Wanted by Her Two MC Men

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Wanted by Her Two MC Men Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t care what you think, Diego. I want to know the truth,” Killian said. “What did you mean?”

  Now she wished she’d kept her mouth shut.

  “It’s really nothing. Honestly. There’s no reason for us to keep talking about this.”

  “I agree with Killian. You won’t hear me say that more than once, trust me. He’s got a point. What did you mean?”

  She ran fingers through her hair, the lasagna in front of her all but forgotten. Was there any point in hiding it? They needed to know the truth, even if it did make her exceedingly uncomfortable.

  “You know I was married before.” She waited as they both agreed. “It, I, we didn’t have a very happy marriage. In the beginning it was okay, but as the years went on, I couldn’t satisfy him. He told me I was useless in bed and I didn’t know what it was a man needed.” She remembered the shame as the words spewed from his lips, making her feel so small and insignificant. Her ex had a powerful way with words. Whenever he made comments about her body, she didn’t care. She was happy and content within herself, but when it came to sex, she knew she didn’t have enough practice.

  “Wait, hold on, this guy who cheated on you told you that you were bad at sex?” Diego asked.

  “Yes. If you’re both wanting to share me you’ve got to understand you may hate it with me.”

  Killian and Diego shared a look, and then they both smiled.

  “There’s only one way to solve this,” Diego said, getting to his feet, holding out his hand.

  On instinct she took his offered hand. “What?”

  “Where’s your bedroom? I love cold lasagna, but I need to prove to you you’re not bad in bed.”

  “Wait? What?” He pulled her out of the dining room. She didn’t put up much of a fight. Killian followed behind them, and as they entered her bedroom, the space looked small with both men inside.

  She glanced behind her to see Killian already pulling off his shirt. The ink on his chest mesmerized her. Biting onto her lip, she wanted to lick a path down to his pants. He didn’t make her wait for long before he’d opened his jeans and slid them down. Killian wasn’t wearing any boxer briefs, and he took himself in hand, working his length.

  He wasn’t small at all, but long, thick, and the head was already coated in pre-cum. She wanted to taste him, to sink to her knees and for him to fuck her mouth.

  “I’m feeling left out.” Diego moved behind her back. His hands were all over her body as he cupped her tits. She let out a gasp.

  He was naked as well. The hard ridge of his cock poked against her ass, letting her know he wanted her.

  “Do you see what you do to him?” Diego asked. “I never thought I’d see my enemy’s cock, but he’s ready for you, Amy. What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Do you want us to stop?” Diego stopped stroking her breasts as Killian removed his hand from his dick. She wanted him to keep on playing. She liked to watch, and seeing him naked, confident, working his cock, she didn’t want him to stop.

  “No, I don’t want you to stop. Please, touch yourself.”

  “You like seeing this?” Killian asked, his fist moving up and down his length.

  She was so wet.


  “Tell me what you want me to do?”

  “I don’t know. I know what I want to do.”

  Killian raised a brow. “And what is that?”

  “I want to taste you.” Heat rose in her cheeks. If she went any hotter, she’d melt on the spot.

  “I’m not stopping you. So far, baby, all I see is a hot woman with needs,” Killian said.

  “Here, let me help you.” This was from Diego, who helped her down to her knees and Killian stepped up. She still wore her jeans and a shirt but knelt on the floor between them, she was … open, exposed to their views. What did they see?

  Killian stroked a curl behind her ear. “I won’t stop you, angel,” he said. He took hold of her hand, wrapping it around his length, and she stroked her tongue across the very tip of his dick. His pre-cum coated her tongue, and she moaned as it did. “Do you like that?”

  In answer, she took the whole head of his cock into her mouth, working up and down his length, taking him as deep as she could, pulling off with a pop.

  “Such a pretty sight,” Diego said.

  She let go of Killian’s cock to see her other man standing close.

