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The Vampire King: A Love Story

Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  Arman moved Liam one step to the left and then several steps backward as he maneuvered him up against the wall while never breaking their kiss. Liam’s heart was with him. All he had to convince was the logical mind, which continued to fight the facts laid before him. Arman decided to go back to the basics where their souls were in complete alignment, which was on the emotional level.

  His beloved was an ardent lover, and Arman took advantage of their growing bond to push for more intimacy. They had opened all the doors last night, so there would be no cause for shyness or reserve to arise at this time. He just wanted his beloved, plain, and simple. That was his goal. All the rest, the enrichment of the land, the manor's rejuvenation, and his own empowerment were all secondary to having his sweet lover in his life and in his arms.

  This was heaven, and he wanted it all, and he wanted it with love, no force or manipulation. He wanted true love and devotion. Anything else would be sad and unacceptable and not a life he would force upon his true love.

  Arman trailed his kisses across Liam’s jaw and down his neck. “We are meant to be, my love. I know it in my heart, and I know you feel it too. Never has a man touched me the way you do. I feel you physically and emotionally, in my heart and in my mind, at the same time filling me with a passion unparalleled.” Arman lowered his right hand and cupped Liam’s growing hardness in the palm, and began a gentle stroke eliciting lovely salacious moans and soft pleas for more from his beloved.

  “Anything you want, sweetheart, I will strive to provide,” Arman responded with a smile, knowing that Liam was losing himself in the passion. One of the many things he adored about his beloved was his ability to let go and answer his need even when his mind was cautioning his actions. His passion was pure and deep, and Arman planned to own it all. This was his beloved, his partner in life. Liam belonged to him.

  “I need more, Arman.” Liam voiced his demand with a breathless urgency. Arman opened Liam’s jeans and lower the zipper with a quick flick of his wrist as he dropped down on one knee. Liam’s eyes grew wide, and his mouth dropped open on a heated sigh, shocked but also eager for what was to come next.

  Arman took his time spreading the jeans open and lowering the briefs to reveal the red leaking head of Liam’s gorgeous hard cock. He blew on it and received a shiver and moan for his effort. Liam never disappointed. Arman licked the drop of cum from the tip and then, without waiting, took the entire head into his mouth, sucking hard and pressing Liam firmly against the wall. His reactions were delicious and pushed Arman to tease further.

  He felt Liam’s hands thrusting frantically into his hair and holding on. The tightening of his fingers brought a bite to his scalp, but it was a good pain. It was excited and passionate pain, and Arman gloried in it.

  Arman pulled Liam’s jeans down further and with them his briefs giving him full access to the lovely and needy cock. He took it all down to the root dragging his sharpened fang along the raised vein stimulating another quaking shiver in his beloved. Liam was barely hanging on, and the grip he had on Arman’s hair was a testament to that fact.

  Arman gripped the base of Liam’s cock and began a punishing rhythm of strokes and nips that soon had the young man whimpering as he fought the need to come. Arman glanced up at Liam and pulled back for just a beat. “Come in my mouth, Liam.” He said and then took him to the root once again, grazing the sensitive side with his sharpened fang. It would take so little to break the skin and drink his fill, but this was not his moment. This was all for Liam.

  It wasn’t long, and the trembling took over, and the grip tightened, and Liam erupted, thrusting deep and coming filling Arman’s mouth and throat. He swallowed rapidly, intent on capturing it all none could be lost. The pure and powerful essence of his dear beloved, it was ambrosia. Arman licked him clean before pulling back and tucking Liam back inside his pants and zipping them.

  Arman was licking his lips as he stood and pulled Liam into another ravenous kiss, plunging his tongue deep into the cavern of Liam’s sweet mouth. The potency of the embrace surged through Arman like an electrical current. The contact was a power like none other. Arman released Liam’s lips and pulled him back into his arm, letting Liam rest his head against Arman’s chest once again. It was becoming a natural embrace for them both.

