Wanted by Her Two MC Men

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Wanted by Her Two MC Men Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The door to her shop opened. She hadn’t locked it.

  Damn it.

  “We’re closed,” she said.

  She walked out of the kitchen and paused.

  Diego and Killian were standing in her shop. The moment they saw her, both men rounded the counter.

  “Are you okay?” Killian asked.

  “Who the fuck made you cry?” Diego asked.

  Both men touched her face, and she was a little shocked.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Answer our questions,” Killian said.

  “I want to know who made you cry. I’ll fucking kill them,” Diego said.

  “You did,” she said.

  “I did?” Diego asked.

  “Yes, and you.”

  “What did I do?” Killian asked.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s me being stupid.” She pulled out of their arms and walked back into the kitchen. As she did so, she pinched her arm, but yep, she was very much awake.

  “I’m a little confused right now,” Diego said.

  “Like it’s hard for you to be.”

  “Neither of you called,” she said. “I thought … it doesn’t matter what I thought.”

  “It does matter,” Killian said. “You thought we didn’t want you anymore, didn’t you?”

  “Well, can you blame me? You both leave so fast come Sunday morning and after what we did. No wonder. You both must hate me.” She covered her face with her hands.

  “I’m confused now,” Killian said.

  “You think we’ve got an issue with how fucking hot and sexy you were Saturday night?” Diego asked.

  “It was wrong. You both run different MCs. I know this isn’t normal. I’m not normal. I’m weird. I like two men. It’s why I didn’t want to date either of you. I like you both. This is crazy. You both should go. Find a woman who’ll enjoy you without you having to compromise.” Just the thought of them being with anyone else made her feel so upset.

  “You think there’s anyone else in this world we’d ever want?” Diego asked.

  She lowered her hands, looking at them over the tips of her fingers. “What?”

  Killian chuckled. “We had some business to attend to. We don’t run this town or own it, but we have an agreement in place to take care of it. We got a communication of another MC wanting to pass through. Every now and again, the Rogues and Devils work together. It’s what we do.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  “Yes, to keep the town and our own clubs safe,” Diego said. “We can play nice. Both of us want you to have a town you can feel safe in. Also, we agreed that unless we’re both present, neither of us can sneak off to see you. It wouldn’t be fair. The moment the threat was gone, we both came here.”

  “You didn’t scare us off,” Killian said.

  “And nothing we did Saturday night was dirty as far as I’m concerned,” Diego said. “When we get dirty, there’s a lot more cum, a lot more screaming, and a few cuffs, maybe.”

  Her nipples tightened at the thought. “Cuffs?”

  “You like that?” Killian asked.

  “I didn’t scare you away or bore you?” she asked, avoiding the question. She hadn’t thought of cuffs, but she wondered if Killian and Diego would be willing to be tied up as she had her way with them.

  “There’s no way you can bore anyone. I loved every second of our time together, and I’m looking forward to more. Saturday was just a taste,” Killian said.

  “I agree.” Diego stepped up close and swiped a tear away. “I don’t want you to cry over us like this. We will never make you feel like your asshole of an ex did. You’re amazing, and don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

  She ran her fingers over her face, wiping away the tears. “Next time, please call. I don’t think I can handle not knowing.”

  “We’ll call,” Killian said.


  Killian walked around Amy’s house completely naked, as did Diego. They’d left her to finish her day at the shop, and promised to have dinner and some fun the moment she returned.

  “I don’t want her wearing a stitch of clothing,” Diego said. “She has got too good an ass to hide behind jeans. What is with her fetish for jeans, anyway?”


  “Yeah, I went into her closet, and there’s, like, six hundred pairs of them.” Diego was looking through her music. She had a couple of CDs, but nothing that appealed to Killian.

  “We need to buy her some skirts and dresses. You know, the kind to show off her legs and ass.”

  “How about we do a panty ban?” Diego said. “I don’t want anything getting in the way of me touching her pussy.”

  Killian glanced over at Diego. “Can you believe we’re having a civilized conversation, naked in our woman’s home?”

  “No, it feels fucking messed up. Weird.” Diego let out a shudder. “We’re enemies.”

  “More like frenemies,” Killian said.

  “Where do you see this going with Amy?” Diego asked.

  “You want to talk about the future?”

  “I’ve got plans, and seeing as you fucked her without a condom last night, I figure you’ve got plans too.”

  “I do,” Killian said. “But I’m not telling you them.”

  “I’m never going to wear a condom with her.”

  “So we knock her up together. Tell me, Diego, are you ready to be a daddy?” Killian asked.

  “I’m ready to marry Amy, have her as my wife and the mother of my children. I’ve got nothing to hide. I love her.”

  Killian paused. “You do?”

  “Yeah. You want to be real here and talk about the future, then I can do exactly that. My feelings for Amy, they’re fucking real, not fake. I love her. I want a life with her, and I’ve wasted too much time already. You think I don’t know a good woman when I see one? I do. I know she’s perfect. I know I love her more than anything.”

  “You don’t know her,” Killian said. He folded his arms, looking Diego in the eye.

