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Virtual Reality

Page 7

by Kitty Cox

  She gestured at the phone. "The jerk. I mean, I had it under control but - "

  He shook his head, cutting her off. "Don't take that wrong. I have no doubt that you could've dealt with him, but you shouldn't have to. I could hear him screaming through the phone from the walkway."

  She nodded again, unsure of what to say. She knew he was trying to be nice, but she wanted him to understand that she didn't need him to throw around his power or money for her. She really could handle the jobs Nancy gave her. Or maybe she should just let it go. It was his company after all.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and lifted an eyebrow. "You're doing the quiet thing."

  She took a deep breath and decided to just say it. "I know you were trying to be kind, but I wish you wouldn't usurp my authority like that. It makes me look weaker in the end."

  He chewed at the side of his cheek for a moment, then nodded, completely serious. "Valid point. Would you have fired him?"

  "Can I do that?" she gasped.

  He grinned. "You can write him up, and the moment that reached either my desk or Nancy's the same thing would happen. Well, at least until you're off probation, then yeah, you'll be able to fire him, Kate." He gestured at the area behind them. "This is the top floor. That means we're at the top of the food chain. Ruling the pack is the alpha male - that's me - and the alpha female."

  "Nancy," she guessed.

  He dipped his head once, proving she was right. "Separate but equal, as she likes to say. I handle daily operations, she handles public perception. Mostly marketing and PR." He held up a hand, palm down, then placed another just under it. "Next step down are the executive assistants. You and Mark. Again, separate but equal." Then he moved the upper hand to lay beside the other. "And beside them are the rest of the VIPs."

  "Wait. You mean, the only people I don't outrank are the VIPs and you two?" Holy crap, she was a lot higher in this food chain than she'd thought!

  Adam nodded, a smile crawling across his sensuous lips. "Granted, you don't get paid as well as a VIP, but you're their equal in the company. You are directly responsible for Nancy's office, and that's not a small feat. So, knowing that, would you have fired him?"

  Kate looked at the desk for a moment. "Not as quickly as you did. The uppity bitch comment was incredibly unprofessional, though." The words were out of her mouth before she realized she'd just cussed in front of Adam Degrass. She looked up quickly. "Sorry."

  "Oh fuck, did you just say some bad shit?" he asked in mock horror. "Relax, Kate. I kinda work with Nancy, too."

  She rubbed her fingers across her forehead. He had to think she was an idiot. Why had he recommended her? Was it just because he needed a new girl to chase around the office, and she seemed naive enough to let him? If she refused, how long would she be working here?

  "I'm trying, sir."

  His jaw clenched slightly and he took a deep breath, letting his eyes close for a moment. "What did I do? Honestly?" He squatted down to be level with her eyes. "Why do you shrink into yourself every time I'm in the room? Nancy swears you're a little demon when you need to be."

  "I'm sorry," she whispered. God, she was already screwing this all up! Maybe Marshall was right. Maybe she wasn't cut out for the real world.

  He gently reached up and grabbed her arm before rubbing it slowly. "I think you have that backwards. I'm the one that's sorry. If you figure it out, will you let me know?"

  "Mark calls you Mr. Degrass," she said, staring at the floor.

  He chuckled softly and pushed himself back to his feet. "I see. Thing is, Mark's a trained dog. He fetches what I tell him to and can't manage a single thought on his own. The VIPs call me Mr. Degrass as well. The only people I ask to use my given name are the ones I respect. The kind who can make me think."


  He smiled. "Yeah. You got me when you said you write bad stories with pride. Stuck with me all day."

  She took a deep breath. "Ok. I'll try, Adam."

  "Ever going to let me read one of those stories?"

  Her cheeks grew hotter. "Nope."

  He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, "And now I know exactly what they're about. Next week I'll start trying to buy them."

  She turned and met his eyes deviously. "Didn't figure a man like you needed fap material."

  His mouth opened once, then he shrugged. "Round two goes to you." Then he turned and walked away, shaking his head slowly, but she could hear him chuckling.

