The Ghost of Galileo
Page 58
Palatinate 66, 68, 70, 87, 104–105, 266–268 Arundel’s mission 235–236
*Palladio 46–47, 143, 145, 229–230
Pallavicino, Sforza 174–175
Panzani, Gregorio 78, 81
papal agents 78–81
papal soap 109
*Paracelsus 36–37, 220–221
parallax 170–172, 202, 282–284
Parker, Henry 120
Parker, Thomas 44–45
Parliaments 95, 301–302, 314–315 and Sir John Bankes 88–94, 122, 309–310
Charles I’s 83, 85 (1629), 94–95, 117–119 (1640–1), 125–126 (1642)
James I’s 70, 86–87
Parmigianino 254–255
Paschini, Pio 384–385
Patrizzi, Francesco 135–136
*Paul V, Pope 21, 24, 37–38, 201, 257 interdict 19–20
Paul VI, Pope 384
Paul, Saint 317
*Payne, Robert 101, 317–318, 333
*Peacham, Henry 13, 45–46, 196, 332–333
Peake, Robert 295
*Percy, Algernon, 10th Earl of Northumberland 116, 122 and Sir John Bankes 124–126
*Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland (Wizard Earl) 177–178, 318
Perseus and Andromeda 278–279, 289
Perth, Articles of 81–82
Pesaro, Jacopo 350
Petition of Right 93–95
Phaeton 292–293
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis 221, 238
Philip III, King of Spain 25–26, 61–62
*Philip IV, King of Spain 63–66, 69–70, 90
physicians, royal 151, 220–221, 234–238 deaths of royals 233–234, 236
piracy 70, 102, 105, 186–187, 223
Pisa 217–218, 382–384
Pitman, Colonel 310
planetary motion 169–172 physics of 231–232
Plutarch 31–32, 342
Pococke, Edward 312–313
Polidoro da Caravaggio 275–278, 280–282
politics, of masques 147, 151–152, 166–168 of portraits 160–162
Polybius 176
Pontanus, Johannes Isaacsz 178–179
popish plots 43, 83–85; see also Gunpowder Plot
*Porter, Sir Endymion 67–68, 83–84, 121, 140, 158, 275–278, 317, 325, 330–332 monopolist 108–109
Porter, Lady Olivia 80
portraiture 11, 154–155, 159, 161, 323–326, 334–336 distrust of 327–329
politics 160–162, 337
theory 326, 334–336
Potter, Christopher 28
Poupard, Paul 384–385
powder of sympathy 67–68
Pratt, Roger 380
prerogative/privilege 86–87, 102–103, 125–126, 305–307 Sir John Bankes on 91, 93, 100, 357
Privy Council 66, 83, 88–91, 116, 224 and Sir John Bankes 96, 113, 301–302
war measures 224–225
Protestants 49–50, 268–269, 307–309 Puritans 74, 77
Tew variety 317–318
Venetian 18, 21
Prudentius (Charles I) 73–74, 167
*Prynne, William 162–163, 208 targets 72, 74–76, 327–329
triumph 75–77, 83–84; see also triumvirs
Ptolemaic system 4, 9–10, 129–130, 169–170, 311–312, 320–321
*Ptolemy 139, 178, 212, 295
pursuivant 108–109
purveyance 86–87
*Pym, John 116, 118–119
Pythagoras 290–292
*Quarles, Francis 213–216, 363
*Quarles, John 345, 365
quintessence 169–170, 292–293
Qur’an 313
Radcliffe, George 226
Raleigh, Sir Walter 62–63
Raphael cartoons 145, 155–156, 269–271, 339–340
Ray, John 111
recusancy laws 63–66, 112
Renan, Ernest 385–386
Rheticus, Georg 198
rhetoric 282–284
Ribera, José de 275
Robert-Fleury, Joseph-Nicolas 381
*Robinson, Giles 57
*Robinson, Henry 56–58
Robusti, Domenico 46
Rome 16–17, 217–218, 263, 265, 303, 385 Collegio Romano 28–31, 34
English College 17, 56–57, 188–189, 207, 311
*Ross, Alexander 189–190, 313, 359–360 on sects 308–309
Rossetti, Carlo 85
Rostock 255–256, 258–259
