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DC Power Games Box Set 1

Page 73

by Ivy Nelson

  Another minute or two of his unrelenting attack on her senses before he felt and heard her orgasm. It tore through her body and she clamped down on his fingers, crying out as she rode the wave of pleasure.

  As she was coming down, he slid up her body and pressed his lips to her ear. “Adara Kent. Did you just come without my permission?” Her body went rigid. “Naughty girl. It’s a good thing you’re hot as fuck when you come for me. Next time you better ask though. Are we clear, Angel?”

  Rigorous head nodding. He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Good girl,” he said as he plunged two fingers inside her again. “Now come for me again.” He worked his fingers in and out a few times and then pressed his thumb hard against her clit. With his mouth, he tormented the nipple closest to him until he felt her body tense. Another orgasm rolled through her.

  “So hot, baby. How many more times do you think I can make you come for me?”

  Her body trembled as her orgasm finished. “No idea, Sir.”

  “I think we should find out. I won’t even make you beg tonight. We can save that for later.”

  Laughter rumbled through him as she jerked her head from side to side. “Oh, you’ll beg, Angel. Someday soon.”

  “We’ll see,” she said saucily.

  “Oh, Angel, don’t test me. Not when I’m offering you as many orgasms as you want. I can change my mind and not give you anymore. I rather enjoyed spanking your sexy ass.”

  “Sorry, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Shifting, he rolled off the bed and reached for another item. It was cliché, but she was new and seemed to be enjoying this sensation play. Starting at the base of her throat, he dragged the toy down her torso flicking his wrist periodically. Stopping at her pussy, he chuckled as he watched her jerk away from his tickling.

  “Feather?” she asked when he gave her a break.

  “Very good.” He moved the feather over her body again before setting it aside to allow himself another taste of her pussy. He inhaled her scent as he continued the onslaught of sensation he was showering on her clit with his tongue. Soon she was twisting beneath him in the throes of another orgasm. He continued laving attention on her pulsing body and turned one orgasm into three. The bedspread beneath her was sporting an impressive wet spot. When she began begging him to stop, he gave in to her cries and stood again.

  At the bag, he selected one more item. A glove with massage beads in it. When she had recovered from her orgasms, he straddled her once more. He ran the glove across her body, and she sighed.

  “Feel good?”

  Her head bobbed up and down and he shook his head. With his un-gloved hand, he grasped a nipple between his fingers and pinched. “You’ll learn eventually, Angel.”

  She whimpered as he released the nipple and he went back to running the glove down her shoulders and arms. “Let’s try this again. Does that feel good?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Much better. Forget again and I’ll have to spank you. And right now, I would much rather fuck you.”

  He spent a few more minutes massaging her body with the glove, taking time to periodically plant gentle kisses on her. When she was fully relaxed, he slid off of her and quickly shed his clothes. Taking his time with Adara had been torture, and he was ready to bury himself in her. Grabbing a condom, he rolled it up his shaft and positioned himself between her legs. He was pretty sure he knew the answer, but he wanted to give her an opportunity to answer him properly. So, as he settled on his knees at her opening he asked, “May I fuck you, Angel?”

  A groan erupted from her throat before she said, “Yes, Sir, please.”

  “Excellent answer,” he said as he inched his way inside. She lifted her hips to meet him attempting to urge him deeper inside of her. “Patience, beautiful Angel. We’ll get there. Let me enjoy this.” When he was fully seated inside her, he rested his forehead against hers and kissed her gently. “You feel so good.”

  “Please, Sir. Don’t make me wait anymore.” He didn’t need any more encouragement. He gripped her hips and began to move, pulling out and slamming back inside of her. He quickly settled into a fast-paced rhythm enjoying the feel of her tight cunt enveloping his hard cock. She was going to squeeze the life out of him, and he would die a happy man. He slid a hand between them and put pressure on her clit, rubbing up and down until he hit the spot that caused the reaction he wanted. Keeping the pressure up in that exact spot, he continued fucking her.