  Unable to resist, she covered his dick and started to swallow him up, bobbing her head, taking him as deep as she could go, with a moan.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Fuck, she has got a good mouth. I don’t know who her ex is, but he’s got a lot to answer for.” Diego groaned, and he swelled a little more in her mouth.

  Killian tugged on her head, asking for more, and she moved back over to his cock.

  This was not what she’d expected when she woke up this morning.

  First to get propositioned by the two sexiest guys around, then to have both in her bedroom while she gave them a blowjob.


  Killian didn’t want to blow inside her mouth on his first time with Amy.

  Pulling her off his cock, he didn’t wait for Diego; he picked her up and dropped her to the bed. Gripping her shirt, he tore the damn thing in two. She shouldn’t wear clothes. He wanted to see her naked. He’d been waiting far too long for her to stay dressed for any length of time.

  The white lacy bra was pretty but in his way.

  Tearing it off her body, he let out a groan, loving the sight before him. Her perfect plump tits with nice red nipples. She was a dream come true. He’d been waiting to see her like this, and he wasn’t disappointed.

  He cupped the mounds together, working over the tight buds. Pinching the ends, he heard her gasp, arching up.

  Diego flicked the catch of her jeans, and having no choice but to leave those beauties alone, Killian pulled the jeans from her body, being sure to take her matching white lacy panties with them.

  She didn’t have any pubic hair, and he was surprised to see her perfectly clean-shaven.

  “Fuck me, you’re beautiful,” Diego said. Together, they touched her cunt, and Killian spread her legs so there was nothing to obstruct her from their view.

  Perfect pussy.

  Soaking wet.

  Sliding a finger inside her, he found just how tight she was. Her ex certainly didn’t fuck her enough, but that was all okay for him. He and Diego were going to make up for her ex’s shortfall. This pussy was going to know a pounding. First, he wanted a taste.

  Shoving Diego’s fingers out of the way, he slid his tongue between her wet slit, moaning at the first touch. She was amazing. Sliding his tongue into her cunt, he stroked up, circling her clit, then back down again.

  “Here, let me open her.” Diego held her legs open, keeping her spread for him.

  He didn’t mind how long it took licking and sucking at her perfect cunt. He didn’t want to stop. Just one taste of her would never be enough.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, using his teeth to create a little bite of pain. He heard her cry out, and he stopped, soothing out the pain with the flat of his tongue.

  “Let me have a taste.”

  Killian moved out of the way to make room for Diego, who didn’t waste any time. Watching her face, Killian saw the pleasure rush over her, and it was such a pretty sight.

  “I never knew it could be like this,” she said.

  “Your ex never devoted any time to licking your pussy?”

  “No. None.”

  “Your ex is a fucking loser.” He didn’t like the bastard on principle. What kind of man didn’t take care of his woman?

  It was a good job he and Diego were more than happy to step up to give her what she wanted.

  “Oh, wow,” she said. “Please, don’t stop!”

  Running his fingers up and down her thighs, he watched as Diego gave her an orgasm. She didn’t fake it. Her tits shook as her orgasm rushed
over her, and he was so hard, just from watching her.

  When he’d thought about sharing her with Diego, in truth, he didn’t think for a second he’d be able to. He wasn’t known for letting anyone else have half of what belonged to him, but with Amy he was willing to share to have a piece of her.

  Seeing her come apart under Diego’s tongue, he wasn’t annoyed, but aroused. It was one of the prettiest sights he’d ever seen, and he wanted to see it again.

  “Nicest pussy ever,” Diego said, lifting up.

  Killian didn’t give Amy or Diego a choice of who was going to get her pussy first.

  Putting the tip of his dick at her entrance, he slid in deep, pushing to the hilt, holding her down as he fucked his cock inside her.

  She cried out. She was tighter than he imagined she would be.

  “Hey!” Diego glared at him.

  “You gave her an orgasm, I got to feel her first.”

