Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group Book 5)

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Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group Book 5) Page 21

by Riley Edwards

  “What was in it?” Chasin inquired.

  Weston’s hesitation wasn’t a good sign.

  “We should take a walk,” he rejoined.

  Fucking hell.

  Chasin’s gaze went back to Genevieve, her chin tipped up, and their eyes locked. “You trust me?”


  No hesitation.

  He let that warmth sink in and coat his insides.

  “Finish up breakfast, let me have a word with Weston, and when I get back, we’ll talk.”

  He was pressing his luck and he knew it. She hadn’t been happy when she’d found out Bobby had kept things from her, and there he was, getting ready to do the same.

  “Okay.” This time the word was shaky but she’d immediately agreed.

  “Okay.” Chasin closed the distance and gave her a too-short brush of the lips before he let her go.

  Bobby moved in, took Genevieve’s hand, and started to pull her toward the kitchen.

  “Come on, I’m starving.”

  With a tight smile, Silver followed the women, and Chasin followed Holden and Weston to the front door.

  They were huddled five feet from the front porch when Weston started. “Went to the house this morning to check things out and there was another envelope wedged in the gate. I took it back to the office and opened it. Same as before, pictures of Genevieve, but these were old. We need to show them to her so she can tell us where they were taken. But there’s a picture of you on the sidewalk in front of the office. And another one of you gettin’ in your car on the street in front of Fountain Park. Saw you yesterday so I know what you were wearing…”

  Weston let that hang and Chasin felt acid churn in his stomach.

  “You’re telling me he has pictures of me from yesterday?”


  “What else?”

  “He says you have twenty-four hours to take her back to her uncle’s or you’re dead.”

  “So he knows it’s the uncle’s house?” Chasin asked, ignoring the threat.

  “Yep, and he knows she’s in town and not living there. Knows who you are and what you drive. Saw you walking into the office, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trying to run the address to see what comes up.”

  “He won’t find anything running the address,” Holden cut in.

  “No, he won’t, but if he runs Chasin’s plates, he will.”

  “He’ll get my name and a PO box. Not worried.”

  “Well, I am. The fucker had you in his sights. Don’t know how close he was, but just him seeing you is too close. You don’t leave this property without someone at your back.”


  “Seriously, Chasin. You wanna be around to make that woman fill that hole she’s got, you don’t take any risks. Chances are, he’s an obsessed pissant without the skill or balls to take you out. But there’s still a chance and we’re not fuckin’ taking it.”

  Chasin thought about Genevieve’s pretty face, open and honest, telling him he was filling a hole of unhappiness she’d always had. Weston was right; there wasn’t a damn thing worth risking having the honor of showing her happiness.

  But it was still a pain in his ass.

  “Fine,” he acquiesced. “We need information on Bent Bromley.”

  “Yeah, I was thinking about that,” Holden started. “Since he just happens to be in town when another package was delivered, I think he should come in for a meet. If Genevieve’s up to it, they can meet in the office. We get a print and run it against what we have.”

  Chasin hated that idea but it was a good one, a necessary one. They’d either rule Bent out so they could move on, or they’d have the asshole who was terrorizing Genevieve and her nightmare would be over.


  “I am so over this shit,” I complained.

  The guys had come back in, we had breakfast—the conversation was light and friendly, no mention of stalkers or me getting ready to have a mental come-apart—then Silver, Dylan, and Weston had taken off, Holden had gone back to his Airstream, and Bobby was in the shower. Chasin and I were upstairs in the bedroom, and he’d just finished telling me that during their talk, the guys had decided they wanted me to meet with Bent at the office.

  He locked the bedroom door and turned to face me when he replied, “I know you’re over it. We’re getting closer. He’s desperate and screwing up. We have prints from the first package and Alec’s dusting the new one.”

  “I know you’re doing everything you can. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to bitch.”

  “It’s okay to be scared.”

