The Vampire King: A Love Story

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The Vampire King: A Love Story Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  Liam sat atop him like a warrior demanding surrender, and Arman was more than happy to give it to him. Arman found the act titillating in a way he hadn’t expected. Handing over even a small amount of his control should have been difficult since he had never done it before with anyone.

  No previous lover had ever been granted control like this with Arman. He always dictated the scene, sometimes down to the smallest detail, but with Liam, there was such trust and a growing devotion that pushed Arman to give the man anything he wanted. Liam meant him no harm, for Liam was his Fated beloved, and this relationship forming so beautifully was opening doors in Arman’s heart and mind that have been locked for centuries.

  The freedom to just feel and follow as someone else guided the pleasure was the sweetest experience. Liam was such a beautiful man and intent upon giving as much pleasure as possible. Taking Arman’s hard cock into his body and holding it in a tight squeeze caused Arman to thrust upwards, but he tempered his movement by holding Liam’s hips in a loose grip. This was Liam’s time, and he did not want to take any of his power away.

  Liam held his gaze, and his explicit expression of wanton desire was a feast for Arman’s starved emotions. Liam had no idea who he held in such a fierce embrace. He had not a thought of the fact that the Vampire King lay beneath him. His beloved’s only concern at the moment was pure pleasure that can be achieved only through mutual trust and desire. Liam may not trust him implicitly, but he trusted him here with this, and that was enough for now.

  Neither spoke as the heat in the room amplified with the need pouring off their bodies. Liam slid up and then slammed down again over and over, picking up speed with each thrust. The act built to such a powerful force that Arman could not resist meeting Liam thrust for thrust, not taking power from him but simply adding to it.

  He came down hard and held, tightening his muscles around Arman, and that was all he could take. Arman gripped Liam's hips in a burst of pent-up sexual energy and came in an explosion of heat, filling his beloved full. Liam dropped down onto Arman’s chest as Arman wrapped him in a tight, suffocating embrace. The need to feed was enormous.

  Arman bit into the soft flesh of Liam’s throat, taking only a small amount but enough to appease the torrent of need that was swamping him. The flavor was just as exquisite and life-giving as the first drop had been. He felt the moment that Liam lost his struggle to hold on just a minute longer, and he came spreading his warm seed between them. Arman loved being covered in his lover’s essence, so intimate and dear a connection that blossomed and vibrated with each new experience.

  “That was so good,” Liam spoke, at last, still lying atop Arman with Arman’s softening cock still buried deep inside his channel. Arman ran his fingers up and down Liam’s back as they lay there together, coming down from their fantastic lovemaking.

  “We are good together.” Arman corrected and slowly moved so as to lay Liam beside him and regrettably pulled his cock out of that lovely embrace. Liam’s body was gorgeous and perfect, matching his in a way that proved they were meant for each other.

  Arman once again did a basic clean-up with a few tissues and then pulled Liam back into his arms, cradling his head against Arman’s shoulder. “It’s still early, sweetheart. Sleep for a while longer and let me hold you.” Arman gathered him close, and Liam came willingly, eager to snuggle in for a little rest.

  “I feel as if I know you, but we’ve never met before; I’d remember if we had. You aren’t someone I would have forgotten.” Liam mumbled as he dozed off.

  “Our souls have met before my beloved. Spiritually we are already one as magic, and Fate planned it in the beginning.” Arman spoke freely, knowing that his beloved was already asleep. He would soon be able to always speak free and Liam would come to understand his importance and place in the life and the heart of the Vampire King.


  Liam woke once again in the warm embrace of this amazing man. He didn’t know what time it was, but the sun was coming through the window across the room. He couldn’t hear the rain or winds, so the storm must have passed. Part of him was glad, but a bigger part was reluctant to ever leave this place. It was ridiculous, but he wished he and Arman were an established couple and that they lived there together by the lake with all the wildflowers abounding.

  He laughed softly at the romantic turn of his thoughts and was pulled up tight to Arman’s chest and received a sweet kiss to the top of his head. “Good morning Liam; how are you feeling?” Liam wanted to answer, completely fucked and totally satisfied but went with a more socially acceptable response.

  “I feel great. What time is it?” He didn’t want to impose on this man’s hospitality too long. The previous night was, although not expected, not a sign that he was welcomed to stay longer. If the storm was over, he should get his shit together and head home. The thought was not a welcome one considering how good he felt in this big comfortable bed held so securely in these strong arms.

  “It’s ten past nine, still early. You don’t want to think about leaving until we have a report on the road conditions. Take your time, my love. You are welcome here for as long as you wish to stay.” Arman seemed to have read his mind and instantly put him at ease.

  “Thanks.” Was all he could think of to say.

  “Why don’t you stay in bed for a while longer while I shower, and then I’ll go and prepare us some breakfast.” Arman kissed the side of Liam’s head and then another kiss on his cheek and then a longer, deeper kiss to his needy lips. Liam would much prefer they both stay in bed, maybe for the rest of the day.

  “Okay, that would be nice,” Liam answered when Arman released his lips and began to roll over towards the edge of the large bed.

