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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

Page 61

by Watkins, Charles

  “So…all of this is our fault…if we hadn’t of carried through with that mess in Winterset then these marauders wouldn’t even exist.” Kira stated as she hung her head with a distant look on her face.

  “We couldn’t have known what the effects of what we thought was a cure to this mess would cause in the long run at that time—we done what we thought would help…we couldn’t have known that the Antitoxin Sample 3 was really just another virus.” I stated as I got to my feet and paced around the area in deep thought.

  “So…are we all still prone to the infection that those zombies spread?” Remy asked in a concerned tone as she Mace and Ember stood nearby with their rifles in their arms.

  “No—we are immune to the T.H.C.A.I.A Toxin and the M.I.M.T.W.B.C.A Strain as well…I can’t predict what changes we might undergo over time due to the Redeemer Strain in each of our bodies but we are immune to the initial viral strains that those things outside still carry.” Desiree answered as she glanced at Remy briefly.

  “My guess is that the Redeemer Strain was altered in some way when we synthesized it into a vaccine and it bonded with our cellular structures at the molecular level—I have noticed that the wounds that we have sustained over the last several years have healed quickly, much faster than they would have normally healed…it is possible that that was because of the Redeemer Strain.” I stated in deep thought as I stopped pacing to turn and look back at the others.

  “That makes sense and it seems like there might be some positive effects that may have come from the Redeemer Strain…we should still try to come up with a way to develop a true cure though—one that will cleanse the Redeemer Strain from our bodies.” Hugo stated in a thoughtful tone.

  “I agree—learn what you can from those files and we’ll get to work trying to find a way to reverse the Redeemer Strain in our bodies, for now we need to get the wall repaired as well as the tower…we lost the tank we were using in the attack as well as the Warthog; there’s no telling when the next wave of marauder assholes will hit us and we need to be prepared.” I stated as I got to my feet and stretched.

  We ate breakfast and then I went upstairs to our bedroom to rest, the battle had been costly and tiring and all I really wanted to do at that point was sleep—it was when I was passing through the hallway to climb the stairs that I heard someone call my name from behind me; I turned and seen that it was April and she stepped up before me as Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe came up behind her.

  “What is it April?” I asked as I wasn’t paying much attention.

  “I’m glad that you guys made it back alive…I feel like I wouldn’t have a purpose in this world if something happened to you guys.” April answered slowly.

  “You have yet to be injected with that so-called vaccine…so you don’t have to worry about the Redeemer Strain if that’s what you’re referring to.” I answered as I stared into her green eyes.

  “That’s not really what I was talking about but I guess I understand what the consequences would be—same if I were to give myself to you guys…” April answered as she glanced down at the floor for a few seconds.

  “Are you asking me to take you into our relationship?” I asked in a surprised tone as my glance went to Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe who didn’t seem shocked by it like I was.

  “Chaz…baby—this was actually our idea; we seen the other day when April opened up to you and we decided that it might be a good idea to give her a chance and see if we can make her happy.” Jennifer stated as she glanced at Sheila and Chloe before looking back at me.

  “Well…if April wants to be with us and a girlfriend to us then that is her decision—I will support whatever you girls want to do.” I answered after a few seconds had passed.

  “I do—you’re the first person who has taken the time to show concern and compassion toward me since my family died years ago in the original outbreak; I want to be with you and I want to make you happy.” April stated with a warm smile as she leaned up wrapping her arms around the back of my neck and kissing me.

  I could feel her tongue in my mouth and felt myself getting hard, Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe wrapped their arms around me and we all turned and climbed the stairs going up to our bedroom where we shut and locked the door behind us; I removed my clothes as I went to the bed and the girls did the same until they were all nude and Jennifer and Sheila pushed me down onto the bed and directed April up onto my hard cock letting her slide all the way down on it until her asscheeks were pressed against my balls. Her large breasts were pressed against my chest as she leaned down and kissed me—Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe were on the bed beside of us kissing and kissing on us and this seemed to last for hours and by the time the late evening hours had arrived I had made love to all of them at least twice and I was exhausted; April’s crotch was sticky with my semen as it oozed out of her, she had been the last one I had been with shortly before and they all lay around me with pleased expressions on their faces as we soon after fell asleep. I woke sometime late that night and I got up out of bed careful not to wake my women and I went downstairs and out into the yard where a few of the others were sitting around either on watch or taking in the cool night air—it felt good out and I was actually dreading when the heat of the day would return in several hours as I knew that we really hadn’t had the chance to clear many of the marauder corpses or the bodies of the dead-heads and other mutations that we had killed earlier; I sat down next to the well house and looked up at the stars in the night sky before a voice off to my left brought me out of thought. Richard came over and sat down not far from me and he glanced at me before looking out on the moonlit field that stretched over to the base of the wall.

  “Can’t sleep either…all of that shit that we found out earlier…it just kind of lingers in the back of your head and makes it to where you can’t relax or think of anything else.” He stated in deep thought.

