Mystic Faerie War

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Mystic Faerie War Page 17

by James Day

  “You know what to do Llyendrie,” she whispered looking at the Clerics.

  “I will protect it with my life,” the Spellmaker said.

  The company made their way through the dark tunnels as they moved with swift calculation. The memory of the map burned in Dayven’s mind and he needed to retrieve the Hearthstone Sword before the Fire Imps and Dark Fae Wolven Elves overpowered them. The caverns twisted and turned as the company moved without stopping toward the western quadrant. Blocks of stone had cut off a few of the passageways from the Fire Rock Craters explosion six years ago. They went around into other tunnels then the Fire Imps began appearing one by one. It was a group of four that spotted them. Dwarf Assassin Cleric Trek and Dwarf Assassin Cleric Magik stepped in front the Spellmaker as they conjured up their spell. A shockwave of fire blasted through the tunnel shattering the creatures where they stood. They lie dead in a heap. Then more came as the Mystic unleashed a wall of flame turning them to ash. There was only one way to reach the company and they held off the Fire Imps. After a few minutes, the Fire Imps withdrew from their attackers as their numbers dwindled. The company entered the tunnel where the Fire Imps had withdrawn, and they were gone. Above them were two caves that split off into different directions. Then a war cry erupted as the tunnels flooded with Dark Fae Wolven Elves with short swords. A melee started as the company went into action. Prince Grandur and Noleann the Bounty Huntress fought side by side cutting down the enemy as the two Clerics send electricity through a group of five of them, stunning them for a moment. Within a minute the two assassins had killed them. The Mystic Dayven and his father, Dunnganon, used their magic to send a wave of fire into the tunnels that caused the enemy to falter. Shydrie spun and used her sword cutting them down instantly protecting Llyendrie. One by one the Dark Fae Wolven Elves went down in a massacre. It appeared as if the company had the upper hand in this fight. Brea used her broadsword to protect fight and roll, killing two of the Dark Fae Wolven Elves. She had been trained by the best. After the first melee, the company took the closest cavern and entered it. It went straight up like steep incline and became steps that were chiseled into the mountainside. When they reached the top, it opened up into a new cavern with dozens of caves above them. Some of the tunnels were blocked by broken stones and large pieces of the mountain which had come down during the great explosion six years ago. Then another attack occurred and split the group into two. The Mystic Dayven and Boy-Mystic Dunnganon broke off with Brea Prince and Princess Grandur and the Dwarf Assassin Cleric Trek. On the other side was O’Dea, Shydrie, Llyendrie and Dwarf Assassin Cleric Magik. The Dark Fae Wolven Elves fought with them as a rumbling within the room sent down gigantic stones. The enormous pieces of rock forced them to bring the fight to the top as the cavern ceiling started collapsing in. The fought through two different tunnels. In the end, the company had killed their opponents, but a partial tunnel collapse separated the two groups.

  “Is there another way out?” The Mystic Dayven called to Shydrie.

  “No, she said. “We will continue going straight up maybe they intersect or lead out of the same cavern.

  The two groups went their ways. O’Dea led the group straight up and end of the tunnel were more Dark Fae Wolven Elves. The Mystic Assassin O’Dea went to work, spinning, thrusting, and turning as one body went down after another. The Dwarf Assassin Cleric Magik rushed forth, electricity exploding from his fingers stunning and throwing back the Dark Fae. Shydrie jumped into the fray with Llyendrie who interacted by sending huge balls of fire at the Dark Fae Wolven Elves. The fight went on for several minutes, but the Dark Fae retreated and were beaten. They entered the top of the cavern as a few tunnels were formed around the different levels. They could see parts of the sky in the distance as they realized they were traversing out into the open caverns.

  They Mystic Dayven’s fingers exploded with blue fire as the Fire Imps were thrown back in onslaught. Dunnganon and freed himself and joined in as the Imps jumped and leapt out of the way. Then Dwarf Assassin Cleric Trek clapped his hands together and shockwave shattered everything in front of him. The Fire Imps died instantly as they fell to the ground without protection Some were smashed into the rocks and walls while trying to escape. Brea and the Prince and Princess followed them with their weapons drawn and ready. The dead Fire Imps lay all around as they continued following the cavern steps up.