  It was an hour before she got off work when the brunette walked in. Nancy wasn't in her office, having a meeting on the third floor, so it wasn't one of her appointments. The woman was beautiful, though, sauntering up to Kate's desk like she expected to have her ass kissed. Probably because that was what usually happened.

  "Can I help you?" Kate asked.

  She smiled, her teeth exceptionally white and straight. "Yes, I'm looking for Adam Degrass's office?"

  "Just on the other side of the building." Kate gestured behind her. "Follow the walkway to the left, and it's the first reception area. Should I tell him you're coming?"

  "No," she purred. "He should be expecting me."

  She sauntered away, following Kate's directions. Her ass swayed more than it should with each step, and Kate tried not to roll her eyes. Evidently, Mr. Degrass had a date, or at least a quickie, in his future. There was no other reason for a woman to make sure her red bra was as easily visible under her suit. Kate knew she should keep her nose in her own business, but she had a funny feeling she was about to get the material to win round three. Slowly, she turned to watch the show.

  Like usual, Adam was reclined in his chair, his feet propped up on the cabinet behind his desk with a phone to his ear. The woman walked up to Mark, said something, and the man actually shook his head. She said something else, and he stood, making an obviously negative gesture. Getting nowhere fast, the bimbo decided to take matters into her own hands. Every line of her body was pissed as she walked right past the glass desk and into Adam's office.

  Kate watched him jump, jerking his feet to the floor as he spun to face the woman. He slammed the phone into the receiver and stood, pointing at the door, shaking his head. That was not what Kate had expected at all. It looked like he definitely did not want that woman in there. She checked Mark, expecting to see him on the phone, but the guy was just staring in complete shock.

  Then the woman slapped Adam, hard. He took it, gently touching the red mark on his cheek, but from the look on his face, he was not backing down. He pointed at the door again, and the woman started to yell loud enough that Kate could hear it. Then she shoved him.

  It didn't take a second thought. Mark was watching the show like a voyeur, and a few of other employees were starting to gather. Kate pushed herself out of her chair and hurried toward the CEO's office.

  "Get back to work," she snapped at the people starting to cluster. "Now!"

  They moved, looking at her wide-eyed as she stormed across the open space between the two sides of the building. When she got close enough, Mark got her wrath next. "Stop gawking and call security." He scrambled for the phone.

  Then, she did the most insane thing: Kate walked right in.

  "That's enough, Sophia," Adam said, his voice angry but controlled.

  "You don't fucking dump me, do you understand?" She shoved him again. Adam didn't even try to defend himself.

  Kate grabbed the woman's arm, jerking her away from Adam. "No!" she snapped. "Get your ass out of this damned building. I don't give a shit who you are, you do not get the right to shove anyone around like a self-righteous bitch." She pushed the woman at the door and made no effort to be gentle about it.

  "Who the fuck are you?" Sophia glared right over Kate's shoulder, clearly expecting the answer from Adam. "This your new fuck?"

  "Yeah, I am," Kate said. "So you're yesterday's news, and my nails won't break if we have a cat fight. Out!"

  She had to forcibly haul the woman from the room, ducking when the fool tr
ied to slap at her with weak wrists. Behind her, Adam stared wide-eyed, too shocked to even speak. Kate barely had her through the glass doors before the security arrived, grappling with her until they had control.

  "Escort her from the building," Kate ordered. "If she stays away, no need to call the police. If she tries to come back in, have her arrested."

  "Yes, ma'am," one of the guards said.

  They hauled her off, the elegant lady looking more like she belonged in an insane asylum than a bed after her tantrum. When they entered the elevator, Kate let out a huge breath in a rush, then realized what she'd just done. She looked at Mark, but he shook his head, as confused as she was.

  "Kate?" It was Adam's voice, just behind her. "Can I have a minute?"

  "Yes, sir," she replied, letting her eyes close in a long blink before collecting herself and walking back into his office.

  He didn't say a word, just gestured for her to follow, then led her to the back corner. It was the only place that wasn't on full display. Nancy's office was the same, harboring a conference table and a small reading area tucked behind the bends of the walls, allowing her a few moments out of the limelight.

