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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

Page 29

by BLMorticia

  The pastor's son, Aren was the only reason I'd pull myself together to attend service. Despite my envy dating back to Rolling Meade Elementary days, I had a crush on him something fierce. Due to my absolute disdain for the twerp, I hadn't made a move.

  "Jared. Saw you checking out Winterroth again."

  I promptly stopped the stupid pet tricks video on my phone and looked up. "You didn't see anything. Aren and I don't get along."

  "You sure? Because I could've sworn--"

  "Knock it off, Blackie." Blackie was my nickname for my friend, Blake Keys. He seemed to hate it when we were younger, but he'd more than grown accustomed to it. "You know me and Aren can't stand each other. It's been that way since grammar school."

  "Hey dude. Sometimes, you gotta let things go! Don't you think eleven years is enough time to hold on to a grudge?"

  Hells no.

  While I listened to Blackie talk, I closed out the clip and checked my messages. Nothing from my sister, which meant I might dodge church tonight. There we more important things to do than sit up and listen to the pastor talking about needing to be saved from hellfire. Namely, a night out that ending with a willing body, taking me deep.

  "Jared? Are you fucking listening?"

  At the sound of my name, I looked up. "Shit! What?"

  "I said, isn't--"

  I held my hand up and snickered. "I heard you, asshole. And to answer your question, no. I hate Aren Winterroth and still do."

  "Why? 'Cause he's rich?"

  "'Cause he's a snooty preppy kid whose everyone's fucking favorite." I snapped.

  And a hot ass motherfucker too.

  "Dang, Jared! We're out of school now. That shit is childish." My other friend, Raymond added.

  "So it is. I don't like the guy. Never have."

  "Uh huh. You hate him so much you checked out his ass." Blackie laughed and pushed my arm.

  Raymond and his girlfriend, Cecilia hooted and taunted me.

  "All right, so I was. I gotta admit the fucker is kind of cute. I still hate his guts though." I tried taking the attention off myself.

  Though true that I lusted after Aren, I wouldn't sing his praises. Our rivalry had lasted for years. It was easier to hate the fucker than love him.

  Besides, his dad, the local church pastor, loathed me too. Stealing his car when I was fifteen didn't help matters but, hey, I was a stupid kid. I was a lot less of an idiot now.

  "You sure about that? I heard Aren tell his Mother's friends he's holding out for marriage." Cecila chimed in.

  "Is that so?" I harrumphed. "Who the heck does that celibate shit anymore?"

  Cecila and Raymond laughed.

  "Just because you dropped it like it's hot at fifteen doesn't mean everyone does." Cecila said with a chuckle.

  "Yep, and proud of it." I tugged on my collar, then pointed at her. It might've been a cocky move to flaunt that piece of information, but I didn't give a damn. What could I say? I was an early bloomer. Girls and guys had a thing for redheads, and I used it to my advantage.

  "Pssh. Alright, playa. Since you're so confident in your abilities, why don't you tempt Winterroth into droppin' them tight slacks for you and pop his cherry. If you don't wanna run him to the nearest altar, leave his ass high and dry."

  I harrumphed and eyed Raymond. "So, you're really putting me up to this?" This would be a cinch. I'd have no problem fuckin' Aren and dumping him promptly. It would be the perfect kind of revenge. Ruining his plan of celibacy, soiling his tighty whities, and leaving him right afterwards. Nothing would be more satisfying than that.

  Raymond slid his arm around Cecila and nodded. "I am. Ask him out, do the dirty, then leave em'. Prove that you ain't got the hots for the church boy and I'll take you out next weekend, all expenses paid to whatever spot you like."

  "Wherever?" I moistened my lips and sat up straight in the booth.

  Raymond pointed at me and waved his finger. "All right, fool, within reason. Don't ask for no five-star restaurants. Dinner, drinks, and weed on me."

  "Ah damn. Can we all get in on that?" Blackie said smiling.

  "Yeah sure. You and I split the cost if he wins."

  "What? I thought you'd take us all out?"

  "Dude, only Jared, if he wins, and my girl will get taken care of. Since you doubt his feelings over Winterroth, you should chip in on this deal."

