eppure si muove 381–385
Essex, Earls of. See Devereux
Evelyn, John 333–334
Falkland, Viscount. See Cary, Lucius
Fanshaw family 302
feasts 52, 62, 72, 154
Feingold, Mordechai 182–183
*Felton, John 94, 238–239
fens. See drainage
Ferdinando I, Grand Duke of Tuscany 43
Feyerabend, Paul 386–387
Ficino, Marsilio 241
*Fiennes, William, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele 122, 125–126
*Finch, Sir John 58, 96–97, 115, 122 Parliament (1626) 95
fines and forfeitures 108–110 recusancy 50, 71–72, 77–78, 92, 104, 112
fireworks 263–266
fish, pious 134
fisheries 108, 145–146
Five Knights Case 91–92
Fletcher, John 205
Florence, Italy 348, 385 Santa Croce 312, 355
foolosophy 28–31, 39, 216
*Fortescue, George 34–35, 140
Foster, Samuel 183–184
*Frederick V, Elector Palatine, King of Bohemia 61–63, 90, 271
frogs 229–230, 299–300
frontispieces 284–285, 305–306, 351 Cleyn’s 283, 293, 295
Della Bella’s 5, 9–10, 344–345, 351
Marshall’s 192, 345, 347–348, 366
stagesets 47–48, 351
world systems 5–6, 130, 177, 191–192, 351–352, 358
*Fuller, Thomas 332–333 Holy State 305–307
fuller’s earth 111
fuzzy thinking 357–358; see also prerogative/privilege
Gadbury, John 379–380
*Gage, George 63, 140
*Gage, George (priest) 83–84
*Galen 287–289
*Galilei, Galileo 10, 32–35, 38–39, 174, 178, 180, 186, 207–208, 218–219 ambiguity 356–358, 362, 366–367, 373, 381–387
astronomy 8–9, 31–32, 37–38, 171, 189–190, 202, 313, 351–353
Bentivoglio and Urban 28–31, 172–176, 354–355
character 31–32, 187, 250, 344–345, 360, 381–382, 387
Compasso and Saggiatore 155–156, 172–174, 176
Dialogue 8–10, 35, 79–80, 175–177, 183–185 frontispiece 3–6, 9–10, 197
English commentators 17, 36–40, 190, 250, 356, 367–368
epistemology 9–10, 185, 368, 370, 378
hermeneutics 37–38, 176–177, 212, 306–307, 384–385
humanist 246, 266, 348–350, 387
mechanics 231, 361, 370
and Oxford 8, 313–314, 318–319, 333
and Rome 3–4, 32–35, 37–38, 78, 172–175, 184–185, 190, 359–360, 366, 381
Sidereus nuncius 8–9, 31–32, 39–40, 154, 178
tides 15–40, 131–133, 370
Galilei, Vincenzo 154
gap of merit 344–351
Garter, Order of 121, 159, 318–319
Gell, Robert 321–322
*Gellibrand, Henry 183–185
Gentileschi, Artemisia 160
Gentileschi, Orazio 160
*Geree, John 77, 194–195
Gheeraerts, Marcus 298
Gherardi, Silvestro 382
Gheyn, Johannes II 241–242, 244
Giambologna 155
Giorgione 350–351
*Godwin, Francis 188
Gondomar. See Sarmiento de Acuña, Diego, Conde de
Gonzaga collection 158
Gonzales, Domingo 188
gout 219, 221
Grand Remonstrance 118
gravity and levity 217–218, 230–231
Gray’s Inn. See London
Great Seal 122
Great Tew 316–319
*Greaves, Sir Edward 236, 302–303, 312–313
*Greaves, John 311–315, 332–333, 353
Greaves, Thomas 312–313
*Green, Giles 123, 310
greenwax 110
Gregory XV, Pope 25–27, 68–69
Greville, Robert, 2nd baron Brooke 211
Grienberger, Christoph 34–35
grievances 92–93, 118, 224–225; see also T&P
grotesque 256–257, 266, 274
Grotius, Hugo 105
Gunpowder Plot 24, 53–54, 177–178
habeas corpus 89–90, 93, 95
Habington, John 168
Haddon Hall 274
*Hall, Joseph 28–31, 42–43, 67
Hall, William 61
Ham House 280–282
Hamond, Walter 332
*Hampden, John 101–102, 118–119, 322–323
Hampton Court 50–51, 118–119, 322
*Harington, Sir John 60, 149, 154
*Harriot, Thomas 177–178
*Harvey, William 234–236, 311, 314–315, 366–367
