Book Read Free


Page 9

by Hannah Moskowitz

  A. H.

  Tyler swallows, slips the lighter into his pocket, and watches Jake be happy, for a little while.



  He totally didn’t pay for that lighter! Awesome job. :)


  That scoundrel!


  Oh my God I need this like blood. I’m glad to hear SOMEONE hasn’t forgotten we still need Jake’s dad resolved *glares at writers*


  gaaaah I know it kills me.


  It was one of my favorite mysteries of s1, what the hell he was looking for under the water, if he had any idea how risky it would be, if he even KNEW THERE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SEA MONSTER, I mean, it seems like he MUST have, right?


  I have no idea. as much as I don’t want to believe he’d take that risk with Jake RIGHT THERE, he was so committed to proving monsters weren’t real...


  Oh poor guy. No idea he was on a TV show.


  People really need to consider that more often.


  Was Tyler trying to burn himself??


  oh who knows with that boy.


  oh and I loved this


  thank you!!


  You’re pretty.


  your FACE is pretty.


  oh my god I so hope this happens


  me tooo (obviously) but I should really know better than to get my hopes up at this point. But the stuff they said at the con made me uncomfortably hopeful that we’re in for a good season...


  Oh and fyi the reason you’re pretty is because you mentioned when Jake was sick.




  You guys are crazy.


  you love it like candy.


  This is seriously all you have to say?




  love this!!


  thank you!

  All right.

  I’m gonna start with the season 3 finale, even though I know I’m a couple weeks late (sorry, sorry!) and it’s been hashed to death by now. You know me. I have to have my say.

  Guys, that was amazing!

  That final scene in the warehouse. My GOD. I really didn’t think Jake was going to make it out this time! What’s happening to me?! Someone says that every week and I always give them a hard time, but I swear, I was pulling up tufts of carpet I was so tense. HOLY SHIT. And then Tyler kicked the door in and just...the feelings, you guys, the feelings.

  So season 4 is set up really well, I think, given Evanson’s

  double-cross (which I don’t buy for a fucking second, come

  on, it’s EVANSON, there’s got to be something behind it) and

  I can’t wait to see where they’re taking it.

  And I love Jake, but we knew that.

  Okay, in other, bigger news...

  CHICAGO CON. Whoa. I had no idea it would be so awesome. Zack and Toby are so funny together. I love how close they are in real life. It’s like they actually have that whole history together. Which I guess in a way they do. Plus, getting to meet and bond with people I’ve already gotten to know online was cool, and I’m happy to report that none of you are old-school internet creeps.

  So, the moral of this post is, get yourself to a con AQAP, and in the meantime, watch the S3 finale often and GET EXCITED for October. We’re in for a hell of a premiere!

  And this isn’t exactly public knowledge yet, but I just got an insider tip (lol, I’m an insider!) about a guest star you guys won’t believe.

  Here’s a scan of my drawing (signed by Zack!)

  >>>>DanniRice reblogged this from finnblueline

  >>>>Tylergirl93 reblogged this and added: When at con did any bonding happen? You were hiding out in your room the whole time.

  >>>>finnblueline: HANGING out in my room. Important distinction

  >>>>_EvenIf: :D

  >>>>mmmZack reblogged this from finnblueline

  >>>>slotohes reblogged this from DanniRice

  >>>>_EvenIf reblogged this and added: LOLOL BEST EVER.

  from: Genevieve Goldman

  to: Finn Bartlett

  date: Friday, August 8 10:10 PM

  subject: nerd

  haha your journal. “guest star you guys won’t believe"? They’re going to be thinking it’s Demi Lovato or something. No one gives a shit about seeing me on the show, weirdo.

  from: Finn Bartlett

  to: Genevieve Goldman

  date: Friday, August 8 7:24 PM

  subject: NERD!



  p.s. Who the fuck is Demi Lovato?

  from: Jean Parker

  to: Finn Bartlett

  date: Saturday, August 9 2:02 PM

  subject: Offer of employment

  Ms. Bartlett,

  After reviewing your application, we are pleased to offer you the position of data entry technician with Windsor Publishing House. Please call 800-555-2385 and ask for Jean Parker to discuss the terms of employment and arrange your start date. We look forward to you joining our staff!