  "Alright fine." Blackie sulked.

  "Cool, I'm in. I guarantee I will get in those pants. Might take some pictures to prove it."

  "Ooh. I wanna see them." Cecilia bounced in her chair. "It's the closest thing to being a fly on the wall."

  "Yep. I'm telling you ol' church boy will be begging me when I'm done."

  "Suuuure he will. What happens if he doesn't bend or you end up sticking around?" Blackie asked, smirking.

  I cocked an eyebrow. "What? You doubting me, Keys? I've had more than my fair share of partners in my twenty-one years. I know just about every move and kink there ever was."

  "Okay, but will you get to him? And how do we know you won't wanna stay and cuddle?"

  "I won't." I lied. I'd love it, but not enough to stay around. Too many hot people to do relationships right now. Even Aren wasn't enough for me to pledge monogamy. And besides, if by any chance we might've wanted to do something extra, his parents wouldn't allow it.

  "All right fine. Again, if you lose, what's the deal?" Cecilia asked.

  "I'll take all you guys out. Just in the sheer chance I do, don't pick no overly fancy shit. Plan to eat at the buffet or something and I'll get you your own dime bags."

  All of them laughed and threw things at me.

  I ducked, until Raymond tossed a French fry in my direction. I caught it in hand and shoved it in my mouth.

  "Hmph. Okay, Jared, you got yourself a deal." Raymond reached across the table and stuck his hand out for me to shake.

  When I did, Cecila and Blackie put their hands on top, sealing the bet.

  "Heh. I'm gonna start picking out my restaurant now, because I'm winning this!" I pushed the app on my phone and searched eateries I'd never heard of.

  Smoke bars weren't hard to find, especially since the state had just legalized weed. I looked forward to being drunk, well fed, and high to celebrate my victory over fine ass Winterroth.

  Chapter Two


  "Aren, what time did you get in last night?"

  "Around twelve, mother." I lied. I didn't come in until after three because the party in nearby Champaign hadn't ended. No way was I leaving early when I'd supplied most of the liquor and weed.

  With my overprotective parents watching my every move, it was definitely time to get my own place. Living here, I couldn't possibly keep up the charade of good church boy for much longer.

  "Okay. I know you're 20, but--"

  "Yes, yes, I know. You want to be assured I'm not running with the wrong crowds." I combed my hair to the right and straightened my tie. Around my parents, I had to dress pristine. No jeans, t-shirts, or gym shoes at the dinner table. That attire was only acceptable when I hung out with my friends.

  The friends they knew about anyway.

  Being the preacher's son, I kept two sets. The ones they picked for me, and the others I'd known from school who'd moved away from this slow ass town. Honestly, I should've went with them, but I didn't have enough cash to do so.

  Now that twenty-one was right around the corner, I'd planned to move to Chicago. The minute my trust fund transferred to my account I'd promptly deposit it into my own so my father couldn't get to it.

  If he knew what kind of things his beloved son was doing after hours, he'd disown me. And since I loved stability and wealth, I had to toe the line to keep him happy.

  "Dinner is almost ready, Aren. Are you staying home tonight? Father is doing night Bible class."

  "Yes, mother." I rolled my eyes, stepped back, and checked my look in the mirror. Had to make sure the collar was high enough to hide the bite marks on my neck. The hot pie
ce of ass I had during the shindig last night wanted to role play vampire and blood donor. Since I was the blood sucker last time, I agreed to be the victim.

  My nights out weren't just about role playing parties and fucking. Although that was their main purpose, I also enjoyed BDSM scenes, raves, and hanging out to smoke a little blow. Anything to get away from my stuffy ass parents.

  Now that my trust fund was only three months away from being in my grubby little hands, I'd made big plans to make the world my favorite sex toy. Within reason of course, because I didn't play Russian roulette with my life. It was too precious to do so.

  Just as I was about to leave the room, my phone rang Sade's Smooth Operator. I'd always been a fan of the song and the artist. She was the source of many of my wet dreams.

  "Hello Cecila." I added baritone to my voice. For a short minute, her and Raymond were regular bed partners.

  "Ooh, stop that, Aren. You know you make my toes curl with that voice!" She squealed.