*Hatton, Sir Christopher 98–99
*Hatton, Lady Elizabeth 98–99
*Hatton, Sir William 98–99
Hawtrey, Mary. See Bankes, Lady Mary
Hawtrey, Ralph 97
*Heath, Sir Robert 91–93, 96–97, 136–137
*Heckstetter family 57–58, 106–107
Heidelberg 25–26, 154–155, 256–257
*Henrietta Maria, Queen of England 4–7, 70, 74, 95–96, 162–163, 221, 302, 323–325 and Charles I 71–72, 85, 118–119; see also Masques
Civil War 120–121, 301–305, 308
religion 71–72, 77–80, 83, 96–97, 159
Henry III, King of England 136
*Henry IV, King of France 24, 53–54, 145
*Henry, Prince of Wales 46–47, 70–71, 153, 179–180, 233–234 brides 61–62
entourage 71, 153–155
Hercules 290–292, 298, 347–348, 377
Hero and Leander 272–274, 289–290
herrings, red 107–108
*Heydon, Sir Christopher 197, 319, 361
*Heydon, Sir John 319
*Heylin, Peter 27–28, 74, 303 Mikrokosmos 27–28, 315, 332
hieroglyph 1, 47–48, 149, 207 Aesop’s 298–300; see also Astrology/Astronomy; Emblem
*Hill, Nicolas 179, 200
Hippocrates 245–246
Hippolytus 290–292
historical study 128, 135–138, 306–307 and astrology/astronomy 171–173, 176, 213
Hitler, Adolf 386
*Hobbes, Thomas 68, 187, 218, 313–314 and Galileo 184–185, 370
Holbein, Hans 158–159
*Hollar, Wenceslaus 160, 235, 323–325
*Holles, Denzil 122, 124–125
Holmes, Sherlock 12
Holstein, Lucas 311
Honthorst, Gerard van 163
Horace 282–284, 286–287
Horky, Martin 32–34
*Howard, Alethea, Lady Arundel. See Arundel, Lady
Howard, Frances 87–88
*Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton 87–88, 199–200
Howard, Philip, Saint 88
*Howard, Thomas, 14th Earl of Arundel. See Arundel
*Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk 87–88
*Howard, Lord William 45–46, 60, 90 culture 45, 60, 136–137
and Sir John Bankes 55, 59–60
*Howell, James 67–68, 208
Hues, Robert 178–179, 314
Hull Arsenal 121
humors, four 229–230, 278; see also melancholy
Huntington, Henry, Lord Hastings 295
Hven. See Uraniborg
*Hyde, Edward 122, 316–319
*Ignatius of Loyola, Saint 35–37, 188–189
impositions 86–87
Index of Prohibited Books 16, 19–20, 37–38, 174, 186, 257, 386
indulgences 16–17
Ingoli, Francesco 174
innovation/restoration 212, 300, 356–357, 362, 376–377 church 40, 186
in Hell 24–25, 362
politics 82, 93, 95, 101; see also novelty
Inns of Court 58–59; see also London
Inquisition 14, 16, 69 and Copernicus 14, 37, 69
instruments 131–133,
154–157, 167, 330
intelligencers 141–142, 160, 257, 268 Cleyn 266–268
Ireland 37, 229 under Wentworth 85, 219–220, 222–224
irenicism 15–16, 68–69, 128–129, 176, 285–286 adiaphora 51–52, 317–318
astrology/astronomy 182, 197
Isaacson, Henry 213–214
*Isaacszon, Pieter 255–256, 258–259, 266, 268, 287–289
*Isham, Justinian 315, 339
Italy, attractions 17, 42–45 travels around 42–45, 312, 338–339
Jackson, Gilbert 333–334
James II, King of England 156–157
*James VI and I, King of Scotland and England 14–16, 28, 37, 43, 75–76 astrology/astronomy 32, 127–128, 170–171, 193–194, 200–201, 322
Banqueting Hall 143–145
cultural connections 128, 135–145, 149–151, 170, 268–269
death and doctors 70, 234, 359
dynastic connections 52, 61–66, 127, 266–268
government by divine right 19, 24, 62–63, 86–89, 137
religion 49–51, 53–55, 81, 140–141
Selden 104–105, 137–138
and Venice 23–24, 52–53, 55, 68
witchcraft 133–134
Jerusalem 285–286
