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Broken (The Siren Series #1)

Page 20

by L.A.Griffiths

  Voices filled my ears. Someone was talking over me. Their stale breath filtered into my nose that nearly made me gag. There was more than one person, and they were all talking at once, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I think they were arguing amongst themselves.

  I couldn’t move. My limbs were lifeless, and I was at their mercy. I wanted to get up, to run away, but my body felt heavy and light at the same time. My head pounded in sync with my heartbeat and I felt like at any minute I would float away and be rid of all this, away from whatever had me in its grasp.

  “Stick her downstairs, and keep an eye on her!” one of the voices ordered.

  Where? Where am I going? Panic flooded in and I tried to stay calm. I was picked up and manhandled as they dragged me away. Then the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. I was reminded of the deepest horrors and I would rather try to keep locked away. The leeches dragged me away while their talon nails dug into my arms. I wanted to scream, flail my arms around, but my entire body had become paralysed, I was useless. My poor vision failed me as I tried to make out my surroundings. Dark splattered stone passed me by as I was carried down into whatever hell they had in store for me. A creaking noise echoed throughout and I was thrown up against something solid and pain spiked up and down my back. I screamed out in joy. I could still feel pain. That was a good thing. I wasn’t dead, not yet.

  Something cold made its way around my weak wrists and again I heard the creaking noise. Then there was silence, no voices, no hissing, nothing. I tried to get to my feet but something pulled me back, slamming my body back into the wall. I then realised that I was chained up like a filthy animal. I try to scream, but every time I did my throat would seize up. Again I try to struggle against the clanging metal, but the chains that bind me were strong.

  Finally, my eyes adjust to the darkness and they revealed a small dark cell without any windows. The walls were gripped with mould and dirt and it travelled along the dark stone and up to the ceiling. It was disgusting, and I was living in it. At the front of the cell stood a large rusted metal door with a tiny spy hatch attached. They just want to see me suffer.

  I slump to the floor in defeat. I wish Rhea were here. Then my mind exploded with memories as it all came flooding back to me. The house, the monsters, and what had happened to Rhea and Sophia. I hope they made it out OK. It was my entire fault, I wish I never had these stupid powers, and then everything would be OK. I wouldn’t be chased by monsters or turning people into crazed animals. I was a danger to myself and others around me. Remembering what happened also brought back the pain. My body burned with the bite marks that the leeches left. I tried to ignore the pain as best as I could but tears trickled down my cheeks and fell onto the black stone floor. Without thinking, I tried to wipe them away but the chain would clang and the cold metal bit into my wrist.

  More tears fell down my face but I wanted to be strong. I didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of seeing me crying on the floor. Then my heart started to pound inside of my chest as there was someone outside my cell door making muffled footsteps. With each step, they became louder and clearer. Then there was silence. I held my breath as I could hear the bolts of the old door move into place. My heart thumped rapidly inside my chest as the rusted door opened filling the room with a familiar stench. I gagged on the dominant aroma as the creature stalked into my small cell. Seeing the leech again was still frightening as it was the first time. He sniffed the air around him and his inhuman face landed in my direction and smiled a sharp grin.

  It slowly slunk towards me with its sick twisted smile on its scabby black lips. I tried not to scream as the disgusting monster was just inches away from my face. Then a thought came, it was a stupid one but I had to try. I quickly got up on my feet and brought out my leg and tried to kick the monster. The leech quickly caught my leg and dug its nails deep into my calf. My leg stung with pain as I tried to wrestle it out of its filthy grip. Finally, he released, and I fell to the floor trying to clutch at my wounded leg. The hideous monster just stared down at me licking its lips.

  “What do you want?” I tried to ask.

  It didn’t answer, and I didn’t even know if they could talk. Then while feeling sorry for myself, he pulled out a syringe filled with the same black substance I remembered at the manor. My eyes shot open as he started to play with the needle between his claws. I backed up from him but it was no use, I had nowhere to go. He came closer to me and I tried to scream but he stuck the syringe into my neck and the room began to spin and sway before my eyes. That same feeling of weightlessness washed over me and I tried to fight against the sedative but it was no use, I was losing the battle. I sat there, slumped on the floor as I watched the leech walk away.

  While I was in and out of consciousness, moaning groans and terrifying screams pierced my ears. More shrill cries carried throughout the cells, and I just wanted to curl up in a corner and close my eyes tight. I just wanted to shut it all out for good.


  I woke up with my face on the floor. My entire body felt weak and there was a tingling sensation running through my battered body. I tried to lift my head up but I felt like it was filled with bricks. I lay on the floor, staring at the door hoping for it all to stop, hoping for it all to end.

  Hours or even days passed without anyone disturbing my dead sleep. I could still feel the black fluid flowing throughout my body. It made every nerve inside feel fluffy and numb at the same time. Deep down I never wanted the feeling to stop and that scared me more than anything. It prevented me from thinking straight and that’s what they wanted from me, numb and lifeless.

  I was then awoken from my sleep by more footsteps on the cold ground. The chains rattled as I tried to stand but my balance failed me and I fell back down onto my knees. The effects of the drug were still in my system. The door was pulled open and stale air filled up my still breathing lungs.

  “Please, no more injections.” my weak mind thought.

  In walked a human man who looked oddly familiar. He came closer and he smelled fresh, something I hadn’t smelt in a while. This was no leech. The mysterious stranger came closer to my cell carrying something with both hands.

  “You hungry?” the voice asked. The oddly familiar man brought a metal tray, with what looked like sludge along with a half a cup of water.

  His voice, I’ve heard it before. I couldn’t be sure since my mind was in fragments, but inside I knew that voice. Then he came closer and I saw his dark blue sea eyes penetrating through the darkness. I stared at them and I could feel drawn in by them. I pulled away as everything came into place. I tried to speak but my throat was too dry.

  My mind burst with questions and I needed answers, but as soon as I could form a sentence inside my mind, it would float away from my grasp.

  Dr Moss placed the plastic cup to my eager lips and I drank from it. The water was a bit warm and stale but I welcomed anything at that moment. Then he quickly snatched it away before I could quench my thirst.

  “No all at once.” he said.

  “Are you going to free me?” My throat burned while I tried to talk.

  Dr Moss didn’t answer.

  “Please.” I begged.

  “Ellie, I’m not here to help you.” he placed the cup back into my mouth. “I’m with them now.”

  As he spoke the words, my heart dropped. There was no rescue for me.

  I finished what was inside the cup while staring into those deep eyes of his.

  “Why!” I wanted it to come out as a scream but a mere whisper escaped.

  “It’s complicated. I don’t want to be here.” he said, “but I can’t free you, I’m sorry.”

  “My neck.” I turned my heavy head and showed him the many track marks from the needle.

  He looked disgusted at it but did not offer any words.
  “What do they want from me?” I asked.

  Dr Moss didn’t answer he just placed down the metal tray covered with slop. I looked down at the so-called unappealing food and kicked the tray away, splattering it up against the wall.

  “You will need your strength for what is to come and maybe the next person who comes in won’t be so sympathetic.” he left the tray and exited the cell leaving me in darkness again.


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