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Virtual Reality

Page 26

by Kitty Cox

  "I'm gonna..." she gasped.

  "Cum," he demanded. "God, Kate, I want to watch you cum on top of me."

  Then he dropped one hand behind him on the mattress and used it to lift himself into her. Over and over, he matched her, finding that sweet spot she liked so much, until Kate couldn't take any more. She gasped, her body clenching on him, bucking with the waves of pleasure, and she grabbed onto the only thing that could possibly keep her stable.


  Her fingers bit into his shoulder as she threw her head back and groaned, letting him pump into her a few more times before he found his own release. It hit her like a wave of heat, filling her, and Adam groaned as he grabbed for her body, holding her as close as possible. Then, slowly, he leaned back into the bed, pulling her down on his chest.

  "Shit," he breathed.

  She rolled off him to curl against his side. "That wasn't my thought."

  "No, that was amazing," he promised. "A little too amazing, because I forgot the condom."

  "Oh." She dragged the word out, then giggled. "And you never asked me what I'm on? Or wondered why I was willing to climb on you?"

  He groaned. "No, I just figured we've only been together a week..."

  "Finish that thought," she said.

  His eyes flicked between both of hers in the darkness. "I'm trying to get this right with you, but I can't forget that you know I've been with other women - and not that long ago. You chased one out of my office."

  "How often do you forget a condom?" she asked.

  He reached up to smooth back her hair. "Never. I mean, not since my twenty-first birthday. Ended up with a pregnancy scare, and I've never forgotten since." His eyes moved to follow his hand as he picked at a knot. "Most women don't distract me the way you do. You make me stop thinking, Kate, and all I want is to be closer to you. To feel your hair, your breath, and everything else."

  "I've been on the pill since I was eighteen," she told him. "Never stopped. I also got checked when I realized just how many 'other women' my husband had spent time with."

  "So we're ok?" he asked.

  She nodded. "Yeah. You've got nothing to worry about. No accidental heirs to your fortune."

  He shifted a little closer. "Mm, so does this mean I can do that again?"

  She caught his shoulder and tugged him on top of her. "Often."

  He settled between her knees, but his mouth found her neck, kissing a line up to her ear. Just as her eyes closed and she relaxed into his sensual touches, he whispered, "I'm not scared of kids, Kate. I'm only worried about losing you."

  Her eyes flew open and met his just as he slid inside her. After that, she couldn't think of anything at all, but she was ok with this. Somehow, Adam knew exactly how to make her feel like this really was meant to be.

  Chapter 34

  Friday morning started with a bang. First, it was Adam's phone going off. Martin from Information Security had been getting alerts from the network protections. He was convinced someone was trying to hack into their system. Adam wasn't surprised. It was a gaming convention, after all. The tournament network was completely independent from the hotel's, but someone would go trying to find credit card of personal information.

  Then it was Kate's turn. She couldn't find her Paradox shirt, so decided to wear the one with QQ's logo instead. Never mind that she'd thrown off the rubber band for her hair last night and now had no idea where it had gone. A clip worked to tame her hair enough to let her see. By the time she was dressed, it didn't leave her long to put on makeup, so she went minimal. Adam thought it looked good. Like some sexy gamer girl who didn't need to try.

  Then, they headed downstairs. With each floor, the elevators got a little more crowded so that by the time they reached the ground level, everyone was packed in like sardines. Then the trick was to file out without pushing anyone. Naturally, the crowd all went the same way, right to the gaming hall.

  The moment they walked in, people greeted them. First, it was the redheaded man from Deviant games. Chance, she reminded herself. Then it was Psycho calling hello to her and Adam from the high table. QQ and Void were mysteriously absent. As they got closer to their chairs, Cynister, Fizz, and Synjd all made a point to say hi. Curious, Kate looked over to the back corner for Rhaven. The girl was there, leaned back in her chair. When she met Kate's eyes, she lifted a hand almost timidly. Kate waved back, making her smile.

  "Ok," Adam told her. "Get that monster of yours up and running, then I'll show you how to get into the game and join a team."