Jesuits 16, 42–43, 54–55, 69–70, 384–385 denigrated 19–20, 35–37, 83–84
entertainments 104–105, 235–236
world system 28–31, 34–35, 171, 221–222
Jews 18, 42, 229, 308
Job 113–115
John I, King of England 98–99
John Paul II, Pope 384–385
*Jones, Inigo 139–140, 149–150, 153–154, 165, 224, 229–230, 328–329 building 143–145, 157, 159, 280
and Italy 10–11, 46–48
masques 147, 149–150, 163
*Jonson, Ben 42, 58, 139–140, 149–150, 179 astrology/astronomy 35, 151, 204–205
Hero and Leander 274
masques and plays 18–19, 136–137, 147–150, 152, 163, 220
Joshua 129–131, 171
Jubilee of 1600 14–17
*Junius, Franciscus 159–160, 334–336
*Juxton, William 182–183, 311
*Kepler, Johannes 40, 44, 51, 128–129, 176, 191, 197, 386 world system 35, 128–129, 171–172, 198–199, 202, 353
Keswick 56–57, 106–107
King James Bible 53–54, 141, 180–182
King’s Bench, Court of 91–94, 115
Kingston Lacy 12, 97, 310, 380
Kircher, Athanasius 231–232, 311
Knole House 275–278
Koestler, Arthur 386–387
Lachrymae musarum 296–298
Lanier, Nicholas 152, 274, 325–326
Lansbergen, Philipp 351
La Rochelle 90, 92–94
Last Supper attributed to Cleyn 318–319
latitude and longitude 312–313
*Laud, William 12, 51, 81, 90, 98–99, 105–106, 110, 157, 179–180, 268–269, 303 Bankes, Wentworth and Williams 61, 96–97, 219–223
and Oxford 73, 182–183, 311
religion 73–76, 78, 81–84, 101, 317–318
Laurent, Jean Antoine 381
law 59, 89–90 of the sea 105, 137–138, 235–236
lawyers 139, 150–151 antiquarians 135–139
as Charles’ instruments 115–116
Lee, Tsung–Dao 385
Lely, Peter 379–380
Leo X, Pope 21–23
liberal arts, seven 259–263, 295–298
libraries 135–136, 141–142, 310–311
Lievens, Jan 334–336
*Lilly, William 320–322
*Lister, Sir Mathew 220, 236
*Littleton, Sir Edward 102, 108
logarithms 155–156, 182
*Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo 11, 334
Lombard, Peter 37
London 103–104, 157, 272, 320–321 City of, and Livery Companies 118–119, 160–162, 238
College of Physicians 218–219, 221, 237–238, 314, 341
Covent Garden 157, 339
elsewhere 60–61, 143, 157, 183–184, 280, 311
Gray’s Inn 57–58, 61, 97, 113–115, 151, 338–339, 344
Tower, guests of 75, 88, 90–91, 95, 177–178, 225–226
*Longomontanus, Christian Sørenson 257–259, 351–353
Lotti, Ottaviano 32, 154
*Louis XIII, King of France 70, 82, 90
Lucian 188–189
Ludovisi, Ludovico, Cardinal 69
*Lumley, Lord John 152–153, 155
Luther 16–17
*Lydiat, Thomas 179–180
Lyly, John 204–205
Lyme Park 272
Lynxes. See Accademia dei Lincei
Machiavelli 36–37, 62–63, 196–197
Madagascar 109–110, 330–332
Madrid 63–66
Maffi, Pietro 383–384
Magna carta 91–93, 98–99, 139
man machine 232–233
Marcley Hill, Herefordshire 321–322
Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle 278
*Maria Anna, Infanta of Spain 63, 65–68, 104–105
Maria Maddelena of Austria 154
Marlow, Christopher 274
Marmion, Shackerly 207
*Marshall, William 192, 305–306, 345, 347–349
Mary, Queen of Scots 78–80, 128
masquerade 10, 42–44
masques 145–150, 167, 371–372 cost 146–149
politics of 147, 151–152, 162–163, 167–168
Massinger, Philip 205–206
mathematics, misdirected 40–41, 241–242, 371–372 to art 370–371
*Matthew, Tobie 17, 39–40, 42–43, 83–84, 108, 140 and Bacon 38–39, 41
Spanish match 63, 66–68
*Matthew, Tobie, Archbishop 85
Mawhood, Jane (Lady Williams) 220
Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria 104–105, 266–268
*Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de 221, 233–234, 236–238, 295, 314 distilling 110, 238
Maynard, Sir John 310
*Mayne, Jasper 112, 315
*Medici, Cosimo II, Grand Duke of Tuscany 41, 61–62, 154–155
*Medici, Marie de’, Queen of France 61–62, 70, 82, 263
medicine 221, 228–230; see also physicians, royal Bacon’s 228–229
licensing 237–238; see also London, Royal College
melancholy 238–240, 245–249
melancholy 73–74, 302–303, 341 defined 238–240, 245–246, 334, 371
extremes 240–241, 245, 247–249, 252, 319
scholars 11, 211, 240–242, 306–307, 329, 339, 371
*Melanchthon, Philip 193
Menippus 188–189
Mercator 154
Merchant Adventurers 89–90
Mercurio, Girolamo 342
Mercurius aulicus 303–304
metempsychosis 165, 290–292
*Micanzio, Fulgenzio 20–21, 38–39 on Bacon 40–41
on kings and popes 21, 26, 50–69
on Sarpi’s group 24, 26–27, 68–69, 176
Middleton, Thomas 69–70
Militia Bill 119–120, 123–124 and Sir John Bankes 123
*Milton, John 13, 356
mining 57, 97, 106–107
mixed government. See English constitution; prerogative/privilege
*Modena, Leone 42
monopolies 92–93, 106–109 Statute of Monopolies 106, 110
Monson, Sir John 107
*Montagu, Richard 55
moon voyages 31, 35, 151, 187–188, 246, 313–314 and Copernican theory 188–189
More, Henry 211–212
More, Thomas 249
Morley, George 318–319
Morpeth 90, 92
Mortlake works 4–8, 112, 145, 223–224, 268–272, 280, 284, 339–340 yield 268–269, 282
Moryson, Fynes 42–43
Murray, William 280–282
muses, nine 295
music and musicians 152 and Copernican system 314; see also
dancing, Kepler
Mussolini, Benito 386
Mycilius 290–292
*Mytens, Daniel 46, 64
Napier, John 155–156
Narcissus 287–289
Nardi, Giovanni 344–345
Naseby, Battle of 321
National Trust 272, 275–278, 326–327
*Neile, Richard 72
Nero, Roman emperor 256–257
New England 73–74, 220
Newton, Adam 154
*Nijs, Daniel 23, 46, 158
Niobe 289
Noble Horses 289
noli me tangere 55, 77, 198–199
*Norgate, Edward 45–46, 272, 326–328
Northumberland, Earls of. See Percy
novelty 129, 190, 250–251, 363 vs renewal 51–52, 93, 95, 101, 200; see also innovation/restoration
*Noy, William 74, 94, 96–97, 116, 136–137 novel taxes 101–102, 104
Oath of Allegiance 24, 26–27, 50, 81, 186, 365–366
*Ogilby, John 222, 298–300, 339
*Oliver, Isaac 152
omens 127, 134, 321 comets 200–202; see also astrology; witchcraft
opium 228
*Oughtred, William 156–157
Ovid 284–292
Oxford 17–18, 73, 85, 128, 162, 217, 252–253, 285–286, 307–308, 314–315, 324 astrology/astronomy 8, 156, 180–183, 187–188, 196–197, 201–203, 314–315, 319–320, 333
and Bacon 141, 347–349
and the Bankes 57–58, 60–61, 73, 301
Bodleian Library 8, 155, 162
Civil War 126, 301–305, 307–308, 314–315, 323–326
Dominus illuminatio mea 378
Technogamia 151, 207–208
Oxford colleges All Souls 54, 303, 318
Balliol 311, 333
Christ Church 73, 112, 178–179, 184–185, 201–203, 239–240, 251–252, 315, 318, 333
halls, Gloucester and St Mary’s 177–178, 187
Merton 162, 182–183, 311, 314–315
Oriel 217, 301–303, 332–333
other 182–184, 302–303, 312–313
Queen’s 28, 56–58, 333
St John’s 179, 217–219, 275–278, 326, 333
Padua, University of 14, 75–76, 217, 237–238, 311–313
painting 45, 159, 218–219, 284, 334–336 collecting 152–153, 158–162
and mathematics 370–371
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