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Mystic Faerie War

Page 16

by James Day

  “Nothing is indestructible She-Elf. We have a few Dwarf Assassin Clerics that can be of use. Word has spread of this Warlock of the Dark Fae. Is he the one that you seek protection against?”

  “Yes,” she said softly. “We are seeking passage into Fire Rock Crater to retrieve the Hearthstone Sword. A Faerie War is coming, and they will release dragons to destroy the Kingdom of Shannon and the Six Providences. The Mystics feel that this weapon will aid them against the dragons.”

  “Is that all?” Master Dwarf Assassin Quartz lifted one brow knowing she was keeping a piece of information from them.

  “Yes,” she lied to him as he slammed his fist on the table and looked her directly in the eye.

  “Do you want to rephrase your answer?” He ordered. “You see relationships are built on trust and honor. Not lies and deceit.”

  “Our apologies,” Tullamore implored. “Tell him Shydrie, it is okay. Everything here is kept in strict confidence.”

  “I apologize,” she bowed down to him. “We are also seeking the Red Faeriestone.”

  “You are forgiven,” he said pointing his finger at her. Then he took out a long pipe and lit it with some flints and began puffing. “This Elven talisman, will it protect this city?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “Good, then our way of life will not be affected. I will assign you two Dwarf Assassin Clerics. They are our most powerful and deadly. They will rival any faerie magic brought upon your group. They will follow your lead and no one else’s. Understand She-Elf?”

  “I do,” she said as he told them to sit down. He ordered some mugs of ale which were brought in. The three tapped mugs and drank heavily.

  “Now, tell me how he died?” the Dwarf Master asked.

  Shydrie began relaying the entire story out without leaving a detail. Within an hour they left the compound and were told that two Dwarf Assassin Clerics would be assigned. They would show up at the fortress asking for her. She thanked him for information and assistance.

  Tullamore and Shydrie left and headed back to the castle.

  The company was eating when Shydrie and Tullamore returned from the group. They sat down and were given a full meal with beef, fish, and vegetables. The two explained where they had gone and sought assistance from Dwarf Assassin’s’ Creed. The company decided to accept whatever help they could get. Dwarven Clerics were hard to come by but were deadly and powerful. They knew ancient spells and would go up against the Dark Fae Warlock’s minions without hesitation. Magic was needed this time because one on one fighting with Fire Imps did not fortify their chances of success. Shydrie had decided that magic must meet magic. This time they would be ready to meet them head on and with more power. They needed to give Dayven enough time to retrieve the Hearthstone Sword. They also needed to protect Llyendrie because he was the last Spellmaker that could assist in finding and obtaining the Faeriestone. Shydrie always believed in troops taking orders, fortifying positions, and outsmarting the other army, but this was different. She realized she was a pawn in this game, and she did not like it. This mission was very personal and those who had died were like comrades in arms, but they were losing. She wondered about the others and felt helpless. The Mystics were able to defend themselves, but the Spellmakers were not as fast and there were just too many Fire Imps. They were like marching ants destroying everything in their path. The only way to win the war was to defeat the Dark Fae Warlock and her next encounter with him would be her last she decided. She was going to kill him at any cost. She decided that she would go against her principals and take him on. Magic or no magic, there were ways she could prepare, throwing knives, darts, and stars. The others were more capable of taking care of themselves. She would personally make sure that Dwarf Assassin Clerics were at her command. She would command them to attack and distract him while she went in for the kill. It was the only way to end this insanity. Everything that the Mystics had done was a complete failure. They had underestimated the Warlock since the very beginning. Even the Elves had done so because they had been the first to be killed in the forest. Her mind was made up as a warrior and She-Elf to the Elven Kingdom. She then realized why she had been sent because she had that fortitude. The Elves could not see the failure of the Mystics in dealing with this Faerie War. She had been deployed as last resort to do the Elven bidding, even at the cost of her own life. Shydrie knew the King and Queen had sent her to make sure the mission was accomplished anyway possible, even if it meant teaming up with the Assassins’ Creed. She and Llyendrie were the Elven Kingdom’s last hope. Tonight, she would confront Llyendrie and tell him of her plans. They were to be kept secret from the rest of the company. It was time that Llyendrie reached his full potential to destroy the Dark Fae Warlock. That was their only mission, without him there would be no Faerie War, no uprising and the Fire Imps would return to the land from which they had been banished. She could no longer trust the Mystics and Prince and Princess of Shannon. They were not warriors nor were they Elven, they were for their Kingdom of Shannon and the Six Providences. This dragon war would involve protecting the Elven Homeland and letting the rest of the Kingdom burn until they ultimately brought down the dragons if they failed. When the time came, they would be on their own. The Elves would use their magic, and resources to get what they wanted. She was not looking for glory, but for revenge for all of those lost and it would take every ounce of strength to move forward against the Dark Fae Warlock. None of the company had mentioned what would happen if they failed in their mission. It seemed that they had some kind of assumption that retaining the Hearthstone Sword alone would somehow defeat the Warlock. Their quest didn’t make sense and they were not forth coming with their plans. After they retrieved the Hearthstone Sword then what? Was the Warlock to go off until another day? Were the Fire Imps going to be cast back to their realm? She surmised that it was not going to happen. The Hearthstone Sword would temporarily stop the madness, but then somehow, the Dark Fae Warlock would return much more powerful.

