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Savage: A Bad Boy Fake Fiancé Romance

Page 36

by Kira Blakely

  “Oh.” I smooth the sides of my skirt as I look away, blushing at the compliment, not sure what it means. “Thanks.”

  “I didn’t think he would marry a good woman,” Billy goes on, his shoulders going up and down again. “I didn’t even think he could find one. Imagine my surprise.”

  I take my can of soda from the shelf. “I can imagine.” “The timing was just so unbelievably coincidental, you know? I heard about the engagement literally days after Dad said he had to find one.”

  “Well, we were planning on getting hitched for some time.” I tread carefully, tapping my finger on the top of the can. “I’m sure he told you that.”

  “Yeah, something along those lines.” Billy lets out a breath as he folds his arms in front of his chest. “I just didn’t believe it. And you had Brandon so fast, just like the will said you had to. I don’t believe in fate, but… Dash definitely has all the luck. That, I believe in.”

  I don’t answer, feeling confused as I take a sip of soda. What does he mean, the will said I had to? I thought it was just a last wish, like my mother’s.

  “I’m glad, though.” Billy pats my arm. “Dash gets his inheritance. I’m back in med school. It’s a win-win situation.” He scratches the back of his head. “I don’t even remember why I protested so much in the first place.”

  “What did you mean… something about the will saying I ‘had’ to?” I ask curiously. I lower the can in my hand.

  “Oh, you know. I’m sure Dash told you about it. He was furious… but it all worked out, right?” Billy’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, even though I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears. “Dad had that clause in his will, only giving Dash his inheritance if he had a…” The color I noticed in Billy’s cheeks begins to wan. “Dash did tell you about that, didn’t he?”

  The can slips in my hand, spilling soda down the front of my dress before creating a puddle on the floor.

  “Oh, shit.” I step back. A maid scurries over to clean up the mess. “I’m sorry,” I tell her.

  “It’s okay, ma’am,” she says. “Though maybe you should go change.”

  I look at my dress, dark patches on the yellow fabric. “Yeah.”

  “Are you alright?” Billy asks, touching my arm.

  “Yeah.” I step away. “I’m just not feeling well all of a sudden. I think I’ll go to the bedroom. Excuse me.”

  I go upstairs, pausing in the middle of the staircase to put a hand over my stomach, suddenly feeling sick. I knew Dash was under pressure to get married and have a baby. I knew he wanted to make things up to his family. But I didn’t know there were billions involved or that his shares in the company depended on it.

  Why didn’t he tell me? Didn’t he trust me?

  Ah, but our marriage is a business deal, after all. I’m just his fake wife. I’ve almost forgotten about that.

  And now, I know the real reason for it. I’m just a tool that he used to secure his inheritance.

  I continue up the stairs, tears streaking down my cheeks as the pain and betrayal overwhelm me.

  Dash never wanted a family. He only wanted his fortune. And now he has it. No wonder the contract said we could get a divorce after five years. He never meant for it to last.

  The worst part is that I completely forgot we were faking.

  I go inside the bedroom and straight into the bathroom.

  I end up inexplicably crying in the bathtub.

  Oh, Janine. How can you be such a fool?

  * * *

  “Janine?” I hear Dash’s voice before I see him. He stands over the bathtub, looking at me with an expression of shock and confusion. “Janine, what are you doing here?”

  I can’t stand to look at him. “I got tired of the party.” “It’s over.”

  It is. Have I been crying in the bathroom for that long? “What happened to your dress?”

  “It’s fine. I never liked it anyway.”

  Dash kneels beside the tub. “Janine, tell me what’s wrong.”

  “Why?” I look at him as I place my arms around my knees, noting the uneasy glint in his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned down.

  He seems really worried, but I don’t care. “Why should I tell you? Why do you care?”

  He grips the edge of the tub. “Because I’m your husband.”

  “Fake husband,” I remind, glaring. “We signed a contract. Get married, have a child, divorce after five years.”

  “Only if you want.”