  The company was winning the fight and they finally breached the highest level of the volcanic caldera. Bridges which were built throughout stood high connecting tunnels throughout parts of the caldera. Lava bubbled up through the ground to form a giant pool. The Mystic Dayven led the company to the middle of a huge suspension bridge which spanned across a large part of the hollowed-out rocks which interconnected. Then he spotted a light and stopped the group.

  “Lady of Lava, I, the Protector of the Six Providences call upon thee to release the Hearthstone Sword.”

  The lava bubbled and roiled, and light of gold erupted from the bottom of the caldera as they witnessed a woman dressed in gold from head to toe floating freely in the lava pool. In her hands resting on her body was the Hearthstone Sword.

  Then a voice boomed throughout the caldera. “Protector of the Six Provinces I bequeath unto you the Hearthstone Sword to aid the lands and heal the Kingdom.”

  The Hearthstone Sword lifted up out of her hands as it zoomed straight up with the pommel skyrocketing up. Then the Mystic Dayven reached out with his palm as the sword flew into his right hand. He raised it and glowed gold. He held the Staff of Power with his left palm. The company shielded their eyes from the bright light as the Lady of Lava disappeared and glow dissipated to show the Hearthstone Sword in all of it splendor. It was whole and unblemished.

  The feat had been accomplished and the Hearthstone Sword was in his grasp once more. Again, he had become the Protector of the lands, bequeathed the magical talisman to heal the lands. The weapon had been given freely to him as he stood and then, an explosion rocked the top of the span. The whole company was thrown to the ground as the Dark Fae Warlock stood there with his steel rod staff glowing green. Behind him were hundreds of Fire Imps and Dark Fae Wolven Elves. The two Clerics and both Mystics responded. A wall of flame engulfed the entire span and went forward turning them all to ash as bodies fell off the bridge into the lava below. Dead beasts lay throughout the ground as the Dark Fae Warlock knelt in an aura of green protection from the blast. Then Shydrie made her move as she and the Clerics responded and leapt at the him. He rose defending himself as the steel rod staff glowed green and clashed with three swords. The trio surrounded the Warlock as he twirled and spun with his magic. He attempted to call forth a shockwave but was unsuccessful. Shydrie and her two Clerics kept him off guard. Shydrie flipped and twisted missing the blows from the green staff as sparks flew in all directions. Electricity exploded forth as the steel rod staff arced attempting to defend the Warlock. He was thrown back for a moment and landed then went to rise, but Shydrie was on him, slamming her sword into the staff as he attempted to gain the higher ground. Then Dark Fae Warlock smashed down the bottom of the staff and a green fire erupted throwing the attackers backwards onto the bridge. Shydrie was in a heap as she looked up as the two Clerics ran to her aid and pulsed a dome of red to protect them from the attacks of the Dark Fae Warlock. The steel rod staff could not break their magic, but they were helpless. Llyendrie watched as other Fire Imps came for the fight and began gathering about him. The Boy-Mystic released a wall of fire as his son, Dayven, ran forward with Hearthstone Sword. Green fire whipped around as the Hearthstone blocked the fury of the battle. The Staff of Power was waved, then Noleann the Bounty Huntress was there releasing her Mystic blood fire. A blue aura of fire knocked the Dark Fae Warlock to the ground as he formed a shield of protection. That is when Prince Grandur challenged him arcing the Sword of Shannon and it broke the magic spell of the shield. The Warlock and Prince fought furiously as sparks exploded from the two magical weapons. Steel rod staff
and sword smashed into each other as the orb glowed a seaweed green, darkening by the second. The Sword of Shannon turned green as well as fire erupted from both weapons. They spun around each other, then Dark Fae Warlock used his hand threw a green fireball at the Prince. It struck him as he rolled to the side, looking up at the Warlock who smiled. The Mystic Dayven was there as Brea attempted to get Prince Grandur free and O’Dea released some darts. A dart struck the Warlock’s arm and he howled in pain, pulling it out. The Mystic Dayven used the Hearthstone Sword against the steel rod staff as sword and staff exploded forth releasing fire and sparks with every clash. But the Mystic Dayven was getting the upper hand as he forced the Warlock back. Then the entire company went after the Fire Imps cutting them down with magic and sword. The entire bridge span appeared to explode as sparks flew. The Clerics struck the enemy down with electricity as Shydrie and Llyendrie acted as one, cutting the Imps down with magic and sword. The three Assassins used every weapon at their disposal. O’Dea struck them down with his iron stars and killed with a short broad sword as the Fire Imps jumped at him trying to get him down. Brea called forth the birds of the skies as the caldera exploded with sparrows which rammed into the remaining Dark Fae Wolven Elves. The Mystic Assassin O’Dea then released blue fire for the first time and Fire Imps were thrown off the span of the bridge. The Mystic Dayven forced the Warlock back against the drop of the span. The steel rod staff slammed Dayven in the side and sent him flying, He rolled and stood back up just as the Dark Fae Warlock was about to release a shockwave to knock them all down, O’Dea threw his knives striking the Warlock in right leg. He went down on one knee, his face in agony as the steel rod staff began glowing a hot green which was expanding. The Mystic Dayven did not wait, he responded with Staff of Power as white-hot light exploded forth meeting the green fire and explosion knocked everyone to the ground. Once again, the Dark Fae Warlock rose, and knelt on one leg as Dayven came at his with sword and staff. The Warlock countered his attacks and was wearing down. The magic enveloped him, protecting his body as the Hearthstone Sword struck at it the faerie magic weakening it. The Mystic Dayven was relentless as he used the Staff of Power and Hearthstone Sword to subdue his opponent. Then with one swift blow, the Staff of Power knocked the Dark Fae Warlock off the bridge. He fell straight down as company ran to the side to witness the spectacle. Then the Dark Fae Warlock rode upward on a gigantic green dragon. Nightshade was there to catch and protect her master as she flew out of the caldera. The wings flapped into the distance as they watched in wonder and despair. The Dark Fae Warlock had escaped and now the dragon war would take place.