  “Blindfold. Off. Please, Sir. I want to see you,” she begged as he thrust in and out of her. He broke contact with her clit long enough to undo the knot behind her head and then he was back to his assault on her body. It wouldn’t be long before he needed to lose himself inside of her. He wanted to milk one more orgasm from her. So, he did just that. His fingers massaging her clit until she was writhing beneath him. “Come, Angel.” And she did. The orgasm that ripped through her was accompanied by a scream and he began to fuck her hard and fast until he fell into his own orgasm. When his own breathing calmed, he rolled off of her and reached up to undo the silk cloth that bound her wrists to the bed.

  They lay together silently for a few minutes. Adara curled into him, one hand rubbing his back.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “For what, Angel?”

  “Insisting that I kneel and honor our bet. I’m sorry I’m stubborn.”

  He hummed thoughtfully and kissed her temple. “I think your stubbornness will make our game that much more fun, Angel. Thank you for trusting me.”

  After a few more minutes of cuddling, he nudged her out of bed. “Let’s shower and get some sleep, Angel. I want to hold you while you dream.”

  • • •

  “Good morning, Angel.”

  Adara’s eyes fluttered open and she smiled at the painfully sexy man staring down at her. His slightly mussed hair and two or three days’ worth of growth made him even hotter in her opinion. The thought of the things he had done to her with just the stubble on his chin made her blush. Letting him take complete control of her body was turning out to be very beneficial for her. She stretched and whispered, “Good morning, Sir.”

  He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “Time to get up. We’re meeting Darci and Bradley for lunch. They got back last night.”

  That sent her bolting upright. “Oh! I forgot they were coming back already. I can’t wait to see them.” As she sat, his tender smile widened and morphed into one of his wicked grins, lust filling his gaze.

  “What?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing. Just thinking of all the things I want to do to you. Too bad we need to get going.”

  “What time is it?” she asked, looking around for her phone.

  “Almost eleven. We were up pretty late. I couldn’t bear waking you.”

  Her eyes went wide. She never slept that late. He really had worn her out.

  “Up and in the shower,” he commanded. She scrambled from the bed and hurried to the bathroom. Behind her, she could hear him murmur something about her beautiful backside and she grinned. It was fun knowing she had that effect on him. Twenty minutes later she was out of the shower, dried off and getting dressed. As she slid a casual green dress over her head, Michael stepped into the bedroom.

  As the dress fell over her hips, he pushed himself off the door frame where he had been casually watching her. When he reached her, he grasped the hem of her dress and pushed it up. His hands skimmed down her hips and lowered her panties. “I think I’ll keep these today,” he said, planting a kiss on her neck. She tried to turn around, but his hands remained planted on her hips, preventing her from moving too far. Not to mention her panties were now down around her knees.

  “You can’t,” she protested.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’re not seriously going to make me eat lunch with our friends without panties.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to do,” he said before dropping to one kne
e to lower her panties further. “Step out.”

  This was embarrassing. She didn’t move.

  “Angel.” The warning in his voice sent a shock wave of heat through her body. What was it about that tone of voice? She still didn’t understand why it affected her so strongly.

  “You can have a bare ass, or a bare, sore ass at lunch. The choice is yours,” he said as he tugged at her ankle.

  Reluctantly, she lifted her foot.

  “Much better.”

  “This dress is too short for this,” she whined.

  “Nonsense. It’s perfect,” he said as he stood. “See how much easier I can do this?” His arms slid around her waist and he dropped one hand. A second later, she felt one of his thick fingers slide inside of her and she gasped. “Not too short at all,” he murmured in her ear. Withdrawing his finger, he slipped it into his mouth and sucked noisily. “Delicious.” She blushed furiously as he straightened her dress for her. “Let’s go before we’re late. I know how you are about being punctual.”

