Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group Book 5)

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Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group Book 5) Page 22

by Riley Edwards

  Holy freaking shit.

  My hand went to one of Chasin’s and he immediately twined our fingers but did not move his hand. He knew. He understood I caught on. The vibe in the room changed and all the men went on alert. But Chasin was hyper-alert. His body was wound tight, his chest to his hips pressed against me.

  Holden moved next to Bobby, and Nixon crowded Chasin and me. Alec was near the door blocking the only exit.

  Oh, yeah, the vibe had changed.

  “How long have you been in town, Mr. Bromley?” Nixon asked as if it was all the same to him and everyone in the room didn’t think Bent was a lunatic.

  “I don’t see how that’s your business. As a matter of fact, none of this is your business. What Vivi and I have to discuss is personal.”

  “Personal?” Nixon pressed. “Or business?”

  “A personal business matter.”

  “How is asking Ms. Rush to your home business?”

  “God, really, Vivi. Who are these people? It’s like amateur hour in here. They’re not even part of the industry. Let’s call Leslie and have her hook you up with Chad. That way you can still work. This is ridiculous, they’re gonna ruin you.”

  “How did you know I was here?” I rejoined.

  “What do you mean? Was it a secret you went to your uncle’s?”

  Chasin gave me two hard squeezes that I was sure were supposed to communicate something, I just didn’t know what. Until he leaned forward a hair and kissed my cheek.

  “You done, baby?”

  His question made me jolt in surprise. Apparently, Bobby was quicker on the uptake because she popped up out of her seat immediately.

  “I’m goin’ with you guys, I’m starving.”

  “Yeah, I’m done. Total waste of time.”

  Chasin started to move us when Bent spoke. “You’re gonna regret this, Vivi. After this bullshit, you’ll never—”

  “Oh, God, really?” Bobby barked a laugh. “You sound like a bad movie villain. You got nothing, Bent. You’re nothin’. You got no clout, no one gives a shit what a washed-up asshole has to say. You need Vivi, not the other way around. One damn song, you wrote one song with her that went anywhere, and that benefitted you way more than it did her. Spare us all from your drama. Not a single person in this room cares.”

  “Go fuck yourself. Vivi’s biggest problem has always been you. She lost opportunities because no one wants to work with you. She could’ve—”

  Again Bobby interrupted him, “She could’ve been bigger than the biggest name in country music? She could’ve, really? Do you listen to yourself? Why’d you come all the way to Maryland to beg her to work with you?”

  “Come on, Evie, let’s go.” Chasin was obviously done, or rather, he was done with me being in the same room as Bent.

  “Evie?” Bent took a step toward us.

  And suddenly I could no longer see Bent because I was staring at the back of Chasin’s t-shirt.

  “I’m gonna say this one time, so listen the fuck up. You come near Genevieve, I’ll break your neck. Straight up, no joke, I will snap your fuckin’ neck. You think about fucking with Bobby, you’ll get the same. Genevieve’s made it clear she will not be working with you. Not now and not in the future. I suggest you lose her number and move on. And I mean that as in, do not ever fucking call her again.”

  Bent puffed himself up. “Yeah, is that what you suggest? Well, I suggest you fuck off. We’ll see who she’s calling after you fuck up her career and she’s on her knees, pleading with me to help her fix it.”

  On her knees? Was he fucking crazy? Why, yes, he was certifiably insane.

  “You’re insane,” Bobby voiced my thoughts. “Totally bat shit, around-the-bend, cray-cray.”

  “I think I made myself clear,” Chasin said and Alec opened the door for us as we approached.

  The second Bobby, Chasin, and I cleared the threshold, I heard the door slam, locking Bent in the conference room with three pissed-off Gemini Group men.

  “Are we gonna need bail money?” I asked.

  “No, baby.” Chasin’s lip twitched.

  “No because they won’t get caught therefore they won’t need us to bail them out? Or no because they’re not gonna rough him up?”

  “No because even if they did fuck him up, which they won’t do unless he makes a direct threat against you, in which case all bets are off, they wouldn’t get caught.”