  The company bind all of their burns and injuries as they tended to each other. They rested and checked on each other. The Mystic Dayven sheathed the Hearthstone Sword as he gave the Staff of Power to Noleann to hold. Shydrie limped over to the Mystic with Llyendrie.

  “I apologize for doubting you Mystic. I thought we were going to lose, and I took matters into my own hands. I should have protected the group and followed you. I am terribly sorry.”

  “There is nothing to be apologetic for. You did what you thought was right for the Elven Kingdom. That is honorable Shydrie. You and Llyendrie did well. He unlocked the Red Faeriestone. You had the Clerics assist us and save the company by defeating the Leviathan. You wounded and weakened the Dark Fae Warlock. We all did our part. We worked it out as best as possible.”

  “I shouldn’t have questioned your leadership,” she said putting her hand on his shoulder.

  “I should have listened to you a little more. Next time I will be more open to ideas. I did not win this on my own. We temporarily defeated him as a team.”

  “You are a great Mystic, Dayven.” She said as she went to the Clerics.

  Prince Grandur and Noleann came over to Dayven as his father joined them.

  “I thought we weren’t going to be successful for a moment,” Prince Grandur said as his thumb rubbing the pommel of the sword.

  “Payne Axel, you will always be a friend. We shall always succeed in the face of darkness.”

  Noleann kissed her cousin on the cheek and he blushed.

  “Hey what about my kiss?” the Boy-Mystic laughed. “Noleann kissed him on the forehead as he wrapped his arm around his son, and they began walking away.

  Brea gave out a whistle and Dayven turned around. “Excuse me for a moment,” he told the others as he walked over to the Wildergirl.

  “Basking in your glory?” Brea joked.

  “I’m afraid it’s only beginning,” he said cautiously. “It was only a temporary defeat for the Dark Fae Warlock. He will return with a more powerful army and more powerful spells. He is learning his craft and now he has a female dragon that has begun laying eggs. Soon he will have a dragon army to command. We must continue forward and find the missing Faeriestones.”

  “I would like to come on your next quest,” she said.

  “You are welcome anytime,” he said as he kissed her on lips and walked away.

  She stood there blushing and realized she had been tricked and laughed.

  The company made its way out of the caldera and back to the shorelines to meet with Tullamore and Flicker who docked the boats. The company got on the boats and began their trip back to Blue Shimmer.