  “I think it’s weird that you already know so much about me,” she muttered as they exited the hotel room.

  “Curse of the job. I’m observant out of habit. More so of the people I care about.” He pressed the down arrow outside of the elevator. Ten minutes later they were in a cab on the way to the restaurant.

  As they sped through the city, Michael slipped his arm around her and pulled her close. At first, she thought he was just being sweet as he pressed his lips to her cheek. Then he moved his mouth to her ear and spoke. “If we were in my car, I would make you lift that little dress and plant your sexy bare ass on the seat. Then I would have you spread your legs and play with that pretty cunt for me.” She squirmed in her seat and tried to pull away from him and his dirty words, but his hold was strong. “No escaping, Angel. I would make you rub that pink little clit until you were begging to come.”

  She glanced nervously at the driver, relieved when it was obvious he couldn’t hear them. Michael had threatened to make her beg a couple of times but so far hadn’t. She was glad. The idea of begging did not appeal to her and she was pretty sure she would wind up with a sore, red ass before she gave in to the command to beg. The little scenario he was painting for her sounded pretty delicious though. But now, she was going into lunch with her former boss and his new wife feeling horny and needy. That didn’t seem fair.

  When they pulled up to the restaurant, Michael paid the driver and helped her out of the car. They spied Bradley and Darci almost immediately. Bradley had his arms around Darci from behind, whispering in her ear. Her face was red, and Adara thought she looked about how she felt. Well this was awkward. She often forgot that Bradley was part of the same BDSM club as Michael. She supposed if she were ever going to be a member of the club herself, she would have to get used to the idea of seeing Bradley in this kind of role. When the newlywed couple spotted them coming up the walk, they both waved.

  “Welcome home, you two,” Michael said as they approached.

  “It’s good to be home. Sorry all of this is happening to you, Adara,” Bradley said releasing his wife and opening his arms for a hug. Adara accepted his hug, grateful for his friendship. The only thing she could focus on though was the fact that she wasn’t wearing any panties while they embraced. She could almost feel Michael laughing at her plight and she mentally cursed him. Inside the restaurant they quickly fell into comfortable conversation and Adara almost forgot about her pantiless state.

  “Adara, I’ve got some friends in Homeland. Want me to make a few phone calls and see if we can get this whole thing cleared up?” Bradley asked as they ate.

  “I appreciate that, boss. I just don’t know what anyone can do. I’ve been connected to an internationally wanted terrorist. I don’t think this is something they can just sweep under the rug. Especially not with the DNA evidence. They’ll never find any proof I’m part of a terrorist organization, but just being Faisal Hadawi’ s daughter is bad enough for them to not want me in this country anymore.”

  “Can’t hurt to try. I want you to think about running for office once this is all cleared up.”

  “If they don’t strip me of my citizenship and deport me, I’ll think about it. You must really need a job if you’re wanting to work for me, boss,” she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Adara, I’ve wanted to work for you since before Atleigh. You know I’ve always pushed you to run for yourself instead of working for me.”

  It was true. Even in college, Bradley had insisted she would make an excellent candidate. Before her parents had dropped their bombshell of a secret on her, she had been on board with the idea. Bradley had been confused when she had backed away from the plan and insisted she just wanted to be his assistant in Washington. He never fully bought her story that she wanted more experience in a lower level position first. But because he was a good friend and respected her boundaries, he hadn’t pushed the issue and had happily hired her as his right hand.

  “I know. I’m grateful for you not pushing too hard. This business with my parents has really slowed me down. I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the next few weeks, but I’m grateful for your friendship.” She struggled not to tear up as she spoke, but her voice wavered. Michael placed a hand on her thigh and squeezed, letting her know he was there for her too. She offered him a shy smile.