  He barely made it around the corner before flopping against the wall, pushing both hands into his hair. "Thank you," he said.

  "I may have overstepped my place - "

  He cut her off. "Shut up, Kate. I mean it, ok?"

  She realized his hands were shaking. "Adam? Are you ok?"

  "How the hell am I supposed to deal with that?" He pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes. "This is why I don't date."

  "Hey," she said softly, grabbing his wrists. "Adam, how's your face?"

  "Better than my pride."

  This was not what she expected. He should be raving; he should be threatening to ruin the woman. Instead, he looked like he wanted to run away from it all and hide. Adam Degrass always looked formidable, beautiful, and powerful, but right now, he looked completely normal and very vulnerable. He looked human.

  She gently rubbed his upper arms, offering what comfort she could. "Well, the men out there think you're hot shit for sleeping with that, and the women wish they looked half as good, so I think your pride is fine."

  Slowly, he moved his arm to her back. "I owe you." He hugged her, but it was gentle, like a friend, not a lover. "Especially now that we're evidently fucking."

  She laughed. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

  "No, it was probably the only thing that would shut her up." He rubbed her shoulder blade and released her. "I also think I just got to see the demon Nancy keeps talking about."

  Kate shrugged. "I just don't really tolerate domestic violence, you know?" He lifted an eyebrow, but she shook her head. "Sure, you're a tough enough guy to take it. Doesn't mean that isn't what it is. Why were you dating that? You could get so much better!"

  His mouth flapped at her for a moment. "Uh." He blinked. "It wasn't really dating."

  "Right. You gonna be ok, Adam?"

  He nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, but thank you. I mean it. I owe you."

  She took a deep breath, then offered her hand. "Friends?"

  He took it. "Yeah. Anyone with the balls to get in that bitch's face?"

  She looked at him pointedly. "Bad choice of words. I think you're the one who needs to be worrying about the proximity of balls and faces. Had to be something redeeming about her." She turned to leave, well aware that she had a pile of work on her desk and he probably needed some time alone.

  He laughed behind her. "Round three to you," he said softly. "I think that was worth it if it means I get to see the real Kate."

  Chapter 9

  Evidently, stepping into the middle of Adam's love life was how to gain respect at Degrass Industries. Nancy was amused, pointing out how Mark deferred to Kate now. Granted, so did everyone else on the fifth floor. It seemed like the office was a lot more like the food chain Adam called it than she could have known. By taking charge, she'd earned her place. People began to greet her as Ms. Gaskill when she passed.

  She was no longer just Kate, except to Adam and Nancy. And of course, Nancy wanted all the details, but Kate wasn't willing to give too much. She knew how she'd felt after her husband cut her face up. Worrying about what people thought hurt more than the gash. Thankfully, Nancy's interest was maternal, not dramatic. She was as worried as Kate about the cruelty the woman thought would be acceptable.

  It was Friday when Adam finally talked to her again. She was facing Nancy's office, finishing a call to McDonald's about a reoccurring event in Oregon when a hand reached over her shoulder to place a file in front of her monitor. Kate recognized the watch and flicked her eyes up to find Adam's waiting, ending the call as fast as she could.

  "Hey," he said softly. "I'm going to need one of those stories."

  She couldn't help it; she laughed. "Whole day alone, huh?"

  "Yeah. Starting to get desperate. I mean, what's a guy to do with his free time?"

  She knew her cheeks were getting redder - she could feel the burn. "Drink beer, play video games? Then again, for a man of your position, you could always try asking a woman out. I think you were listed as one of the most eligible bachelors in town again this year."

  "Wanna go out, play video games, and drink beer?"

  "With my boss?" She turned her chair a bit more, almost facing him. "Pretty sure that's a bad idea."

  "Still not your boss. Now, think about what I said for a moment." He watched her intently while she did just that.

  She sighed dramatically. "Man, I've just been friend zoned, huh?"

