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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

Page 27

by BLMorticia

  "Man, who you telling? I'm sure that was amazing to be with that dude. He's hot."

  I tugged on the hems of my shorts just to distract myself from the small ache in my groin. If I was acting this way with him still being here, how would I be when he was gone?


  "Sorry, man. Anyway, I wanna apologize again for the way he treated you that time at my place."

  "Dude, no offense. Just warn somebody next time. I was all into you, and you already had a man. I may like to fool around, but I don't mess with people already in relationships."

  "I wasn't in a relationship, and I don't know if I'm in one now. He had no right to lay claim on me, especially then. He was out of line."

  Prez smiled. "All right, if you say so. I'm gonna still drop back, though, because after I thought about it more, we'd probably mess up a good thing by getting involved anyway. We went into Genesis together as waywards and came out brothers. We need to leave it like that."

  "Agreed," I said, slapping hands with him. "Anyway, he'll be gone in the next week, so things will return to normal."

  "As normal as they can be. People bothering me because they know I know you, and you're his man, so...."

  "I said I'm not his man," I sternly repeated.

  "Well, whatevs. They're still asking, and I'm like, I'm not the one. Have people been bothering you?"

  "Yep, and I shut down my Facebook. I didn't have any of the other ones, so now I don't have to worry about people trying to get into my business on social media. I hope people don't start following me, because I ain't got time for that either."

  "True dat. Anyway, you up for a game of hoops before lunch?"

  "Sure thing." I stood up and removed my hat, tossing it on the bench. "I still suck at it, but it would be good to play with the kids."

  "Yeah, it always does me good."

  "Hey, Prez, you comin'?" the same kid who apologized yelled at Prez.

  "Yeah, Joey. Come on so we can whip these smart-asses."

  I smiled at him, nodding. "I'm in."


  I'd been sleeping for the better part of an hour when I realized Trent had left. My attempts to make him stay had failed, but I supposed it was good for us to have a little time away from one another to get ready for the separation.

  In truth, I didn't want it. If there was a way I could stay here with him and not have to go back to Los Angeles to rehearse and get ready for the tour, I would do it in a heartbeat. I wanted my man by my side at all times, but I already knew he wouldn't agree to that.

  Yes, my man wouldn't agree to leave his beloved NOLA for any long period of time.

  Surely my man wanted to prove he could stand on his own two feet.

  I knew he could. The question was, could I stand on my own being away from my man?


  I didn't want to answer that question right now. It would be forced out when I boarded that plane for the West Coast.

  Just the sheer thought of leaving Trent and NOLA saddened me. Despite it only being three weeks, I was falling in love.

  Yes, in love.

  Falling hard.

  Like a stone had been tied to my foot to keep me underwater, I knew there was no use struggling against it.

  Making that startling realization, I turned over on my side and stared at my suitcase. For now it was empty, but in the next week and a half, I'd have to start filling it with my clothes to board my private jet.

  "I don't want to leave...," I grumbled under my breath. I knew it was asinine to fall for someone so quickly. It rarely happened in real life and had never happened to me. I loved Jonah to death, but it took me years to come to grips with the fact that I was crushing on a man who was like a brother.

  This, though.

  This shit.

  It had me dumbfounded, but truthfully I didn't care to figure it out.

  All I knew was I wanted Trent to be mine... to move back to California with me and into my home. Not right this minute, because of course I wouldn't be there with him. Eventually, though, after we got tired of the cross-country romance and the long nights spent alone without each other to touch. We'd make a life for ourselves together.

  Nothing would be more satisfying than that.

  As I continued to ponder what would happen next, the emotions inside boiled over like a pot on the stove. I closed my eyes a moment, feeling the sadness and the impending loss I'd feel being thousands of miles away. I inhaled and exhaled, then opened my eyes to fogginess because of the tears.


  Damn, I was such a sap, but again, this was my first time feeling for someone other than Jonah, and I didn't know how to handle it.

