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The First Book of Demons

Page 4

by Raquel Dove

Alexandra’s sleep addled mind barely registered the doorbell ringing. She sat up on the couch rubbing her eyes, still mildly paralyzed from being so suddenly awoken. She glanced over at Sam who was still asleep on the couch. The doorbell rang again. Alex reached over and nudged Sam.

  “Hey, someone’s at the door,” she said, yawning.

  Sam took a minute to rub the sleep from his eyes and got up from the couch when the doorbell rang out yet again. He disappeared in the direction of the front door.

  “Alex,” Sam said almost in a whisper when he returned a short moment later. “It’s for you.”

  “For me? Who is it?” Her eyebrows furrowed when she saw the palor on Sam's face. He didn't answer her. He just stared blankly at her. Alex could feel her gut sinking to the floor as she stepped passed the opened door and found two police officers standing there. Her mind immediately raced with the possibilities of why they were here, looking for her.

  “Ma’am, are you Alexandra Bastien?” The taller of the two men asked her, his voice soft and his eyes shining with sympathy.

  “Yes, is everything ok?” Alex asked, glancing from one and then to the other officer.

  “Was your legal guardian a Mrs. Tamaya Chavis?” The same man asked ignoring her question.

  Alex looked back and forth between the officers. “Yes, why? What happened? Is everything ok?” She asked, her voice raising a couple octaves as continued to ignore her questions.

  The officer’s looked at each other, both of them hesitating to answer.

  “About an hour ago a 911 call came in to the station from a neighbor that had heard a scream,” the officer started, “Tamaya Chavis was found shortly after….”

  Alex felt numb. The blood drained from her face and a chill rushed over her. A thick lump had formed in her throat that she couldn’t swallow. She could hear what the officer was saying it just wasn’t registering. Her mind simply wouldn’t let it. She didn’t even notice she was falling, until she felt Sam’s arms around her, catching her before she hit the floor. She heard the officer finish telling her that someone had broken in to their home and murdered her Aunt Tamy, she let out a scream that shook her entire body.

  The next few days were a blur to Alex. Sam’s family had taken care of the funeral arrangements and after the service Alex met with the lawyer in charge of her Aunts’ will. There was only one thing that had been left to Alex. The lawyer handling her aunts estate handed her a small brown package and after expressing his deepest condolences, left the room. Alex tore at the paper wrapping of the package, revealing a silver box with a delicately carved design on the lid. An off white envelope was taped to the top of the box. Alex opened the envelope and tried to hold back her tears as she read the letter inside.

  My Dear Alexandra,

  If you are reading this, then something very bad has happened, and I am no longer there to guide you. I had hoped that this day would never come. You must know, you are special. More special than you can imagine. I wish I could tell you more, but I’m sure you will figure it all out. Remember that we are all governed by our destiny, but that destiny is of our own making. I love you, my beautiful Alex.

  Aunt Tammy

  Alex put the letter down and picked up the silver box. She opened the lid and what she found inside made her furrow her brows in confusion. Set gently into the deep blue velvet that lined the box was a small dagger. Alexandra ran her fingers over the hilt. It was absolutely dazzling. It was solid gold, and the handle was inlaid with the most peculiar red stone. When her fingers trailed over the cold metal she felt a strange electricity rush through her. She yanked her hand away and clamped the lid of the box shut. Why would her Aunt Tammy leave her such an odd thing?



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