  Diego moved to the head of the bed, holding onto Amy as Killian rocked back and forth within her.

  “Do you feel what you do to me?” he asked.

  “I’ve never … it’s too much.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” He would for her, even if the pleasure went straight to his balls. In the back of his mind he was having to count to ten just to keep himself from blowing too soon. He was so aroused, and her tight, wet heat was a pure distraction.


  Slowly, he rocked back and forth, watching her, seeing if she could take all of him. At first, she looked a little uncomfortable, but he took his time, letting her get used to the sheer size of him. Her wasn’t a small man, never had been.

  Lifting her legs up over his shoulders, he wanted to get as deep within her as he could without hurting her.

  She felt better than he even imagined.

  So tight.

  So wet.


  This was what he’d been hoping for all this time. To finally have her all to himself, to fuck, to play, and to be with.


  “Yes, fuck, you feel incredible,” he said. “Touch her, Diego. Get her to come all over my dick.”

  Diego didn’t complain. He moved forward, and Killian watched as Amy sucked on Diego’s cock. He was at the perfect angle to her mouth.

  He didn’t know if he was going to last.

  The moment Diego started to stroke her clit, she tightened around his length, and he fucked her hard. Her pussy swallowed him up, and he felt the moment she came. How her cunt milked his cum, wanting him. He didn’t hold back, giving her everything, pouring all of his spunk deep inside her.

  He hadn’t worn a condom. When it came to Amy, he wanted nothing between them, but he also had a plan. He wanted to keep Amy as he wished to have a future with her, no matter what.


  Diego wasn’t stupid. He’d clocked Killian not wearing a condom, and as the other man pulled out of her pussy, the evidence of his naked dick spilled out of her pussy lips.

  He wasn’t a man to be outdone.

  Amy wasn’t just some weekend fling for him.

  For a long time, he’d been watching her, waiting to stake his claim on her, and soon, he was going to have her.

  Pressing kisses to her tits, he moved between her thighs, stroking up and down.

  Gripping her hips, he flipped her onto her knees, and she let out a little yelp. Crawling up the bed behind her, he pushed her blonde tresses out of the way, sinking his teeth against her flesh. She whimpered, and he relished the sound.

  “Did you like his big cock inside you?” Diego asked.


  “Good. You’re going to have mine now, and I know you’re going to love every second of it.”

  “You’re a bit full of yourself,” Killian said.

  “I know what she’s full of. Let’s not comment, shall we,” Diego said, waiting for him to dispute what he said.

  Sliding his fingers between her dripping slit, he pushed two inside her. She was still tight, even after the pounding Killian had given her.

  He’d never seen a woman so sexually deprived in all of his life. Her ex had a lot to answer for. He’d read one of the books, and knew deep down what it was Amy craved. She wanted two men completely devoted to her, no questions asked, but also, to not have them push her aside or think she was disgusting for the kinds of sex she did want.

  Watching Killian with her, Diego knew he was more than man enough for the task. Amy deserved someone—or two someones—who understood her, who would hold her in the cold of night and not toss her aside. He had no problems with how down and dirty she wanted to get. He wanted it too, and would help her to find who she really wanted to be.

  Biting into her neck, he sucked on the tender flesh, wanting his mark on her.

  He wasn’t going to hide who she belonged to.

  For a long time, he’d had his share of women, and now he was more than ready to settle down. There was no one else he wanted more than Amy. She was perfect for him. He’d fallen for her kindness, her sweet laughter, and hot, curvy body. Not a day went by when he didn’t think about her being in his bed, waking up to her every morning.

  She’d make the perfect mother for their children, and he saw them being together until old age.

  Pulling his fingers from her tight pussy, he started to pump his fingers in and out of her, drawing them up to her clit to tease. She shook in his arms, but he imagined that was down to the two orgasms he’d already given her.

  Before the night was over, he wanted her to struggle to move.

