The Vampire King: A Love Story

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The Vampire King: A Love Story Page 4

by B. A. Stretke

Arman decided it was time, and he would make his move and hoped Liam was as agreeable as he appeared to be. The feel of Liam’s hands on his waist and his face pressed so tightly to his side as Arman held him with an arm around his shoulders told him Liam was ready.


  Liam thought he was having an out of body experience because there was no way this handsome gentleman was taking Liam to his room. But the intention was clear even a blind man could see that Arman wanted him, and he wanted Arman, so where was the problem? The fright at the window was soon forgotten in the arms of this strong and capable man.

  Liam stayed by his side as Arman entered the expansive bedroom and closed the door. The room was decorated in rich dark colors, and the furnishings were much like the other rooms Liam had seen. Everything looked to be from an age long past but also looked perfect in this room and with this man. He was the embodiment of that which is rich and dark; Liam could feel it to his bones. Arman was an aristocrat of some sort, of that he was certain. Liam could almost imagine Arman, decked out in gold and gems like a King.

  Arman turned and took the sides of Liam’s face into his hands, holding him in place and running his thumbs teasingly across his cheeks while staring wantonly down into Liam’s eyes. “I’ve wanted you from the moment my eyes met yours.” He said and placed a soft, tantalizing feather-light kiss to Liam’s lips. Liam closed his eyes and focused on the sensation of Arman’s tender touch.

  “You looked over your shoulder at me as I entered, and your eyes were pure loveliness and allure beckoning me closer, challenging me to try.” Arman kissed him again, and this time, the kiss went savage and unrestrained, taking the full measure of what Liam offered.

  Liam was wrapped in Arman’s arms that were like steel bands, as all his reserve, however meager, was stripped bare. He had his arms around Arman’s waist, holding on during the onslaught of sensual discovery. Liam was on fire with the need to have this man. The bed was but a few steps away. He wanted this, and he wanted this now.


  Arman was taking everything Liam was giving. The man was as eager as he to further this relationship. The excitement was charging the air around them. The power brought on by their destiny was fueling their fervent need to connect the heat of their passion swamping them. They could not wait, and Arman was pleased by the fact that his beloved was as besotted as he was. The bond was true, and the power was unquestionable.

  Holding his beloved like this and kissing him so completely was an experience he thought to never have, and yet it now felt like his very purpose in life. The taste was exquisite, and the responses so pure and needy that Arman began to move Liam back a slow step at a time towards the large bed. “I need you, Liam.” He said, and Liam responded with a breathless yes, and with that, Arman swung Liam up into his arms and quickly crossed the room and place him onto the bed.

  The excitement Liam was feeling was obvious in the pronounced hardness pressing for release against the thin fabric of his snug boxers. It was beautiful, and Arman could not resist placing a kiss on the sensitive head that peaked from the edge of Liam’s waistband. It was magnificent. Arman pulled at the waistband slowly and with great tenderness, lowering it as Liam’s hard cock bounced forth. In one swift move, Arman slipped off the boxers and tossed them to the side.

  Liam lay there ready and waiting his breath catching in his throat as his eyes held Arman in anticipation. Arman’s heart was melting as he took in the special significance of this moment and the perfection of Fate’s gift to him. Liam was without compare. He was the personification of all Arman’s desires.

  “You are a very handsome man Liam.” He said as he let his pajama pants drop to the floor and moved onto the bed, hovering for a moment over Liam before lying out on top of him, careful not to crush but strategically positioning himself for the pleasure to come. Liam spread his thighs apart as Arman lowered and seated himself in the space between. The immediate thrill spiked up Arman’s spine at the touch of their bodies.

  He wanted this man so badly. Arman trembled at the thought of having his beloved naked and beneath him in his bed, a bed only he had occupied for so many years. Fate had rescued him from the void giving him a second chance at life. He pressed his hard, aching cock down against Liam’s answering hardness and saw the satisfaction as it filled Liam’s expression.