  “I know her. I’ve spent the past year getting to know her. It’s how I know she is perfect for me, and I will do anything for her. What about you, Killian? Is she just a happy fuck to you?”

  Killian stared at Diego, a little taken aback by the sheer honesty of the other man.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “It was one of your rules, remember, we’ve got to be honest with each other.”

  “We only fucked her the other day and you’re willing to put your entire life with her?” Killian asked.

  “If you’re not, you should back down. Amy deserves a man who is willing to stand up for her. To claim her. To tell the world to back the fuck off, because she belongs to him. I love her. I have done for some time now. If you’re not man enough to stake your claim, then leave her alone.”

  “I love her,” Killian said. “I would die for her. Do you really think this past year has been easy for me?” He didn’t give Diego time to answer. “I’ve watched her from afar and up close. As close as she’d even let me, which isn’t far. She likes to keep everyone at arm’s length. I know what she wants, who she wants, and I’m more than willing to give it to her. I’m more than in love with her. Words do not even begin to describe how I feel about her. I’m not backing down from this.” He couldn’t step aside. Not now. “This was never about sex for me. From the moment I asked her out, I wanted her to be my old lady, but she turned me down, and it’s because of you.”

  Diego nodded. “So, we’re at a stalemate.”

  “No, we don’t have to be at anything. You love her. I love her. We both love her. There’s nothing else for us to do other than enjoy her. Amy has to make a choice,” Killian said.

  Diego burst out laughing. “You’re telling me, after having a taste of her, after knowing what it’s like to feel her milking your cock, and driving you to the edge of insanity, you think you can just walk away? If she picks me, you’ll bow out?”

Killian didn’t say a word.

  “Besides, what if she’s pregnant right now? What will you do? You see, neither of us wore a condom. I don’t even know if she’s on the pill. To be frank, I couldn’t give a fuck if she was or not, but do you care?” Diego asked.

  Again, Killian stared at his opponent. This wasn’t exactly how he envisioned this conversation going.

  Neither of them spoke.

  The door lock clicked open, and the stare-off ended as they both turned toward the door.

  They were going to have to find a way to resolve their differences. Killian didn’t have a clue how they were going to do it. If it was even possible to do. He couldn’t see a way out. Not right now. Not with Amy entering, and the moment she saw them, she closed the door with a giggle.

  “You’re both naked. I wasn’t expecting you to be.”

  “I know, darlin’, and now it’s time for you to join us as well. The moment you enter your home, we have a new rule. Your body is not one to be hidden. We want to see you, every inch of you,” Diego said.


  Diego helped Killian remove Amy’s clothes. Her body should never be hidden. He couldn’t believe how long he’d waited to claim her, to make her his, but he wasn’t going to make that same mistake again.

  Running his hands down her body, from cupping her tits to moving between her pussy, he loved how she rubbed her curvy ass against his dick.

  Biting onto her neck, he added another love bite to match the one already there.

  “Did you miss us?” he asked.


  “Good,” Killian said, taking over. “Because we missed you.”

  Diego held up her tits for Killian to suck, and the other man didn’t need any more encouragement to lick and suck at those tits. Staring over her shoulder, Diego watched as he moved from one nipple to the other, then back. His tongue stroked between the valley of her tits before gliding down her stomach.

  “How wet is she?” Diego asked.

  “Hold her still so I can find out.” Cupping her cheek, Diego tilted her head back, and claimed her lips as Killian started to work his tongue through her slit. Tracing across her lips, he loved hearing every single gasp and moan as Killian worked her body like magic.

  “Let’s move her to a more comfortable spot.”

  Moving her back toward the sofa, Diego had her sit on his lap, spreading her thighs so Killian could work her pussy.

  He kissed her lips, swallowing down the sounds of her orgasm as she came. She rubbed her ass against his dick, and he controlled himself, even though he wanted to bend her over the nearest surface and fuck her tight asshole.

  She collapsed against him as Killian knelt back.

  “I could get used to this,” she said.

  “Having your pussy licked?” Diego said.

  “Not just that, but also coming home to the two of you. It’s quite the heady mix.”

  “I bet it is,” Killian said.

  Amy reached behind her and began to work his length. Up and down she slid her hand, and Diego groaned.

  “I think it’s only fair I return the favor.” She slid off his lap, going to her knees before them.

  “I did all the work,” Killian said.

  Diego glared at the other man, giving him the finger.

  “You both worked together,” Amy said. She grabbed Killian’s hips and pushed him to sit right down beside him. “In my house I don’t want any fighting or any bickering. It’s not fair to either of you.” She didn’t move between their legs, but leaned against each of them, where they were separated. They had no choice but to sit close together so her mouth could get to their dicks.

  Both of her hands were on them, her fists moving up and down their length.

  Diego watched her as she first took Killian into her mouth. She took him to the back, and he watched her give a little heave before moving off him to take Diego’s length.

  He stroked her hair. He didn’t close his eyes even as he wanted to. Watching her suck on him was far more exciting than closing his eyes.

  She alternated between them, taking each of their cocks, giving them an equal turn. Diego didn’t know how long he was going to last. In between using her mouth, she kept her hand on him, sliding up and down through her saliva and his pre-cum.