  I look at him. “But you knew I’d want one.” His eyebrows furrow. “Do you?”

  I shake my head. “Oh, come on. Stop. You’re a good actor, but you’re not that good.”

  Dash stands up, his arms folded over his chest. His blue eyes narrow and crackle with indignation. “Alright. What is this really about?”

  I stand up, my hands gripping my skirt. “You only married me because you were going to lose your inheritance.”

  Dash’s eyes grow wide. So it’s true.

  He swallows and leans closer, his indignation fading now. “Who told you?”

  “Billy,” I confess. “It turns out he’s more honest than you are.”

  Dash frowns then touches my arm. “Janine…” I slap his hand away. “Don’t touch me.” “Janine…”

  “You said there would be no secrets or lies between us, but that was a lie! Everything was a lie!”

  He takes a deep breath. “It was a lie we agreed to tell together. I don’t want to get a divorce.”

  “Why? Is there ANOTHER secret clause in your father’s will about not getting divorced?”

  “No!” Dash yells, offended.

  “Why should I believe you?” I place my hand on my chest. “You just used me so you could get your inheritance.”

  “You used me, too.”

  “Yes.” I step out of the bathtub, pointing to myself. “I did. I did it for someone I loved. But you…” I point my finger at his chest. “You did it for money.”

  Dash shakes his head. “I didn’t want the money for me. I wanted it so I could help—”

  “I don’t care what your reasons were!” I push him back and clamber out of the stupid tub, fresh tears rolling down my cheeks. “You used me, Dash. You used me to get your money and you’ve known it all along. That’s why you didn’t tell me. Because you knew I would get mad! You knew your motives were bullshit! You knew you were wrong, and you still put a baby in me!”

  I go to give him another push and Dash grabs my hands. “I understand how you feel, Janine. I know you hate me right now, but please listen. I—”

  “I don’t hate you.” I shake my head, wrenching my hands away. “I hate myself. I’m the one who was stupid enough to trust you. I was stupid enough to think your motives were noble—but we never had anything in common.”

  “You know that’s not true.”

  “So stupid.” I place my hand on my forehead, feeling slightly dizzy as I look at the floor. “Because for a moment, I allowed myself to believe that everything was real. But it’s all just an act.” My voice trembles as I force myself to ask, “Why did you even go with me to Mom’s funeral?”

  Dash says nothing, because there’s nothing to say. I push by him, out of the bathroom and into the walk-in closet. I change as quickly as I can into a t-shirt and jeans. Then I grab some more clothes and toss them into a suitcase. I’m not really paying attention to what I’m doing. It’s totally possible that I just grabbed a bathing suit and a nightgown. I don’t know what I’m doing. Everything is a miserable blur right now, crashing down around my head, and I just have to get out of here.

  “What are you doing?” Dash asks, standing over me. “Leaving.” I close the suitcase and carry it to the bedroom, then go to the nursery, getting Brandon out of his crib. “I’m taking Brandon with me.”

  “He’s my son, too. And the contract says you can’t leave me.” His voice hardens and strengthens when he says the word can’t. “Not for three more years.”

  I turn to face him, Brandon
squirming in my arms. “It said I can’t divorce you. It didn’t say anything about me walking out the front door.”

  Dash blocks the door into the hallway. “I won’t let you,” he says. “Not with Brandon.”

  I meet his gaze, my heart sinking at his hardened expression.

  Is he really going to do this to me? Is he really going to deny me my son after he just hurt me in the worst possible way?

  I look at my son, sleeping innocently. Can I really leave him?

  But I have to. As much as it tears me apart, I can’t stay here with his jerk of a father another second. I can’t keep this stupid act up anymore.

  “Fine.” I hand our son over to him, silently promising myself I’ll come back for him. “But I’m leaving.”

  I grab my suitcase and my purse, walking out of the room.



  I charge back downstairs and hunt for Billy with eyes that see red. As soon as my eyes lock on him, drinking our lime punch like an asshole, I charge across the room and grip his collar, thrusting him against the living room wall. “What did you do?”

