Book Read Free

The Jasmine Project

Page 16

by Meredith Ireland

S1, EP 3—JUNE 8

  Anonyma: Hey, and welcome back to The Little Bachelorette podcast. I’m your host, Anonyma.

  We are officially two weeks into The Little Bachelorette contest and things are heating up. Ariel has been on second dates with the three bachelors—The Boy Next Door, The Pro, and The Cook. And, I’m sorry to report that her week began with lunch with RSP. At this point we have to admit that we officially have a fourth bachelor.

  But enough of that disappointment. Joining us to give some insight on Ariel and the four-bachelor situation is one of her closest friends. What should we call you?

  Flounder: I guess Flounder if we’re going with this Little Mermaid theme, but know I don’t like it. *laughs*

  Anonyma: We could go with a different nickname. Sebastian? Ursula? *laughs*

  Flounder: Flounder is fine.

  Anonyma: Well, welcome Flounder. Thanks for joining me on the show. I know you had reservations about this whole contest.

  Flounder: I did. I didn’t like keeping Ariel in the dark, and Em… Sebastian, her other close friend, brought up some really good reasons we shouldn’t do this anymore. But after talking to your family yesterday, I think you guys are right. Without this contest, she would’ve sat home thinking about how great RSP is when he’s not. She wouldn’t have dated and she wouldn’t have believed she deserves anyone better than him. And she definitely would’ve taken him back by now. She’s changed so much just by meeting the bachelors and it’s only been two weeks.

  Anonyma: I totally agree. Okay, let’s get right down to business. I’ve heard a rumor that Ariel kissed one of the bachelors this week.

  Flouder: I can confirm that she kissed The Cook.

  Anonyma: And she got cozy at the batting cages with The Pro on Thursday.

  Flounder: She hit a baseball. There’s a first time for everything… allegedly.

  Anonyma: *laughs* I saw the video clip. It actually happened. But let’s talk about The Boy Next Door, because their date was at a theme park. And you’ve known him for a while.…

  Flounder: Since we were kids. We all used to play together. I think he’s wonderful, and between you and me, he’s the one I’m rooting for the most.

  Anonyma: Your secret is safe with me.


  It’s Sunday, which ends a totally confusing week or begins a new one, depending on how you look at it.

  Aaron just texted. He wants to play disc golf when he’s back in town as he continues to not accept my nonathleticism. It didn't help that he won our bet—I actually hit a baseball on Thursday.

  After the thrill of go-kart racing, I got right into the batting cage and was no longer terrified of new things.

  Just kidding. I was totally terrified.

  Aaron rolled with it, though. He patiently adjusted me a million times. I could’ve sworn his hands lingered on me, especially when he moved my hips. But only for a second or two, nothing pervy.

  It would’ve been so sexy, him standing behind me with his hands on me, except I smacked him with a bat.


  He said something I couldn’t hear, so I turned around. Unfortunately, I swung while turning.

  In that instant, I saw his future Major League career going up in flames. But his reflexes are lightning quick. He shifted out of the way before I could do real damage. I hit his back though, and I’ll continue to be horrified by that moment for the rest of my natural life. After that, my ghost will be embarrassed.

  Even through the haze of my shame, it was amazing to watch him bat. The baseballs popped and sailed into the distance, farther than anyone else’s. Everyone, and I mean everyone, turned to stare. And he was there with me.

  After we were done, I bought him his winning ice-cream cone (and an ice pack). We sat in his Audi with the AC blasting, listening to country. We sang along and he is, in fact, terrible, but he said I have to visit Nashville. He offered to show me the town and the Country Music Hall of Fame. One day I’ll have to find the nerve to take him up on it, because between the music and the hot chicken, it sounds like heaven.

  It was all casual and fun until he mentioned that he hadn’t always lived in Nashville, and I asked why he’d moved.

  “Bullying in middle school,” he said. He looked away.

  I knit my eyebrows. “You… bullied someone?” I asked.