  “I know what you mean…it’s hard to think of the fact that we’re all carriers of the Redeemer Strain and have been ever since we were at that hotel in New York City—what we thought of as a cure for the original plague that Bowman created and set loose on the world in the fall of 2000 turned out to be another curse.” I answered as I stared blankly ahead into the night.

  “I guess it’s safe to say that we ourselves are biological weapons…we have no idea what that shit could do to us as more and more time passes by…” Richard stated as he turned and glanced at me briefly.

  “No—we’re survivors and as long as we focus on living and keeping those we love safe then we’ll always have a purpose; Darkbourne will pay for everything that has happened…Bowman is gone but in a sense he is still there and we cannot let that slide.” I answered in a dark tone as I got to my feet and took a few steps forward before stopping to stand in the moonlight.

  “I’m glad to hear that your will has not faltered due to what happened earlier—Morgana seen you out here and told me to check on you, she seemed really concerned.” Richard stated as he got to his feet and turned back toward the nearby building where he and several of the others stayed.

  “Tell her that I am fine, we’ll all get through this shit—one way or another.” I answered as I turned to face him.

  “Will do—talk to you later.” Richard answered as he walked away and returned to the building in front of him.

  That was when I heard the voices of my women and I saw them coming across the dew covered grass toward me and they looked concerned once I could see their facial expressions.

  “Are you okay baby?” Jennifer asked in a concerned tone.

  “Yeah…I just came out here to get some fresh air and I was talking to Richard about the things that have happened the past few days.” I answered as they all embraced me and kissed me.

  “I know that you have a lot on your mind, we all do—let’s just try to get through it together.” Sheila stated with a warm smile.

right—let’s get some sleep.” I answered smiling as I kissed her before doing the same with Jennifer, Chloe and April.

  We returned to the house and our bedroom where we soon after fell back asleep—the morning came fast and I instinctively woke and rose from bed waking the girls in the process, we all got dressed in our gear and we went downstairs and out into the yard where I noticed that almost all of the others were standing around the fire pit; Hugo and Beau both had concerned expressions on their faces and even Emily seemed worried about something as she clung to Beau.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I got their attention as well as that of the rest of the group.

  “We’ve been monitoring a strange signal that we’re getting on the CB—it sounds a lot like shortwave radio communication between those damned marauders and it sounds like they’re looking for someone…someone who escaped from them.” Hugo answered as he stepped up before me and my women.

  “If there’s someone who escaped from them then that means that there’s a possible survivor out there trying desperately not only to survive against the armies of dead-heads and other mutations but also against those asshole marauders…” I stated with a troubled look as I glanced toward the trees on the northern end of the homestead.

  “Our fuel supply for the vehicles that we have left are almost exhausted otherwise I would recommend that we go search for this person that they’re after and save them before those marauders get to them but as I said our fuel reserves are severely depleted—with all the shit that has been hitting the fan lately we haven’t had the chance to go out on any supply runs.” Hugo stated in a distant tone as he stared at the ground in deep thought.

  “We need fuel though and we need more ammo—I’m going out again and this time those fuckers better watch out because I’m in no mood to return to their laboratories.” I stated with a determined look as I turned and headed into the main house and grabbed my weapons as well as my gear.

  My women grabbed theirs as well and I realized that it was pointless to try and convince them to stay behind and wait on me to return—whatever we faced out there we would face it together.

  “You’ve got some balls, Chaz.” Beau stated with a chuckle.

  “I’m tired of waiting in this fortress for either those things to get in here and try and kill us or those fucking asshole marauders—we need to have fuel and ammunition on hand in case this place is overrun; I have the feeling that these walls aren’t going to hold up much longer against everything that is out there.” I answered as I loaded my magnum at my waist and checked the ammo clips on my assault rifles.

  “I know how to make bullets from scrap metal and gunpowder…but I would need the materials.” Regan stated all of a sudden.

  “We’ll keep an eye out for anything that might be of use—does anyone else want to accompany us?” I asked as I glanced around at the group.

  “I’ll go along; I need to make sure that the same shit doesn’t happen again that did before.” Beau stated as he loaded his weapons and stepped up before us.

  “I’m going as well.” Emily stated as she gripped her MP-5K submachine gun.

  Several more members of the group stepped up including Billy, Kayla, Yuri and Marco and that seemed like the only ones who wanted to go on what I was sure they considered a foolish errand.

  “Hold down the fort—we’ll return soon.” I stated as I patted Hugo on the arm before heading over to the H1 Hummer that still had a fair amount of diesel fuel in its tank.