Rowlett, Thomas 295
*Rubens, Sir Peter Paul 143–145, 160, 263, 269–271
Ruggle, George 150–151
*Rupert, Prince of the Rhine 121, 322–326, 330–332, 336
*Russell, Francis, 4th Earl of Bedford 103–104, 116, 157
Sabbatarians 75–77, 150, 247
*Sagredo, Gianfrancsco 9, 175
Saint Omer 50
Salisbury, Earl of. See Cecil, Robert
*Salviati, Filippo 9–10, 175
*Sandys, Edwin 15–16, 21, 86–87, 91, 284–286
*Sandys, Edwin, Archbishop 56–57
*Sandys, George 284–286 Ovid 286–293, 342–343
Psalms 317
*Sarmiento de Acuña, Diego, Conde de Gondomar 62–63, 68–70, 137, 234
*Sarpi, Fra Paolo 22, 31–32, 73, 221, 311–312, 333 and the English 20–22, 38–39, 54–55, 68, 120, 138–139, 162
Galileo 31, 38–39, 355, 376–377
on kings and popes 19–23, 28
monument 355
religion 20–21, 24–26, 40, 366
Trent 21–23, 27–28, 56, 60, 154, 174–177, 376–377
Saturn 240–245
*Savile, Henry 156, 180–183, 361
Savilian professors 311, 333; see also Bainbridge; Greaves
Saye and Sele, Viscount. See Fiennes
Scamozzi, Vincenzo 46
*Schoppe, Kaspar 79–80
Scotland 81–83, 118, 128
scripture and astronomy 190–191, 195–197 see also Inquisition; Job; Joshua
Sebastiano del Piombo 350–351
sedition 85, 111–112, 202–203, 210, 358, 363–364
Sejanus, Lucius Aelius 136
*Selden, John 74, 94, 121–122, 138–140, 185–186, 284, 312 antiquities and astronomy 135–139, 212, 362
politics 91–92, 95, 105, 117–118, 293
religion 80, 138, 212
Seneca 176–177
senses, five 274–276, 295
Seraglio 211, 311–312
Serlio, Sebastiano 46–47
Shakespeare, William 18, 145–146 astrological snippets 38, 133–134, 203–204
Sheba, Queen of 52–53
Sheldon, Gilbert 318–319
ship money 101–105, 115, 117–118, 167
*Shirley, James 222 The Gamester 167–168
Triumph of Peace 74, 167
Shrewsbury 139
Sibbes, Richard 61
*Simplicio 9–10, 175, 189–190
*Sir Politic Would-Be 18–19, 44–45
skepticism 186–187, 232, 361–362, 382
Snell, Willibrord 202
Solomon (James I) 52–53, 139–145
Solomon’s House 142–143
sortes virgilianae 342–343
Spain 89–90, 92, 104–105 English match 62–66, 201–202
trade 223, 285–286
*Spelman, Henry 135–137, 140, 284, 305–306
*Spelman, Sir John 305–306
Spencer, Edmund 198
stagecraft 10–11, 47–48, 147–149, 165 and Inigo Jones 47–48
Star Chamber, Court of 75–76, 115, 117–118, 164–165
Strafford, Earl of. See Wentworth, Thomas
Strasbourg 176
Strode, William 304 Floating Island 73–74, 151–152, 167
*Stuart, Elizabeth 61–63, 105–106, 149–150, 271
Stuart, Mary (wife of William of Orange) 88–89, 323–325
Sutcliffe, Matthew 140–141
tapestries 271–272, 275–278 Draught of Fishes 269–271
ive Senses 274–275
Hero and Leander 272–274, 289–290
Noble Horses 278–279, 289
telescope 32, 81, 188, 206–207, 210–211, 292–293 early 28–32, 129–131, 312
telescope as metaphor 9, 137, 163, 165, 168, 192, 211–213, 216, 275, 360 jocose 66, 166, 202, 207–208, 283, 292–293
morbid 128–129, 213–216
Tesauro, Emanuele 282–284
theater 206, 222 Galileo’s Dialogue 10
political 69–70, 73–74, 112; see also masque; stagecraft
The Hague 63
The Philosophers 347–348
Tiberius, Roman Emperor 136, 342
tides 38–39, 186, 217–218, 250, 313–314, 370 Drebbel’s machine 129–133
Tintoretto 259
Tiresias 287–289
tithes 137–138