  “You feel so good,” Liam admitted so easily. His lover was not shy or reserved in his desires. He wanted this as much as Arman did, and the physical connection would begin their bond, but the claiming itself, would have to wait. Claiming had to be with a clear head and an eager heart. Liam would have to accept Arman and accept the bond before Arman could complete the ritual and secure their destiny.

  With Celeste breathing down his neck, he could not take the time he would like to introduce his beloved to his world. Thankfully although Liam was human, he was not unfamiliar with myth and magic. His reaction to Celeste spoke of his strength of spirit and his easy acceptance of the extraordinary.

  “You make my blood burn,” Arman whispered into his ear as he continued the slow thrusts sensitizing their flesh. He dropped a soft kiss to Liam’s sweet lips. “I want to make love to you. Your beauty makes me ache with the need to be inside you, my love.” Arman was filled with an overwhelming rush to claim but held back as he tenderly kissed and stroked his willing partner. Liam had no idea the level of his importance or his place in Arman’s life. He was everything and all.


  Liam loved the sensation of his naked cock pressed to Arman’s. The man was setting sensual fires everywhere he touched, and Liam could hardly breathe for want of this man. His body was absolute perfection, cut and firm yet silky soft where need be.

  Arman was lightyears out of his league, and Liam knew it but also didn’t care right now. Maybe the man was desperate or lonely or preferred the average man rather than the classically handsome. Liam didn’t care because Arman wanted him in this moment, and he was going to take everything that was being offered and think about it tomorrow.

  The kisses were so sweet and seemed so genuine that Liam fell into the spell of love and tenderness that Arman was weaving. He began to thrust slowly, sliding his firm cock along Liam’s, stoking the fires even further. Liam closed his eyes briefly but opened them when Arman began a litany of lovely sentiments whispered against his cheek. The warmth of his breath bathed him in the warmth of his words.

  “You’re the beautiful one, Arman.” Liam couldn’t help but correct the assumption that he was the beautiful one in this piece. But Arman would not accept it and countered him immediately.

  “You take my breath away, Liam.” He said and kissed him like his life depended on the life-giving sustenance within. Arman tasted like a fine sweet wine, and Liam could not get enough. His tongue dueled with Arman’s as their bodies connected, but Arman’s dominance was clear, and Liam acquiesced to his control. It was no hardship. He preferred a controlling lover.

  The movements were more forceful as the thrusting intensified, and Liam could not hold back, coming in a brilliant flash of ecstasy and filling the spaces between them with his warm seed. He was trying to catch his breath when suddenly Arman moved down Liam’s body, kissing his way as he went. Liam was going out of his mind as Arman kissed each hardened nipple, bathing them with attention before moving to his sensitive navel and doing the same. His cock, although completely spent, was trying once again to rise. Arman was playing him like a fine instrument and wringing out every last ounce of want. Liam was in a sweat and his body trembling while Arman began to stretch and enter him with his fingers.

  Words of comfort and appreciation flowed, giving Liam a feeling of singular perfection in Arman’s eyes. It relaxed him and excited him. No one had ever taken the time to be so gentle, so attentive, so admiring he could get used to treatment like this.


  Arman worked feverishly stretching and preparing his beloved once Liam came. His essence filled the room. Arman was in a near-blind rush to be
inside his beloved; the need to claim was fierce, but that time was not now. This was pure pleasure and satisfaction, no demands.

  Liam was open and willing, and Arman was going to show him just how much he was wanted and how much Arman wanted to please him. He was stretched and prepared and Arman was could tell by the rhythmic moans and pleading for more, that Liam was ready. He reached for Arman running his hands through his hair and urging him up.

  Arman kissed the tender flesh of Liam’s hip and placed another opened mouth kiss to the side of Liam’s hardening cock letting his fang nick the large vein very slightly. Liam arched his back and groaned loudly as the effect of a vampire bite, however slight the mark, was always extremely pleasurable. The drop of blood that touched Arman’s tongue was pure nectar and filled him with a strength and renewal that was possible only with one’s beloved.