  Text with Charlie (Deleted)

  holy shit I

  Text with Evie

  holy shit I just got a job offer

  Aug 9, 2:12 pm

  just saw this. omg. tell.

  data entry thing, no big deal,


  paying my share of the rent

  plane ticket to RI? lol

  don’t even joke that would

  be amazing

  Aug 9, 2:20

  what did charlie say!

  haven’t told him


  it’s stupid

  no, why?

  it’s gonna bring up the

  marriage thing again

  we agreed to table it

  while we were poor



  you have to tell him

  Aug 9, 2:28 pm


  from: Finn Bartlett

  to: Genevieve Goldman

  date: Monday, August 11 8:40 PM

  subject: Charlie issues

  Hey, kid.

  Thanks for the flowers.

  And, holy fuck. I’m in trouble.

  I was at my old job (in fact, I was handing in my notice, and let me tell you, nothing has ever felt as good) when the delivery came. Charlie was home and signed for it. At first I think he thought I had a secret admirer or something like that, because he opened it and read the card and now he’s all pissed because I didn’t tell him about the job.

  And because I told you.

  He’s never been the jealous type, but we haven’t been talking much lately, partly because every time we do he makes some crack about fandom. Like, what are you drawing, with this knowing look that makes me feel like
I’m fourteen and looking at Tiger Beat pinups. This is not good for my fangirl shame.

  Ugh, I miss Con, you know? I miss being around people who get it. The fucking depth of feeling that comes from a show like this. The attachment to the characters.

  And this is me, you know? I am a fan. It’s not just something I do, it’s something about the way I’m wired. It’s not like this is the first time this has happened. I’ve always had a fandom. I’ve always had characters who live in my head and mess with my heart and tell me stories, and I love it.

  I think Charlie thinks I don’t want to get married because my heart’s too wrapped up in this show.

  Do you think that’s true?

  That’s not true. I love him. I just don’t know if he knows me. I don’t know if I know me. Holy shit, I’m a mess right now, and the only person who fucking knows me is this eighteen year old girl on the other side of the country and I fucking miss you so much tonight, Evie, shit.

  This should in no way be interpreted as your fault. I should have told Charlie about the job DAYS ago, and if I don’t want to marry him I should have the decency to tell him that.

  I don’t know anything about anything anymore, and if you didn’t read this, I wouldn’t blame you.

  Seriously. Thank you for the flowers. So much.

  Thank you for everything.



  in Gena’s welcome packet

  August 11th

  Welcome to Oakmoor!

  Our entire community, from the Student Welcoming Organization all the way to our top-tier professors and faculty members, looks forward to meeting you during this orientation period. Not only will this week introduce you to fellow members of your incoming class, but it will introduce you to the standards we expect here at Oakmoor, the policies of the dorm and classroom affairs, and the Oakmoor expectations for living in our vibrant community.

  Through a combination of mandatory activities, small seminars, and optional (but always highly attended!) social events, our

  carefully organized orientation program should teach you everything you need to begin your journey as an integral part of the Oakmoor University community. Should you have any unanswered questions or require any individual attention, please turn to any student wearing a Welcoming Organization T-shirt or consult with your resident advisor. And don’t be afraid to ask any returning student you may see this week to help guide you as you begin your time in our community! We’re all here to help.

  We wish you all the best! A detailed schedule, with requirements carefully noted, is within.

  —The Oakmoor University

  Student Welcoming Organization

  Text with Finn

  +1 815-555-9255: hey finn,

  ignore the weird number, it’s

  genevieve. My phone plan

  expired and i’m (predictably)

  having a bitch of a time getting

  in touch with my parents for

  them to fix it. And of course

  wi-fi is out in my dorm and fuck

  if i know where the computer

  lab is. and all my roommate

  has is this shitty unsmart

  phone (it’s taken me 6 minutes

  to type this much) so no email

  for gena. probably dont text

  me back because im already

  getting death looks for using

  her phone (is it too early to

  request a roommate transfer?

  dear lord i hope i remember to

  erase this text) but i wanted to

  let you know im here safe and

  thinking about u on your first

  day! hope you got the flowers!!

  Text with Finn

  +1 401-555-0507: hey it’s

  me again, phone hopping.

  still no internet and the lab isnt

  open until regular semester

  starts, OF COURSE. frustrating

  because no youuuu and also i

  need to get in touch with zack/

  producers about scheduling

  stuff. i still cant believe I agreed

  to do this. im such a moron.