  “Oh my God, Arman, that rocked my world, and I am not exaggerating. I’ve never panted, shook, and sweat so much and so fast. My body was on fire, and my mind was just melting with every stroke. Even now, my heart is racing, and my mind is still a bit foggy.” Liam did not hold back when giving a compliment, and Arman chuckled as he continued to hold and stroke his back and hair as the young man relax and got ahold of himself once again.

  “It’s who we are together, Liam. It will always be like this with us.” Arman drove home the connection between them and the power that existed in their bond.

  “I love the things you say to me,” Liam whispered and wrapped his arms around Arman’s waist as they stood there, just holding one another in silence. Too soon, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Arman stated, not impressed with Russell’s timing.

  “There’s an issue in the kitchen, sir. Esmee would like to speak with you about it.” Russell looked more concerned than he would be about an issue in the kitchen, so Arman knew it was much more serious than that. He would never have interrupted him with his beloved if it weren’t deadly serious. With that in mind, he slowly released his beloved and stepped back.

  “You go ahead and make yourself at home here, check out the library at your leisure and the study. I’ll deal with the kitchen crisis and catch up with you later.” He was pained to have to leave his beloved, but Russell wouldn’t be bothering them without a damn good reason, and that was a troubling thought. He placed a quick kiss on Liam’s sweet lips before leaving with Russell.


  Liam stood and leaned against the wall, still overcome with the fact that Arman had just sucked him off in the study. This trip into the woods to find an iris was turning into a world changer for Liam. The feel of his lips on Liam’s tender parts was still causing a tingling sensation to ripple through his senses.

  He’d never had a lover like Arman, never someone who made his heart pound and his blood burn with every touch. There was so much he didn’t know yet, and so much he wanted. Liam shook his head and took a few steps over to look out the window. He was beginning to confuse himself, he admitted with a soft chuckle. He stood and enjoyed the beauty of nature and the silence of the study until something made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. The air was suddenly charged.

  “He’s using you, boy.” The voice came out of the silence in the room and had Liam quickly turning to face whoever was there. His eyes darted around the room, but there was no one there. “He’s using you.” It came again, and Liam had no clue where it was coming from.

  “Who are you?” He decided to ask as he made small steps towards the door leading into the library. His voice shook, and he wished he could sound surer and more confident, but that was impossible at the moment. It didn’t sound like Esmee, but the voice was a woman. He’d heard this voice before.

  “Arman Rainier needs you to resurrect his life and lands. That’s all he wants from you. Don’t be fooled by romantic gestures and loving words. He will drain you dry to get what he wants.” The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere, yet it was a mere whisper. “He was the King of the Vampires until his magics left him. He has no power left except what you can give him. He will take everything from you, boy; he has no heart, no loyalty.”

  “Vampire?” Liam moved faster through the library, heading to the door to the hallway. He wasn’t sure where he was going, but he wanted to get away. His instincts were telling him to run, but where? The word vampire had stood out among everything she was saying.

  The thought had crossed Liam’s mind more than once over the past few hours, but he’d managed to push the ludicrous idea away. It was a myth t
hey don’t actually exist. The myth had permeated the life and the culture of the area, but that’s all. It was just a myth.

  “He’s the Vampire King, he has ruled this world for centuries, and now he needs your life and vitality to revive his fading existence. Leave this place, boy, while you still can.” Liam rushed out the door and down the wide hall to his bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. He knew it was useless considering the voice could obviously reach him anywhere, and if Arman and his staff were vampires, a lock wouldn’t stop them, but it made him feel safer.

  Liam sat on the edge of his bed and took several deep breaths calming his nerves and clearing his head. The voice had been real; there was no question about that this time. He heard it clearly, although it had no discernable source. This was the voice from the terrace, the voice from his dream, and now it came to him in the full light of day.