  An hour after they had eaten it was time to depart. Their journey would be done by boats to shoreline of Fire Rock Crater. Tullamore and Flicker had decided to travel with them to shorelines in the boats that were preparing to leave the docks. They were attached to the stone marinas which surrounded the walls of Blue Shimmer. Provisions for the journey were packed and Shydrie stood at the edge of the docks wondering where the Clerics were then someone tapped her on the back. She turned to see two twin Dwarf Assassin Clerics with red beards and blue eyes, their full head of hair was frazzled out and they wore red robes and carried staffs.

  “I am Dwarf Assassin Cleric Trek, and this is my brother Dwarf Assassin Cleric Magik. We are at your disposal and will only follow your orders. We are aware of the Dark Fae Magic and what it curtails. We have ancient spells that will weaken this Warlock. What is your plan?”

  Shydrie and Llyendrie took them aside separately and laid out the plans to them. They needed to go after the Warlock no matter what, weaken him so Shydrie would make her move to kill him. She told them that no matter what her orders took priority over the Mystics. She needed to weaken him and then take him down. They did not hesitate in agreement since they were in debt to her. They explained that they had studied the ancient Dwarven Scrolls all of their lives and knew the of the Mystics powers. Cleric Trek said that under no circumstances would they kill any of their party. It went against the creed since she belonged to the party even if she developed her own agenda. Cleric Magik said he would protect her at all times against all the enemies that attacked. They were not to leave her side or Llyendrie’s at all. They were to help with the retrieval and execution of the Faeriestone when possible. Then the attack on the Dark Fae Warlock would be swift and deadly.

  They boarded the two small boats. One carried the Mystic Dayven, Shydrie O’Dea, the two Clerics and Llyendrie. The second one carried Prince and Princess Grandur, Brea, Tullamore, Flicker and the Boy-Mystic Dunnganon. The two Rockdwellers stayed behind in the city to of
fer any help they could. The sun would begin setting in two hours and dark clouds swirled by as they lake water became rough with white caps. They went with the flow of the lake and move swiftly as the waves would take them. Then lightning flashed into the water, and a purple explosion roiled inside the Blue Shimmer Lake.

  “The Dark Fae Warlock is commencing an attack. Be prepared,” The Mystic Dayven said with anticipation.

  “Do not worry Half-Elf Mystic, we shall confront anything that attacks this boat,” the Cleric Trek said unapologetically.

  Tullamore saw something in the distance right behind the boats, a giant head dove into the water.

  “Leviathan!” Tullamore yelled as everyone ran to their posts.