  She did, surprised that her computer booted up a lot faster than she expected. It took a moment, then she remembered that Cynister had promised to clean up her machine. On impulse, she turned around to tap his back.


  "Yeah?" He turned to smile at her. "Everything ok?"

  "Thank you for making it better. You were right, and my computer's a lot faster."

  He smiled and nodded, looking a little embarrassed. "Just doing my job, babe. Gotta make sure we have a chance at winning those computers today."

  Then Adam leaned over to show her how to get into the tournament system. It took a bit, to enter all of her credentials and accept the End User License Agreement to access the network, but when she logged in, a group invite immediately popped up on her screen. Now, all that was left was to wait, and her monitor was filled with a massive chat box. At the top, it was titled, "Game Lobby," and the conversation was moving quickly.

  "You got your speech?" Adam asked.

  She pulled the note card from her pocket and held it up. "And if I choke up there and look like an idiot, you're going to owe me."

  "Yeah? And how will I pay that back?"

  Kate thought quickly. "La Pierre's again. This time, I'll be relaxed enough to actually enjoy the food, and you are paying."

  "Promise." Then he pointed toward the podium at the front of the room. "Now go see if Chance needs anything, and we'll get the team finalized and registered. You'll do great, Kate."

  She wasn't so sure, but she pushed back her chair and smiled. The trick was to pretend like this was no big deal. Just a stupid little announcement that no one would listen to anyway. So why was her gut twisting like it wanted to purge itself?

  "Lithium, right?" Chance greeted her when she reached the front of the room.

  "Kate," she told him. "But yeah, I game as Lithium."

  He moved a little closer and lowered his voice. "Braden said you're nervous."


  "So we'll make this nice and easy. I want you to introduce me first, and I'll help you get through the rest."

  "Just..." She gestured at the microphone a few feet away. "Jump right in with the here's Chance Hunter of Deviant games part?"

  "Play with it a little more. Start off by introducing yourself as the hotel representative. Crack a joke about the morning, and since you know what they really care about is the game, here's Chance."

  She nodded, because that sounded a lot easier.

  "All right. You're up, and if you get freaked, just go right to me. You got this."

  "Thank you," she said, reaching up to grab his arm. "I'll be better tomorrow."

  "And even better at the next tournament. I know, honey. The first time's always the hardest." He smiled and jerked his chin toward the podium, encouraging her to get this over with.

  After all, it was time. The entire hall was packed full. Even QQ and Void had appeared while she was setting up her system. Kate took a deep breath and walked to the podium. She'd been told how to make sure the mic was on and warned not to tap on it. What she didn't expect was for the entire room to fall silent as soon as she stepped up.

  Her skin tingled, and fear raced down her spine.

  "Good morning," she said, her voice ringing out to the crowd. "Well, that is if you like mornings. I'm Lithium, here to represent the Clairmont, so if you have any problems, I'm your girl."

  She expected a response, but her pause got nothing but silence. In despera
tion, she looked over to where Rhaven sat. The moment their eyes met, Rhaven pushed back her chair and stood, nodding to show it was ok.

  And it helped. Kate took a deep breath, refusing to look anywhere else. "Unfortunately," she went on, "there is no coffee - or any food and drinks - allowed in the computer hall. Your equipment is just too valuable. So, if you managed to sneak one in, better finish it before anyone sees. I also have to make sure you know that your presence in this room constitutes your agreement to have your likeness used in any hotel or game related marketing." She checked her notes to make sure she had the next part right. "And by accepting the agreement to access the network, you give the Clairmont, its parent company, and Deviant Games access to all digital information accumulated during this event." Then she stepped back, begging Chance to come save her. "Now, let me introduce the person you're all really waiting for. Chance Hunter, with Deviant Games."

  He walked up and dropped a hand on her shoulder, keeping her there. "It's a beautiful morning for a game of capture the flag, isn't it?"

  The crowd responded to him, a few chuckles and even more heads nodding.