  He thought about the things that it said, and the things Arman had alluded to, and the answers were unsettling at best. Magic was ripe in this house. Whether it be Arman or the siren that plagued him, he was being targeted for something. The tenderness of Arman was so real it couldn’t be faked, could it? He tried to assure himself as the wonder of the past twenty-four hours welled up in his mind. Arman wouldn’t play him; he didn’t need to if he’d wanted to drain him; he had several opportunities already. His mind was spinning with conflicting thoughts.

  Liam looked out his window and wondered if he should leave, but it was already late afternoon, and the trail here had been difficult and now possibly impassible in parts. He suddenly took a deep breath and just let it release slowly, gathering his wits about him, and struggled to look at this as logically as such a mystical experience would allow.

  There was something about that voice that put him off. He didn’t trust it or the warning. He wanted to trust Arman, but should he? Finally, he decided he would act in his own time, and in his own way, he would not be sent off running in fear. He would talk to Arman, and he would get some straight answers. He’d had enough, and now he was going to get some truth.


  Russell led Arman to the edge of the lake before pointing out the trouble. “She’s calling the spirits from the water. They should be left alone to move on in their own way, but she is pulling them to her and draining their energies.” Arman could feel the desperation of those she captured and those she seeks to capture. For now, he could ease the pain of these suffering entities and release Celeste’s hold upon them. His power was getting stronger the longer that Liam stayed by his side and would be made whole once they were bonded.

  Even in his weakened state, Arman was more powerful than Celeste, but not if she continued to drain others. “She’s trying to get enough juice to enter the house.” He stated as he waved his hand and freed the water spirits sending them on their journey. He protected them from further assault with a barrier at the water’s edge. She won’t be able to touch them again unless . . . my magic fails.” Arman moved back from the edge and turned to Russell. “She’s getting bolder and will no doubt try to influence Liam against me or simply try to scare him away.”

  “You should be completely frank with him. His attraction is obvious, and I believe you should strike while the iron is hot.” Russell advised.

  “It’s hard to explain, but I can tell you in all honesty that I love that man. Fate chose the perfect man for me, and now it is up to me to prove myself in order to keep him. If I do it wrong, he walks away with no second chances on my horizon.” Arman ran his fingers over his hair as he considered the approach he would make.

  “Fate chose him for you, so don’t doubt that you can capture his heart and keep it. He is feeling the pull just as you are, so talk to him and make him understand for time is running out.” Russell was always good with delivering the hard truths, but he was right, and Arman needed to stake his claim, so to speak, and stop playing about the edges of this relationship.

  “You’re right, Russell.” Arman turned and began walking back to the house with Russell by his side. “Have Esmee prepare a nice dinner, and I will lay it out to Liam then. Before this day is over, we shall know our fate.”


  Liam pulled out his phone and dialed Sharon. He needed to speak with someone, and Sharon was the only one he could think of reaching out to. She also had a penchant for the mystical. She wouldn’t think him crazy when he asked her if she believed in vampires.

  “Are you home?” She asked as soon as she picked up the phone.

  “No, the roads are still bad, so I’m staying till tomorrow morning.” He answered, and for probably the first time in Sharon’s life, she was silent. Liam found that to be more off-putting than her constant chatter.

  “Who told you the roads are bad.” She asked.

  “The weather alert on my phone.”


  “Why are you acting so strange?”

  “Because this isn’t like you to stay at a stranger’s home, not one night but two. You are painfully private, and you don’t do well with strangers. If that weren’t enough, you’re claiming to be staying at a house that doesn’t exist.” Liam was surprised at how well Sharon knew him and his quirks.

  “It’s a nice place, and they’re nice people.” He wasn’t about to tell her just how nice Arman had been; that was none of her business.

  “If you’re so comfortable there, then why are you calling me?” She had him there, but he decided to ignore it.

  “What do you know about the people who used to live on Lake Vermillion?” He tossed out his question, hoping to get answers and not more questions.