  “I’m sorry this was a huge pain in the ass.”

  “One step closer, Evie. One step closer.”


  It had been hours and Chasin was red-hot mad. No, he was angrier, and that was saying something since it had taken every ounce of control he possessed to not beat the fuck out of Bent Bromley. The only reason he hadn’t was because they’d needed Bent to dig himself a hole, and a hole he had dug. The douchebag wasn’t very smart and had played right into their hands.

  Chasin’s gut was screaming they’d found Genevieve’s stalker. The problem was, they had no evidence. At the very least, they needed a print to run against the one they had. Then the police could go after DNA. In the meantime, Chasin needed to cool down and wait, be vigilant, and keep Evie safe.

  And on top of an already infuriating afternoon, there was a media shitstorm surrounding Genevieve’s stalker. Bobby was at the dining room table, her cell to her ear, laptop open, and if the way she was pounding on the keyboard was any indication, she was beyond pissed, too.

  Genevieve had held it together during the car ride home, but as soon as she entered the house, she excused herself to go play her guitar. This would’ve concerned Chasin if she hadn’t given him a lip touch and explained she was fine, but needed some time to sort her head and playing music was how she did it.

  Chasin had been pacing and waiting for Nixon, and when his cell finally rang, he fumbled in impatience to answer it.

  “What’d you find?” Chasin greeted.

  “Guy’s a total dick,” Nix returned.

  There was nothing to say about Nix’s observation so he remained silent and waited.

  “Jameson followed him. He’s staying at the Holiday Inn. McKenna’s working on finding his reservation now.” Translation: Micky’s hacking into the Holiday Inn computer. “After that, she’ll look into the hotels and bed and breakfasts in the area and see if he’s moved around. Car’s a rental. And there’s no airline ticket in his name so we know he drove here or he flew private.”

  “What’s your gut telling you?” Chasin asked.

  “Same as yours. He’s our man.”

  Fuck, fucking, hell.

  “Didn’t like any of that,” Chasin started. “And not just ’cause she’s my woman. On the way home, Genevieve and Bobby told me one of the reasons Evie had refused to work with Bent was because he liked to touch her and did it frequently. It’s to the point she avoids him at industry functions.”

  “Christ, why didn’t either of them tell us about him?”

  Just thinking about why the women hadn’t mentioned it had Chasin’s blood boiling.

  “Because it’s not uncommon. Bobby said she’d need a ream of paper to list all the men who had made dirty comments or tried to touch her. And a second ream to list the names of the assholes who didn’t come straight out and say it but implied that if she slept with them, Vivi Rush would benefit.”

  “God, fuck, shit. What about Genevieve? That happen to her, too?”

  “Yep. Only for her, it’s the other artists and songwriters. Seems Bobby gets the label executives, and before that, promoters, club owners, bouncers, anyone who could’ve helped get Evie into the business seemed to expect a piece of Bobby’s ass.”

  “Fucking pigs.”

  That was an understatement.

  “Not to change the subject, but while we’re in a holding pattern, need to talk to you about something. Genevieve’s going stir crazy being locked in the house. I was thinking about having everyone over to the farm, give her some company, but I think she needs a change of scenery.�

  “We’ll do it at my house,” Nixon immediately returned. “Alec’s place is bigger but if we do it at mine, you don’t have to drive her anywhere, you can take the four-wheeler through the woods and keep her hidden.”

  That was exactly what Chasin was thinking. The two properties were connected and they could move freely back and forth without being seen.

  “’Preciate it. Second thing, and I wanted to do this in person but it can’t wait. Just know that whatever your answer is, it’s all good and I’ll understand. Also know you’ll need time to think on it so I’m not expecting an answer.”

  “Christ, spit it out.”

  “I wanna buy your farm.”

  Just as Chasin knew it would, his statement hung thick between them. Nixon loved his farm, it had been passed down from his beloved father. He’d married McKenna in the back field. He’d grown up in the house that Chasin now lived in. It was a long shot, but Chasin wanted to buy it for Evie.

