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The Robber Bride (Regency Historical Romance)

Page 22

by Jerrica Knight-Catania


  Fin felt terrible for how he left things with Victoria. A cryptic declaration of love, followed by a quick escape. Not his finest moment. But if he’d stayed a moment longer, he would have grabbed her pale, sickly face in his hands and kissed her senseless.

  How ridiculous. He had nearly risked catching her illness for a damned kiss. From his lifelong friend. What was the matter with him? Surely he wasn’t in his right mind.

  On the short walk from Victoria’s home to his own, he could hear all sorts of squeals and shouts coming from within. What the hell? He pushed through the front door. The noises were coming from upstairs. He followed the sound to the door at the end of the second floor corridor and knocked.

  “Is everything all right in there?” he called through the door.

  “She’s trying to drown me, sir!” came Sally’s panicked voice.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” His housekeeper, Mrs. Boyle, let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m doing no such thing, child. Hasn’t anyone ever given you a bath?”

  “Not like this!”

  Fin tried not to laugh, but the scenario was just too amusing. Although, on the other hand, it was quite sad the girl had never been given a proper bath.

  “Sally,” he called through the door. “I promise Mrs. Boyle won’t let you drown. And if you’re a good girl for her, I’ll…” What did little girls like that could be used as a bribe? “I’ll take you for a chocolate ice,” he finished, proud of his quick thinking.

  There was a beat of silence and then her little voice asked, “Promise?”

  Fin smiled. “I promise.”

  A half hour later, a child that Fin didn’t recognize walked into the drawing room. Her blonde hair, formerly matted and tangled, was now shiny and clean, pulled together at her nape with a blue satin bow. Her skin was no longer gray with filth, but a milky white. Her clothing, however, left quite a bit to be desired.

  “How would you like to go shopping today, Sally?” Fin asked her.

  “Will I still get to eat a chocolate ice? I’ve never had one before.”

  “Of course. Come, let’s go.”

  Fin could not have foreseen how much fun he would have shopping with a nine-year-old girl. But her excitement was infectious. She’d never had new clothes before, let alone a pretty dress. Now she had seven, one for each day of the week. And ribbons to match. New boots and slippers, a nightgown, and the kind girl at the modiste had seen to any undergarments the child might need while Fin waited in the reception area.

  Sally could hardly keep her eyes open by the time they made it to Gunter’s for the chocolate ice, but she seemed to enjoy it anyhow. Fin chose the maple ice for himself, thinking of how much Victoria hated that particular flavor. She always wrinkled her nose at him whenever they ate their ices together in Berkeley Square, claiming lavender to be the superior flavor.

  Fin pushed his thoughts of Victoria from his mind. He would think of what to do about her later, when he’d had a chance to rest and clear his mind. In the meantime, he needed to get Sally home and check in on Caroline. With any luck, her condition would see improvement soon.


  Victoria watched Caroline’s coffin as it was lowered into the ground and swiped a single tear from her cheek. Sally clung to Fin, sobbing. It was strange to see Fin with a child attached to him, but at the same time, it seemed the most natural thing in the world. Clearly, he’d done a wonderful job taking care of Sally since he’d brought her to his home. She was hardly recognizable now in her pretty new dress, despite the fact it was a dark charcoal—a color Victoria hated to see on children.

  The minister came to the end of the service, commending Caroline’s soul to heaven, and then the three of them threw roses onto the coffin. What was to become of the child now that her mother was gone? Would Fin take responsibility for her, or would he ship her off to a distant family member? She wished she could take her to her own home, but her parents would never allow it. Her mother had already asked a million times who “that little girl” coming and going from Lord Leyburn’s home was. Since Victoria hadn’t left the house and therefore should not have been privy to such information, she simply responded with a vague, “Perhaps she is his ward. But how should I know?”

  The news of Caroline’s passing came nearly two weeks after Victoria had fallen ill, but by that time, she was nearly well enough to return to her normal activities. Well, abnormal activities would be more apt, she supposed. Either way, she was glad she was well enough to attend the small service. She’d never known Caroline really, but she was certain she’d been a lovely woman. It was a shame she wouldn’t get to see her daughter grow into the bright young woman she was destined to be.

  Victoria accompanied Fin and Sally into Fin’s home and waited while he handed the child off to his housekeeper so she could get her some warm milk and something to eat.

  “What will you do with her now?” Victoria asked, once Sally was out of earshot.

  Fin sighed. Clearly it weighed heavily on him that he’d not been able to rehabilitate Caroline. It weighed heavily on Victoria, too. But they’d done everything they could.

  “I’ve attempted to find any kin she might have, but I’ve come up empty handed.”

  “You mean there’s no one? A cousin? An aunt or uncle perhaps?”

  Fin hesitated. “Well, there is someone. I paid a visit to a woman who claims to be a great aunt to Sally. She lives in Surrey, but frankly, I wouldn’t even give that woman a dog I didn’t like. Wretched human being.”

  “Oh,” Victoria said, waiting for him to state his plans.

  Finally, he looked up at Victoria with a wry half smile. “I’m going to keep her,” he said. “After visiting the wretched great aunt, I stopped at my solicitor’s on the way home and had him start drawing up the paperwork to become her legal guardian.”

  Victoria’s heart swelled. She couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. How had she overlooked his generous spirit in the past?

  Moved by his actions, she grabbed his hand and stepped toward him. Without hesitating she rose up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. It was a simple kiss, a kiss of gratitude. But nonetheless, it sent a jolt of awareness straight to her belly. It scared her and she jumped away from him, but he held tightly to her hand.

  “What was that for?” he asked, a wide smile lighting up his face.

  Victoria tried to shrug, but it came off more like a twitch. She felt rather awkward in her own skin just now. “Just to say…thank you, that’s all.”

  “Vickie, you’ve thanked me plenty of times in the past and it never involved a kiss.”

  Her heart raced and her pulse jumped in the veins in her neck. She choked out a laugh. “Don’t fancy yourself, Finny. I certainly didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “No?” The way he gazed at her made her palms go all sweaty, which was rather embarrassing since he still held one of her hands in his.

  She shook her head, trying to break his spell, but it wasn’t working. Oh, goodness. This wasn’t right. As a matter of fact it was entirely wrong. She and Fin were like brother and sister. To even think there was a hint of romance between them was foolish. Completely and utterly foolish.

  Then why on earth was he bending toward her? Good heavens, he meant to kiss her again. And by God, she was going to let him.

  A loud “Ahem!” startled them both, and they stepped away from one another, both muttering nonsense as they did.

  “Simmons? Do you need something,” Fin asked his butler.

  “I’m afraid the little girl is in need of some…er, comfort, sir,” Simmons replied. Clearly he did not care to be the comforter.

  “Oh, yes. Yes, of course she does. I’ll be there straightaway.”

  Simmons left and silence descended on the little foyer. Fin stared at the floor, his brow furrowed. Victoria waited. Clearly he had something he wanted to say to her, and part of her was terribly curious. But when he opened his mouth to
speak, she decided she didn’t want to know after all.

  “Well,” she exclaimed. “It sounds as if you are needed elsewhere, so I’ll just be on my way.”


  “Please give Sally my love, and tell her I’ll come to see her tomorrow.”


  “Good day, Fin!”

  She slammed the door behind her and then stood on the stoop for a moment to collect herself. Her heart was racing, and her mouth was drier than cotton. She couldn’t explain what was happening, but she didn’t like it. Not one bit.

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