  "That's the intent. What's up, baby?"

  "Well. Jared finally confessed to having a thing for you."

  "Really?" I adjusted my cuffs and looked back in the mirror. "What made him do that?"

  "Blackie caught him checking out your ass in those tight slacks you wore to church and called him out."

  I laughed and walked to my desk. "I knew he was. He's so much of a conceited dipshit."

  "Yeah, he is, but he's got the hots for you, Aren. Like many do. Anyway, Ray made a bet with him to get you to lose your virginity. Now, we all know you haven't been one since Jesus was a child, but play along. Put that sweet stuff on him that you did on us and turn him out."

  Again, I chuckled and leaned back in the chair. "Wow, that might be an offer I can't refuse. He's always kept up this silly tit for tat with me since grammar school. I've grown out of that."

  "I know you have, but Jareds' an asshole."

  "Yep. An asshole I'd like to ruin. All right, I'm game. What am I doing first?"

  "Act surprised when he asks you out."

  "And when will that be?"

  "Probably tonight at Bible class. Will you be there?"

  "Unfuckingfortunately." I blew on my glasses lenses and wiped them on my shirt.

  "Damn. Sorry. Anyway, he's trying to turn you out and leave you the following morning with pictures."

  "Oh, no photos. At least not until August. My trust fund is coming, and I can't fuck with that."

  "Well, let him know or make him forget about them."

  "Done. Anything else?"

  "Yeah. When are we gonna play again? We gotta do it at least one more time before Raymond and I tie the knot." The smile sounded in her voice.

  I grinned to myself and eyed my fingernails. "Whenever you want sweetheart. Just let me know so I can carve a piece of the night out for you."

  "Whew. It better be the whole damn evening to have seconds."

  I swiped my tongue over my lips. "Okay. I guess I won't make other plans then."

  "Nope. All right, stud. Do your thing. And remember, don't say anything about this okay?"

  "No worries, doll. This secret is totally safe with me."

  Chapter Three


  Unfortunately for me and sister, Mom got home in enough time to attend Bible school. Okay for me, though, since I'd planned to ask Aren out to get the ball rolling on operation, take down Winterroth. Knowing Aren, he'd probably sneer and say something that would make me want to deck him. But I wouldn't let that bother me. Not when I'd stain his virgin white undies, making him look like a fool, then hightail it out of there. It would be the ultimate revenge and the sweet reward all wrapped up into one.

  People were scattered throughout the half empty church, holding their Bibles and notebooks in hand. Although the majority were older, Aren, my sister and I weren't the only young ones. None of them friends, only kids I'd went to school with at one time or another. My reputation as a troublemaker left me with a small number of go-to pals which I was more than okay with.

  Mom waved us into the fifth row of benches to take a seat. We picked up our Bible texts along with a small pamphlet Pastor Winterroth made every week on the focus of his sermon.

  Sex Before Marriage the Ultimate Sin.

  "Oh great." I muttered to myself, scanning the text, checking what tier of hell I'd land on.

  "Jared." My mother whispered in an angry tone. "Quiet. Pastor will be on in a second."

  I shrugged and went back to reading the fine print. Though it wasn't specific, I'd gathered from the title that losing one's virginity before getting hitched meant no chance of gaining wings. Fine with me when most of my activities had already guaranteed me a spot next to the devil.

  Sobering, but true. Life was too short to be on the complete straight and narrow.

  Maybe God would give me a second chance and bring me back as a maggot.

  As if on cue, Pastor Winterroth stepped on stage with his wife Margaret in tow. She looked every part of sixties television housewife with her hair wrapped in a tight bun atop her head and a dress that covered her knees. With that outdated look, one had to wonder how they produced such a handsome child in the first place.

  God does really work in mysterious ways.

  Not to mention, Edward had the face you wanted to punch. He looked every part of douchenozzle and the Pastor tag made it worse. So how did such a fine ass fucker like Aren make it into the world with parents who could be the poster children for Butt Ugly Weekly? Honestly, I had no clue. Perhaps Aren gathered the hotness from a distant relative.