  The group changed topics and were soon discussing Adara’s first visits to the club. It wasn’t as awkward as she thought it would be. Darci turned out to be an expert at navigating the conversation in such a way that no one felt uncomfortable. Adara didn’t feel comfortable enough to ask questions but she did answer the ones they asked her and soaked up the information they offered.

  Michael’s hand remained on her thigh. As the conversation continued, it wandered under her short skirt, not quite touching her most intimate places. Instead, he chose to hover centimeters away. Adara was now all too aware of her lack of panties. It took all of her willpower not to break his rule and brush his hand away, and there was no way she was going to ask him to stop in front of everyone. There was nothing she could do about the blush that was creeping up her neck. She hoped her friends would just chalk it up to her embarrassment over the subject matter.

  When his fingers gently brushed her folds, she managed not to gasp, but her breathing definitely changed. She was slick with need and she thought for certain there must be a wet spot on the back of her dress. How was she supposed to get up and walk out of here at the end of the meal?

  The thought was fleeting though because he applied pressure to her hypersensitive clit. She had just taken a bite, so she let herself close her eyes. Her friends would simply think she was enjoying her food, right? Or were they so knowledgeable about this kinky lifestyle they were all a part of that they knew exactly what was happening across the table from them.

  To her chagrin, she found herself wondering if Bradley had ever fingered Darci in the middle of a restaurant. Gross. How embarrassing. She did not want to think of Bradley Givens that way. Suddenly, Michael’s fingers were gone, and she wanted to whimper. He casually slung his arm around her, and she could smell herself on his fingers. Just another way for him to torment her. Something he seemed to enjoy to no end.

  The waiter appeared and cleared their plates, leaving the check in the middle of the table. Michael grabbed it before Bradley, starting an argument over who would pay. Darci just sat back amused. When the waiter came back, Adara simply handed him her credit card. Both men stopped arguing and stared at her while Darci giggled. However, the waiter came back a moment later and handed her back her card.

  “I’m afraid this was declined ma’am.” With a frown, she started to pull out another card, but Michael stopped her.

  “Let me get it, Angel. I have a suspicion that one won’t work either.” He handed the waiter his card and waited for him to leave before speaking again.

  “We need to call your lawyer. I’m pretty sure Homeland has frozen your assets. It did
n’t occur to me until just now that they might do something like this.”

  And just like that, the mood at the table shifted. This was a very real and serious problem. Adara took a deep breath and tried to put on a brave face.

  “Sorry to be such a downer, everyone.”

  “Stop that,” Michael said sternly. “We’re in this together. You’re not being a downer.”

  His reprimanding tone was not appreciated. Before she could say as much, Darci quietly said, “He’s right, Adara. You’re going through a serious ordeal. We’re here for you.”

  She offered a weak smile. “I appreciate it. I really do.” With her eyes closed she willed herself not to cry, but a tear managed to slip out and slide down her cheek anyway. The waiter came back with Michael’s card and she quickly brushed it away.

  The two couples stood and began saying their goodbyes. “I’m going to call my buddy at Homeland and see if we can’t at least get your assets unfrozen,” Bradley said as he hugged her. “And don’t even think about trying to argue with me.”

  She sighed. “I won’t. I promise. I just want this to be over.”

  “I know. We’ll get you through this.”

  At the restaurants entrance, the two couples went their separate ways.

  “I’m sorry, Angel,” Michael said as they climbed into a cab. “I was doing my best to keep your mind off all of this for a while. It should have occurred to me sooner that Homeland might do something like this. It’s pretty standard protocol.”

  She squeezed his hand. “It’s OK. It was a nice lunch. I appreciate the distraction.”

  “Well, let’s get back to the room. I can think of a few more distractions.” He said with a grin.

  “I’ll bet you can,” she said with a laugh as she settled against him for the ride back to the room.

  Three days later, Adara found herself sitting in a courtroom, a judge looming over her and Tabitha Kelly standing to her left. They were at a hearing to determine whether Adara would be detained throughout the legal battle to keep her in the country.


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