  He smiled sadly. “No. I was the target.”

  And looking at the star, the playboy in front of me, I couldn’t picture it. It must’ve been reflected in my face.

  “I was smaller, scrawnier, and easy to pick on when I was twelve. My dad was deployed, and my mom had so much going on with my younger sisters and all. I just thought… I don’t know, that I should be the man of the house. I didn’t say anything. I just… dealt, you know?”

  Tears pricked my eyes. I did understand. It’s not the same, but I didn’t tell June, Justin Michael, or Cari about what had happened with Kyle. It was just too shameful. Eventually, I gave June a vague summary, but I never mentioned it to Cari. She would’ve felt bad and sorry for me and that was beyond the point.

  Aaron took a deep breath. “But after I was pushed down a flight of stairs and had to go to the hospital, I couldn’t hide it anymore. Mom pulled me out of school and we moved to Nashville. It was a new start. I never had to see those kids again.”

  He smiled like he could just wave it off, but memories from middle school leave a mark, a brand. I remember that bonfire like it happened an hour ago, the night at Ventura’s Bistro like it was a minute ago. And his was much worse.

  “I’m…,” I began, but I could tell by the look on his face the last thing he wanted was pity. Anything but pity.

  “I wish we’d been in the same school together,” I said. “We could’ve had each other.”

  I put my hand over his. He glanced down at it and smiled genuinely. Then he turned his hand and squeezed mine.

  For the first time I felt like I got to know the real him—not the star—and all I wanted was to know more.

  I don’t know what’s happening to me. I kissed Eugene. And went on a date with Aaron and also went on a date with Justin.

  Or at least I think it was a date.

  Somehow, he scored free passes to Universal so I met him after he finished work on Wednesday.

  It wound up being the perfect night exploring what we remembered and what had changed. Neither of us had gone to the theme parks since we were thirteen. We rode the (few) roller coasters I was brave enough to go on and wandered around taking in the shows and people. He made me laugh with his nerdy factoids about the park, and I made him laugh by being absolutely horrible at the water-cannon game.

  As we watched the nighttime lights at Hogwarts, I leaned back against him and he wrapped his arms around me. It was just so comfortable—like old times, like merging with a younger version of us. We still fit together like a clue and a crossword answer.

  When we hugged goodbye, I didn’t want to let go. The thought that he’ll leave my life again when he finishes his internship physically hurts. He’ll be yet another person moving on while I stay put. But I began to wonder if not wanting him to go is because I like him so much as a friend or whether it’s something else. Whether my feelings for him have morphed and grown with us.

  Right before I got in my car, he stared into my eyes and I thought he’d kiss me. My heart sped up, but he pressed his lips to my forehead and then looked at me again before saying good night. My heart beat in my throat and my hands shook as I unlocked the Rolla.

  It might’ve actually been more intimate than a kiss.

  And I don’t know what to make of any of this.

  These are my thoughts as I browse the aisles of Sephora. Emily’s parents gave her a gift card for no reason, and she’s treating me and June to new makeup. That’s why I’m lost in this jungle of expensive creams.

  My phone dings and I fumble through my bag to check it. It’s Paul again. He’s messaged every day since the key chain lunch. Lately, he’s been se
nding me his favorite pictures. Some I’ve seen before. Some were candid of me I never knew he took—studying, waiting in the stands at his game, talking to someone at a party, or just looking out the window. I still think he cared more than he knew how to say. I still don’t know what to make of that. Is it enough? I don’t know.

  “Paul wants me to meet him again,” I say when June, Emily, and I find ourselves in the same aisle.

  June barely pauses applying lipstick to sigh.

  “He’s the one you shoulda hit with a baseball bat,” Emily says.

  I frown at the makeup mirror. “Ha ha, guys. Thanks. I will continue to relive the thunk of hitting Aaron for the rest of my days.”

  June snickers and Emily snorts.

  “But back to The Paul…,” Emily says.

  “Are you really thinking about meeting RSP again, Jaz?” June says.

