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Page 3

by Hope Ford

  Chapter 6


  It’s been two days since he left. He told me that it would be a max of two days and every time the door opens, I look up to see if it’s him or not. I found out that he took Brick, Rancher and Rider with him. But other than that, no one is talking.

  I’ve stayed close to the clubhouse. I go out to the yard a few times a day, but other than that I’ve been holed up here. I sleep in his bed every night. I probably would have done that anyway, even if he didn’t tell me to. I found that it makes me feel closer to him.

  Right now, there’s another party going on. I’ve decided to put myself to work. It took a lot of convincing for Tats to let me work the bar, but Keeper finally assured him that he would keep his eye on me. But honestly, I haven’t had any trouble. Everyone has been super nice to me since Sniper made his announcement. Even the sweet butts stay away from me.

  I slide a jack and Coke over to Tats and his old lady, Nova. He has his arms around her and she’s smiling up at him. Honestly, they seem to be night and day. Where he’s tattooed and angry looking a lot of the time, she is more like “the girl next door” and always smiling. Watching them and the way they look at each other makes me miss Sniper even more. I start wiping down the counter when I feel someone staring at me. When I look up, Sniper is standing behind me at the doorway of the kitchen. He must have come in the back way.

  Although I should play it cool, I can’t. The smile that comes on my face stretches wide, causing my cheeks to pull and tighten.

  But that’s okay, because he’s smiling back at me in the same way.

  I walk over to him and glance up and down his body as I go. Either to just look at him, or to make sure he’s all right, I’m not sure which.

  “You’re back.”

  His hand goes around to the back of my neck. “I promised you I would be. I see you found a way to keep busy.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I had to, I was going crazy. Plus, Tats said it would be okay with you as long as I stayed behind the bar.”

  His hand tightens on me. “That was smart of Tat. C’mon, honey. I need you in my arms.”

  He tugs me but I stop him. “I told Keeper I would help him tonight. I don’t think I can just leave.”

  He shakes his head at me and then hollers over my head, “Hey, Keep! We’re out.”

  “Okay, Pres. Thanks for your help, Avery.”

  I wave at Keeper and snicker at the control Sniper has here. The man definitely gets what he wants.

  I follow him down the hallway to his room. He goes straight to the bed and sits down, pulling me between his legs.

  “What about Brick, Rancher and Rider? They okay?” I ask him, just remembering that I didn’t see them come back.

  He nods his head. “They’re fine. They wanted to stop at a bar an hour out of town. I wanted to get back to you.”

  I smile at him. “I’m glad you did. I was worried about you.”

  “I figured you would be, and well, that’s not something I’m used to.” His hands grip my hips until I’m standing snug between his legs. “What’s wrong, honey? Did something happen while I was gone?”

  I shake my head side to side. I put my hands on his shoulders and the feel of his thick muscles under my fingers has me squeezing on to him. I take a deep breath, trying to build up my courage. “I told myself that if you came back, that I was not going to let Cameron stand in the way of what I want anymore. I told myself that even though you could have any sweet butt out there and I don’t look anything like them, I would still not let that hold me back. I just…”

  “What is it? Tell me, honey.”

  I look into his eyes and I know I can trust him. “I want you, Jeremy.”

  His eyes glare into me, almost like he’s looking for something on my face, like he’s trying to read me.

  “Are you sure? We don’t have to. I rushed home and figured I would be happy to just hold you again. I wasn’t expecting this.”

  “I mean, we don’t have to. I just wanted you to know, that’s all,” I mutter to him. Rejection pierces my heart.

  He must notice my face drop, because he tugs me up onto his lap until I’m straddling him with my knees on the bed.

  “I want you. Those women out there have nothing on you. You’re the one I want. But I wanted to give you time. To make sure this is what you want.”

  “You’re what I want,” I tell him with sincerity.


