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Tame Him

Page 23

by Caitlyn Dare

  Every scar on my heart, every betrayal and disappointment and heartache, only makes me stronger.


  It makes me feel determined to go after the things in life that I want.

  No more hiding.

  No more regret.

  No more shame.

  Our past shapes us, but it doesn’t define us.

  My cell pings, and I grab it off the coffee table, smiling when I see Ace’s name.

  Ace: You didn’t want to stay over?

  Remi: I just needed some space...

  Ace: Are you saying I’m overbearing?

  Ace: I’m coming over.

  I chuckle. Ace’s protectiveness is one of the things I love most about him, but I can’t deny I like to tease him.

  Remi: Hang out with your brothers or something.

  Ace: Is that code for... keep an eye on Cole?

  Remi: Cole will be okay...

  Ace: Yeah, how can you be so sure?

  Remi: Because he has you for a brother and you’ll never let anything happen to him.

  Ace: I love you.

  Remi: I love you more.

  Warmth spreads through me, and I’m almost ready to ask him to come over when I hear something in the kitchen. “Hello?” I call out, my heart crashing in my chest.

  My fingers clutch my cell phone as I search the hall for any signs of life.

  Get a grip, I scold myself. There’s nothing here. Bexley is on house arrest until he’s shipped off to another school. He’s stupid, but he’s not so stupid as to try anything again.

  But fear snakes through me, taking root in my chest, and before I know it, I’m texting Ace back.

  Remi: I was thinking maybe you should come over after all.

  Ace: Yeah? I’ll just check on the twins and I’ll be there.

  I can’t help but smile when another text comes through, but my stomach drops when I scan the words.

  Unknown: Hello, Remi... it’s been a while.

  The world grows small as I re-read the message. It wasn’t Bexley. All this time I thought he’d been the one texting me, hanging around the house... but it wasn’t Bexley.

  Which means, if it wasn’t—

  Someone grabs me from behind, a gloved hand smothering the scream that tears from my lungs as I’m yanked backward.

  “It’s been a while, sweetheart.” His hot, rancid breath drifts over my face, making my stomach churn.

  “J-Johnny?” It comes out muffled as he yanks me into the kitchen.

  “Figured it was time you and I had a little reunion. You’ve grown up real nice, Remi, girl.”

  I’m paralyzed with fear. It vibrates through me as blood rises between my ears.


  My mom’s ex.

  All this time it was him.

  He wrestles me into a chair as I thrash and kick, but he’s too strong, and before I know it he’s cable tied my hands behind my back, and my ankles together.

  I take him in, the man who almost ruined mine and Mom’s lives.

  Time hasn’t been kind to him. He’s a mess. Shaggy, greasy hair falls into his eyes and an unkempt beard covers half his face. His eyes are shot, dark circles ringing them. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s strung out on something.

  “W-why are you doing this?” I whimper, my muscles protesting at being restrained.

  “You filled out nice, real nice,” he drawls, pulling a small knife out from behind his back.

  Oh God.

  My spine stiffens, a violent shudder ripping through me as bile washes in my stomach. He’s going to kill me. He’s going to kill me and nobody will even—


  Ace is on his way over.

  “You finally connecting the dots?” he asks, and my brows furrow.

  “What do...” The words dry on the tip of my tongue as I narrow my eyes at him. There’s something in his expression.

  Something I recognize.

  Something in the recess of my mind that I can’t quite reach.

  The rumble of Ace’s bike distracts Johnny, but he doesn’t look worried. He looks... pleased.

  “Oh good, your boyfriend is here. Time to really have some fun.”

  My blood runs cold as his lip curls. He looks depraved, a monster waiting to strike.

  Ace appears at the French doors. The second he finds me, the blood drains from his face. “Remi,” he yells, bursting through the door.

  “Oh, look what the cat dragged in.”

  “Y-you,” Ace staggers back as Johnny steps out from the shadows.

  “Hello, Son.” The words ring in my ears as the pieces slam into place. Ace still hasn’t realized, confusion clouding his frosty gaze.

  Johnny is Charlie.

  My mom’s ex is Ace’s uncle.


  “You are not my father,” Ace snarls, his eyes darting wildly between me and Charlie.

  “That’s right, kid, I’m not. I’m your worst fucking nightmare.” He moves behind me, gently dragging the knife along the neckline of my tank top. My breath catches as I try to press my back into the chair, pain ricocheting through my shoulder blades.

  “Please, don’t hurt her. You can do whatever you want to me, but don’t hurt Remi.”

  “My, my, how the mighty have fallen. I’ve watched you, kid. Watched you grow, all that anger and rage and bitterness at the world. I almost wondered if you were mine for a second. But then I saw you chasing our sweet girl around town and I knew there was no way in hell you could be. Letting a piece of hot ass call the shots,” he spits out with disgust.

  “Our girl?” Ace grinds out. “What the fuck aren’t you telling me?” His gaze drops to mine, splintering my heart into tiny shards.

  This will kill him.

  If Ace finds out the truth, it will completely destroy him.

  Maybe even us.

  I smother a sob, screwing my eyes shut as I silently pray to wake up from this nightmare.