  I look over my shoulder at her. June’s chosen a bold red shade, but she’s frowning at it.

  “Who, June?” I ask.

  “Paul,” she says.

  I shake my head like I’m clearing water from my ears. “That’s not what you said.”

  “You’re losing it. She said Paul.” Emily applies a sparkly powder to her eyebrows. “Too many boys on the brain, including Mr. Kiss the Chef.”

  I sigh. “I’m no longer telling you fools a thing. We’ve now entered the cone of silence.” I draw a circle around myself with my fingers, then sit in one of the tall chairs and pout.

  I’m not pouting about their teasing. It’s… everything about Eugene. He’s so confusing. He said he liked me. He kissed me. And yet, he still won’t message. I waited until Friday, hoping to hear from him, and… nothing. With zero messages incoming, I worked up the nerve to text first.

  Captain Eugene Crunch

  The shelter loves the idea of families getting gourmet treats and being entered to win the gift baskets. Thank you again

  My pleasure

  What are you doing today?

  Trying to improve your lap time?

  I wish. I’m doing prep, then dinner service

  With those less than enthusiastic replies, I let the conversation drop. It’s for the best. I like him, but I don’t get him. He makes it seem like working at the best restaurant in the country is a burden and not a privilege. He wants this life where he can backpack across Europe, so what could this possibly be? Maybe in the end, after all of this, I wind up back with Paul. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. Maybe we are meant for each other and all of this will just help us grow.

  My phone dings and I check it, expecting another trip down memory lane from Paul. But it’s not Paul.

  Like he could hear we were talking about him, Eugene messages me.

  Sorry, I’ve meant to text more, but I’ve been so busy. I’m finally off tomorrow, though

  Oh, it’s the face,” Emily says, craning her neck as if she can see my screen from six feet away. “I bet I know who’s texting her.”

  “Who is it, Jaz?” June asks.

  “Is it a boy with soft lips and burning teal eyes?” Emily says. She bats her long lashes and puckers up.

  “Nothing to tell, you awful clowns,” I say. But inside I’m beaming. I can’t even help how happy I am to hear from him. And all right, maybe there’s a part of me that still loves to dream. And I can’t help but want to be nearer to someone who makes his wishes reality.

  I’m trying to decide what to message back when my phone dings again. Both June and Emily turn.

  Collins’s dog had to have emergency surgery, so I was sous-chef all weekend

  OMG. Is his dog okay?

  He somehow swallowed a chef’s glove, but he’s fine

  Phew. I’m glad

  I really wanted to see you, but I was constantly at work. How about a beach picnic tomorrow?

  I should play hard to get. Or make him wait for a response, right? I should seem in demand

  That sounds amazing

  My fingers are traitors

  I’ll pick you up at 11?

  See you then

  I’m smiling so hard, my cheeks hurt. I try to clear my expression as I put my phone away, but it’s no use. June and Emily have been staring at me this entire time.

  “Cheeeeeeesing,” Emily says.

  “Fine,” I sigh. “Eugene and I are going to the beach tomorrow.”

  They open their mouths.

  I put up my hand. “Not a word.”

  June tilts her head. Emily widens her eyes.

  Emily gestures at me with her manicured talons. “Who’s this new boss bitch?”

  “I don’t know, but I like her,” June says.

  I try not to blush. I fail. So there goes the boss thing.

  “Let’s check out and grab coffee,” Emily says. “I need some caffeine. Did you find anything you liked, Jaz?”

  I shake my head.

  “I’m getting you this palette then,” Emily says. She already had it in her hand, fully expecting me to not know what to choose at this giant makeup store.

  I wait by the entrance as Emily pays with her gift card. I don’t want to know how much that palette costs. Probably as much as a full day of work for me.

  June and I thank her, but she waves us off. We get into June’s Mustang and drive over to Wired, one of the cool independent coffee shops in town.