  Then swiftly it came behind the second boat as the Boy-Mystic saw its giant head come out, it was the shape of an eel with fangs and curling tentacles above its eyes. The sea serpent went to smash down on the back of the boat, but Tullamore and Flicker reacted drawing long spears into the neck of the creature. It went down just beneath them as they struggled to turn the boat around. Any second it would come up again. A moment later the Leviathan came up roaring as it roared diving under the water. The first boat turned to defend the second boat as the Mystic Dayven, and the Clerics stood their ground. The giant eel-like head with the fangs and snout of a dragon roared up. The Mystic let forth blue fire that struck the beast on the side. The two Clerics enacted an ancient spell and fireballs exploded from their hands one after the other striking the beast in the neck and jaw. It screamed at the attack and went to thrust its head onto the boat to sink it, but Llyendrie let forth green fire that burned the side of its face. It fell backward into the water just missing the second boat. as it swam underneath. The Clerics did not wait, they stuck their hands in the water and let forth their magic as a shock wave exploded just underneath the boat, hitting the Leviathan causing it to surface before the boats. The sea serpent screamed in pain as it was met with Mystic fire. Prince Grandur ran up to the side of the boat where its snake like body lifted and he swung the Sword of Shannon cutting into the side of the monster. It left a large gash that streamed blood as the beast began snapping down at the defenders trying to snatch one up. Brea made a call as dozens of hawks swooped down at the monster scratching at the eyes. The birds were unyielding in their attacks. Blood began spilling from around the eyes as it sunk down and circled beneath for a second attack.

  “We will bring it up Mystic,” Dwarf Assassin Cleric Magik screamed. “You just make sure your aim is true where it is wounded. Now brother, let’s get this beast up.”

  The two Clerics put their hands in the water once again as they sent out a shockwave to disorientated the monster and bring it above the waterline. The boom echoed beneath them as a wave of water rushed behind them. The Leviathan came up again with the gaping wound. The Boy-Mystic and Dayven let forth the fury of their magic as it went into the gaping hole left by the Sword of Shannon. The serpents whole side exploded in fire as it disintegrated and leaned toward the side. Prince Grandur let forth a yell stabbing the injury slicing it wide open as the beast howled in a death call. It sank below the surface then floated to the top. Seagulls dove feeding on the chunks of flesh that littered the water. The Leviathan was dead.

  The company quickly turned their sights on the shoreline of Fire Rock Crater. From what they could see, nothing was at the shoreline to inhibit them from their trek.

  The boats sailed side by side breaking the foam in the ocean as they left the dead beast from behind. The city of Blue Shimmer was unblemished by the assault. It was apparent that the attempt had failed, and Dark Fae Warlock’s power was not at its full potential. Maybe he was saving it for the assault in Fire Rock Crater. It was failed attempt, nonetheless. Shydrie could not help but smile because the Clerics magic had been used to bring it to surface. If they had not employed such a spell, then the Leviathan would have come up underneath the boat and sank it. She reasoned that they were powerful and would keep to their words. The Mystic Dayven started at her for a moment, and then turned his sights on the landing of the boats. There were two piers which had been built by the people of Blue Shimmer after the Crimson Seekers had been destroyed six years ago. They would disembark from the boats and make their way to the entrance. Shydrie marveled at Brea for a moment, she used her powers to control the wildlife. She had the gift of a Wilder Run Queen. She was a valuable asset. She wondered if she was making a mistake by not deciding to use the Clerics to protect the entire group. She needed to stick to her plan, and she knew that Dayven was questioning her loyalty, but he said nothing to them or the others. Maybe, he did not know and was just interested in the Clerics. After all, they had helped to defeat the Leviathan. But now they turned to the most dangerous part of the trip, facing the Warlock and his minions. She decided that she would stick to her plan no matter what, even if it meant the death of one of the company.

  Just after leaving the ships, the Fire Imps attacked in droves. They came from one direction, the eastern side of the shoreline. There numbers were huge and deadly. The company took a stance as Brea let out a call once again. This time there was a rumbling from the western shoreline. In the distance smoke rose from the scattering of dust and giant reindeer with crowns of thorns charged at the beasts. The Mystics, and two Clerics sent a shockwave of power and fire which rushed through the first few lines of Fire Imps. The fire turned them to ash as the shockwave from the Clerics tore apart the creatures leaving their bodies broken on the shoreline. The third line was met with reindeers as they pierced and trampled the bodies of the Fire Imps. The monsters could not leap over because there were to many reindeers. They died instantly as their hundreds ran throughout shoreline taking out the faerie creatures. The creatures were temporarily stopped, but the company knew that the Dark Fae Warlock would call forth more to hunt them down once inside the crater. They were working against time, now they had to make their move.

