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Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

Page 7

by C. M. Carney

  Perception Perk Tree.


  Detect Life

  Detect Magic

  Enhanced Vision


  20 ft

  20 ft



  40 ft

  40 ft



  60 ft

  60 ft



  80 ft

  80 ft



  120 ft

  120 ft

  Shared Sight


  300 ft

  300 ft

  Divine Sight

  As with Analyze, Gryph had not purchased any of Perception’s perks, but what if he could combine Lore, Analyze and Perception and create a mega perk? The risk and cost were higher, but the potential payout was incredible, especially considering he’d gain a free perk if he succeeded.

  He dragged Lore, Analyze and Perception together when a nudge from his subconscious reminded him of the cryptic notation at the bottom of the Bind Skills description. A powerful will can affect the binding of skills in unexpected ways. Almost unbidden, his hands began the motion to cast Mind Shield, and his confidence soared. He had no idea if the temporary increase in Wisdom would affect the outcome of the merging, but he decided it was worth the few points of mana it took to cast. He dragged the three skills together and a new prompt filled his vision.

  Bind Skills Active.

  Do you wish to Bind the skills Lore, Analyze and Perception?

  Cost: 4 Perk Points. Chance of Success: 45%


  Gryph blew on a pair of imaginary dice and inhaled deeply. Then on the exhale he hit YES.


  A rush of heat pulsed though Gryph, starting at his extremities and moving up his arms and legs and into his core. There the heat mixed and morphed and combined before rushing up his spine and into his head.

  His vision expanded as the three stars he knew to be Lore, Analyze and Perception spun around and towards each other in a complex trinary orbit. A rush of adrenaline spiked though him as the massive streams of cosmic energy arced between the three stellar bodies. Their speed increased and a cold sweat leached heat from every pore of Gryph’s body. His mouth opened in a silent scream as the motes of stellar power smashed into each other and exploded.

  For a moment Gryph felt as if he was the entirety of the universe. Swirling vortexes of pure power rushed outwards from him, explosions caused by the merging of knowledge at its most primal level. The strain tugged at his mind, but he forced himself to focus, to remain Gryph.

  The three luminescent spheres’ rotation grew tighter and they coalesced into a singularity, three becoming one. The new mega star flared to brightness and then split once more into the individual skills. Each of the original stars trailed a gaseous string of energetic particles behind it, umbilicals feeding a newly birthed star spinning inside the mother stars’ protective shell. This new star was a shining symbol of his success.

  Gryph laughed in joy as the vision faded and he fell to his knees. His breathing returned to normal as his heartbeat slowed. A prompt blinked in his vision and he tapped it to bring it forward.

  Congratulations, you have succeeded and Bound three skills into a new Sub-Perk Branch.

  You have created the new Sub-Perk Branch Extra Sensory Perception (ESP).

  Parent Skills: Lore, Analyze and Perception - Cost: 4 Perk Points.

  At least one parent skill must have reached a tier for the corresponding perk to be purchased. Unknown bonuses will become available when all parent skills achieve a tier. (Example: A bonus will become available when Lore, Analyze and Perception all reach Apprentice Tier.)

  Since you have successfully combined 3 or more skills, you are awarded the first perk at no additional Perk Point cost. You are also awarded a one-time 5% bonus usable on another Bind Skills attempt of your choice. Bonuses last until used and are stackable.

  Use of the Sub-Perk branch will level all three parent skills at the normal rate.

  XP: 45,000 Bind Skills Attempt Bonus: +5%

  “Fantastic,” Gryph exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. Not only had he rolled the dice and won, he’d gained XP and a nice 5% bonus for the next time he used the Bind Skills perk.

  Another prompt told him the experience gained from binding the skills together had earned him one of his lost levels back.

  You have Reached Level 11.

  You have regained Level 11. As you have previously reached level 11 and received both Attribute Points and Perk Points for this level, you will not be awarded them now. You will receive no additional Stat bonuses as your Stats increased the first time you reached level 11.

  Gryph grumbled a bit at the prompt. Sure he was happy to have regained a level so quickly, but it was a reminder of just how much more XP he would need to earn to gain more of the valuable points. This new sub-perk better be worth the cost. He toggled open the descriptions of his newest set of toys and grinned wider than a kid on Christmas morning.

  Extra Sensory Perception Sub-Perk Tree.


  Psychometry (Item) is the ability to see images of the past via the psychic residue left on objects by important or traumatic events. The user must be in physical contact with the item and be able to concentrate without interruption for one minute. The resultant images can be jumbled and hard to comprehend, increasing the chances of a false reading or erroneous conclusion. Each level of the three parent skills grants the user a cumulative 1% chance to interpret the images. Cost: 100 spirit.

  Psychometry (Animal) is the ability to see images of the past via the psychic residue left on animals by important or traumatic events. See Psychometry (Item) above for rules.