  Her words fill me up and heat rolls through my body. My arms go around her and I pull her to me, the core of her pressed tightly to the front bulge of my jeans. My lips seek hers and when they touch, I can’t get enough of her.

  When she pulls away from me, I grasp on to her, not wanting to let her go.

  “Wait,” she tells me. Oh, this girl and her sassy mouth.

  She takes off her shirt and her large breasts are barely covered in a black bra. She bends over, removing her jeans, and I sit here and watch as she slowly pulls them down her legs. When she stands up, her curvy body has my mouth watering and my hands itching to get a hold of her.

  I reach out for her, but she backs away. Her hands go behind her back to unsnap her bra. She takes a deep breath, then lets it fall down her shoulders and to the floor. Holy fuck! I moan. The tips of her breasts are hard and right then and there I decide I’ve had enough of this. I have to touch her.

  I stand up and she takes another step back. “Honey, quit backing away from me. I’ll take you against the door, on the floor, or on the bed. You pick. But I’m getting in there one way or another.”

  “But, but, I had this whole lap dance planned out, and I’ve been practicing…”

  My hands fist at my sides. “Lap dance? Who have you been practicing on?”

  Her hands go up on her hips and she cocks her leg out. “What? No one. I’ve just been watching the women and practicing in here… by myself.”

  “Honey, fuck yeah, I will take it.” I spot the chair in the corner of the room and move it to the center. I sit down in it and pull her to stand between my legs.

  “Wait,” she says and walks to the dresser and turns on some music on a cd player. As soon as it starts playing, she starts swinging her hips side to side. I watch her as she bends over, her ass right in my face. She brings her underwear down her legs and steps out of them. The view of her rounded ass makes me want to reach out for her, but she spreads her legs apart and her swollen, wet slit is staring back at me.

  I grip her hips and bring her closer to me, just wanting a touch. But she stands up and turns to face me, shaking her finger side to side. “Uh, uh – no touching.”

  She puts her hand on my knees and arches her back, pressing her bare breasts against me before rounding her back and standing up again. The steady beat of the music floats in the air and her body is in perfect sync. She’s teasing me and I adjust my hard cock in my jeans.

  She tugs my shirt over my head, and she missteps at the sight of my naked torso. She walks around the back of the chair, caressing my shoulders and my back. When she comes to the front of me, she kicks her leg out and straddles my thigh, grinding her pussy into it.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. She doesn’t stop. Her hips are gyrating against me and I can’t take it anymore.

  I pick her up and lay her on the bed. She looks up at me with wide eyes. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No, honey, you did everything right.”

  Her arms go around my neck. “I thought that’s what you would want.”

  “The only thing I want right now is to be buried balls deep inside of you.”

  I pull off my boots, and then my jeans and underwear, before pulling her to the edge of the bed.

  “I can’t wait. I need to be inside you now,” I tell her as I stroke my cock through her drenched heat.

  “Yes,” she moans.

  I push into her all the way until I’m buried balls deep inside of her and I can feel her pussy clenching and vibrating around my dick.

p; Heaven. She feels like heaven. I kiss her lips, down her throat and suck on her nipples, all while I pound into her pussy. I lift her hips up and don’t give up or slow down. I keep thrusting into her until she wraps her hand around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. She backs away and looks me dead in the eye. I can’t look away from her. Her face is taut and I can feel her pussy holding on to me with each drag of my hips. When I feel her pulse around me, I thrust even deeper until I’m deep in her womb and she’s begging me for more.

  “Don’t stop, don’t stop!” she begs.

  As if I could even think about stopping. I know I’ve probably bruised her hips, I’m gripping her so tightly, but that doesn’t stop me. She’s still begging me for it and so I give it to her until she’s clamped down on me and screaming my name. I come so hard that I fear I might pass out. Her channel is so tight, she’s milking me and I shoot stream after stream of hot cum deep into her womb.

  I lift her up the bed and lie down beside her, trying to catch my breath.