  So he went on. "But, before we can get to the fun stuff, Lithium's going to make sure we know how to escape in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Where are the emergency exits again, honey?"

  Yep, this was easier. "Right under the glowing signs that say exit, Chance. Unlike your games, the Clairmont actually marks the way out."

  "Yeah, but that would be too easy in game. Half the fun is chasing your target." He smiled at her, showing she was doing just fine. "You might want to tell them about the network, too."

  "Oh, but where's the fun in that?" she asked, playing this up the best she could. "If they knew it was monitored for any third-party programs or illegal activities, we wouldn't get to have the cops raid the tournament. How else do you expect me to have a chance?"

  "Good point, and if you're playing, I suppose you want to see what you'll win?"

  "Oh yeah," she agreed. "Momma needs a new computer!"

  "Well..." And Chance took over, extolling the virtues of the four computers he had offered up as a reward.

  Every so often, Kate baited him with another comment, but her part was done, and she'd actually survived. Not only that, but it had almost been fun. Chance had the ability to control a room, and she just let him. Her pride didn't mind, and by the time she stepped away from the mic to return to her seat, she was actually smiling.

  At the back of the room, Rhaven gave her a thumbs up. Kate made a mental note to thank her later. That one little gesture had meant the world to her. The least she could do was buy her new friend a drink to make up for it.

  "You survived," Adam teased when she sat down.

  She groaned. "That was complete and total hell. I thought I was going to puke on everyone!"

  "And yet you still did it," he told her, leaning closer to kiss her cheek. "Now watch the timer in the top left corner. That counts down until our time to shine."

  She had just under two minutes to get everything situated, pull on her headphones, log into the chat server, and then it was time. A warning screen popped up, stating her team was being logged into the challenge server. Then, before she was truly ready, the match was on.

  The map was very different from the ones she'd played in Eternal Combat. This one was surrounded by walls and filled with random shapes for obstacles and cover. There was no doubt at all that it was designed to be a game field, but this was nothing like football.

  "Fizz," Adam said across the speakers, "you're in charge of the flag. Cyn, I want you and Lith covering him. I'll run as a medic."

  "Can do," Cynister assured him.

  "I'm so winging this," Kate warned them.

  Fizz chuckled. "It's all good, Lith. The goal is to laugh and have fun, because there's no way we're winning. Just take as many with you as you can."

  "Oh, now that I can do," she promised.

  Then it was on. Running as a diamond, they crossed the field, moving from shape to obstacle the same way they did in Eternal Combat. Kate was on the left flank, her eyes scanning for enemies. The problem was that they were playing just a little too carefully. Before they reached the center of the map, a banner popped up to announce that the enemy had the flag.

  "Go, go, go," Adam ordered.

  They went, moving around the edge as a pack. At the corner of her screen, Kate saw movement. Acting on instinct, she scoped in and fired, following with a second shot just for good measure. The bottom of her screen dinged.

  "Fuck!" Fizz hissed. "Talk about a shit roll for a first round. Guys, we're up against QQ."

  That's when she looked up to see the kill feed. Right there, hovering before her face was the notice that Void < Lithium. Of all the people to take out, she'd just tagged one of the best. But that meant the pros would be coming for them.

  And they did, hard.

  Her group began to take fire from behind. Kate spun, tapping her mouse to fire selectively. Hit markers proved she was on target, but someone else got the kill. That didn't stop the assault, though.

  "Cover Ice," Cynister ordered. "Q'll go for our medic first."

  "Who's healing for them?" she asked.

  He laughed deviously. "Void. He's out, babe. All that's left are the ones standing, and she'll go for blood before a damned flag."

  Which meant the rules were something she knew how to deal with. Kill or be killed. That was simple enough. Another glance at the kill feed showed Knock was down. That meant it was QQ and PsychoCut left, and her whole team was still standing.

  "Who has their flag?" she demanded.

  "Psych," Adam replied. "Everyone head toward their end zone. That's where they'll be headed, and we can cut them off. I'd like to at least control that thing once before we're wiped."