  Psychometry (Sentient) is the ability to see images of the past via the psychic residue left on sentient beings by important or traumatic events. See Psychometry (Item) above for rules.


  Clairvoyance (Item) is the ability to perceive the current location and surroundings of an object that the user has previously Tagged. Tagging is achieved by infusing an object with a psychic tag through physical contact. Tagging takes one minute of uninterrupted concentration. This perk defeats any Anti-Scrying skills that are Journeyman level or below. This perk defeats any Anti-Scrying items tiered Major and below. There is no limit on the distance as long as the object and the user remain in the same realm of existence. Marks are invisible and are detectable only by those who left them. Cost: 200 spirit to Tag. 200 spirit to view.

  Clairvoyance (Animal) is the ability to perceive the current location and surroundings of an animal that the user has previously Tagged. This perk defeats any Anti-Scrying skills that are Master level or below. This perk defeats any Anti-Scrying items tiered Artifact and below. See Clairvoyance (Item) above for other rules.

  Clairvoyance (Sentient) is the ability to perceive the current location and surroundings of a sentient being that the user has previously Tagged. This perk defeats any Anti-Scrying skills that are Grand Master level or below. This perk defeats any Anti-Scrying items tiered Elder Artifact and below. See Clairvoyance (Item) above for other rules.

  “I have psychic powers,” Gryph said in a stunned voice. He knew his amazement was foolish. This wasn’t Earth where claims to fantastic powers were the province of weirdos, nutbags and secret government experiments. This was the Realms where magic was real and powers akin to the stories of ancient gods or modern-day superheroes were commonplace. But his new ESP abilities, tinged as they were with a sense of realism, somehow made the Realms seem more wondrous.

  He also noted that these powers used spirit instead of mana. Spirit was the power of the divine, and though he did not understand it, and the concept made him uncomfortable, Gryph was technically a divine being. He brought his hand up to his forehead, to his third eye, where the Godhead had merged with him. I really need to learn more about this t

  With a sigh, Gryph turned his attention back to his new sub-perk menu and considered putting another Perk Point into the next tier of Psychometry but he held his hand. He could already see the possible uses for the perk but wanted to wait until he needed to use the ability before spending the capital. He was sure he’d find a hundred uses for each Perk Point and he wanted to spend them for maximum benefit. That meant holding some in reserve.

  ESP Sub-Perk Tree.





  Psychometry (Item)



  Psychometry (Animal)



  Psychometry (Sentient)



  Clairvoyance (Item)



  Clairvoyance (Animal)



  Clairvoyance (Sentient)


  He closed down the ESP sub-perk window and reached into his soul bound bag, summoning a small item to him. It was Wick’s Ring of Binding Fellowship. He had been wearing it when he’d died, died saving Gryph. Gryph pulled the ring from his bag and gripped it in his fist, feeling the coolness of the metal as a heavy weight settled into his chest. His mind drifted to Wick’s funeral. Tifala had refused to let them plant him in the ground with the blessed acorn of an oak tree as was the gnomish custom. She was convinced that he had not passed beyond the Gray Veils to the next world, that his soul still lingered, wishing to return.

  Nobody had the heart or the will to disagree and they’d interred Wick’s body in the same stasis sarcophagus that had preserved the Thalmiir artificer Grimliir for several thousand years. Grimliir assured Gryph the magical device would preserve Wick’s body from the entropy of decay for as long as Tifala wished. Though he had told Gryph, in private, he doubted her quest would come to a happy resolution.

  “Why not?” Gryph had asked.

  “Ye know those rings yer group wore, the ones the elves called Rings of Binding Fellowship? Well they be much more than what ye be told. The soldiers of the Alliance wore them, those who’d promised their souls tae the fight. If these heroes died, the rings would store their soul until they could be remade as warborn.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because laddie, I helped craft them. We imbued each gem on the rings with powerful soul magic, designed tae capture souls. The stone on yer wee friend’s ring is cracked and empty.”

  “Cracked? Does that mean he is gone?”

  “I dinnae know my friend. I dae know Souls need anchors in death if they ever have a chance of being reborn. Most people’s souls are bound tae one of the Higher or Lower Realms dependent upon the manner in they lived. Others, those who are foolish enough tae sell their souls, will see that contract paid upon death and their soul then becomes the property of another.” Grimliir saw Gryph’s distress at the last comment. “Dinnae sell yer soul laddie, ever. The price is far too high.”

  Gryph nodded and swallowed hard. “So the ring acts as an anchor for the soul, holding it until it can be reborn in a warborn body.”

  Grimliir nodded.

  “What happens to the soul when the ring breaks?”

  “The soul would have no anchor, and I cannae say with any certainty whether it would latch onto another anchor, continue on its journey tae another realm or even dissipate tae nothingness. Every man and woman of the Alliance who donned one knew the risks.”