  “Whoa!” Billy lifts his hands up. “What did I do?”

  I glare at him. “Why did you tell Janine that I had to marry her and have a child with her to get my inheritance?”

  “Because it’s the truth!” I clench my jaw.

  “It’s not my fault I didn’t know she didn’t know, okay?” Billy whines. “I thought you told her.”

  Damn, he’s right. I let him go, stepping back and rubbing my jaw as I try to calm myself down. This isn’t his fault. It’s mine. I should never have deceived Janine. I should have been open with her from the start.

  Billy fixes his shirt. “Why didn’t you tell her?”

  “Because she wouldn’t marry me if I did,” I confess, collapsing down onto the couch.

  Billy gives me a puzzled look. “I thought the two of you were together for a long time.”

  I sigh, clasping my hands between my knees. “Billy, you’re the smartest man I know, but you know nothing about women. No matter how long you’ve been together, she wants to know you’re marrying her for love. Nothing else. It has to be for love or not at all.”

  Billy settles beside me. “Was your inheritance the sole reason you married her?”

  I hesitate and then nod.

  Billy runs a finger above his lips. “Well. I’m sorry.” I say nothing, stroking the wedding band on my left hand. “I haven’t hated you since the day you took the company back.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I tell him, clasping my hands back together. “The circumstances can’t be helped.”

  Billy sits back. “You can convince Janine that you didn’t marry her for money. She’s crazy about you.”

  I give him a puzzled look. “How can you be so sure?”

  Billy places an arm on the back of the couch. “I saw the way she looked at you that afternoon at the bar.”

  My eyes grow wide. Billy noticed Janine, too?

  “And not only that afternoon. She always has that look on her face when she’s around you.”

  I can’t help but smile a little, just thinking about it. “She does always have a look.”

  “You really care about her too, right? Then find a way to get her back. Quickly.”

  I sit back, thinking about Billy’s words. I do care about Janine. I always have, now more than ever. And it’s not just because she’s the mother of my child.

  I want her back. I’m going to get her back.

  I stand up, glancing at Billy. “You know, I’ve missed our talks.”

  Billy smiles. “Me too.”

  I go back upstairs to the master bedroom, hoping to find a clue about her whereabouts.

  “Is everything alright, Dash?” Mom asks, peering from the nursery with a squalling Brandon in her arms.

  “I don’t know where Janine went,” I confess, staring at her empty desk.

  “Here’s an old trick from a woman with a wayward husband: check the credit card,” Mom suggests. “If she’s swiping, you can find her.”

  “Mom, you’re a genius,” I tell her. I sit down in front of Janine’s desk, opening my laptop and immediately checking the joint accounts.

  Within seconds, I find what I’m looking for and let out a sigh of relief, though that quickly vanishes. “She’s at the airport.”



  “Gate 12.”

  Calling all passengers for Flight 227 bound for Tokyo, Japan. Please proceed to Boarding

  That’s my flight.

  I stand up, grab my suitcase, and start walking.

  I tell myself I’m not really leaving. I’m just taking a break, going somewhere far away so that I can think clearly.

  Anyway, it’s the honeymoon I never had the chance to take. I didn’t think it would be alone, though.

  I line up, extracting the ticket from my purse. Just when it’s almost my turn to board the plane, I hear a familiar voice calling my name.


  My breath catches. It’s Dash. What is he doing here?

  How does he even know I’m here?

  At any rate, it doesn’t matter. I’m leaving. The attendant waves me through and I march toward the corridor that will lead me, finally, onto this plane.

  “Janine!” Dash grabs my arm. “Talk to me!”

  He grips my arm from behind, twisting me to face him, but I squirm and glare at him. I’m not prepared for how strangely passionate my husband looks right now—his frosty blue eyes swim with emotion, and his normally tidy oak-brown hair is unkempt—but I have to stay strong. He’ll win every battle if I think about how beautiful he is. I force myself to say, “There’s nothing for us to talk about, Dash.”