Titian 44–45, 66, 113, 224, 275–278, 280–282, 350
titles 137
Tito, Santi di 154–155
tobacco 180–182, 208, 228
tonnage and poundage (T&P) 91–95, 112, 117–118, 139
Tracy, Robert 134
Tradescant, John 339–340
Travel. See Italy
Trent. See Council of Trent
Triennial Act 117–118
trigon 320–321
triumvirs (Bastwick, Burton, Prynne) 75–77, 101, 365
Troy 266, 292, 339–340
Tycho. See Brahe
*Tymme, Thomas 129–131
universities 141–142, 187, 237, 246 Philosophaster 252–253
scholars 245–246, 248–249
Uraniborg, Hven 127–128, 171, 258–259, 373–374
*Urban VIII, Pope 4, 26–27, 69, 83, 172–174, 212–213, 225, 342–343 art 159
astrology/astronomy 8–9, 50, 195
English affairs 78–79, 307–308, 366
Galileo and Sarpi 354–355, 365
*Ussher, James 27–28, 85, 136–137, 179–180, 182–184, 211, 222–223, 312–313 creation 32–34, 313
portents 134, 201
Ut pictura poesis 328–329
Van der Heyden, Jacob 6, 351, 358
*Van Dyck, Sir Antony 46, 99, 152–153, 160, 224, 329, 371 portraits 323–326, 330–332
tapestry 256, 271, 275–278, 350
Velasquez, Diego 65
Venice 24–25, 28, 334–336, 350; see also doge attractions 18, 21, 42, 279–281
government 18–20, 52, 128
and Rome 14–15, 19–20, 52–53, 355
*Venner, Tobias 341–342
Veronese, Paolo 272–274
Vespasian, Roman emperor 113–115
Villamena, Francesco 46–47
*Villiers, George, 1st Duke of Buckingham 67–68, 71–72, 88–89, 134, 139–140, 234 art 152–153, 160
factotum 90–91
impeachment and death 91, 93–94
Spain 63–66
Villiers, Ladies 66, 69–70, 234
*Virgil 189–190, 222, 266, 342–343, 370
Virginia Company 285–286, 330
voluntarism 8–9, 172–175, 186
*Vorstius, Conrad 54–55, 68
Walker, George 111–112
Ward, Seth 314–315
wardship 86–87
*Warner, Walter 178
*Webbe, Joseph 184–185
Wedderburn, John 32–34
Welbeck 184–185, 278
*Wentworth, Thomas, 1st Earl of Strafford 4–7, 96, 116–117, 208–209, 219, 222 and Charles I 76, 116–117, 224–227
in Ireland 85, 219–226
*Weston, Richard, 1st Earl of Portland 77–78, 88–96, 109 and Sir John Bankes 96–97, 99
Wharton, Sir George 171, 199, 319–320, 322
Wharton, Lord Philip 125
*White, Richard 39–40, 186
*White, Thomas 185–187
Whitehall 157, 159
*Wilkins, John 177, 187–188, 190–191, 314–315 Discovery of a World 189
William of Orange 120–121
*Williams, Sir Maurice 2, 217–222, 224, 238–240 and Bacon 218–219, 228–232
Copernicus 230–232, 360–361, 368–369
Italian connections 217–218, 230–231
medical 218, 229–230, 232–233, 341
Oxford 217, 219, 301, 307, 312–314, 329–330
religious and royal 220, 226, 228, 231, 304–305
Wentworth 219–222, 225–226
*Windebank, Sir Francis 77–78, 83, 96, 280
witchcraft 133–134
Wither, George 348
*Woodford, Robert 76–77
Wooton Bassett 88–89
*Wotton, Sir Henry 40, 46–47, 79–80, 140, 152–153, 155, 159–160, 201 art 45–47, 143, 159–160, 278, 327–328, 334–336, 371–373
on education 46–47, 332–333
and English writers 35–36, 40, 46–47
Italy 26, 39–40, 42, 52–53, 280
Sarpi’s group 20–21, 23–24, 32, 162, 367, 373–374
Stuart kings 24–25, 62, 156–162
Wren, Christopher, Bishop 184
*Wright, Edward 154–156
Wright, Gerard 112
York 125–126, 303–304
York, Archbishops of 15–17, 72
Zichichi, Antonino 385
Zollern, Friedrich Eitel von 79–80
Zubarán, Francisco de 374–375