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Raiya- Early Game

Page 29

by Russell Wilbinski

  Skree considered his options. Carvers Bay was an uninhabited rock, and every part of this deal seemed to help him much more than the Admiral and the League of Free Cities. “What’s the catch?” He asked, watching the Admiral carefully.

  “Ten percent of your bottom line goes to the League for a war fund.”

  “Holy shit, that‘s quite a price.” Mills said receiving a glare from the Admiral.

  “War is expensive and people will die. They could destroy whole settlements and the war fund is there to help rebuild when the dust settles.” The leader of Theseldora explained, pouring himself another brandy. “Join the League and Ruby will become the new Forge Master. You gain a lot more in this arrangement than you stand to lose.”

  Skree inhaled slowly, taking a few moments to gather his thoughts. “If I don‘t join, what happens then?”

  The admiral shrugged. “Nothing really, you won’t get a ram from Ruby, you lose the protection of the league and I’ll be very disappointed. The free ports need to present a unified front, otherwise we become an easy target. Tell you what, as a show of good faith, I will pay for the material cost of your ram. I want you to know Theseldora supports you and will support Carvers Bay.”

  Skree smiled politely. “Thank you for the offer, Admiral. It is generous of you.” He stood, extending a hand. “Carvers Bay will join the League of Free Ports.”

  “Wonderful!” The Admiral said cheerfully, standing and shaking his hand. “Once you have Carvers Bay up and running, we will sign all the paperwork. For now, let’s just share a drink.” He said, picking up two more glasses and filling them with brandy. He handed them over and raised a glass in a toast.

  “To the newest member of the League!”

  Chapter 40

  Mills agreed to visit the Ironworks and let Ruby know the good news and Skree found himself alone outside the Admiral’s Manor with some free time. He had less and less of that each day and knew there was still a lot of things he needed to take care of.

  Given the three weeks before they could depart Theseldora, he needed something to focus on. Since sparring with Fenna and seeing how skilled she was with weapons, Skree decided it was time to find a trainer. Fenna told him to look up Master Perrimus Crox, her weapons trainer once he got settled in Theseldora. With everything finally coming together, he stopped by the Boarding house and grabbed Priestess and Zuka.

  “Where are we going?” Priestess asked, riding on Zuka’s back.

  “I need training with weapons and so do you.” he said.

  She held up a flame covered hand. “I do not. Magic is my weapon.”

  “And what will you do once you run out of mana?” He asked.

  “Claw them to death?” she asked quizzically, the flames vanishing from her hand.

  “Not good enough. You need more than just fireballs to protect yourself.”

  “But I’ve never used a weapon.”

  “Today you will meet the weapons trainer and he will help you decide where to apply your… Unique talents.”

  She shrugged, and they settled into a companionable silence as they marched up the hill to the weapon masters dojo. They walked through the doors and discovered a large pit surrounded by a raised wooden platform. It looked to Skree like a fancy pool but instead of water; it was glittering white sand.

  In the pit’s center was a dwarf practicing with a staff. Skree and Priestess gawked as the master of weapons ran through form after form, attacking imaginary enemies with roars of ferocity. The stout dwarfwhirled the staff with blinding speed, each swing sending sand into the air. He drove the staff into the sand and leapt atop it, supporting the top with one hand, creating a perfectly balanced fulcrum he stood upon. The staff was at a forty-five degree angle and the master bounced on it, like a trampoline. In one effortless motion, he pulledthe staff under him and performed a one-handed arm stand on the now vertical staff.

  He tucked his legs, and somersaulted away, swinging the staff in an impossible arc and slamming it into the ground. A massive pillar of sand erupted from the ground where it impacted, hitting the ceiling and raining down upon the sweating dwarf. He grinned at them, then rushed forward, driving his staff into the ground like a pole vaulter and launched himself into the air. Just before he hit the ground, he rolled, coming to his feet just before them.

  “What do you want.” he said. He had no accent, a stark contrast to the thick Scottish accent of Moultry.