  “Esmee laundered your clothing, and you’ll find them next to the bathroom door on the chair,” Arman mentioned as he stood naked and gorgeous, stretching and giving Liam a show that had him hard in seconds.

  “Thank you, that was very kind of her.” Liam choked out, and Arman turned with a knowing smile on his lips.

  “No trouble at all.” He said and headed off towards the bathroom.

  Liam watched, taking in every move of that gloriously handsome body. Arman was a perfect specimen of masculinity and beauty, and Liam wished that there was more to their relationship than being just a one-night stand. But that was life. Sometimes you got just a taste of the best so that you will recognize it next time it comes around. Arman was definitely the best, and Liam doubted he’d ever find a lover to match.

  A few minutes later, Arman came out of the bathroom looking good enough to eat with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips and his hair wet. Liam felt his mouth begin to water at the lustful thoughts that chase each other through his mind as he watched Arman get dressed.

  It was a game, and he knew it. Arman took his time and put on a show for Liam, and Liam appreciated every minute of it. He hated the moment Arman finished and walked over to the bedside with that same teasing grin he wore before. “Did you like what you see, my love?” He asked and dropped a kiss to Liam’s lips.

  “Very much,” Liam admitted without hesitation, and Arman kissed him again only with more vigor and demand. He then pulled back and straightened, taking a couple steps back from the bed. He looked to be getting himself back under control, and Liam relished the idea that made him want just as Liam wanted.

  “Take your time getting ready. There is no rush. I’ll be back with some breakfast.” He said, and left the room. Liam lay in the bed for a few more minutes languishing in the memory of their lovemaking of last night and this morning. It would be a night he’d remember for the rest of his life.

  Slowly he pulled himself to the edge of the bed and put his feet on the floor. He reached over to the side table and found his phone there. He’d had it in his pants pocket, so it must have been Esmee who removed it. He needed to see if he had service and give Sharon a call. He didn’t want her to get worried when she didn’t hear from him.

  For all her irrit
ation, she was a caring woman, and as he noticed when he opened his phone, she had tried to call him on four separate occasions during the night. Hopefully, she hadn’t alerted anyone yet.

  He called her, and she picked up immediately. “Where are you?” She demanded in a tone that was half concern and half pissed off. His concern that no one would miss him was proved false, and he wasn’t sure if he was pleased by that fact.

  “I got lost and ended up staying with some people who have a house near Lake Vermillion. The storm was pretty bad, so they let me spend the night.” He explained but with little detail.

  “There are no homes anywhere near Lake Vermillion the area is completely desolate. You must be somewhere else.” She was not going to let it go.

  “I know where I am, Sharon, and the homeowner said he lives next to Lake Vermillion. I think he probably knows better than you as to where he lives.” Liam couldn’t help the sarcasm in his tone.

  Sharon was the type of person who would not, under any circumstances, admit she was wrong, although she was nice enough in everyday living. Even when it was clear to everyone else, she would not give an inch. Liam knew this conversation was headed in the not giving an inch territory, so he sought to end it as soon as possible.

  “Well, he’s just humoring you, I’m sure.” She deflected. “Lake Vermillion is completely uninhabited. Look it up for yourself. There hasn’t been life on Lake Vermillion in nearly two centuries. No one has been allowed to build because the entirety of the buildable property is privately owned.”

  “You might want to check your source material because I’m standing looking out the window at Lake Vermillion.” He shot back.

  “Probably just an errant body of water because Lake Vermillion is uninhabited.” Liam wanted to reach through the phone and choke her. She would not agree that perhaps she was not as all-knowing as she thought she was.

  “The only structure to ever exist on Lake Vermillion was an old mansion that was abandoned and fell into ruin ages ago. There wouldn’t be much left of it now even if you did find it, probably just a few bricks from the foundation.” Sharon droned on until Liam interjected, needing for her to just stop talking.

  “I have pictures of the golden iris.” He knew that revelation would shut her up, and it did.

  “You have pictures? Send them to me.” She was nearly jumping through the phone at him.

  “I’ll show you when I get home. The owner of this place has a few plants in his conservatory, and he allowed me to photograph them. He plans to reintroduce them to the wild.” Liam explained more than planned. He hated giving Sharon more information to chew on.

  “What is this man’s name?” She asked.

  “I’m sure you don’t know him, Sharon. This is a family home, and he inherited it a few years ago. I don’t even know if he’s originally from around here. His accent is subtle but different.” He could have kicked himself for giving so much detail, but at least he didn’t tell her his name. Now all he needed to do was close this call.

  “Are you sure you’re not hallucinating? Strange things can happen to a person’s mind when they’re lost in the woods.” Sharon actually sounded serious.

  “I’ll call you when I get home.” He sanapped and closed the call. That woman was so exasperating, and yet he insisted on trying to have rational conversations with her. He should know better by now. Just give her the facts plain and simple and nothing more.

  He tossed his phone onto the bed and headed for the bathroom. The shower was an example of pure decadence with marble benches, rain head, and steam. The tub was set off to the side in front of an arched stained glassed window. It was a gorgeous setup. Liam couldn’t wait to take advantage of the warm spray and revitalizing steam. Arman was a lucky man to have inherited such a showpiece, but unlike Liam, he was probably used to luxury like this.