  Needless to say, we'd have to have a talk before I left. Trent hinted at it, and though I thought we could live blissfully unaware for another week, perhaps we should be discussing it as soon as possible to be prepared.

  Although I was sure it would be for naught, I'd try my best to convince Trent to drop his jobs and volunteering again. Still, a tiny part hoped he would agree, if only to live in my world with me for a little while.

  After I wiped my face of the tears, I jumped in the shower. Instead of getting out quickly, I stood there under the heads, allowing the water to cascade over me and wash the tension from my body. I leaned my head against the wall and sobbed, wondering why I was breaking down like this. He hadn't rejected me or anything, but I supposed the thought of leaving was still too much. I'd have to get myself together soon, though, because this week and a half wouldn't slow down, even for me.

  Once I finished drying, I dressed and sat on the bed to check my phone. One missed call from Alden and another from Jonah. Nothing from Trent, but I supposed he was busy at Harbor House, so I'd leave him be.

  I pushed my speed dial Three for Jonah because Trent took One and Alden number Two. I didn't have that many people on the ready like that, so I think anyone on this list should be grateful.

  "Hey, Cayden."

  "Hi. You called?"

  "Yeah. You haven't. The only way I can keep up with you is through your Facebook, man. Why don't you call a ninja?"

  I chuckled and spun to the right to put my feet up on the bed. "I've started work on the remixes and... been busy trying to charm Trent."

  "I thought you already had." He laughed. "Ready to come back home? We miss you here in Los Angeles."

  "No, you don't. Those friends of yours miss my money and the parties I throw at my house. And you definitely don't miss me because Brianna," I said in annoyance, "is hanging off you like she's got papers on you."

  "Actually she will. You gotta come home, Cay. I'm ready to get on bended knee, and I want my best boy to be there."

  "Ugh!" I bashed my head against the pillow and gripped the phone tighter. "I'll be home in about a week and a half. Can you wait to collar her until I get there?"

  Jonah chuckled. "Fuck you, man! I'm not talking about your man like that. Have some respect."

  "I'm kidding... a little."

  Jonah chuckled. "I sure hope that being with Trent can make you a little less prickly."

  "What the fuck does that mean?" I snarled. I pinched my nose, knowing what he was saying. Not many people knew my history and I liked it that way.


  "I heard you. Look, I don't go out of my way to be mean, but when people cross me or stop me from getting what I want, I snap off. Like Brianna for instance. I wanted to like her, but I'll admit I was jealous as fuck that she was with you. And then she found out about the kiss, and we became mortal enemies."

  "Okay, I get that, but why else? You my boy and all, but sometimes you come off a little angrier than you should be."

  "'Cause I was always told I couldn't do something, that's why." I interrupted him. "And besides that, when I became a celebrity everybody wanted something from me. Other than you I've got no true friends. Nothing but people who want a cut of my fortune. You and Alden are all I got. Well, now I have Trent too."

  "Yeah you
do, so calm the hell down, man. Brianna even said she'll be nicer to you now."

  "Yeah?" I rubbed the back of my neck. "Fine, I'll be nicer, even though I gotta say, it was fun calling her names."


  "Kidding! Anyway, hold your horses on the wedding plans. I'll be there to watch the spectacle. You want me to call in favors so you can have it at someplace swanky?"

  "You'd do that for me? You don't have to, but...."

  "Yeah. You're my boy. That doesn't change no matter who the hell you marry. Tell me where and what day, and I'll set it up... or wait until I get there, and we'll plan together."

  "You're the best, Cay. Anyway, will Trent be with you? I'm sure everyone wants to meet the man who's finally making you settle down."

  I sighed heavily and smoothed my hand over the empty space next to me. Why had Jonah brought this up?

  Turn the knife a little more, why don't you?

  "Jonah, you know he most likely won't come with me. Besides, it will be good for us to have some time apart for each of us to breathe. I'd rather him join me on tour, so I'm gonna try to convince him of that instead."

  "Yeah. I was kind of hoping. Trent is cool people, man. He'd get along with everyone here. He's just that easygoing. Plus I'd like to ask him to come to my class and tell some of his stories. I couldn't do it as well as he could. My students want to know more after the books I showed them."