  Chapter 7


  We had sex all night long. He rolled over toward me so many times, I lost count. I swear the last time, when he was spooning me and he took me from behind, I was exhausted and sore. But I couldn’t tell him no. I didn’t want to.

  Now that it’s morning, I snuggle farther into his hot, hard body. I lift my knee to wrap my leg around him and stop when he moans underneath me.

  “Sorry. You’re just so warm,” I admit and burrow farther into him.

  “Honey, we have to talk.” His voice is husky and instantly, I get worried. I raise my head to look at him and I can see it in his face.

  I sit up and wrap the sheet around myself, covering my bare breasts.

  He puts his hand on the cover at my thigh. “You don’t have to worry about your husband anymore, Avery.”

  Instantly, my heart starts racing. I get up from the bed and start tugging on my clothes. “What do you mean? What did you do?”

  He sits up in the bed and swings his legs to the floor. “Honey, I can’t tell you that. All I can tell you is that he will never bother you again. You are free to live your life the way you want to. You never have to look over your shoulder again.”

  I sit down in the chair across the room with my head in my hands. “It can’t be that easy.”

  “I would never put you in danger. I wouldn’t lie to you either. It’s done. You’re free, Avery.”

  “Really?” I take a deep breath. “You promise?”

  “I promise.” He starts walking toward me but stops when someone pounds on his door.

  “Pres. We need you out here.”

  Jeremy walks to the door and holds it open. He doesn’t care that he’s naked; that doesn’t stop him. “What do you want? I’m a little busy,” he demands. Thankfully, I can’t see who it is and they can’t see me.

  “Brick, Rancher and Rider got jumped last night. Rancher’s in the hospital.”

  Jeremy slams his fist into the wall by the door and I jump in my seat. In a deadly voice, he asks, “Are they okay? Who did it?”

  “They’ll be fine. We’re still working on it.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

  He shuts the door and turns toward me. “I have to take care of this. Stay here.”

  I get up from the chair. “Jeremy,” I start but then I see the worry on his face. “Okay, yeah, I’ll be here.”

  He bends over me and kisses me briefly before running out the door, leaving me to my thoughts.


  “What the fuck do you mean we don’t know who jumped them?” I demand of the room.

  I called an emergency church and then sent Keeper to the hospital to pick up Rancher. Everyone is staring back at me, but no one is answering.

  “Okay, what do we know about the bar they were at?”

  Rider clears his throat. “It’s not owned by any club, but I recognized them as members of the Kings. They had the Kings patch on their cuts.”

  “Finally, we’re getting somewhere. What happened, Rider?”

  Rider gets up and starts pacing the room. One of the reasons we call him Rider is he can’t sit still. “Brother, we were there for the pussy. That’s it. Just some bar. We were watching the show when we were attacked from behind. I think there were five of them, three on Brick and one each on Rancher and me. One of the waitresses had a baseball bat and helped get them off of Brick before we got out of there.”

  “A woman saved your asses?” I ask him incredulously. “Really, we’re supposed to be badass bikers that save women, not the other way around.”

  Rider’s face turns red. “Yeah, again, we were caught by surprise. We had no idea there would be trouble. Not like that.”

  “Where’s the girl?” I hate to even ask, but if they left the girl behind, she’s dead by now.

  “Brick has her in his room, trying to calm her ass down. She didn’t come willingly,” Rider says, explaining Brick's absence.

  “Fuck…. Okay, everyone, get your shit together. Smokey”—I turn to the vice president—“get a plan together. We will reconvene in two hours. Rancher should be back by then and maybe give us more intel. We don’t lay down on this. Revenge is ours. Church is adjourned.”

  I start to walk out of the room and then turn back. “Come get me when Rancher gets here.”

  But I don’t wait for an answer. I stalk out of the room and go back to find Avery.

