“Seriously, what happened yesterday?” Ren asked. “What did I do?”
“Well, aside from your temporary amnesia, you didn’t do anything strange,” Maves explained.
“Yeah, somehow you just weren’t exactly you though,” Tanford added.
“Oh and Miss Flois was pretty pissed off with you because of your notebook again,” Maves noted.
“My notebook—” Ren repeated. “My notebook!” He reached down to retrieve it from his bag. Miss Flois walked in, silencing the students in that very moment. Before she began homeroom, she approached Ren, while he desperately searched for the notebook that clearly wasn’t there. He surrendered and looked up, only to see his teacher standing over him.
“If I see that notebook today, I will burn it,” Miss Flois said with a smile. “Here you go, I’ve got you this, just in case,” she added, putting a new notepad on his desk. Her boiling rage thinly veiled as she walked off.
He took a deep breath to recuperate from the near-death experience, and opened the new notebook. Inside, there was a set of instructions, and a title, reading ‘Teacher’s notes’, which was what was going to be studied in class. Essentially, it was Miss Flois’s way of both getting him to focus and get some studying done at home, as she knew that he had met his soulmate.
However, as the day went on with the new writing pad, the thoughts that distracted him never stopped. Instead, they grew more and more intrusive as a single idea distinguished itself among the clutter of wonders.
What if... he thought, sitting in the middle of the last class of the day. What if I actually lived… someone else’s life…
The teacher’s voice was drowned out and the students, nonexistent. It was like only he remained in the classroom, among the many empty chairs and desks.
And someone liv— his train of thought crashed and burned as the magical words, that class had ended, were spoken. He quickly tidied away his things, and with his friends he began his journey home. However, the thought that had so tragically been interrupted was slowly reconstructed.
The journey home was over in a second. He froze in front of the door that would yield the answer to his questions.
What if I lived someone else’s life—and they lived mine?
ChapteR 28
The door into the apartment was swung open, letting in the eagerness of youth race through. Kaori dashed into her room, looking for what it was that she had missed in the morning.
She surveyed the interior and found the outlier. It was a strange unfamiliar bag, standing in the corner next to the shelf. She gazed at the dark portfolio bag. Her curiosity took command and compelled her to find out what lay inside. She unzipped it. From the small gap, she saw a myriad of colours gleam from the canvas surface.
She reached down and grasped it, feeling its unmistakable texture. Without hesitation she pulled it out, holding it in front of her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. Wow. The painting entertained the utmost care and skill. Its illustrator had imbued it with his passion and desire. Its colour reflected his wonder, his confusion, and his sorrow.
It depicted the girl who now so sweetly gazed at it. In the frozen image, she smiled like she did when she dreamt, a smile which carried only the purest of joys without anything to hinder its expression.
She was composed with a multitude of colours all depicting and capturing the sole force that drove its painter to produce such a piece. The darker tones of her face and her hair enjoyed colder tones of blue, purple, turquoise and shades of pink. Where the light struck her face, she was coloured with warmer, earthier tones of yellow, orange, red, green and subtle cool hues were added to complement it all. Finally, the school uniform she wore in the portrait was given the same attention as her face, creating an absolutely breathtaking piece of different colours melting together to not only capture her physical features, but also to allow the artist’s zeal to seep through.
With her eyes completely glued on the work of art, a thought bounced around in her head as she noticed the subtle question written. Do you like it?
“Wait… Doesn’t this mean—”
Ren sat at his desk in his room. He looked down at the open notebook laying in front of him. On the open page was his first drawing. Where he had signed the question, Who are you? Now, beside it, stood an answer. Kaori.
He frowned and held his breath as he looked across the symbols, to make sure it wasn’t just a hoax. He read her name again and again, but sure enough it was Kaori. His suspended heart beat again as he flipped through the pages, looking at every drawing he had made. One after another, he saw the answers.
Are you real?
What’s your name?
Will we ever meet? It said on the next page.
I don’t know.
Will I ever find you? Ren stopped at the final drawing.
I hope so.
He sat completely stunned by what he saw, but a thought emerged through his confusion.
Doesn’t this mean that—
“He and I are—” Kaori said, still fixed on the painting.
“She and I are—” said Ren.
“Swapping bodies!” They exclaimed. Their words were broadcasted through time and space.
“Ren?” Kaori whispered, hearing his voice.
“Kaori?” he replied.
However, just as they thought that they had been given a second chance to finally connect again and find each other, it was squandered, leaving nothing behind but silence.
For a moment they both sat anticipating a reply, but nothing came. They sat at the edges of their chairs completely perked up. Their eyes gleaming and brows, almost jumping off their faces. However, slowly but surely, they sank back down, their posture drooped, their shoulders sank and their chests ached. Tears crept forth.
“I’ll find you…” Ren whispered. Please, I just need one more chance…
ChapteR 29
The air was still. The clouds, the same. Twilight blanketed everything. The horizon was pink with the sun’s descent. And stars rained down. The sky was ablaze with the meteor shower.