  As Winterroth started rambling on about the first scripture, I turned my head slightly to ogle the prodigal son from the corner of my eye. Aren wore a blue shirt, black tie, and slacks the same color of his collared shirt. His perfectly styled blond hair shone under the lights, black rimmed glasses barely touching his nose.

  Hot damn.

  I'd seen many a gorgeous guy in my day, but none compared to Aren Winterroth. My former classmate, my rival. My arch nemesis.

  The man I had a fucking crush on that wouldn't disappear.

  Fuck this shit.

  Regardless of how I felt about Aren, I had to show him who was in charge. He had the best of everything while I struggled, even living in my Mom's house just to make a decent buck. Sure, I could've gone to college, but I hated school with a passion. The only subject that held my interest was art but drawing crooked stick figures wouldn't make me any cash.

  Thankfully, Bible study ended within an hour. I snuck away from Mom's prying eyes and scampered over to Aren who was chatting, or I should say, being talked to death by one of the congregation's biggest gossipers. I'd say she was trying to marry off her ugly daughter on Aren because at age thirty, she'd yet to find a man to put a saddle on her. Aren appeared to be annoyed, so who better than me to break this up?

  When Aren begged his way out of the conversation, I stepped in his line of sight.


  "Aren." I tried fixing my face so he couldn't call my bluff. "So, uh. I was thinking we should call a truce. My Mom said I've been acting like an ass to you-- my words, not hers--and should grow up."

  "Really?" Aren removed the black frames, flashing that million-dollar smile. "Your mom's right you know."


  Focus Jared.

  I gave myself a mental shake and cleared my throat. I hadn't really talked to this guy face to face in a couple of years. We'd acknowledged each other in public places, but for the most part, we kept our distance. The rivalry was just as much his fault as it was mine.

  "Earth to Jared."

  "Sorry." I rubbed the back of my neck. "So, how about we hang out sometime. To you know..." I couldn't even get the words out. I cursed myself mentally for acting like a bumbling fool when I was supposed to be the cool one.

  "To..." Aren cracked another smile. "Make things better between us?"

  "Yeah." I laughed nervously and stuffed my hands in my pockets. Sweat formed under my brow a
nd heat crept up my neck. Parts of me tingled, actually tingled, from being around him. If I didn't get my shit together soon, I'd be a goner.

  "Cool. I'm all for it. How about Friday? I'll skip Bible class and we'll have a quiet dinner. We'll go Dutch since we're not doing the romantic thing.

  "Yeah, yeah, that sounds good. Two guys wanting to be friends."

  "Yep." Aren grinned again. "I'll see you on Friday evening at say, Martelle's on Oak?"

  "That's cool. I'll just eat an appetizer," I laughed like a fucking hyena. Cheeks flushed and still perspiring as if in a sauna, I'd wished this conversation would end quickly so I'd stop embarrassing myself, but I couldn't move my feet fast enough.

  "Oh, no worries. If you don't have enough, I'll cover it. We're friends, aren't we?"

  "Yes, we are. Okay, I'll meet you there, say about seven?"

  "Seven's good." Aren reached in the back of his pocket and handed me a card. "Call me if anything changes."

  When our hands brushed, I could've sworn I spurted in my pants. The electricity that passed between us sent shocks to my groin that would have a hard time being relieved.

  "Sure. Okay, let me uh..."

  "Yeah. I need to go too. I feel my Mom's eyes on us. If I don't move, she'll come over here and drag me out by the ear."

  "Gotcha. Alright, later."

  "Later." Aren strolled away, not giving me a second look. However, I watched him like a hawk as he made his way over to his parents. They glared at me shooting daggers with their eyes. If they were real, I'd be a dead man.

  "Holy shit."

  Yeah, I had my date with Aren, but I'd made a fool of myself in the process.

  To his credit though, he didn't push it in my face.


  "Aren? Why on earth were you talking to that... that... disgrace!" She whispered in an angry tone.

  "Mom." I glared at her. "He's trying to make amends."

  "There is no making peace with that--" My father stopped himself and made the sign of the cross. "Son. He's bad news."

  "He's fine," I retorted. Little did they know I was worse than Jared. "Just because he made a mistake stealing your car--"


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