  “Good day, sir. Are you Perrimus Crox?” Skree asked.

  The dwarf looked around as if searching for someone. “You came to the Crox school of weapons, famously led by a dwarven weapon master and have the nerve to ask me if I am him. Even after you saw my majestic display of weapon mastery only moments ago?”

  “Uh, I figured it was polite to ask.” Skree said.

  “Listen here Lass, I‘m a busy dwarf and I don’t have time for pleasantries. If you want something, ask. Otherwise, get out of my school.” Perrimus said dismissively. Skree was unsure if he was calling him a lass, or Priestess, but pushed on, unwilling to let the weapon master get under his skin.

  “I am here for weapon training, along with my friend Priestess,” he pointed, and she bowed slightly, “And my wolf, Zuka.”

  He eyeballed the wolf. “You better not crap in my sand, or I’ll skin you alive, you hear me dog?”

  Zuka bared his fangs and growled, but Skree patted him on the head. “It’s okay, Master Crox, he is as smart as most people.”

  The weapon master laughed. “I bet he is, though that isn’t saying much. Most people are dumb as rocks. Did anyone recommend you visit me?”

  “Captain Fenna Lis, of the Typhoon.” Skree said proudly, hoping her name might grease the wheels.

  He laughed again. “She sent you? Then you must desperately need a trainer.”

  Skree scowled. “I’m not that bad.”

  “Trust me lass, if Fenna thought you needed my help, then you are worse than you think.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” He snapped, glaring at the Weapons Master. “I asked her who the best trainer was, and she said you were. Was she wrong?”

  The clean-shaven dwarf looked up at him with a wolfish smile. “She wasn‘t lying, but she hates me. Said she wouldn’t wish me on her worst enemy, yet here you are.”

  Had Fenna played him again? If so, he was getting real tired of her pranks. No matter how brilliant she was, he would have words with her if she sent him on some fool‘s errand. “Are you willing to train us or not?”

  “Depends. You got the coin to pay for my services?”

  “The price?”

  “Fifty silver for apprentice level training.” he looked at each of them. “per student.”

  “Deal.” Skree said, glancing at Priestess with a smile. "When do we start?”

  “No time like the present.” Perrimus said before walking into the pit of sand. “Both of you come at me, I need to see what we are dealing with.”

  “I don‘t have weapons, I am a magic user.” Priestess said, looking at her clawed hands.

  “That‘s fine. Use whatever you want.” He said, stretching his shoulders. “But get on it with it.”

  Skree reached into his bag and withdrew his savage steel great sword and charged into the sand. He had pissed off Fenna when he suggested he might hurt her and figured Master Crox would be even more likely to kick his ass. A fireball arced past him, hitting the sand where the master used to be, sending an explosion of sand and smoke everywhere. Skree lost sight of his opponent and whirled in time to see the dwarf‘s fist smash into his face.

  Pain erupted from his broken nose, and blood filled his mouth. He staggered back, doing his best to recover.

  The weapon master tsk‘d “You are slow.”

  Skree rushed forward again, activating Sundering Strike and swung the blade overhead in a mighty arc. Master Crox deftly stepped to the side, then delivered a stinging flick to his ear.

  “Sundering Strike is for shields and heavy armor lass.�
� he said, sliding away from Skree. Priestess held out both hands and a torrent of flames rushed toward the weapon master. He punched toward the fire and a wave of force split the flames down the middle. His attack smashed into the kobold and she bounced across the sand.

  The flames vanished and Skree stared at the weapon master, standing with his fist forward in a low stance. “Stationary targets are easy to hit, even from a distance. A skilled fighter has the tools to avoid or counter low level spells, especially if you give them time to prepare.”

  Skree was growing angry, hot blood from his broken nose making it harder to breathe. He cast Entangle, and the vines burst from the ground, enveloping Crox’s stubby limbs. Pumping his legs, Skree dashed at the immobilized dwarf, activated cleave and swung in a horizontal arc that should have removed the dwarf's head, but he found nothing but empty air.