The cloudland enjoyed the sun’s rosy hue, mixed with the marine darkness of the moon, slowly creeping in. A crown of mountains that stood far-off, enjoyed the alpenglow.
Underneath the dome-like sky, Ren stood on a plateau. He watched the entire scene of jagged mountain tops and tinted clouds, and falling stars.
“It’s beautiful,” he whispered, and at the exact same moment as he spoke, he heard another speak. It is. He slowly turned to see who it was, and with all of his memories intact, he knew instantly that the girl, looking back at him was Kaori.
He gazed down and scratched the back of his neck, trying to hide his smile.
“Kaori,” he looked up.
She had done the same thing he did, but now, just like him, she looked up. Her eyes quivered with a teary glint to them. Her lips parted and she leaned closer.
“Ren,” she took a step, reaching out to touch him, as to confirm that he was really there. “Ren, it’s really you.” She flushed, putting her hands on his chest, affirming that he was real.
“I can’t believe it myself,” he smiled.
“Ren, thank you so much for the painting,” she said, nuzzling his chest. “It’s amazing, the way you used the colours—”
“Yeah, colour isn’t really my thing.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“How come? It was perfect,” she said.
“Because I’m colourblind…” He looked down and softly smiled.
“You’re colourblind?” She leaned back.
“Yeah, but I’m glad you liked it—oh and I’m really sorry, I broke my promise and left you all alone when you performed.”
“Oh! Right! You’re such a jerk!” she said, backing away from him.
“Hey, I had no control over it,” he cleared his throat.
“And you touched my boobs when we were swapped!” She brought her hands to her chest and
“Uh… no I didn’t,” he coughed.
“Yes, you did!” she exclaimed, seeing through his weak facade. “You pervert!”
“How do you know that?”
“My mom saw you!”
“Oh! Sorry, it was for… uh. Science.”
“For science, that doesn’t make it better!”
“Sorry.” His shoulders sunk, but his smile remained. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“And how will you do that?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll find you, Kaori,” he whispered.
“I’ll hold you to that, you know.”
“I know. So that’s why, to remember this moment when I wake up, I want you to know that I… love you.”
ChapteR 30
Ren opened his eyes and welcomed the sight of a ceiling he wasn’t used to. He propped himself up and looked around at the sunlit room. In that moment he knew. He knew that he had been given a second chance. Thank goodness.
With all of his memories intact, it was clear that he swapped bodies with Kaori. But to fully establish the truth he looked down and noticed the pair of breasts attached to his body underneath his nightwear. He gazed down at them for a moment, until he slowly reached. However, just as his hands were about to make contact, he froze.
She’s going to be mad, he thought and stopped himself. However, in the very next second, he caved in to his desire and was caught red-handed by Aiko.
“Fascinated with your boobs again?” she smirked.
He froze and remained silent as though he hadn’t quite registered what she had said.
“There’s just something about them, right?”
He gave them a soft squeeze and agreed.
“Anyway, breakfast is on the table,” she said. “Don’t be late for school and I’ll see you tonight,” she added, leaving the room.
Ren remained completely still for a moment with his hands cupping his soft scoops. She’s going to be so mad. He smiled and released his breast. She’s cute when she’s mad though, he thought as he got ready for school.
Aiko left for work, leaving Ren to enjoy breakfast alone. Will we remember everything after today? He wondered. If not… how do I convince her to meet me? He sat and deliberated while he ate.
What if I leave a note? He cleared away the dishes. Will she really come? Will that be enough? He thought, leaving the kitchen and entering Kaori’s room. Where would we meet? He froze in front of the mirror. The most difficult part of being Kaori had now reared its head. Her hair. The messy trainwreck refused to listen. But Ren was determined to tame it underneath a brush. Should I talk to Aiko about this? He got Kaori’s raven hair to listen after a bit of a struggle, putting it up in the best ponytail he knew how and then he left for school.
He arrived at the crossing without any problems. What should I do? He thought amidst students standing around him, attending the same school.
“Hey Kaori,” Nora said, standing next to him.
“Oh, hey Mei.” He looked up for a second and failed to realise his fatal mistake.
“Are you still half asleep?” Nora frowned.
“No, why do you say that?” he said, while scratching his chin.
“You just called me Mei,” she replied, leaning closer.
Damn. “I’m sorry, Nora” he said, rectifying his wrong.
“You’re not yourself today, are you?” she whispered, solemnly.
She noticed, maybe I should—he paused and with a serious look on his face he turned to her. “Nora,” he said, stiffening his posture.
“Yes?” she answered, returning his gaze.
“I’m going to tell you something—so don’t freak out,” he said with half-lidded eyes and a calming gesture.
“Why would I freak out?” she cringed.
“Just tell me you won’t freak out.”
“I won’t freak out.”
He took a deep breath, then he mustered up the courage and said, “I’m not Kaori right now.”
“What do you mean you’re not Kaori right now?” She shook head and narrowed her eyes.
“You see… I’ve… swapped bodies with Kaori,” he noted, scratching the back of his neck.