  I push open the door and walk in and about double over at the sight before me. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”

  Avery whips around when I slam the door behind me. If this isn’t all fucked up… “What were you going to do, sneak out of here?”

  She turns back around and starts folding her clothes. “Of course not. I told you I would be here.”

  “Yeah, but for how long?” When she doesn’t answer me, I crowd in next to her. “Where are you going?”

  She wipes a tear from her cheek. What the fuck? I can’t even deal with this right now. I don’t usually handle women and emotions well. She turns toward me and in a small whisper, she says, “You said I was free.”

  Stunned, I look at her until it dawns on me. She thought I was getting rid of her, that I was giving her an out.

  I turn her around and walk her over to the bed, pulling her down next to me. “You’re free from your husband. That’s all I meant. You’re not free from me. You never will be. What I did was for you. I couldn’t let him get away with treating you the way he did. I made sure he paid for it. I didn’t want you looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life. But I have to be honest with you, I also did it for me. I needed you completely free from him, Avery. I needed you to be able to do whatever you wanted with your life. I only hoped that whatever you decided you want, you would choose to do it with me.”

  She stares at me the whole time I am talking, and the more I say the more serene her face becomes until when I’m finished there is nothing but hope shining in her eyes.

  “You want me to stay?” she asks me.

  I pull her up onto my lap and I don’t even feel bad that she is going to feel my stiff rod pressed against her thigh. I don’t know how many times I had her last night, but it wasn’t enough. It will never be enough. “You don’t have a choice, Avery. Not really. I can’t give you up now. I never dreamed I would ever want to settle down, but when I skipped the bar last night because I didn’t want to be away from you a minute longer, well, I knew then. I love you, Avery. I’ll never want anyone else, not as long as I have you.”

  She throws herself at me and I catch her tight against me. Her face is buried in my neck and all I hear is muffled words. “What is it, honey?” I ask her.

  She pulls back from me. “I love you too.” And then she’s kissing up my neck to my mouth. When our lips meet, I make it my mission that she never doubts how I feel about her again.



  I stand back and watch it all unfold. Rancher got here
and everyone has joined together in the main part of the club. He’s on crutches and he is one pissed-off man.

  However, not as pissed off as Madison, the woman that Brick brought home with him from the bar. They were arguing a few minutes ago, but now she has her back turned to him and she’s ignoring everything that is being said.

  I’m pretty sure I like her already.

  Jeremy, or Sniper out here, is talking to everyone but he has his front pressed tightly to my back. If anyone is surprised by our relationship, they’re not showing it.

  His hands grip my hips and I swear I can feel the moisture pooling in my panties. He bends down and kisses my ear. He whispers to me, “Can you take Madison and find her some clothes to change into?”

  I look over at her and she’s still in her waitressing outfit from the night before. I tell him yes and start to walk away. He grabs on to my hand and pulls me in for another kiss. He tells me, “Don’t be long. I need you again, honey. And soon.”

  I smile up at him and then walk across the room to where Madison and Brick are standing. “Hey, Brick. Hi, Madison. I’m Avery. Do you want to go with me so we can find you some clothes to change into?”

  Brick stares between the two of us and I’m surprised when a growl escapes his lips. I look between the two of them and then smile up at him. “Easy, big guy. I’ll bring her right back.”

  I watch as Madison looks up at him and then she follows me to my room that I share with Sniper.


  Rancher is out of the hospital and Smokey already has a plan to seek revenge. I talk to them for a few minutes, going over the details before I walk over to Brick because he’s the one person I haven’t gotten to talk to about all this.

  “Everything okay, Brick?” I ask him.

  “Fuck no, it’s not okay,” he grunts back at me. “A woman had to save my ass. I’m losing my touch,” he admits.

  We watch as Avery and Madison walk back in. Madison has changed out of her waitress uniform and as she walks across the room, her eyes are on Brick and no one else.

  “Fuck, I’m in trouble, Pres.” His husky voice almost sounds scared.


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