  Gryph felt an anger burn inside him. “We did not.”

  “I know,” Grimliir said and lowered his head for a moment, before grabbing Gryph’s forearm and looking him straight in the eyes. “Dinnae blame the Steward. He seems a good man and likely had no more idea of the true nature of the rings than you dae.”

  Gryph had glanced up at the stoic Steward and found that he agreed with the dwarf. “I think you are right.” Then he looked down at Grimliir. “Did the ring break before or after Wick died?”

  “I cannae say, which is why I dinnae mention it to sweet Tifala there. I dinnae want tae get her hopes up or dash ‘em.”

  Gryph had looked at Tifala in that moment, wishing he’d been able to offer her even the smallest of comforts. “She said she still felt him through the bonding rings they share.”

  “I know of such rings, and while some dae provide a heightened connection between lovers, others are baubles, counterfeits that feed intae people’s wants and desires. I’m afraid their rings are more likely the latter, but without imposing upon the wee missy and inspecting them myself I cannae say for sure. And truth be told I dinnae think it would tell me anything, anyway. They only function for those bonded.”

  “So, he could have passed on to a Higher Realm, or be stuck somewhere in this realm, or pulled down into the Abyss?”

  “Or his soul could have dissipated tae nothingness,” Grimliir said, giving a regretful glance at Tifala who was tidying Wick’s clothing. “I fear we may never know the truth.” Grimliir sighed and placed Wick’s Ring of Binding Fellowship onto Gryph’s palm and closed his fingers around it. “I know you dinnae need the added burden lad, but if anyone is tae tell her, I think it would be best coming from ye.”

  Gryph had placed the ring in his bag and had neither looked at it since nor mentioned it to Tifala. He felt cowardly doing so but told himself that he was sparing her further pain. He would talk to her when he had good news. And what if you get bad news?

  Now, as he stared down upon the broken ring, knowing he might have the power to answer that question, he feared he would get his answer.

  “Stop being such a damn coward.” His voice was bitter, but he knew it was right.

  Gryph activated Psychometry and his mind exploded. He was at the center of a tsunami, but instead of wind, rain and flashes of lightning pummeling him, it was a raucous assemblage of raw feelings and disjointed images. He forced himself to breathe and to focus and sent a silent plea into the aether. Where are you Wick?

  He felt Wick more than saw him. Flashes of laughter, anger and fear. Hints of surprise, irritation and sacrifice. They came to Gryph without logic or explanation. Wick’s skin burning as he turned purple. His deep regret when Tifala was taken by the black fog and his forgiveness of her as the last of his life bled from him. Wick looked down on his own body as Tifala sneered and spoke hateful words with her own voice but in Myrthendir’s dread tone. Then Gryph floated with Wick above the gnome’s corpse. They were as light as aetherial energy as Wick reached out to touch Tifala’s blank face. Then Gryph felt Wick, felt himself, being pulled in several directions, none of which Wick would accept.

  Gryph wanted nothing more than to pull away from the scene, to pull away from the pain and the regret and the anger that crushed his heart and soul as he watched Wick die again. But he was here for a purpose. The ring. Gryph forced the apparition of Wick’s memory to rewind to the exact moment Wick had jumped in front of Tifala’s killing blow. He looked down at the small gnomish hand that bore the ring. The ruby on the ring bore the same chips and cracks as the one resting on Gryph’s palm.

  Pain and relief mixed inside Gryph. The ring was broken before Wick died. At least his soul survives. Where are you Wick?

  A rush pulled Gryph back through the maelstrom of memories and was back in his chambers. He stumbled, grabbing a hold of the edge of a large stone desk to steady himself. The ring clattered to the floor and tears streamed down his face. He tried to understand what he’d experienced, but the raw emotion of Wick’s last moments made it difficult to process what had happened. Gryph knew one thing though, whatever realm had laid a claim to Wick’s soul, the gnome would not go quietly.

  It took a minute for Gryph’s body to stop shaking, but finally he retrieved the ring and stood. He looked down upon it, closed his fist and spoke. “I will find you Wick. This I vow.”

  You have made a Binding Vow.

  Vows are powerful promises made binding. The
y are enforced by the ancient magics of the Realms and will inflict severe penalties if the Vow is broken. Gryph has promised to do all he can to find the soul of his friend Wick.

  Difficulty: Unknown - Reward: Unknown - XP: Unknown – Time Table: Unknown - Penalty for Failure: Unknown

  The low sound of a massive gong filled the room, breaking Gryph’s trance. Someone was at the door. Gryph stashed the ring back in his satchel and tried to compose himself by smoothing his clothing. He turned to the door.


  The door eased open. Ovrym stood regal and elegant wearing clothes as fancy as Gryph’s. He gave Gryph an inscrutable look.


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