  Liam continued to pull on him, begging to be fucked. The moment was one that Arman would never forget a genuine and shared connection and need. “I’ll take care of you, my love,” Arman assured and seated himself back between Liam’s thighs, his tender, warm flesh so accommodating. Carefully Arman moved, spreading Liam’s legs further apart, opening him up, and positioning him for penetration.

  Liam locked eyes with him when Arman pressed the head of his throbbing cock against Liam’s moist eager opening. “Are you ready for me?” Arman asked making sure his beloved was certain before proceeding. Although Liam was not aware of this fact, it would be the beginning of their souls' bonding. The sex act itself would not complete the claim but it would start the process in earnest.

  “I want you, Arman. I’m ready.” Liam was breathless and eager in his response and then added with equal enthusiasm. “If you stop, I think I might just die right here in the middle of your bed.”

  This man was absolutely precious was the thought that pervaded Arman’s mind and emotions. “Can’t have that happening now, can we.” Arman smiled softly and bent to kiss Liam’s lips and chin before plunging deep inside with one forceful thrust. He caught Liam off guard, which was evident by the way he gasped and grasped at Arman’s shoulders, holding him as he fought to control his reactions.

  “Don’t fight it, sweetheart, just feel me.” Arman moved out and slammed back in, sensitizing the flesh and sending his beloved into a fit of moans and gasps. It was a glorious reaction of which Arman looked forward to cultivating to an exquisite cry of want and pleasure. Liam was a very vocal lover, just as Arman preferred. His beloved answered all his wants and needs and met all his desires. Fate was a genius in her selections. He continued to stare down into those lovely heat filled eyes as he pounded away at Liam’s hole so hot and hungry.


  Liam was held in thrall by the black stare of the man giving him the pleasure of a lifetime. The sensations and thrills surging through Liam’s system were setting every nerve on fire, and his mind was in a sensual overload. If there were just a dream, he never wanted it to stop; he never wanted to wake up.

  The wanton kisses on his cock were electrifying. It felt like Arman had bitten him, but the reaction was explosive gratification. A bite had never done that before, and Liam had been with biters before, but nothing was like this. That was followed by an unceremonious entry that put Liam on his heels but in the best way possible.

  Arman was highly skilled in this art, and Liam’s only regret was that this would probably be his only night with this amazing man. With that in mind he threw himself completely into achieving all his lifelong fantasies. Arman was thrusting at an amazing speed while holding him in that intense stare, watching and gauging his every expression. He was the center of the universe now, or at least Arman made him feel as if he were.

  Liam wrapped his legs around Arman’s waist and began to meet his thrust in equal measure. The room was filled with sounds of force and passion, ragged breaths, and rapid hearts. It was fabulous. Liam’s nails were digging into Arman’s upper arms, but he took no notice, and Liam could not let go. A small smile played around the edges of Arman’s lips as he slammed forward, burying himself inside Liam and stretching him to the limits as he came.

  Liam felt the surge of seed fill him warming the heated interior of his being and setting his need on overdrive once again. Without the ability to stop or temper his response, Liam began a forceful thrust milking Arman of all he had to give. Grunts and demands of more and faster filled the air around them; Liam needed to exact every ounce of pleasure for fear it would be his only opportunity.

  He felt the bite once more, but this time it was near his throat and not on his cock, but the reaction was similar, although more powerful if that was even possible. His breath caught, his heart stopped, and he came in a thunderous release.

  Arman was thrilled by the forceful reactions of his beloved. Liam was no one’s shrinking violet or iris. He knew what he wanted and took it, and Arman was over the moon with pride and deep satisfaction for his beloved was truly his match. Not many could hold their own with Arman Rainier, the Vampire King.

  The bite was not planned, but he didn’t go deep and didn’t take too much, just enough to solidify the progression of their bond. His beloved tasted like life and love and forever, and he could never get enough of this man, even if he lived another thousand years. Liam Gabriel was the embodiment of true happiness, a happiness Arman had never known and never knew existed. It was intense and full and left Arman understanding what true love was meant to be.