  "Or win," she reminded them. "Guys, c'mon, we're all still up."

  "Fuck!" Fizz called out at the same time. "Q's on me!"

  "Like hell she is," Cynister promised.

  The rattle of guns filled Kate's headset, and she moved toward the sound. IceMan was just at her right, both of them approaching cautiously. Kate peeked around cover and let off a few shots, tagging someone. Ice traded out with her. When he ducked back, she glanced over, meeting his eyes. With a nod, the agreement was made. They charged in together.

  Kate aimed for QQ. Ice was shooting for Psyc. The problem was that QQ knew them a little too well. First, she dropped Ice. Kate managed to kill Psyc, and Fizz grabbed the flag. When Cynister moved in to cover for him, QQ took him out as well, keeping cover between herself and Kate.

  In her headset, Adam was laughing. "So, looks like it's just the ladies left. Make us proud, Lith!"

  She didn't bother responding. The moment Cynister was dead, QQ moved to deal with Fizz, all but ignoring Kate. She didn't care. It gave her the advantage. If Fizz was keeping QQ busy, then Kate had the chance to get around her.

  "Take her on a chase," she told Fizz over chat.

  "Lith, I'm running for my life here. Little help is more than appreciated."

  "Just don't run for the goal, man. That's what she's expecting."

  "No!" Fizz yelped, almost bursting Kate's ears. "She's on me. No, no, no, you bitch!"

  Kate moved in just as Fizz dropped, but QQ didn't pick up the flag. Instead, like some villain from a horror movie, she turned, changing to her pistol, and came for the last person on their team. For too many hours, Kate had listened to QQ game. She knew this type of charge meant she was pissed. The problem was that getting too emotional was never a good idea.

  Kate ducked back, taking one last shot. She got the hit marker, but bullets were impacting all across the edge of her cover. She was pinned down, waiting. Thankfully, it didn't take long. The moment QQ had to reload, Kate darted back out, tagging two more shots to the center mass, dropping QQ's health, but the bullets started flying her way again, draining a few bars of Kate's life.

  Just like she had before, Kate hid, but this time she moved to the
other side, hoping to come at QQ from the side. Moving slowly, hoping not to give herself away, she hurried to the next obstacle, then made her way around. QQ was still shooting, giving away her position, so this was Kate's only chance. Taking her time, she lined up a shot, moved out just a bit, and fired.

  The cursor turned red, proving a hit, but QQ was ready. The moment her character took damage, she turned, changing weapons smoothly, and fired off a pair of shots. Both hit Kate in the head, killing her instantly, leaving QQ alive with one single bar of health.

  While Kate watched, QQ set off a medic pack, healing herself, then wandered over to Fizz's body to grab the flag. With no one left alive on the map, she casually walked her way to her team's end zone and dropped the flag on the pole waiting there. It was done with such finality that Kate couldn't help but laugh.

  "Knocked out in the first round," she sighed. "Guys, is this something I should be ashamed of?"

  "Nope," Adam told her. "Oh no. You dropped QQ to a single bar of health. Darlin', people are going to be talking about that on the stream for days."

  The words were barely out of his mouth before the game declared QQ's team the winners. Almost immediately, Void ripped off his headset and stood, turning to look right at her.

  "You headshotted me, Lith."

  She just grinned as she took off her headset. "Aren't you supposed to be impressive or something?"

  "Starting to think the reputation isn't deserved. Good game, Paradox. Lithium, I'm gonna keep my eye on you."

  In her back pocket, her phone vibrated at the same time. Kate quickly pulled it out, hoping no emergencies had popped up while she was playing, and found a single text message from an unknown number. Swiping at the screen, she read it quickly. It was not at all what she expected.

  Unknown Number: Sleeping with your boss won't get you ahead in games. Quit now, or I'll make sure everyone knows how girls like you get ahead.

  Chapter 35

  "Kate?" Adam asked, seeing the look on her face.

  She quietly passed her phone to him, the thrill of the last round completely gone. "How would anyone know that?"


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