  The idea hit when she and Bobby were rhapsodizing about turning the old milking parlor into a studio. The more they talked about putting in a bar and having bonfires, the more the idea grew until he couldn’t think about anything else.

  He wanted to watch her make music in the space she’d imagined. He wanted to sit outside with a fire roaring and listen to her play her guitar and hear her sweet voice.

  He wanted all of it bad enough he’d ask his friend to sell him the property that meant the world to him.

  “You know you can live there as long as you like. Genevieve and Bobby, too. It’s yours for as long as you want it,” Nixon said, breaking the silence.

  “I know and I appreciate it,” Chasin returned.

  Then he spent the next ten minutes explaining Genevieve’s vision and why he wanted to buy the land. Chasin had money, remodeling the milking parlor and barn to Genevieve’s specifications would make a dent, buying the farm would be another hit. He had it, but he also wasn’t stupid about money, and sinking that kind of cash into something that wasn’t his wasn’t smart—so he explained that, too.

  “Listen, I get it. This place means everything to you and I get why. Think on it, and if the answer’s no, I get that, too. We’ll find somewhere close where we can build.”

  “Have you shared these plans with her yet?”

  “Nope. Wouldn’t do that until I talked to you.”

  There was a beat of silence before Nix continued, “You’re already there with her?”

  Chasin knew what his friend was talking about so he didn’t bother playing dumb.

  “I was in this place less than twenty-four hours after I met her. And had I not jacked her around, we would’ve never left that place. She’s got a stalker, a career change, and a move to deal with. When all of that is done, I want to give her a place to settle, not temporary housing at her uncle’s place. That house is sweet, it wouldn’t be a hardship for her to live there, but honest to God, I never want to go there again. I can’t even stand in that living room and not remember how I gutted her. So I’d prefer for her to move in here with me.”

  “House kitten,” Nix muttered.

  “Whatever,” Chasin muttered back.

  Nixon could crack jokes all he wanted and remind Chasin that the team had had fun at his expense when Nix had met McKenna. ‘House kitten’ was one of the tamer jabs they’d tossed his way. Nixon had never responded, never denied it, and now Chasin got it. He didn’t give the first fuck what his team called him as long as he had Genevieve.

  “Let me think about it. I won’t make you wait long but I need to talk to McKenna.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  “We’ll plan a barbeque for this weekend. The women will be thrilled. They’ve been complaining about not being able to properly indoctrinate her and Bobby into the Girl Club.”

  And not for the first time, Chasin thought about how lucky his teammates were. Micky, Kennedy, Silver, and Macy were some of the best women he’d ever known. He’d include Charleigh in the group as well but sadly, she’d refused their many invitations to come to Maryland to visit. Chasin knew Charleigh’s denials weighed heavily on Nixon. The man carried unwarranted guilt over Paul’s death and thought that Charleigh blamed him, even though she’d repeatedly told him she didn’t.

  Chasin wanted Genevieve and Bobby to get to know the women. He wanted them both to remember there was more out there than the backstabbing bitches and assholes they’d been surrounded by. Good, genuine women they could trust and be friends with.

  “Sounds good.”

  “I’ll call with an update when I have one.” Nixon disconnected and Chasin looked at Bobby.

  He knew the second she’d ended the call she was on and stopped paying attention to whatever she was doing on her laptop and started listening to his conversation. He hadn’t meant for it to be private, so he hadn’t hidden it.

  “You’d do that for her?” Bobby asked softly.

  “I’d do anything for her.”

  “Glad I was wrong about you at first.”

  Chasin said nothing but smiled. One of the many things he liked about Bobby was she was a straight shooter. You knew where you stood with Bobby because she made no bones about telling you.

  “And I’m glad I was wrong about Viv giving second chances,” she continued. “Though I think that was more about you refusing to allow her to hold a grudge than her forgiving heart.”