  He was already feeling so much for this man that he knew love was not far away. He kissed him after sealing the wound closed and gradually moved back, sliding slowly out from Liam’s warm, velvety embrace. The salacious groan nearly had him plunging back inside, but his beloved needed to rest, and Arman wanted the opportunity to lay with him. To hold him and grow their bond through closeness and light-loving touches.

  This was romance; this was the life he wanted with Liam. He used a tissue to give them both a cursory clean up not wanting to lose too much of the essence that would, in the end, bind them together forever. It was decadent and delicious.

  “You are an amazing lover Liam,” Arman whispered praise and a litany of endearments against Liam’s ear while holding him in a loose yet firm embrace. “Stay here with me tonight.” He pulled the comforter up to cover them both, and Liam turned to cuddle into Arman’s chest, and Arman pulled him tight, dropping a kiss to the top of his head. The feel of his beloved so sweet and agreeable gave him hope that soon he would complete their bond.

  Liam would have to be made aware of who Arman was and the implications of his acceptance to bond. His desire was building and getting stronger and soon would match the need boiling in Arman’s blood.

  “You make me feel so much, so strong, and so tender,” Liam spoke, but his words were soft as if speaking his thoughts aloud. Liam kissed him just over his heart and then snuggled in.

  “Sleep, my love,” Arman commanded, and Liam drifted off, held secure in the arms of his forever lover.


  Liam came to awareness slowly, feeling strong arms around him, a firm body beside him and a soft luxurious bed beneath him. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, and a smile came easily to his lips. Arman was still there, still holding him tucked tightly against his chest. The warmth and security he felt was a surprise, since this was most likely a one-night stand.

  That thought was instantly followed by slight melancholia at the loss of this closeness and comfort. That thought was followed by memories of a particularly unsettling dream he’d had. The ghost from the terrace visited him in his dreams last night, voicing the same warning as she had earlier. He realized it was just his subconscious mind playing games with him, but still, it sent a slight chill down his spine at the things she’d said.

  Soft, warm lips touched the side of his face, and he melted instantly into the mood, leaving his fears and the woman in white behind. His focus was all Arman and the man’s many fine talents. Arman was a very attentive lover; even the morning after
was to be made special and not just a see you later sort of departure. Liam turned his face and touched his lips to the firm muscle of Arman’s chest, loving the feel of life and vigor that shot through him at the intimate touch of their flesh.

  “Good morning, my love,” Arman spoke the words just as gentle and endearing as he had last night. Nothing had waned or diminished in the hours they’d slept; the intensity of their lovemaking was still sizzling the air around them.

  “Good morning,” Liam responded, a little breathless as he moved to rub his body against Arman in a bid for more of the same. Arman reciprocated, giving pressure where sought. Liam felt his cock getting thick and hard as he thrust himself against Arman’s firm muscled thigh.

  The sensations swamping him were sharp and extreme in a way that had him wanting even more. Without considering it too long, he decided to go for it. Needing everything Arman seemed able and willing to give, Liam moved, rolling Arman to his back, and sat astride the large man looking down with a firm intent that brought a satisfied smile to Arman’s lips. His hard, aching cock lay against Arman’s abdomen, and Arman’s was pressed urgently against Liam’s hole seeking entrance.

  This was so unlike Liam, but it felt so good, empowering, especially since Arman was allowing him this power. Last night had been a dream, and today, he wanted more of the same but this time, he wanted to give as good as he got. With a slow rise and salacious thrusting, he began to tease and to build the excitement. He focused on Arman, who held him loosely by the hips and stared into Liam’s eyes, clearly enjoying the moment.

  Liam raised up on his knees and reached back, taking Arman’s cock in hand, giving it a few strokes, just loving the feel of it in his hand before positioning the head at his already stretched hole. He bottomed out filling himself full as Arman pushed upward with a forceful and exuberant thrust, intensifying the experience.


  Arman was overjoyed at the bold directness of his beloved. Liam wanted control, and he took it. Arman would allow him this victory, knowing that it was an important step for his beloved. Liam needed the confidence and self-assurance that this audaciousness would provide. Plus, Arman loved every delicious moment as his beloved clearly and without caution demonstrated his need.


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