  I smiled to myself and swiped my tongue over my lips. "He is something for sure. I'll let him know, but I wouldn't hold my breath."

  "All right, then, I'll let you get back to him. Let him know I said hello."

  "I will. He's at the Harbor House anyway," I said in a rush.

  "Dude? You okay? You sound a little weird."

  "Just...." I twisted my lips to the side and swallowed hard. "I'm gonna miss him. I've been a fucking mess all morning wondering what I'm going to do without him."

  "Ooh boy. Dude, did something else happen between you two? I mean, the pictures and vids show a pretty happy couple."

  "Yes, and those were taken before we slept together. We had...." I stopped myself from saying anything crass. "We had a good day and a half in bed. I'm just coming down from that high, and I don't know how to handle it."

  "Aww damn," Jonah said. "You'll be all right. You're probably correct when you say you need the space, then. Things just started. Don't get so wrapped up in Trent so quickly. Didn't I warn you of that before I left?"

  "Says the same person that just called him my boyfriend."

  "I know. He can be your boyfriend without you forgetting who you are."

  "I know, I just... I want to get lost in him. I want to stay here and not go anywhere without him."

  "Jesus. You got it bad, huh?"

  "I do, and you know what...." I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair. "I don't want that feeling to go away."

  Chapter Sixteen


  The conversation with Jonah relaxed me a little, but I had to get out of the room. I wanted lunch, so I opted for the hotel cafe, but I asked for a seat on the balcony. Jaze came with so I could eat in peace, but I was spotted on the way out, so I had to pose for a few pictures and sign some autographs before leaving the hotel.

  After I finished, I asked for the valet to have my car ready so I could pick up Trent from his place. He wanted to change and pick up extra clothing to stay with me, which was fine. The longer he was there, the happier I'd be.

  The drive to Trent's place took all of about twenty minutes. Now that I knew my way, I didn't need the GPS. When he mentioned the idea of being in particular parts where GPS wouldn't work, I decided to pay more attention to actual streets instead of landmarks. Who knew if I'd need them, but if I bought property here, I would.

  Once I pulled up to his building, I put the car in park. I pushed the button on the steering wheel. "Dial Trent."

  "Dialing Trent," the voice said back to me.

  I drummed my fingers on the leather, waiting for him to pick up. When he picked up after three rings, I said, "Hey, babe."

  "Hiya. What's up?"

  "I'm outside waiting for you."

  "Ah shit. Okay, give me a few. I just finished unloading my dirty clothes. I won't be much longer."

  "All right. Hurry up, then."

  Trent laughed. "Okay, I'll be out in a bit."

  I pressed the button and turned on the radio. I looked around at the quaint little neighborhood on the outskirts of the Quarter, with its multicolored houses and partially paved streets with exposed cobblestone. It was quiet, out of the way, but none of the houses fit my taste. Nothing like the places I'd already begun looking at in the Garden District as well as St. John's Bayou. I didn't want a mansion, but I did want a house with at least three bedrooms and two baths for friends to stay in. For that reason, nothing on this block would do.

  Despite that I loved this bustling area with all its cute shops and houses. People riding their bikes or walking dogs as the trolley went by was cool to see. It really had a small-town feel I'd come to appreciate over this short period of time.

  "All right. Here." Trent opened the door and jumped in the passenger side. He leaned over and lifted my chin, then planted a light kiss on my lips.

  I smiled and accepted, tugging at his cheek. "Glad you are. Have you eaten?"

  "Yeah, I ate at Harbor House. Cap says hi. He wanted to thank you personally for donating again."

  "Always." I reciprocated the peck, then pulled back before I did anything else. "I sent a note to Damion about contributing. He's yet to get back to me, but perhaps we can chat soon."

  "He'll contact you for sure. I heard he was on a movie set. He's supposed to be down here next week, though, to check on Harbor and another spot."

  "Oh really? What day?"