  “I sent the pictures of the owner over the centuries, and that’s all I know. But I can tell you with total certainty that you are not on Lake Vermillion.” She was back to the superior tone, and Liam didn’t mind. He was beyond petty issues at this point.

  “The ownesr over the years.” He began not sure how to proceed but gave it a shot. “The pictures all looked kind of like the same man.”

  “Yeah, that was the spooky part about that place before it disappeared. People had the theory that it was owned by a coven and that Rainier was the coven master of sorts.” She chuckled. “People make stuff up when they don’t have answers, and sometimes the stories are fantastical.”

  “Do you believe in vampires, Sharon?” He just threw it out there.

  “Maybe, I wouldn’t rule it out. I’ve never met one, but I’ve known intelligent people who claim they have, so I think they may exist.” Sharon was non-committal, but she didn’t say no. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious.”

  “Have you met one?”

  “Maybe, I don’t know.” Liam decided to leave it there, not wanting to share too much with Sharon. He said his goodbyes and closed the call.


  Arman felt the shift in mood as soon as he reached the second floor. Something had taken place. He could smell the ozone in the air. It was that filthy bitch Celeste. He checked the library, but Liam wasn’t there. He next headed for Liam’s room, assuming he would have gone there. He was still in the house. Arman could feel his energy still within the walls of the Grande Belle.

  He knocked on the door, feeling the warmth of his beloved inside. “Come in.” It was a basic command, but it held a chill that was concerning. He opened the door and stepped inside, and closed the door behind him. Liam was seated in a chair next to the window staring out as if lost in thought. He slowly turned to acknowledge Arman’s presence after a few seconds.

  “I’m sorry it took longer than I thought. Are you okay?” Arman approached him, and Liam swung his gaze back to the window and continued to stare out.

  “Tell me the truth, Arman, tell me the truth about everything.” He said without looking at Arman. Arman came up to stand beside Liam’s chair and placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it softly.

  “Esmee has prepared dinner for us. Come, and we’ll talk, and I’ll answer all of your questions.” Arman reached out his hand and
waited. Liam glanced over his shoulder at the hand and stood, hesitating for just a second before placing his hand in Arman’s. “Thank you.” He said, and Liam nodded.

  Arman was certain that Celeste had poisoned his beloved’s mind against him. Her presence had been ripe in the air, but Liam wasn’t sharing, and he couldn’t force the issue. Liam needed to open up in his own time, but Arman found himself growing more impatient by the minute.

  Arman sat at the head of the table with Liam to his left. The table was long and could seat as many as twenty, but tonight, it was for Arman and Liam alone. The dining room hadn’t been used in a while, but Russell had brought it back to its elegance and glory in time for dinner. Esmee prepared a stylish French dinner of cream soup followed by boeuf bourguignon, a light salad, and dessert, and a tart red wine.

  Liam had remained quiet throughout dinner, thanking Russell when he was served and asking for items to be passed but did not as yet get into the heart of the matter. Arman remained watchful and attentive and waited.

  It was after dessert was served that he made his first statement. “Someone has been trying to warn me almost since my arrival here that I am in some sort of danger.”

  “You are in no danger, not from me and not from my staff,” Arman answered and took a sip of his wine, keeping his eyes on his beloved.

  “Do you plan on keeping me here?”

  “You are not a prisoner, Liam.”

  “Are you a vampire? Is this a coven?” Liam’s tone had sharpened, and he dropped his spoon onto the table, his desert forgotten, as he held Arman with an accusatory stare.

  Arman sat back in his chair and regarded his beloved thoughtfully. “Yes, I am, but this is no longer a coven. The coven that once resided here within these walls disbanded many years ago. It is only me now and my good friend Russell who refused to leave when told to do so, and his sister Esmee who would not leave her brother. It is only the three of us as it has been for a very long time. . . until you.” Arman watched as Liam’s eyes became more intense and focused as if trying to visualize Arman’s words. “Did you expect me to lie to you?”


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