  They entered Fire Rock Crater to retrieve the Red Faeriestone and the Hearthstone Sword.


  The company traversed the dark caverns with torches as red firelight flickered off their faces. Tullamore and Flicker had stayed behind and taken the boats offshore to wait for them to return. There was no reason to put them in danger. The Mystics went west inside the and came to small gap that one person at a time could fit through. It was here that it was believed that the Red Faeriestone existed. Dayven, Dunnganon and Shydrie and Llyendrie entered while the two Clerics and the others waited at the gap for more orders. The Clerics were to stop anything from entering and the company was to defend them while they made the search. There was only one way in and one way out. The cavern was hot and smelled like sulfur as the two Mystics, Llyendrie and Shydrie traversed around stalagmites. They were on rock that overlooked the pool and below was a path that went into the middle of the lava lake. Pools of lava lapped at the edges then a small path crossed before them to rock that stood in the center of the pool of lava.

  “I believe it is there,” Llyendrie said pointing to the huge massive rock with only one way on and one way off.

  “I do not like this,” Shydrie stated. “What do we do now?” She asked.

  “I must go on by myself,” he said looking at her with fear in his eyes. “I do not know what incantation protects the Red Faeriestone. I will not be able to protect anyone of you if the spell fails.”

  “We will be here,” the She-Elf Warrior patted him on the back. Just remember all of your magic and spells. Keep yourself calm.”

  Llyendrie began making his way down and then across the thin road that was raised above the pool of lava. As he made his way closer to the rock, he turned back to see them high up where the entrance was. Turning away, he saw that stone bricks surrounded the rock and where there was an entranceway. It was then Llyendrie began touching the rock and it turned red. It began glowing and pulsing with a small tinge. Then the pulsing became larger. Llyendrie cast a spell to feel around rock and the only way in was through the small
hole. Then suddenly the lava in the pool began rising as it washed over the bridge and began lapping upward toward the brick pathway. He decided to enter the dark hole. It was hot and dark inside then it opened up and a mist surrounded a golden treasure chest which stood in the middle of the darkness. A red stone was lying in the treasure chest on a soft red cushion. He reached out to grasp it then stopped. He said an incantation as he turned around and saw the lava pouring in. It would reach him in a minute. He could not think and began panicking. There must be a way to release it. Then he thought about who put it there, it was the Elven Ancestor, but which one. Which one of the Elves was the most powerful Spellmaker to ever have lived that weaved fire? The pool of lava was inching its way up to his boots and soon it would burn him alive.

  “Delthrin.” He called out and suddenly the red stone glowed a fire red as he mixed his Elven magic to ward away the mists. The Red Faeriestone lifted out and transported to his palm. Just as the lava was about to burn his boots it withdrew. It slowly backed away and went out of the room. He palmed the Faeriestone and moved along the path which was cool and dry. He emerged as the company had made their way down to the road to try to help when they saw the lava rise but were powerless. The lava withdrew back into the pit and the rock stopped pulsing. He slowly made his way back to the company with stone in hand. The two Mystics stood there staring in disbelief.

  “Let me see,” the Mystic Dayven reached out his palm and Llyendrie and Shydrie were hesitant to give it to him. “I said, let me see the stone,” the Mystic Dayven ordered. Llyendrie palmed it and dropped it in the Mystics hand. The Mystic opened his palm and felt it glow red, almost pulsing as if it were alive. He handed it back to the Spellmaker. “Keep him protected at all costs. If this gets into the Dark Fae Warlock’s hands, we are finished.”

  The Mystic went with his father and began traveling up the path to the gap where the entranceway was. The two Clerics stared at the Mystics for a one hard moment as they passed them and exited the gap. Shydrie and Llyendrie put the Red Faeriestone in a pouch and he attached it to his belt.


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