of those wild, out-of-control kisses they’d shared so many times before, but it was filled with love and promise and something so bottomless she couldn’t fathom it, and it spread like a wildfire from her heart to the tips of her toes. It lit every lamp in her arena and had her melting against him. She pulled back to catch her breath. Her eyes dove into his. “I missed you so much. I love you, Dave. With all my heart.”

  He cupped her face with his good hand. “I love you too, Ellie. With all my hearts.”


  “Wookiees probably have more than one. They also mate for life. Marry me, Ellie.”

  She started laughing and couldn’t stop. Tears flowed down her face for an entirely different reason, and she thought she might actually lift off the ground.

  “That was funny? Shit. I need to work on my proposals.”

  She caught her breath just long enough to gasp, “Planning more than one?”

  “No way. Although when I imagined this one, it was way cooler than asking you in a back alley.”

  Laughter burst from her again.

  He chuckled along with her. “See? Now that’s what I want to see the rest of my life, and I’m going to do everything in my power to make you laugh like that every single day.”

  She straightened and swiped moisture from her cheeks. “Ooh, I like the sound of that. So what do we do now?�

  “We go to Oster’s. I saw some rings there I need to show you.”

  “Oh shit! I totally forgot I have to be somewhere.”

  Dave’s face turned dark and growly. “Not on a date with an ICE guy? Or a Habitat guy? Or one of my damn teammates?”

  “No!” She burst out with another laugh. “At the lawyer’s office. Finn and I were going to lay the groundwork for him buying into Landscaping with Altitude.”

  “I’m an off-duty paramedic,” a breathless voice came from behind them, startling them both. “Does anyone need help?” They turned to see a guy with concern etched on his face. Beyond him, to their surprise, a few cars and a small audience had gathered, including Finn and Sonoma.

  “El,” Finn yelled, “I canceled the appointment. This is more important.”

  “Guess we were in our own little world here,” Dave mumbled to Ellie. To the paramedic, he said, “We’re good, dude. We didn’t crash … this time. I just had to block her in to get her to agree to marry me.” He smiled down at Ellie. “Of course, I still haven’t heard the yes it’s going to take for me to let her out of this alley.”

  Casper added a few yips as if to say, “Go, Dave!”

  Before Ellie could answer, Dave had his hand up and was addressing the crowd. “What does everyone think? Should she marry me? Yes or no?” He pointed at them. “If you say yes, I’ll buy each one of you a pair of tickets to a Blizzard game. If you say no, you’re dead to me.”

  “Yes!” the crowd yelled, and Casper yapped at his feet. Then people began chanting, “Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!”

  “You’re bribing them!” Ellie squealed.

  “Damn straight. Whatever it takes. So? What’ll it be? Speaking from experience, it’s always a good idea to give the crowd what they want.”

  The chanting grew louder, amplified by clapping.

  “Then I guess I’d better say yes!” she practically yelled to be heard above the noise.

  He cupped an ear. “What was that?”

  “Yes!” she shouted.

  He gave the crowd two thumbs-up, and they broke into wild cheers. He swooped her up in his arms and twirled her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I love you, Ellie Hendricks, for the rest of my life.”


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