  Esmee worked on breakfast while Arman and Russell discussed the situation. Esmee contributed her opinion as well since they all had an interest in the outcome. The news that Celeste was attempting to interfere was not appreciated.

  “Fuck that witch.” Russell shook his head in disgust.

  “She felt the shift and knew your beloved was here,” Esmee spoke. “The power she envies and desires for her own is drifting out of her grasp. She thought you’d be gone in a day or two; that’s why she and her kind were staying so close to the house. But Fate had other plans.” Esmee ended with a smug smile.

  “In my last days, Fate decided to pulled me back from the edge. My only problem is that Liam is human, which I’m very happy about really, but he knows nothing of our lives and culture. This is going to take a lot of explaining.” Arman leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms.

  “Having Celeste frighten him the way she did last night actually worked in my favor.” He smiled at the memory. “He held onto me for comfort and support, but what happens when he discovers who I really am?”

  “He is your beloved Arman. He will know you and love you just as you will know and love him.” Russell’s tender remark was unexpected coming from a man who was inclined to be pessimistic.

  “You are correct, brother; Fate made the match, and Fate never fails.” Esmee supported his assertions.

  Arman listened and appreciated their words but, in his heart, he knew he had a fight on his hands. Celeste would not give up easily, and her power, although less than his, would be used to corrupt. “Celeste will try again to influence our bond. She tried to scare him last night. Who knows what her next move will be.”

  “We will beat her, Arman. Her clever cruelties are no match for what Fate deems destiny.” Russell was definitely on a roll today.

  “Keep talking like that Russell and I might begin to believe you have a heart.” Arman smiled, softening his words.

  Russell shook his head and then added very thoughtfully. “I’ve never witnessed Fate in action before, and I’m finding it rather heartening. Here we were on our last days, and in comes Liam Gabriel out of the darkness of the night to save the day. Fate can be quite the drama queen.” They all agreed.

  “You take care of your beloved, and Russell and I will keep watch for Celeste,” Esmee stated as she handed Arman the breakfast tray for him and Liam. “Win him over Arman, you’re stronger just having been with him. You are the Vampire King, and he belongs to you; never forget that.” Esmee drove home the obvious, but it was the encouragement that Arman needed.

  “Liam is a loving and honest man. Fate was very generous with me, and I’ll do everything in my power to convince him to stay, but in the end, the decision is his and his alone. The bond cannot be forced or stolen; he will have to enter the union willingly and with conviction.” Arman finished by pointing out that it all lay in Liam’s hands, and all they can do is hope he finds his way home.


  Liam was dressed and went ahead and made the bed, unsure of what was expected of him, but that was just good manners. He then took a seat at one of the beautiful wooden inlay tables by one of the windows and pulled out his phone. The weather was better than yesterday, but there were warnings to stay home and off the roads until they could be cleared.

  His mind wandered to the scare from last night and the malevolent warning from his dream. Having Arman’s arms around him and feeling so safe and secure had pushed it all to the back of his mind. The figure in the night that appeared to speak to him warning him about staying and the way it rushed the window when he took a step back as if angered by his lack of response. The same woman appearing in his dream spouting the same warnings was hard to dismiss.

  Was it real? Did he hallucinate the image based on the storm and the darkness? His memory was clear, and the figure and voice had been real. But how could that be? How could a voice from the yard wake him from a dead sleep? He was deep in thought when suddenly his phone vibrated, indicating he’d received a text.

  When he looked, it was from Sharon, and she’d included a few pictures with her message. “This is
a drawing of the original owner of the only home ever to exist on Lake Vermillion from the seventeenth century. His name was Rainier. His decedents lived there until sometime in the nineteenth century when the place fell into disrepair.” The more recent pictures were a couple of photographs of a man who looked very much like the man in the original drawing and very much like Liam’s host Arman Rainier.

  The warning from the woman in his dream had been that Arman was old, centuries-old, and she called him a monster. Looking at the pictures, the statement began to take on some credibility. Was Arman the same man in the drawing and in the photos? Was he actually considering such a preposterous idea? The marsh air must be getting to his brain.

  Liam was still staring at his phone screen when the bedroom door opened, and Arman entered carrying a breakfast tray. He walked over towards Liam, who immediately stood up to assist.

  “Stay, please sit,” Arman instructed as he came to stand next to the table. “Let’s eat here; a little morning sun will do us both good.” Arman set out everything from the tray, and it was a feast with eggs, bacon, ham, French toast, fruit, and coffee and juice. Liam was starved and impressed.

  “Is there anything else you’d like?” Arman asked as he set the tray aside and took a seat across from Liam.

  Liam looked at the food filling the table and shook his head. “I can’t imagine needing anything else. This looks delicious thank you so much.”

  “Esmee prepared it. I can’t take any credit.” Arman told him.

  “She’s an excellent cook,” Liam commented, remembering the cakes from the previous evening. Conversation flowed easily from there. They discussed the conservatory, the plants, and the storm, with little hints at towards their lovemaking.


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