  “Tell him, Remi, girl. Tell him how I used to sneak into your room at night and—”

  Tears drip down my cheeks as my eyes flutter open and find Ace. He’s pale, his body vibrating with rage.

  “It’s you... you’re Sarah’s ex... you’re the one who... fuck.” Ace fists his hands against his face as if he can’t handle the revelation.

  “Surprise.” Charlie presses the blade closer to my skin until I feel the razor-sharp edge lick my throat.

  “What do you want?” There’s no mistaking the tremble in Ace’s voice. He knows one wrong move and I could be sliced open.

  “The only thing I’ve always wanted... to make James pay. He stole everything from me. Everything.” His hand trembles, the blade slashing tiny cuts into my throat. I whimper, pleading with Ace to do something.


  “Maria was mine first. She was mine and he took her. He fucking stole her. He ruined my life. And then, as if that wasn’t enough, he tried to have me killed, but the fucking idiot couldn’t even get that right. I stayed gone for a while. Let everyone think I was dead. But time is a dangerous thing.

  “When I finally came back to town, I had my sights set on only one thing—destroying him.”

  “So what happened?” Ace inches closer, trying to keep his uncle’s attention.

  “Some things won’t stay buried, that’s what. Donny caught wind I might be alive, so I had to lay low. Shoulda left town then, but I didn’t.” His gaze burns into the top of my head. “You know, you can thank James for everything. That’s how I met your momma. Of course, neither of them know. I was following him one day and he led me right to her. She looked so lost, so sad… She made it so fucking easy.”

  My heart clenches at his cruel words. “And look how perfect things turned out. Written in the stars, baby,” he chuckles darkly. “James stole everything from me, and now… now I’ll steal everything from him.”

  “You think you’re the only one he stole something from?” Ace asks coolly.

  Charlie relaxes
his hand and I sag in the chair, desperate to check my throat for damage. But my hands are still tied and Charlie is still right behind me.

  “What did you say?” he grits out, his focus solely on his nephew now.

  “Yours isn’t the only life that fucker ruined. He thinks he can just do whatever he wants, that money gives him power. But fuck that.”

  Charlie edges around me. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m in. Whatever you’re planning, however you want to take him down, I’m in. But you’ve got to let her go.” Ace inches closer, keeping his eyes firmly on his uncle. “She isn’t a part of this.”

  “Oh, you’re good.” Charlie points his knife in Ace’s direction. “You’re real good. A right chip off the old block. You almost had—”

  Everything happens in slow motion. Ace lunges for Charlie, the two of them slamming into the wall behind me. My blood-curdling scream pierces the air as Ace grapples to force the knife out of his hand.

  “Motherfucker,” he roars as Charlie stabs him in the chest.

  “Ace!” I yell, straining and bucking against my restraints.

  But Ace’s hand flies to his uncle’s throat as he smashes his head into Charlie’s nose. Blood explodes everywhere, pained grunts filling the air as Charlie staggers back, the knife no longer in his hand.

  Ace picks it up, advancing on his uncle. “I should gut you with this. I should slit your fucking throat and feed you to the sharks.”

  “But you can’t, can you?” Charlie’s blood-stained face twists into an evil grin and he chokes out a dark laugh. “You don’t have what it takes because of her. You’re weak... all for a piece of pus—”

  Ace’s fist crashes into his face, sending Charlie flying backward. “I’m giving you a head-start, so I suggest you start running. If I ever see you in the Bay again, I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Charlie narrows his eyes for a second and then takes off, scrambling out of the kitchen and disappearing into the darkness.

  “Oh God,” I cry, relief flooding me.

  “Remi, fuck.” Ace rushes to my side, dropping to his knees and brushing the damp hair from my face. “You’re okay, baby, you’re okay.”

  “Charlie... your uncle... he’s—”

  “I know. I know. Shh, here, let me untie you.” Ace makes quick work of the cable ties, pulling me into his arms and sinking to the floor.

  “You’re hurt...” I press a hand to his blood-soaked t-shirt. “It’s just a surface cut. I’ll be okay.”

  “What about him?” I flick my eyes to the door and shudder.

  “If he knows what’s good for him, he won’t show his face here again. But just to be sure...” Ace digs out his cell phone and dials 911.

  I curl against him, listening as he reels off our emergency. When he hangs up, a garbled sob spills out of me.

  “I’ve got you, Remi. I’m here, I’m here.” He kisses my head, his arms locked tightly around me as if he’s never letting go.

  And I silently beg him not to.

  Chapter Thirty


  My body trembles with anger as I hold Remi to me as tight as I can.

  How was any of this even possible? What were the chances? How long has he been here watching us?

  All these questions and a million more race through my mind as I try to get my head around what the hell just happened.

  The man I thought was my father was the man who had terrorized Remi. Whether he knew then what he knows now about James and Remi’s relationship, it’s still messed up. He only found Sarah—only found Remi—because of James.

  Fucking hell. I shake my head, realizing that I could say the same thing.

  Am I as bad as that monster?

  I turned up here, thinking I was going to get to spend a night in a house alone with my girl, and I walked into… no, I can’t even think it without wanting to go and find that motherfucker and slide his own knife straight through his neck.