  I order a vanilla cold brew, June’s standard iced latte, and Emily’s cappuccino. We grab them and camp out in armchairs. June and Emily relax with their long legs out. I sit toward the edge of my seat so my feet touch the ground.

  “It’s a beach date tomorrow, huh?” June says.

  “Um, I don’t know that… I mean… yes,” I say. And I can’t keep a grin off my face. I’m scared but also so excited to see him again.

  June and Emily exchange smiles.

  “Let’s talk bathing suits, because you cannot wear that old lady skort or child one-piece like you normally do,” Emily says.

  “What’s wrong with my bathing suits?” I ask.

  Emily shakes her head. “Did you hear a word I just said—granny or twelve-year-old. We need to swing by Cabana and get you a bikini.”

  “I can’t afford one.” I hate to admit it, but I definitely can’t afford anything in Cabana. I usually shop end-of-the-season clearance at Old Navy or something.

  “I’ll get it,” Emily says.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Yes. So there,” Emily says.

  “No. I’m not going to be your charity case,” I say.

  My parents taught me to be gracious, but not to accept help I don’t need. I work to afford the things I want. And honestly, Emily is exaggerating. My bathing suits are okay… I think.

  “We’ll call it a graduation present,” Emily says with a wink. Her eyes literally sparkle from whatever she applied at Sephora.

  “I really… I can’t. And you already gave me a graduation present.”

  It was a very generous check I put in a savings account for college, along with the rest of my graduation money.

  “Your graduation present was compliments of Oliver Underwood and his guilt from scarring his youngest child for life. Your suit is on me. And, like, seriously—charity? How many times did you and June take me in over the past two years? Was that charity or because we’re friends?”

  I have nothing to say to that.

  “Come on. Let’s go to Cabana. I’ve got a barbecue later.”

  With that, we all get up and toss our trash. They’re out the door before me, and it hits me again that come August I’ll be at this coffee shop alone. Refusing to think about it hasn’t prevented it.

  And suddenly staying put in Orlando feels more like being stranded than playing it safe.



  JUNE 9

  Cousin Crystal

  What’s going on with Eugene? I thought the boys were going to get equal time

  Aunt Jay

  He’s had some issues wit
h keeping her in the dark, but he said he’s going to text her


  They’re going to the beach tomorrow

  Cousin Joe

  Yawn. Doesn’t matter. Aaron wowed her at the batting cages

  Cousin Amberlynn

  But she didn’t kiss him, did she?

  Which beach??



  Cousin Amberlynn

  No, what?


  No, you can’t just 'happen' to show up at the same beach on a Monday. Don’t think I didn’t see some of you at Aaron’s game. We’re lucky Jaz didn’t notice

  Cousin Amberlynn

  I wasn’t going to…

  Cousin Crystal

  You totally would’ve

  Cousin Amberlynn



  And we’re lucky she didn’t pick up on the betting talk at Mabel’s birthday party. You barely convinced her the money was on fantasy football, Wes. It’s not even football season!

  She didn’t figure it out though

  Anyone want to change their bets?

  Cousin Teagan

  Nope. Justin Michael is end game

  Cousin Madison

  She doesn’t need a boy in the end. It’s more important she finds herself

  Cousin Joe

  Yeah, finds herself in Aaron’s arms

  Cousin Madison

  You all are pathetic. I’m going to work on my thesis

  Cousin Amberlynn

  So, like, Cocoa Beach?…


  Goodnight, all


  I retie the strings of my bathing suit top to make absolutely sure I don’t flash a boob at Eugene. Nothing, I repeat, nothing, could be more embarrassing. No wardrobe malfunctions here.

  I could leave my cover-up on all day, but it’s already ninety degrees. And underneath is my new, very expensive bikini. It’s a red, retro-style halter top with booty shorts—kinda like a fifties pinup. It’s the opposite of anything I would’ve picked on my own.

  When we were in Cabana, I gravitated toward a one-piece that turned out to be maternity wear. If you think Emily and June mocked me endlessly for that, you’d be right.


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