  "Cap said next Saturday, so maybe you guys can meet in person. Real sweet of you to want to help."

  "Of course. These folks need spaces too. Anyway, so we're going straight to the priestess's home?"


  "Okay, and how do I get there?" I pulled the map from the flap overhead and handed it to him.

  "Aww, you got a map? Cay, did I scare you into figuring out how to read it?"

  "Yes, you did. Now direct me to the place so we can make it there, please."

  Trent squeezed my arm. "I love that you listen to me. Now...."

  Trent rattled off the directions, and I already had a feeling for where we were going. We'd gone down that particular street before when we visited one of the cemeteries.

  "Well, dang. What did you do? Study the map this morning?" Trent said, chuckling.

  "No. Not today, anyway. I'm still learning, but I'm figuring it all out. Gotta know where things are."

  "Yes, you do," he said. "I could get used to this, you know. I love being driven around."

  "Oh really?" I snickered. "Tell me again why you don't drive?"

  "I don't have a license," Trent said without hesitation. "Besides, cars are too expensive. I'd much rather ride the trolley or a bike if I wanna travel alone."

  "Mhmm. I love driving. Sometimes being chauffeured has its benefits, though."

  "Yep, like when you get too drunk to drive home."

  "Or if you wanna make out in the car."

  "You're always thinking dirty, but I like that in ya, Cay. Maybe we should go for a night to make out in the car."

  Thinking of what he'd proposed, I bit my lip and tightly gripped the steering wheel. Making love in the car under the stars would be amazing. "Don't say anything unless you mean it, Trent. We're here, right?" I glanced at the small yellow house that looked as big as a garage. "Is this a temple?"

  "Yep. This is one of those shotgun homes. C'mon, her Q and A is about to start. She don't let ya in if you're more than ten minutes late. There seems to be one more spot over there, though. Let's hurry and grab it."

  I drove up the half block and parked quickly. We ran inside the narrow structure and were greeted by several black women who
welcomed us in a language I didn't recognize. On the way to the sitting area, we passed by little spots with pictures, candles, money, and the like on top of tables, shelves, and on the floor.

  "Gotta be quiet." Trent took my hand and led me to a large courtyard, where a good number of people of all races sat at iron tables with drinks.

  "Ahh. Well, hello. My friends, we have a celebrity in our midst. No pictures, please. Have respect for our elders and our famous guests." An older black lady with red bangs and striking green eyes waved at me. She wore a long blue dress, and her hair was tightly wrapped with a scarf of the same color.

  People clapped as I found a spot in the corner where Trent and I could sit. The other people at the table only waved. I knew I'd be hounded once we made it out of here, but at least I'd be left alone for now.

  "All right, let us get started with the ritual. Seems like the Iwa asked for me to wait for you, Mr. Wythe. Your presence is a welcomed one here. Perhaps we can chat afterward and I will solve the trouble that is within you."

  Hearing that, I only smiled and nodded in appreciation. Yet another person who wanted to read me. However, this time I wasn't so averse to it because I wished to know if Trent and I were meant to be a couple.

  "My name is Yvaughn, Y-V-A-U-G-H-N LeDeroux, medium, voodoo priestess of New Orleans, and third-generation descendant of the infamous Marie Laveau. Again, please refrain from taking pictures of the ceremony and my talk afterward. I will pose with you as long as you promise to give an offering to our ancestors on the way out. I'd prefer that it is not money. Instead offer something that holds special meaning to you. That, my friends, is worth more than any currency. Now let us get started."

  Right after Miss Yvaughn finished talking, three large men with drums appeared, as well as another man dressed in what appeared to be a white costume. They yelled at the top of their lungs in unison before the three men started drumming.

  Everyone here either tapped their foot or bobbed their head to the rhythm, apparently enjoying the music.

  After about ten minutes, several women dressed in the same garb began to dance around the statue of a woman with flowers on her head, dressed similarly to Madame LeDeroux, in the middle of the courtyard. The priestess bowed to all three of them and clapped her hands when the drummers started again.


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