  “I’m okay, Ace. You can let go. I need to check you.”

  “I’m fine.” I have no idea if it’s the adrenaline or what, but I don’t feel anything from where he caught me. I assume it’s only a flesh wound, but really I have no idea.

  Remi tries to squirm out of my hold, her need to look after me greater than her need to be held. I allow her to lift my shirt and she gasps when she sees whatever it is.

  “Ace,” she cries, looking around the room as if she’s no idea what to do. “I’m going to get the first aid kit. Don’t move.”

  “No. Stay here. We don’t know where he is,” I bark in a panic.

  “I watched him go out the door. He’s not hiding in the bathroom.”

  The sound of sirens in the distance distracts her. “They’ll be here any minute. Just sit the fuck down.”

  She drops to my lap once again and I sigh with relief. “What are you doing?” she asks when I hold my cell in front of her.

  “Calling James. He needs to know what’s going on.” He answers on the second ring. “We need you at Sarah’s place. Now.”

  “Ace, what’s wrong?”

  “Just get your asses here. All of you.”

  “Shit, okay. Sure, we’re on the way.” He hangs up in a rush as he barks instructions to Sarah. I don’t give a shit that I’ve just worried him. The only thing I care about right now is that Remi and my brothers are okay.

  When the sirens get even louder, I let her up to open the door, ready for their arrival.

  Two officers come rushing in only seconds later and get their fill of the scene they’re surrounded by. EMTs soon follow and, despite my objections, I end up topless with one of them cleaning up my wound.

  “You were very lucky here, son. Any more pressure behind this and you could have had a serious problem.” I barely hear the words. I’m too focused on Remi as she answers the officer’s questions on the other side of the room.

  I’m in awe of Remi’s strength as she sits there and explains everything that happened with Charlie years ago, before moving on to the messages she’s been receiving that she thought were from Bexley, and then tonight. She’s so calm, so descriptive, despite what she’s been through. I swear I fall even more in love with her right then.

  As if she can feel my stare, she turns to me. A smile breaks across her face, and I know right then that we’re going to be okay. We’ve both been to hell and back the past few weeks but somehow, we’re going to come out of it all stronger than ever.

  “I love you,” she mouths, ignoring the officer in front of her and watching the paramedic cleaning me up. “You okay?”

  I nod. I’m just about to return the sentiment when James, Sarah, Conner and Cole come running.

  “Oh, thank God,” Sarah cries, running toward Remi and James, and the twins descend on me.

  “What the fuck now?” Conner barks.

  “Da— Charlie. He’s been stalking Remi. Did you know he was Sarah’s ex?” I ask, turning my eyes on James, who swallows harshly.

  “Charlie was Sarah’s…” He turns to look at her at exactly the same time she does him.

  I recognize the look that passes between them. It’s the same as when Remi and I look at each other. It’s the first time I truly understand how James feels about Sarah. “No, I didn’t… how is that even possible? I thought he was dead. Where is he now?”

  “He ran. He’s fucking lucky I didn’t kill him.”

  “Why didn’t you? Cunt deserved it for this alone,” Conner mutters.

  As much as I can’t deny feeling the same, I can’t put myself in prison because of a waste of space like him when I need to be beside my girl.

  “He’ll get what’s coming to him. Motherfucker like him doesn’t deserve to share the same oxygen we do.”

  “Are you okay?” Cole asks. It’s the first thing he’s said since he walked through the door.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Looks worse than it is,” I say, nodding toward my chest that’s now stuck together with some sutures. “You’re not getting rid of me th
at easily,” I joke, trying to lighten the mood. Cole looks like he’s about to lose his shit, and that’s the last thing any of us need tonight.

  “James,” one of the officers says, clapping him on the shoulder. “It seems like your young ‘uns have really been through it tonight. Why don’t you take them all home? You leave this all with me.”

  “You got it. Thank you.” They share a knowing look before James turns to the three of us. “You heard the man, let’s get going.”

  Pushing myself up, I walk to where Sarah is still clinging on to Remi. “We’re all going back to James’ tonight,” I say. “Let’s go get your things.”

  Because like hell am I letting her out of my sight again.

  Ellen is waiting for us when we all get back with a table full of food and a couple of bottles of wine and scotch. I can only assume that James gave her the heads up while we were at Sarah’s.

  “I’m not sure I can stomach food right now,” Remi says, curling herself into my side.

  I know exactly how she feels. “How about we just head out to the pool house?”

  She opens her mouth to answer as Conner walks in, announcing his delight at the spread before him. Fucker’s always hungry. Cole, on the other hand, takes one look at it and swipes one of the bottles of scotch.

  “I’ll be in my room with my friend here if you need me,” he announces.

  “Is he okay?” Sarah asks as we all watch him disappear.

  “He prefers to deal with things on his own. He’s not good in stressful situations,” I say, trying to make him sound a little less… weird.

  Cole is just Cole, and over the years I’ve learned the best way to deal with him is to just let him be and do what he needs to do.

  “Remi, would you like anything?” Sarah asks, taking a seat at the table beside James.


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