  Beau grabbed a long piece of an old garden hose from beside of the well house and everyone who was going got into the hummer which seemed to be spacious and I started the engine and headed toward the gate—once we got there Marco and Beau got out and opened it allowing me to pass through it before they shut and locked it before getting back into the hummer; we continued and before long I had made it to the outskirts of the town of Lafayette and I looked on the town I had grown up in with a distant stare—it looked almost the same as it had the last time we had been there when we had passed through on our trip to New York City years before. I drove a little bit further and spotted a destroyed military convoy that I hadn’t known was there before, the area looked like it had been a staging point for retaliation against the undead hordes of years before and as I pulled up to the front of the area I could tell that this place had been a last stand for many soldiers who had died there; there were long decayed corpses everywhere as well as weapons and empty shell casing covered the ground.

  “Let’s check this area and see if there’s anything that we can use.” I stated as I opened my door and stepped out with my M16 in hand.

  The others followed and we searched around the desolate remains of the convoy finding only a few decent weapons and very little ammunition—Beau checked the tank of one of the military transport trucks that was more than half buried in a nearby ditch; rainwater from the recent rains had collected in the ditch and more than half of the front of the truck was submerged.

  “It looks like we can get some diesel fuel out of this tank but we’re going to have to siphon it out…watch my ass while I do this.” Beau stated as he grabbed the old garden hose from the back of the hummer that he had brought from home and he grabbed the gas can off the back of the hummer and started with his work.

  I stood with my assault rifle ready looking in all directions and the others looked around for whatever else they could find and it wasn’t long before Beau was able to get the flow started using a small hand pump that he had attached to the end of the hose before proceeding with draining the fuel into the gas can at his side; that was when I heard several horrible screams off to my right and I turned and seen that three zombies had spotted us and were now running our way with that homicidal aggression that we had all grown so accustomed to—I opened fire on them putting rounds in each of their heads dropping their dead and decaying asses to the ground.

  “We need to hurry and get away from this spot before more of them sniff us out.” I stated as I turned and glanced at the others.

  “Almost done—shouldn’t take more than another couple of minutes to completely drain this tank.” Beau answered as Billy and Yuri assisted him.

  Over the next few minutes they were luckily able to finish and we all got back into the hummer after Beau secured the gas can with the fuel in the back of the vehicle, I continued north into the main part of town and I slowed down as I came to a wrecked semi that had smashed through the side of a building that had been a restaurant back in the day—I was forced to go around on another road and once we were past the wreckage we seen what looked like another defensive parameter that had been set up years before in an attempt to stop the dead-heads; I quickly noticed that several SWAT vehicles were nearby and they were covered with old dried blood.

  “Let’s see what we can find.” I stated as I parked our hummer and led the way outside.

  We entered the area where the defenders had obviously all been killed and eaten years before—the area was littered with bones, empty shell casings, trash and old traces of gore; several corpses were nearby that were wearing riot gear and upon further examination we seen that they were nothing but skeletons.

  “These guys must have put up quite a fight but it looks like it was for nothing…they’re all just as dead as the rest of this world.” Billy stated as he bent down and snatched up an M32 grenade launcher.

  After a few seconds he tossed the weapon to the street where it made a clatter.

  “Empty…I seriously don’t see us finding anything of real value anywhere around here—it’s going to take a military armory at least before we find anything of use.” He stated with an aggravated tone as he kicked at the pavement with his foot.

  “He’s right…a military armory would still be well stocked on ammo as well as weapons, is there anything like that around here?” Marco stated as he came over to stand close to where I stood with my women.

nbsp; “I don’t have a clue…there ought to be something like that not far from here though as the military that was stationed here all those years ago would have needed a place to set up their forward command—we could check the old elementary school out on the western outskirts of town to see if they might have set up over there.” I answered after several seconds of thought.

  “That sounds like a good lead—a school would have had all the space and amenities needed to set up a command post.” Beau stated with a smile as he clutched his assault rifle as well as Emily.

  “Let’s get over there and find out whether or not my theory is correct.” I stated as I got back into the driver’s seat of the hummer.

  Everyone else got inside as well as we left that area heading west and it took us the next several minutes to cut through the wrecked and destroyed vehicles as well as the structural damage of certain buildings we passed—the zombies and other mutations were strangely absent from this part of town but we all knew that all it would take was a loud, shrill sound and they would be coming in mass; I finally pulled off the roadway to the left and drove our hummer up the somewhat steep hill to the front of the old school and I saw that my theory had been correct—the military had indeed used this place as a forward command post. I heard the others around me groan in dismay when we saw that the entire front yard of the school was full of dead-heads and other mutations that were shambling around, they immediately became aware of our presence and started screaming and coming our way.

  “Someone get on that machine gun in the back!” I shouted as I stared ahead at the oncoming surge of hungry dead-heads.

  Beau quickly climbed over the rear seat and got into the gunner’s seat popping the top of the hummer open he opened fire with the heavy machine gun up top and I watched as the powerful bullets tore into the torsos and heads of the creatures before us and after several more minutes the numbers were cleared out enough for us to get out of the hummer and mop up what was left of them without wasting too much of our precious ammo; I looked around at the bodies of the infected around us and I couldn’t help but recognize some of them—faces of people that I had seen years before.


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