  “I don’t think I can take anymore,” she said.

  “Oh, you will, baby. Believe me, we’re only just getting started.” He let go of her clit, wrapped his fingers around his dick, and placed the tip against her core.

  She let out a long, drawn-out moan as he slowly, inch by inch, sank inside her. He made her aware of just how much she took of him. Every inch, every part of him. She gasped his name as it echoed off the walls.

  On the last inch, he grabbed both of her hips and pounded inside her, making her cry out. Letting go, he touched her ass cheeks and spread them open, seeing his cock embedded into her tight snatch, and the puckered hole of her anus. Running his fingers through her slit, combining her release with Killian’s, he got his digits nice and wet.

  He touched her asshole, getting it prepared and lubed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You know what I’m doing, baby. Don’t you worry. I’ll prepare you.” He rocked inside her, letting her get used to his length. Killian distracted her by kissing her, and as Diego started to push against her ass, she whimpered.

  Killian, being the good buddy he was turning out to be, worked his hand between her thighs, touching her clit.

  Diego paused as her hot pussy squeezed him even tighter. His balls were already blue from not being with anyone, not since he wanted Amy. No other woman would ever do. The only person he wanted was right here, beneath him.

  Slowly, working in and out of her body, he grasped some control of his hormones, and started to get close to his orgasm. He didn’t pound within her, but took his time as he played with her ass, pushing a finger past that tight ring of muscles, and fucking her. He kept up the pace, gritting his teeth as she got closer to another orgasm.

  He now understood why Killian came so freaking fast. There was no way of denying this woman. Her pussy was hungry for some cum, and as he added a second finger, she came hard around his length.

  Closing his eyes, he pumped inside her, trying to hold back his own release. Amy was too much, and as he tried to pull out, his balls had another idea. Removing his fingers from her tight ass, he held her hips in place as with one thrust, he seated himself to the hilt within her, his cum joining Killian’s. There was no way he was going to let the other bastard believe he won.

  Amy was his, and he wasn’t going to let her go. Not to anyone.

  Chapter Four

  The following Monday, Amy was still a li
ttle sore after Killian and Diego’s lovemaking.

  Both men hadn’t stopped, and she’d lost count of the number of orgasms they’d given her. They had taken turns, and even now, thinking about it, she felt heat rise up in her cheeks. Did it make her a slut to have two men take it in turns?

  Maybe she was nervous.

  On Sunday morning they had both gotten a call before she’d even made them all breakfast, and both had promised to call. But neither of them had. Did they think she was weak?

  Resting her head against the shop fridge, she shook it from side to side.

  “Stop thinking about it,” she said.

  She’d been up since four that morning, and rather than try to pretend to sleep, she’d come straight to the shop to get started on the day’s baking. Mondays were always good days. She tended to get a lot of orders for lunches for the week, but also the chance of catering to a birthday party or an event of some kind. There was never a dull moment in her world.

  All she had to do was get her head in the freaking game. Whatever happened over the weekend, she couldn’t change it. Killian and Diego had offered her a chance to have both of them. It could have been a test or a ruse, or both. Had she failed?

  Pushing those doubts to one side, she grabbed the ingredients out of the fridge, and got to mixing the chocolate chip cookies, which were a huge hit. Each time she thought of Diego or Killian, she shoved them out of her mind, even though her nipples were sore from their mouths, and her ass a little tender. Both men couldn’t seem to resist touching her, telling her how they were going to use her.

  Get your head out of the dirty clouds. It’s not going to happen. Focus on what you do best. Baking.

  She had to get herself together. This was no way to run a business.

  After managing to complete her morning baking routine, she made herself a cup of coffee, sipping it in between serving customers. After the lunchtime rush, she knew deep in her heart, she’d been had.

  Diego and Killian had used her.

  She put the closed sign on the door, and made her way into the back, hoping to stop the tears, which wouldn’t do as they were told.


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