  He groaned. "I'm gonna lose this one either way I go. Five hundred bucks for the story."

  "Which story?"

  He grinned. "How many are we talking?"

  "Um, twenty-something novellas, fourteen full-length novels." She clamped her teeth on her lower lip, then saw his eyes drop.

  "Your negotiation tactics are distracting. The blushing is bad enough, but," he dropped his voice. "Stop teasing me with that lip. Let's start easy. One novella, your choice."

  "You're talking hours of work, Adam. That's got to be worth more than five hundred bucks." It wasn't, but he started this, and she was determined to win. Something about him brought out her competitive streak.

  He shifted, resting his hand on the desk. That moved his mouth a little closer to her ear but meant he was leaning over her. Kate's heart beat faster, and not for the reasons he probably hoped. Marshall had done the same thing just before he started throwing her around.

  His voice was sensual. "What format are we talking? PDF, device specific, print?"

  "Mostly PDF." She pushed her chair back just a bit. "And it's probably something I shouldn't mix with work."

  "And yet you aren't ashamed of what you write. Tell me, do any involve very rich men with secret dungeons?"

  "Thought you didn't have a dungeon," she countered.

  "No, but I'm wondering if you wish I did." He made her feel so small. Weak.

  Kate pushed her chair back a bit more. "Definitely not."

  This time he noticed her retreat. Adam shifted away, his eyes searching her face. "That's a big 'back off' if I've ever seen one."

  She shook her head. "It's just," She lifted her fingers, making a subtle push at the air between them, "it makes me nervous when you loom."

  He didn't move, he just stared, obviously thinking. Then the CEO came out. "We need to talk. Come with me." He gave her a look and turned. There was no discussion, just an expectation that she would obey.

  Kate stood and caught Nancy's eye, gesturing at Adam's back. Nancy made a gesture that clearly said "who knows with him" then shooed her off. That must be as good as it got, so Kate followed him back across the atrium. Adam hadn't said, but he was definitely heading to his office.

  "Clear my schedule for thirty minutes," he told Mark as he passed.

  "Yes, sir," Mark said, looking at Kate strangely.

  She just shrugged, then followed Adam inside. Agai
n, he didn't stop, just moved to the secluded area at the back. "Sit," he said, pointing at a pair of chairs at the side.

  They were reading chairs, oddly enough, with a small round table between them and a light that gave off a soft yellow glow. She took the one closest to the door, crossing her legs but refusing to lean back. While the seat looked elegant, it also felt amazing, nothing like she'd expected. The chair was simply too comfortable, and she wasn't sure this would be a comfortable discussion.

  He returned with two cups, both filled with black coffee and set them on the table. "Let's talk about sexual harassment in the workplace."

  She'd just picked up her cup and nearly spilled it in her lap. "Excuse me?"

  He gestured all the way around them. "This is off the radar, Kate. This is my place to hide. What is said in here, it's not public, and no one gets to look at you. Lean back in the damned chair, relax, and have a single unguarded conversation with me."

  "Ok," she breathed, setting the cup back on the table. "Sorry."

  "I'm a flirt, ok?" He took a sip, glanced at her cup, then shrugged. "Thing is, there are only two women in this building I can flirt with. That's you and Nancy - and flirting with Nancy is out for other reasons. Everyone else reports to me."

  "You've made that clear."

  He held up a finger. "Doesn't mean you like it. So I'm gonna be real blunt. You're pretty. You're smart. You're also amazing when you're on a roll. I find that sexy. I also respect that, and I understand very clearly that no means no. Am I clear?"

  "Yes, sir." She was mortified.

  His hand slapped the table, making her flinch. "I know you're not this passive. You threw that bitch out of my office like a honey badger, and you've told me you're a gamer. What the fuck are you playing, Farmville?"

  "Eternal Combat."

  "So act like it. Talk to me, Kate, not my damned job. I don't know what to think about you. One minute you're taunting me, and the next you're hiding in your own skin. I think you're amused, and then I think you want to run away as fast as you can. Give me something here."

  She took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."


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