  She was wrong, Chasin wouldn’t have gotten back in there with Genevieve if she hadn’t already fallen for him. So really, it had nothing to do with him not allowing something and everything to do with him owning her heart. But he didn’t bother explaining that to Bobby.

  “I want you to know, whether Nix sells me this place or I find somewhere else, there’ll be room for you.”

  Chasin was being presumptuous. He also didn’t care.

  “Oh, no. I’ll find something. Neither of you wants me underfoot.”

  “Don’t piss me off.”

  “Your macho, badass, caveman stuff might work well on Viv but I’m immune, big man. I’m not gonna be the third wheel in your lovefest. Besides, I’ve heard the two of you twice now. And while I adore my BFF, there are things I never want to hear. I can’t go to bed every night wearing my AirPods.”

  Fuck. Genevieve would be seriously pissed if she knew Bobby had heard them.

  “See, that look right there,” Bobby gently said. “I don’t want that. Viv’s had to pretend to be someone she’s not for so long, I don’t think she remembers what it’s like to just be her. I don’t want her to have to be anything but her, especially in her own home. And that includes being however she wants to be with her hot guy while they’re rockin’ the bed. Just to add, and I’m not tryn’ to be nosy or crass here, but you might wanna reinforce the floor under the bedroom. Holden and I thought the bed was gonna come through the ceiling.”

  Fucking shit, Holden had heard, too. He made a mental note to tell his friend to keep his trap shut and never tell Genevieve.

  “You know what’s funny? I can see your wheels turning, thinking of the ways you’re gonna shield Viv from the embarrassment of knowing we heard you. That’s why I know I’m not needed. She doesn’t need me to run interference anymore now that she has you. And something tells me you’ll be much better at it than I ever was.”

  Sadness slashed across Bobby’s face and pain shone brightly in her eyes.

  “You do know that there was nothing you could’ve done to prevent this, right?”

  “I made too many mistakes. I had no control over some asshole becoming obsessed, but I should’ve found a way to put a stop to it long before it got this far.”

  “Yo!” Holden called from the door as he entered the house, effectively ending their conversation.

  “We’re not done talking about this,” he told her.

  “We are. It’s not your job to make me feel better, Chasin.”


  “I’m fine.”

  “Did Nix check in?” Holden inquired.<
br />
  It’d only taken a few minutes to fill Holden in. When Chasin was done, Holden’s face was set to granite.

  “That guy’s fuckin’ whacked. The second you touched Genevieve, his whole demeanor changed. Something in him snapped and he couldn’t hide it. It wasn’t jealousy—I saw it was mania. After that, he let a few things slip. I went back over the letters. In the first few, he wrote about the chemistry they have. The ones that were sent while she was on tour say things about him bringing her home and they’ll hash out the details. Weird thing to say, “hash out details” in a letter you’re writing to a woman you have a delusional relationship with. His reaction to the whole situation was over-the-top. The last threat—”

  “Holden,” Chasin growled, but it was too late.

  “What threat?” Bobby asked.


  “What threat?” Genevieve asked from the stairs.

  Double fuck.

  Chasin’s hard gaze went to his friend. Fucking shit, he had no one to be mad at but himself.

  Time to pay up.


  I’d lost track of time.

  I’d only meant to go up to Chasin’s room and wrap my head around what a colossal asshole Bent was and come to terms that he might be my stalker. I didn’t want to believe it, as in I really didn’t want to believe that Bent would be so crazy he’d send me creepy letters and jerk off on my bed. But after the way he’d behaved, I had a sick feeling in my stomach there was a real possibility Bent was that crazy.

  The more I thought about Bent, the worse the feeling got, until I couldn’t take it anymore and set my guitar down and went in search of Chasin. However, as I made my way down the stairs and heard what Holden said, I contemplated turning around and going right back to Chasin’s room.

  Until Chasin cut Holden off mid-sentence. There was something about the way Chasin had growled at Holden that stopped me dead.

  Bobby had apparently caught the vibe because she questioned him about the threat that Chasin had stopped Holden from elaborating on. But he didn’t answer her.


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