  But it hit me, I wasn’t afraid. Not since I’d met with Gemini Group. No, that wasn’t right, not since I’d met Chasin. I was freaked out when I’d come to Kent County, and yes, there’d been a tingle of fear when I thought about someone fixating on me. I wasn’t stupid, I knew there were crazy people in the world, and I knew having a stalker was dangerous.

  “I’m not scared.”


  “I’m telling the truth. I’m not. I know you’ll protect me. I know Holden, Nixon, Weston, Jameson, and Alec are all working on finding him.”

  Chasin’s face got that soft look I was seriously addicted to.

  “Baby,” he whispered.

  “I’m annoyed. I’m pissed he’s screwing with my life. But I am not scared he’s gonna get me. I know you won’t let that happen. So, really, I’m just bitching like a spoiled brat because my life is being disrupted when I should be more worried that Bobby’s is, too, and all of you guys are putting in overtime to find him. McKenna’s pregnant and she’s spending hours at her desk. That’s not cool.”

  Chasin’s lips curled up into a grin and he shook his head. “Don’t worry about Micky. Nix tried to get her to take time off and she flipped her shit. She said she was pregnant, not an invalid, and if he mentioned her quitting one more time, the baby she’s carrying will be an only child. Since Nix wants ten of those little fuckers, he wisely has kept his mouth shut. Micky loves her job, she’s good at it, and she’s smart. She knows when to rest and she wouldn’t push herself and harm her baby.”

  “Nixon wants ten kids? Sweet baby Jesus. I feel sorry for McKenna’s vagina.”

  “Never say that to me again,” Chasin choked.

  “Y’all don’t like the word vagina?” I teased.

  Chasin’s eyes lit and he stepped closer, then tagged me around the waist and yanked me to him. My breath caught and the aforementioned spot between my legs dampened. I didn’t know what it was about Chasin hauling me where he wanted me that I found so hot, but it totally was.

  Scorching hot.

  “Girls have vaginas,” Chasin said.

  “Um, yeah, I know, seeing as I’m a girl and I have one.”

  “No, baby, you’re a woman, you have a pussy. A very warm, wet, tight pussy. And sometimes if I’m in a certain mood to take you beyond dirty and straight to downright filthy, you have a cunt.”

  I wasn’t a big fan of the C-word, but right then I really wanted to know what he considered filthy. Then I shivered at the thought and my panties got wetter. Chasin’s face went to my neck and his nose skimmed my skin before I felt his tongue swirl.

  “I see you like that.”

  Unable to speak I nodded.

  “Fucking perfect.”

  I shivered again.

  “As soon as we have the house to ourselves, I’ll show you the difference.”

  “I can’t wait,” I croaked.

  His tongue swirled again.

  “You think you can take it?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  His hips flexed and his erection pressed hard against my stomach.

  That didn’t give me a shiver—that made my legs jelly.

  “How long we got until Bobby’s ready to go?” he weirdly asked.

  “Um, maybe thirty minutes?”

  “We’ll be quick.”

  Oh, yeah, my legs were jelly. I’d been mentally calculating the time I needed to
get ready and strap my armor on before we met with Bent, but the thought flew away when Chasin shoved his hands in my shorts and he squeezed my sore ass.

  After that, clothes went flying.

  Then I was on my back in the middle of the bed, legs spread wide because Chasin’s hands were holding my thighs open, and his mouth was between my legs. It was spectacular. So good, that when he sucked my clit into his mouth, my back arched and I was ready to explode.

  Then his mouth was gone, he was on his knees, my ass was off the bed, my thighs rested on his, and he was stroking himself. That was hot. All of it. But what made it better was, he was nudging my opening with the head of his dick while watching himself.

  “Soaked,” he muttered. “Fuckin’ dripping.”

  Slowly, his half-mast gaze raked over me until it met mine, and I was sure he saw the same thing staring back at him that I did.


  “You gonna fuck me, honey, or are you gonna keep playing?”

  Chasin’s answer was to slam inside in one strong thrust. His groan was met with my hum, which led to Chasin’s deep, rumbled growl.