  “Cleave is for multiple enemies dumbass.” The dwarf said from an expertly performed backbend position. The vines had wrapped around his arms now and Skree saw his opportunity. He drove the blade forward in a straight thrust and gasped when Crox pulled his legs free from the vines easily and kicked the blade into the air sending Skree staggering into the vines beside him. As they wrapped around him, Skree stumbled and dropped his sword.

  “Now your own spell has turned against you.” Crox said, nodding to his legs. Now we’re both stuck here, but you don't have a sword.” He followed his statement by punching Skree in the center of his chest, ripping him free of the vines and sending him careening across the sand.

  A stream of fireballs flew toward the dwarf and he danced between them, striding easily to stand in front of Priestess. He snatched her wrists and the barrage of spells ended. “You aren‘t moving, what did I say about stationary targets?” he asked, tossing her into the sand ten feet away. She hit the ground with the squawk of pain.

  Zuka leapt from the shadows, and Crox fell onto his back. Skree pumped a fist, thinking Zuka had him, but the dwarven master sent the wolf sailing through the air. He had rolled onto his back, kicked into the air and was back on his feet before Zuka collided with a support beam.

  “Nice try doggie, but a real warrior keeps his eyes open.”

  Gathering his will, Skree pulled the hatchets from his hips and attacked again, delivering powerful yet clumsy strikes. Crox easily batted them away with a single hand, barely seeming to notice the force of the blows.

  “Gah, you‘re worse with the hatchets than you are with the great sword. I honestly didn‘t think that was possible.” Crox teased, then stepped in close, grabbed Skree’s chest armor and twisted, tossing him to the ground with such force it sent the air bursting from his lungs. Skre gasped to catch his breath.

  The weapon master stood and crossed his arms. “Enough.” He extended a hand to the fallen Skree, hoisting him to his feet with ease. Priestess made her way over, and Zuka followed close behind. “You three would be dead if this was a real fight.”

  Skree picked himself up from the ground and cast Minor Restoration on himself and the relief was instant. His nose straightened and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

  “We wouldn‘t fight you if we didn’t have to.” Priestess said, rubbing her wrists.

  “Do you always carefully choose your enemies? Are you an assassin, slinking from the darkness to eliminate a single target?” He demanded.

  Priestess shook her head and Skree could see the painful memories of the warren playing in her mind again. Crox was right, you rarely get to choose your enemies. The dwarf looked at him perplexed.

  “You realize that's a sword, not a club, right?” Crox asked, pointing at the discarded great sword.

  “I do.” Skree snapped, grabbing his sword from the ground.

  “Then why are you swinging it like a piece of lumber you picked up from the forest floor?”

  “Master Crox, there is a reason we are here. It’s clear we need your help. Will you train us?”

  The dwarf held out his arm and the staff he had been using flew from where it remained standing upright in the sand. It snapped into his hand with a meaty thwack. “It’ll hurt.” he said, eyeingthe staff.

  “No pain, no gain.” Skree said with a nervous smile.

  “I don‘t know about this Skree.” Priestess said, still rubbing at her aches and pains. Zuka cast Lick Your Wounds, and Priestess sighed in relief. “But I can see the value in learning to defend myself.”

  “Now, if you don‘t mind, you can both get out of my arena.” He said, leaning on his staff. They were halfway out the door when Crox called out. “And bring my money, first thing tomorrow.”

  Chapter 41

  Elaina stopped by the boardinghouse later that evening so that Skree could sign off on some provision requests and give her the funds she needed. It was a long journey to the Great Rift, just over twenty days there, and twenty days back so the bill was high. Not significant based on his current stash of wealth, coming in at four gold in total for food, water and other necessities.

  She also filled him in on the requisitions from Moultry and the boom crew for cannon balls, gunpowder and assorted cannon related materials. A whopping eight gold, which to Skree still seemed a strangely minuscule number. But the conversion rates in Raiya meant it was a significant amount of money to anyone not lucky enough to have thousands of gold coins.