  Dash refuses to let go of my arm, gazing deeply into my eyes instead. “You know that’s not true.”

  “It doesn’t matter what you say.” I shake my head and tear my eyes away from him. “I don’t believe you anymore.”

  Dash pulls me away from the terminal crowd and the corridor leading to the plane. “I know I kept something important from you and I’m sorry. You were completely honest and I wasn’t. We’re a team and I let you down.”

  I snort, folding my arms over my chest. “You always said you weren’t a team player.”

  “I’m sorry, Janine.”

  He tries to rub my arms but I step back, and this time, he lets me go. I don’t trust myself not to fall back into his arms if he touches me again, or if I look into his eyes for too long.

  “I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness. If you really want to leave, I’ll understand. I’ll respect your decision. I’ll even give you a divorce if you want it. I’ll even give you custody of Brandon.”

  The sorrow in his eyes as he says the words is just as heart- breaking for me as it must be for him.

  I can’t believe I’m hearing this. “You’re letting me go?” I whisper.

  “If that’s what you want,” he answers, outstretching one palm to skate smoothly over the side of my face. “Because that’s what people do if they really love someone. They let them go.”

  My eyebrows twist with sympathy. Does he truly love me?

  “But, if you stay, I promise I won’t ever lie to you again,” Dash continues, his knuckles roving gently over my cheek. “And our marriage will not be a business deal. Our marriage will not be an act. It hasn’t been an act for a long time.”

  I look into his eyes, searching for the truth. “Really?” “Yes. I love you. I want to be yours as long as I live.” He takes my hand now, clutching it in both of his.

  I swallow the lump in my throat. I know Dash can be a master manipulator when he wants to be. After all, he convinced everyone that we were husband and wife… even me.

  “How can I trust you again?” I whisper.

  “You know you can,” Dash answers, still holding my hands. “If you look inside your heart, you know that we deserve another chance. We can make this work.”

  I press my lips together and look away.

  I want to throw myself into his strong, comforting arms.

  I do. But I’m still hurt… and scared.

  What if Dash still has ulterior motives? What if this is all still related to his inheritance?

  Suddenly, a phone interrupts our conversation. Dash ignores it, but it continues to ring. A muscle in his jaw ticks and he takes the phone out of his pocket, answering it with a frown.

  “What is it, Mom?” he asks. “I’m in the middle of some- thing important right now.”

  “This is important!” I can hear Mrs. Siegel’s hysterical scream through the phone. “You have to come back! Right now! Oh my god! I can’t believe this, I just—it was a second—”

  My heart hammers out of my chest immediately. “What’s wrong?” I ask Dash, as if I’m on the phone with his mom, as if I can speak through him. “Did something happen? Is Brandon all right?”

  Dash furrows his brow at me and nods. “What’s wrong, Mom?” He sounds calm and strong and I’m eternally grateful for him in this moment. “Slow down. What is it?”

  “It’s Brandon!” My heart goes from pounding in my ribcage to strangling me in my throat. She’s screaming the words, so I hear them through the cell phone as clear as day. “He’s been kidnapped!”

  * * *

  Dash and I find his mother in the living room. I want to grab her, shake her, yell at her for losing my son but I stop as soon as I see her deathly pale face and her hands shaking around her cup of tea.

  I clench my own shaking hands into fists as my side. “Where is my son?”

  “I don’t know what happened,” Dash’s mother says, not meeting my gaze “One minute, I was holding him in the garden, we were laughing, he was running… and then he was gone. Some woman was on the property.”

  I clasp my hand over my mouth, another over my stomach as it turns. A woman?

  “What woman?” Dash asks. “What did she look like?”

  “I don’t know. Skinny, but busty,” Mrs. Siegel answers. “Blonde. Your age.”

  I clasp my hand tighter over my mouth as I let out a gasp of terror, my knees, finally too weak to sustain me, giving out so that I collapse on the floor.


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