  +1 401-555-0507: you can

  text me back if you’re here im

  here for a while. eli seems cool,

  hes letting me hang to this for

  a sec

  August 12, 11:21 AM

  +1 401-555-0507: did i tell

  you im taking a drama class?

  fucking ridiculous, right? But i

  cant guest star next to fucking

  ZACK this rusty...omg can you

  imagine mal’s internet glee if

  i suck? ACING this class if my

  life depends on it

  August 12, 11:34 AM

  +1 401-555-0507: oh you

  probably cant text during work

  at your new job! im so dumb.

  okay im gonna give elijah back

  his phone. hope everythings

  okay over there, say hey to

  charlie from me. everything’s

  pretty okay here. orientation

  is fucking exhausting, running

  around all the time. tired already

  and classes havent even

  started. sure itll be fine. love you

  Text with Finn

  +1 401-555-0507: hey finny

  eli said you tried to call this

  number last night? he said you

  sounded upset. are you there?

  ive been trying to call you

  August 13, 11:16 AM

  +1 401-555-0507: im really

  worried babe

  August 13, 11:44 AM

  +1 401-555-0507: fuck i wish i

  had charlies number

  August 13, 11:56 AM

  +1 401-555-0507: fuck shit

  eli has to go, ill try calling from

  joannes phone tonight

  memo from the front office

  Genevieve Goldman—

  The campus pharmacy requires additional information to fill your prescriptions. Please go online to at your earliest convenience to resolve the issue.

  Text with Finn

  +1 815-555-9255: u there?

  pick up

  August 14, 3:16 AM

  +1 815-555-9255: i’m sorry I

  couldnt call I was at a fucking

  mandatory bonfire i fucking

  hate fires someday ill be

  around when youre not either

  at work or its not the fucking

  middle of the night.

  August 14, 3:46 AM

  +1 815-555-9255: fuck


  letter to Seth and Naomi

  shoved under Gena’s mattress

  Hey Mom and Dad.

  Orientation week is almost over. I guess really it was

  orientation four days but it felt like a week. Or year.

  This isn't exactly what I thought it would be.

  Maybe some of it is that my phone still isn't working-hopefully by the time this letter reaches you guys that will have been taken care of? I've tried calling you from the office like ten times but it says you guys are out of service, which I guess makes sense but...I'm just feeling really isolated and in all honesty fucking fuck you guys for being inaccessible.

  I'd apologize but obviously I'm not going to send this because you DON'T HAVE A FUCKING ADDRESS so I don't have to.

  I haven't slept in two days. Everyone's running around having

  this great time and making friends and oh my god let's go to the diner!! and I guess living in dorms and shit is really exciting for them or something, and everyone said I would have so much more freedom here than I did in boarding school and I'm not actually sure those pe
ople knew what freedom means. Yeah, I don't have adults breathing down my neck, but at boarding school at least they didn't run around trying to make me believe this was some sort of Disney World happiest place on earth bullshit, like everyone at this school is in on some special secret and the rest of the world has noooo idea how much fun we're having. Stoneyhall was some pretentious bullshit but at least it was honest about it.

  And maybe Alanah was right. Maybe I'm part of the problem.

  I really did think I was some big deal for getting in here, and I guess I expected to get that slapped out of me pretty quickly, but no, everyone else is patting themselves on the back for getting in here and the upperclassmen are here now too and it's exactly the same thing. Everyone knows you got into Oakmoor. What the fuck are you BRAGGING about?

  Tell me it's too early to hate this.

  Tell me I'm being stupid.

  Tell me I was just expecting too much.

  Tell me I was an idiot for taking an acting class and thinking no one would recognize me, or thinking my fucking professor wouldn't recognize me and point me out to the entire class and then hand me a letter the second day of class telling me she can tell I have an attitude about my acting and think I'm better than everyone and I'm just here to show off and she won't indulge me.

  Tell me I was an idiot to think the guy whose phone I borrowed wouldn't read my texts and sing the fucking Up Below theme song at me every time I walk by.

  Tell me I was an idiot for thinking I could go to a bonfire and be totally fine with it and not have to stare at people to make sure they see the fire too and that it's real real real until someone notices and calls me creepy and then flirts with some other girl by threatening to push her in.


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