  He knew it wouldn’t last forever and hoped the Sawbones would generate income on this trip somehow. They weren’t heading for any shipping lanes, or sailing with the express purpose of treasure hunting, but he could hope, couldn't he? After she left, Skree settled in for the night to read a primer he had purchased from Octavia.

  He had wanted to do it much sooner, but everything was happening so quickly he usually just collapsed into bed and passed out, ready to check more things off his list the next day. Having free time was a luxury, and he intended to use it well. Settling down with a glass of wine, he pulled out the first of two volumes.

  You have found “A complete compilation of classes, Vol. 1”, Rarity: Common, Quality: Above Average, Durability: 6/8. Description: This primer contains all information pertaining to Starter, Basic, and Advanced classes found across Raiya. If you ever wanted to know the difference between a mage and wizard, all you need is this book.

  Since his first day in Raiya, the class system had been a complete mystery. He had received a starter class, then graduated to a basic class. He had gathered in conversations on the ship and from his interactions in Theseldora there was far more to learn about how the classes continued to advance. He cracked the magical seal on the book by speaking the unbinding phrase and splayed it open.

  He expected it to act similarly to a spell book, but instead of the pages whipping by then dissolving into a stream of magic, the primers words glowed with a subtle light. He scanned the first page, and the knowledge flooded into his mind. Not the entire primer, only the contents of the first page but still, he could easily recall each line of text as if seeing it written in his mind.

  “Not bad!” he said, nodding happily, taking a sip of wine. He tore into the primer, flipping and scanning until it burned the entire tome into his mind. He had absorbed the knowledge in less than half an hour and the sheer number of classes that were available astounded him. Doing a quick count in head, there were at least a hundred different classes, and most of them were advanced classes.

  When you reached level thirty, you could unlock an advanced class, dependent on several factors. First, your previous class guaranteed access to at least a few, but getting ranks in specific skills and reaching attribute milestones unlocked variations of the related ones or entirely new ones unrelated to your current class.

  Right now he was a Level 19 Druid, which had served him well up to this point. It had access to a few schools of magic and would grant spell choices at certain levels. That was fine and dandy, but thanks to his Alpha Tester perk, he could learn any spell, skill or ability, even racially restricted ones like Detect Magic, the kobold ability. It was powerful and it gave h
im uncanny flexibility for choosing an advanced class.

  Level 30 was a long way off, but if he wanted to get the perfect advanced class, he needed to focus his skill and attribute points so he was ready when the day came. Unfortunately, the primer had only given him the names of the advanced classes and no real context on how to unlock them. It was more of an index than a detailed guide. He cracked open the next primer, ready to enhance his newly gained knowledge.

  You have found “A Complete Compilation of Classes, Vol. 2”, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Above Average, Durability: 12/12. Description: This Primer contains a comprehensive guide to Master classes in Raiya. Learn what it takes to be a true power in Raiya.

  Again, he flipped the pages as fast as he could, absorbing the knowledge in the blink of an eye. This primer was much thinner, and he now understood why. There were only a dozen master classes, although they were staggeringly powerful. They all had serious requirements and required undertaking the deadliest of activities Raiya offered. The details were slim yet again, only telling him the names, giving some examples of people in the past who had earned a master class. A few of the classes had an accompanying story that told of the trials undertaken by the master.

  He grinned, knowing he had something to strive for beyond and advanced class. He put the primer away and drew out a third volume he hoped would provide more detail on the Druid advanced classes.

  You have found “Nature’s Allies, a comprehensive study on druids and their advanced classes.”, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Durability: 65/68. Description: This primer contains a comprehensive guide to the druid class, including all available Advanced classes.

  He polished off the last of his wine and opened the book, letting the information flood his mind. These primers were absolute game changers. He doubted he would ever be willing to study boring technical publications ever again. Just as he had hoped, the knowledge on Druid advanced classes was there and it was incredible. He recalled the five different Druid advanced classes and re-read them in his mind.


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