“You’ve swapped bodies with Kaori?” she cocked her head to the right.
“You’ve swapped bodies with Kaori!” she exclaimed.
“Don’t scream it!” he said, hushing her as he looked around.
“Oops, sorry,” she whispered. “Wait—then, who are you?” She leaned in, adjusting her glasses as she scrutinised in disbelief.
“Ren. My name is Ren,” he said, feeling a bit strange introducing himself as well, himself, while in Kaori’s body.
Now that she alluded to the strangeness, she noticed it in everything that was now Kaori, or rather Ren. The posture, the slightly lazy uniform, the ponytail (which Ren had struggled to put up), even the tone in Kaori’s voice was different. However subtle, there was something off.
“Wow.” Nora leaned, taking a deep breath, processing the new truth. Although, this was to be expected by their world of soul connecting, it was still an experience to know that although the person in front of you could look like someone you’ve known for years, it may be someone else.
“You really aren’t Kaori, are you?” she whispered.
“No, not today,” Ren fronted a small smile and looked down.
“How? When?” Nora asked.
“How? I think sleep is the trigger,” he explained. “When? This has happened once before, a couple of days ago maybe. Think of it as a really realistic dream.”
“You’re accepting this rather easily…” He leaned back.
“You think so? I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Kaori is speaking, but it isn’t really her,” Nora said, looking a bit dumb-founded by her own comment.
“I suppose,” Ren smiled.
“Something like this is pretty common,” she said as she adjusted her glasses. “But, honestly, I never thought it would be so seamless. Somehow I was expecting something more… fairytale-y.”
“Yeah, it’s nowhere near that convenient,” he said with a smile. “It’s like you just wake up one day and you’re not you.”
Nora nodded, trying to imagine the experience, but it seemed a bit other-worldly. They walked to school together, with Ren’s body swap as the topic of interest. Nora left nothing held back, she capitalised on the opportunity to really feed her curiosity the same way she had with Kaori.
Before long, they arrived at class, before Mr Banson was in.
“Hey,” Mei said, sitting at her desk, noticing them walk in.
“Hey,” Nora said confidently, Ren, a little bit less so as they took their seats.
“Mei, guess what?” Nora’s eyebrows bounced, anticipating the reaction she was going to get.
“What?” Mei asked, sharply noticing that something was strange.
Ren sat anxiously, awaiting the words that Nora was just about to speak, with his blessing of course.
“Kaori here, isn’t actually Kaori,” Nora said, keeping a straight face with her eyes gazing deep into Mei’s as though she could see the gears working inside.
“What?” Mei narrowed her eyes and leaned in.
“Kaori swapped bodies with her soulmate,” Nora revealed.
“What!” Mei exclaimed, drawing the attention of every student in the room.
“Keep it down!” Ren said, hushing her. In the now—completely still—classroom, every face was glued on them.
“Sorry, we’re just… uh, talking about the maths test,” Mei explained, trying to make everyone lose interest in their conversation.
“Nice save,” Ren exhaled.
“I try,” she shrugged solemnly. “but back to what you said Nora, are you telling me Kaori is someone else right now?” She eyed the person in question.
“Yep,” Nora nodded.
“No way,” Mei uttered. “What’s your na
“Where do you live?”
“Go to school there?”
“High school?”
Her questions were fired off one after another, determining whether or not Kaori was Kaori, until…
“What panties are you wearing?” Mei asked.
“Blue striped ones,” he answered unconsciously.
“Matching bra?”
“You’re a boy, right?” her voice grew slower as she leaned in.
“Yeah, why?” he leaned back, realising that something was off.
“You dressed yourself today?” she asked, looking suspiciously at him.
“I did,” he perked up, triumphantly.
“That mean that you’ve seen her… unmentionables?” she asked. Nora was now, unconsciously holding her breath as she flushed.
“Uh… I closed my eyes,” he replied, trying his best to shy away from what actually happened.
“But you’re well aware of her underwear?” Mei persisted.
“I had to pick them, didn’t I?”
“Pick?” Mei grinned with hooded eyes.
“I mean, find,” he quickly said.
“You played with them, didn’t you?” Mei countered seeing through his facade in a second.
“I didn’t.”
“You’re a terrible liar, you know that?” she added, knowing the answer to her question.
“Wait, since you’re body-swapping with Kaori and coming to school as her, doesn’t that mean you’ve seen us changing for PE?” Nora flushed as she realised the implications.
“I haven’t,” Ren said, standing firm.
“Uh—huh,” Mei uttered, unconvinced by his answer.
“I haven’t!” he said again, trying to assure them.
Their conversation was, unfortunately, stunted as Mr Banson walked in. Mei was able to fit one more comment in just before the room fell silent. “Anyway, Ren, we’ll talk about this during lunch.”
He nodded and then quickly retrieved what he needed for class.
“Good morning,” Mr Banson said, to the silent room of students. Homeroom took off without fail and quickly ended as easily as it had began. English followed, with Mr Banson remaining as the teacher.
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