  The Mystic Dayven rode through the Elvengrove Forests with Llyendrie and Shydrie behind him. The green luminescent trees showered leaves in the cool weather. A swift breeze blew by as they took the road to Fallsridge and Elven Kingdom came into view with waterfalls and bridges. Ivory towers and large bay windows sparkled in the afternoon sun. The Elven Guard let them pass as Shydrie flew the Elven flag. It had been three weeks since they had defeated the Dark Fae Warlock and summer was coming to an end. The heat seemed to dissipate as the nights were getting shorter. The Elves went about their afternoon business as Elven Knights came down to greet the riders with Queen Ellandree and King Allergeron. There was no ceremony to be had. Word had been sent by raven to expect the Mystic and the riders. The defeat of the Warlock did not give them any peace. The stable boys took the three horses as the Mystic Dayven, Spellmaker Llyendrie and Shydrie She-Elf Warrior walked up to the King and Queen.

  “What of the Dark Fae Warlock?” Queen Ellandree asked as Allergeron looked on.

  “He has gone into hiding. He needs to rebuild his strength. His dragon has begun laying eggs. He will eventually have an army of dragons.”

  “Did you retrieve the Red Faeriestone?” Queen Ellandree eyed the Spellmaker.

  “Yes, I did,” Llyendrie said as he took the pouch out and rolled the stone into his hand. He handed it to the Queen, and she felt it cold and lifeless between her fingers. She then handed it to King Allergeron who examined it.

  “Excellent Llyendrie, you will be rewarded,” the King stepped forward putting his hand on the Spellmakers shoulder.

  “And Shydrie, it seems you did well?” Queen Ellandree examined her, scrutinizing her for a moment.

  “Your Majesty, I lied to you. We knew where the dragons may be hiding. Also, Llyendrie and I are…”

  “Are forgiven, Shydrie. The King and I knew you were lying. We would not take our best Spellmaker and She-Elf Warrior and separate them. We needed the both of you to be together, to fight for each other. Your transgression has not gone unnoticed. You will no longer lead the Elven Army. You have forfeited that right. You may stay on as an advisor. You will continue to train Elves. Shydrie love does not come around that often where it is right in front of you. The two of you need to make some decisions. Now excuse yourselves while we speak with the Mystic.”

  Shydrie and Llyendrie said goodbye to the Mystic and went up into the Kingdom. King Allergeron followed them as Queen Ellandree stepped up to the Mystic.

  “You know, don’t you,” she said.


  “And what will you and Dunnganon do about it?”

  “Nothing,” the Mystic took her by the arm and began walking.

you are true heir to the throne. My cousin, your mother, was the direct descendant.”

  “How did you know?”

  “The Red Faeriestone did not pulse in my hand. It only does that for a true Elven bloodline unless it is freely given.”

  “Queen Ellandree, this Faerie War is only beginning. We need to retrieve the rest of the Faeriestones. We need to find them in order to beat a dragon army.”

  “Yes, I know,” she grasped his arm harder as they walked in the shade of some trees. “Does Shydrie and Llyendrie know?”

  “No, this is our pact. You let me find the other Faeriestones and I will give them freely to you and your Kingdom. I will never ask to rule the Elven Homeland or attempt to take Fallsridge away from you.”

  “You are the most honorable Mystic, I’ve ever know,” she giggled as all the troubles seemed to melt away for a few minutes. “Will you stay one night here in the Elven Kingdom, your true Homeland.”

  “I would be honored.”

  They moved inside and went into Fallsridge towers. That night they threw a feast and Shydrie and Llyendrie were honored for the fight against the Dark Fae Warlock. As midnight rolled in and the Elves settled down, the Mystic Dayven returned to his room.

  He opened the door and saw that Brea was on the floor playing with a four-year-old little blonde-haired boy with hazel eyes. She looked up as he took his cloak off and knelt down by the boy.

  “Braven Dunn, meet your father, Dayven.”

  The little boy felt shy for a moment and looked at the Mystic then ran into his arms and gave him a big hug.

  “How did you set this up?” Dayven asked as he looked at Brea.

  “I can accomplish anything,” Dayven.


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