  “Yeah, honey, I’m gonna fuck you.”

  Then Chasin set about hitting a new world record and made me explode approximately one minute later. But not until the second one hit did he lean forward, plunder my mouth, and moan his orgasm down my throat. Mine felt like heaven. His tasted like paradise.

  “Why do you keep staring at me?” I asked Bobby when we were alone in the Gemini Group conference room.

  Chasin and Holden had walked us in and told us Bent was on his way, then left us alone to go speak with Alec. But not before Chasin assured me no one could get into the office.

  “I’m not staring.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “No, I’m looking.”

  “Same difference. What’s wrong, is there something on my face?”

  “Uh, yeah, there’s something on your face. I believe it’s called afterglow. Though I wouldn’t remember because I haven’t had any in so long I’m on track to become a nun.”

  Well, I suppose I had a few options. I could be embarrassed and deny it or I could try something new on for size and just go with the flow. I decided that Bobby was my best friend, and if I couldn’t laugh and joke with her about a seriously hot guy giving me a good rogering, then I was in trouble.

  “He’s hot.” I shrugged and Bobby burst out laughing. “What? He is.”

  “I agree. I just can’t believe that you’re joking about it.”

  Damn, that was a sucker punch to the stomach.

  “Was I that bad?”

  Bobby stopped giggling and gave me a sad smile that broke my heart. “We’re not talking about that. I’m just glad to have my BFF back. Though, I like this version better. You’re not blushing, which means I might be able to get some details out of you.”

  I wouldn’t go that far.

  “I’m sorry I took myself away from you,” I apologized.

  Bobby waved me off. “Nope. No way. Said we’re not going there. We talked. Everything’s the way it should be. And I don’t want to go back there.”

  “Why? Because you’re afraid I’ll close up again if we talk about it?” I pushed.

  “No, Viv, because we worked it out. So there’s nothing to go over. Besides, I’m taking a page out of Chasin’s playbook and I’ve decided that if you ever try to pull away again, I’m getting in your face until you snap out of it. But I don’t think I’ll ever need to do that because Chasin seems to have a dab hand with all things Genevieve Ellison and how to keep her head in the present.”

  I liked that she thought that about Chasin because I did, too.

  “Is that strange?”

  “Is what strange?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t explain it.”

  “I know how to explain it. He loves you, doesn’t mind showing you, and he’s determined to make you fall in love with him. Though he doesn’t need to try because you’re already there.”

  It seemed we weren’t hiding anything from anyone.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m asking. Isn’t that strange?”

  “I’m not understanding, why would any of that be strange?”

  “Bobby, we’ve known each other like a hot second, don’t you think it’s a little soon?” I hissed and she smiled.

  “You sound like a deranged cat when you whistle and wheeze your words. And no, I don’t think it’s too soon and I don’t think it’s strange. I think it's fuckin’ awesome and all kinds of beautiful and I swear if you start making up a bunch of stuff to talk yourself outta lovin’ him, I’m gonna kick your ass.”

  “Okay. Okay.” I waved my hands in front of me. “No need to get all violent. I was just wondering.”

  “No, you weren’t, you were trying to—”

  “I’m serious, I’m not talking myself out of it. I promise. I’m just scared shitless, all right? I’ve never loved anyone besides you so I’m feeling outta sorts. I just want all of this to be over. I want a clear shot at being happy without some damn stalker messing everything up. And I want you to be able to go for a run without GI Joe-Holden having to go with you.”

  “He’s not that bad,” she muttered. “But I get it. Just please give yourself this. Be happy. Be you. Be whatever you want to be. The guys will find your stalker, then everything will be fine.”

  Be me.

  “I am happy.”

  “Uh, yeah, girl. I noticed, remember? You’re glowing. And not just from whatever it was that Chasin gave you before we came here.” Bobby leaned forward across the conference table. “Which, just to note, you still haven’t given up the details.”

  “I’m not giving up the details.”

  “You’re giving up somethin’,” she muttered. “Just a shame it ain’t the deets because that man looks like he’d be a beast.”