  When Killian came, Diego couldn’t believe how sexy it was to see her swallow down the other man’s cum. She closed her eyes as she did so, and he watched her mouth work. Seconds later, her mouth was on him, and as he came, she did the same, swallowing every single drop of his creamy essence.

  Afterward, they pulled her up off the floor to sit between them. They were all sated. Diego lifted a thigh, putting it over his, and he stroked the inside of her leg.

  “I truly believed you’d used me and left me,” Amy said. “You have no idea how happy I was to see you. Both of you.”

  “We’ll never leave you,” Killian said.

  Diego gave her thigh a little squeeze. “Next time we’ll call.” He kissed her head. “We’ve been waiting for you for some time. We’ve both been really patient. We’re not going to screw it up now.”

  “I believe it now, but with my ex … I was worried I was really bad.”

  Killian stroked her cheek, tilting her head back, making her look at him. “Don’t. Your ex was a bastard. He had no right blaming you. You’re amazing in the bedroom, and you should never believe anything different. You blow my mind.”

  “You can feel how much I love being with you,” Diego said.

  Her stomach started to growl, and she covered her face. “Could I be anymore embarrassed?” she asked.

  “Nothing to fear. We have dinner ready. You stay here, relax. We’ll be back,” Diego said, getting to his feet.

  They walked into the kitchen, and Diego grabbed three plates as Killian pulled the casserole out of the oven. They’d found it in her freezer storage, and there was more than enough for three.

  “We’ve got to make this work. All three of us,” Diego said.

  Killian paused in serving up.

  As they’d all been sitting there, Diego realized something: Amy might never pick between them. They’d offered her both of them, and she didn’t want to decide. She wasn’t the kind of woman to do something like that, to pit one man against the other.

  “I know. I already figured it out.”

  With three portions of food made up, Diego grabbed the knives and forks from the drawer.

  “What are we going to do?” Diego asked. “I’m guessing you believed this was only temporary?”

  “I didn’t have any plans, Diego. I knew what I wanted, and I was willing to compromise to get it.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m still willing to do what it takes to have the woman I want. What about you?”

  There was no hesitation. “I am.”

  “Then we’re stuck together. It’s the way it’s going to be.”

  Chapter Five

  One month later

  Amy felt sick. Really sick.

  Her period had started this morning, and she also had sickness and other bodily problems. She had a fever, and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry. Maybe even sob.

  She’d already called Diego and Killian. For the past month they’d been dating, and every single day they arrived at her door, they always ended up having sex. She’d never had so much sex in her life, but her men, they knew how to satisfy her, and well, she wasn’t going to turn them down.

  Both men had found a way to work together, and when they were in her company, she could mistake them for friends, even though they were presidents of different MCs. How had her life gotten so complicated? She felt awful.

  Did they expect her to choose between the two?

  Was it selfish of her to want two men equally?

  Tears filled her eyes, and she held the pillow close to her chest, not wanting to give it up. She released a sniffle, feeling even more sorry for herself as the minutes wore on.
r />   “It’s fine,” she said to herself.

  Her men always wanted sex, and seeing as she was on her period and sick, she’d told them not to bother coming. She’d be horrible company … but she felt miserable. Did they only want her for sex?

  She loved having them around and visiting her at her bakery. It was fun to see them together, making her laugh, offering her comfort. Between the two of them, she felt so many things.

  One feeling was more dominant than the others, and that was love. She loved both men. Diego for his bluntness and Killian for his attempts at tact, but what if this was all about sex with them?

  Someone entered her home, and within seconds, both of her men were in the room.

  “Killian? Diego?” She looked at both men, a little surprised.

  Diego winced. “Darlin’, you’re looking really bad.” He stepped up close, putting a hand against her forehead. “Have you taken anything?”

  “You mean drugs?”

  “No, medication. You’re sick.”

  “I’ve been sick all morning.” She started to cry.

  “Hey, hey, what’s with the tears?” Killian said, moving to sit beside her, pulling her into his lap.

  “I just, why are you here?” she asked, quickly changing the subject.

  “Why wouldn’t we be here?” Diego asked. “It seems kind of a stupid question.”

  “I’m, you know, I’ve got my period, and look at me.”

  “Sweetheart, you are a sight for sore eyes, but there is nowhere else we’d rather be. I speak for both of us, don’t I, asshole?” Diego said.

  “Yes. What makes you think we wouldn’t want to be here?” Killian asked, stroking his fingers through her hair.

  It all seemed a little silly to her now, but there was no point in denying her feelings. “We’ve only had sex.”

  “So?” Diego asked. “We’ve hung out. Watched movies. Had a lot of fun. It’s not just about sex. Believe me.”

  “It’s not?”

  “Is that what you think?” Killian asked. “We’re only here to fuck you?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  “Hell, no,” Diego said. “Tell her, Killian.”

  “We’re here because we love spending time with you. Don’t get me wrong, I will not turn down a chance of being between your sweet thighs, but I’m here for you. Not just for the sex.”


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