  “You’re so dumb.” I laughed.

  “But you love me.”

  “True story.”

  Bobby gave me a saucy wink and tossed herself in a chair before she sighed. “I really wish we didn’t have to meet with—” The door opened and she clamped her mouth closed.

  In walked Nixon and Alec with Bent following. The second he stepped into the room, his eyes landed on me, not bothering to give Bobby even a cursory glance. Then, like Bent was prone to do, he beelined straight to me. Before I could move, he yanked me straight out of my seat and hugged me.

  To be clear, Bent’s yank and hug were not hot, they were creepy. He did it anytime he was near me. I’d repeated both verbally, and in gesture made it clear, that I didn’t like it. But Bent being the handsy dick he was, always waved me off and told me to loosen up, or told me he was friendly, and everyone loved his hugs so he didn’t see a problem. The thing was, I did have a problem, and he didn’t do it to everyone. And not once had I seen him grab Bobby or Leslie that way.

  “My God, darlin’, why didn’t you call?”

  “Call?” I wheezed and struggled to unwrap his arms.

  “I saw the papers. You know I got—”

  “Step back!”

  Oh, boy.

  I didn’t have to look to know Chasin was spitting mad.

  Bent wasn’t paying attention therefore he didn’t step back, he also hadn’t caught—or just plain ignored—the hint that I was struggling.

  Then suddenly Bent wasn’t touching me.

  “What the fuck?” Bent turned to face Chasin.

  “Yeah, buddy, what the fuck? I asked you to step back. But more, the lady was communicating she wanted you to. And you ignored both.”

  “Wrong, buddy, Vivi and I go way back,” Bent sneered.

  What in the hell? Not only didn’t we go way back, Bent made it sound like there was something between us that was most definitely not there.

  “Oh, pa-luzee,” Bobby cut it. “You don’t go anywhere with Vivi.”

  “Roberta, a pleasure.”

  “Right. So we’re here, you and Leslie got your way. Cut to it.”

  “Let’s discuss business in private, darlin’.” Bent turned back to me, his tone soft and coaxing.

  “Don’t think we have anything to discuss, but if you’d like to have a seat, I’ll give you a few minutes.”

  “Darlin’, come on, you know we have a lot to talk about. Have dinner with me tonight. We’ll hash out the details and you can come back to Nashville with me. I saw the papers so I know you can’t go home. There’s plenty of room at my house. You know you’re always welcome there. And you should’ve called me in the first place. I woulda helped you.”

  “Say what now?”

  “Vivi, honey—”

  “Are you on drugs?” I asked. “Pot? Crack? You freebasin’? Something, anything? I have never been to your house nor would I ever call you if I was in trouble. I don’t know what you’re playing at here, but cut the shit, Bent, and tell me why you’re here.”

  “Vivi.” Bent reached out, but before he could touch me again, I jerked away and slammed into Chasin.

  I don’t know how he’d maneuvered to my side, but when his hands went to my hips to steady me, I was grateful.

  “For the last damn time, stop touching me.”

  Bent was no longer paying attention. His eyes had dropped to Chasin’s hands and he made some weird gurgling noise in his throat. Chasin heard it, too, because his grip tightened and he pulled me back.

  “Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” The sound of Bent’s voice was like sandpaper grating my last nerve. Then his eyes snapped back up and he was madder than a hornet. “Why’s he touchin’ you?”

  “What’s happening?” I asked no one in particular but everyone at the same time. “I’m confused why you think you have the right to ask that. Hell, I’m confused as to why you’re here to begin with. Wait, I’m confused how you even knew I was here.”

  Chasin’s fingers were digging in, but even so, I felt them flex. I wasn’t sure if he was just losing patience or wanted me to keep going.

  “You know we got great chemistry, we’re good together. Come home with me,” he cooed.

  Okay, at this juncture I was pretty creeped out. Actually, I was creeped the fuck out. Bent had always been handsy, but now he was delusional.


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