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Amazon Unbound

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by Brad Stone

Davis, Alicia Boler, 402

  Days Inn, 290

  Deadline, 136

  Dead of Winter Productions, 327

  de Becker, Gavin, 64, 323, 334–39, 341, 342, 344, 346–47

  de Blasio, Bill, 306, 310, 313–15

  De Bonet, Jeremy, 63

  Defense Department, U.S., 359, 361 JEDI contract with, 351, 359–63, 381

  Deliveroo, 260

  Delrahim, Makan, 366

  Delta Air Lines, 301

  democracy, 124, 133, 365

  De Niro, Robert, 152

  DePalo, Joe, 102

  D. E. Shaw & Co., 5, 253–54, 324

  Deshpande, Amit, 76

  Despicable Me 2, 164

  DHL, 228, 235

  diapers, 199–201, 367, 10, 193, 209, 367, 370

  Dick, Philip K., 144, 146

  Dick’s Drive-In, 305

  Diller, Barry, 119, 336, 346

  Dimon, Jamie, 16

  Disney, 139, 141, 158, 401

  Disrobot Systems, 222

  Djokovic, Novak, 152

  Doan, Katie, 397

  Doordash, 260

  Döpfner, Mathias, 124, 281

  Doppler project, 26–38, 40, 42–47 see also Amazon Alexa; Amazon Echo

  dot-com era, 6, 7, 35, 61, 70, 94, 187, 194, 213, 401

  drivers, 14, 189, 191, 195, 211, 212, 214, 228–30, 236–41

  drones, 233

  Dropbox, 96

  Dunaway, Faye, 136

  Durkan, Jenny, 305

  Dyson, George, 267

  EAA AirVenture show, 280

  eBay, 8, 9, 88, 122, 169, 320

  e-books and readers, 9, 22, 378 Kindle, 9, 14, 22, 23, 25–26, 27, 40, 55

  Economic Club, 350

  Einhorn, David, 94

  electric vans, 4

  Elliott, Missy, 48

  Ellison, Larry, 99, 173, 360

  eLuxury, 372–73

  Elvis & Nixon, 153

  Emanuel, Ari, 88

  Emanuel, Rahm, 303

  eMarketer, 378

  Empire State Development Corporation, 309

  Employee Hours Tax, 303–5

  Endeavor, 88, 136, 325

  Environmental Defense Fund, 403

  Escamilla, Telesfora, 236–37

  Esper, Mark, 362

  Etsy, 377

  European Union (EU), 348, 366, 380, 392

  European workers, 400

  Eutelsat, 279

  Everything Store, The (Stone), 12, 14, 370

  Evi, 34–36

  Expedia, 304

  Explorers Club, 206

  Extra, 326, 329

  FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 234

  Facebook, 9, 121–22, 250, 251, 253, 290, 320, 350, 366, 368, 377, 380

  Falcon rockets, 264–65, 278

  Fallon, Jimmy, 137

  Faricy, Peter, 168–71, 178–79, 182

  Farrow, Ronan, 155, 328

  Fast Company, 108–9

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 333

  FedEx, 229, 230, 235, 239, 240, 242 Amazon’s partnership with, 226–28, 232, 233, 235, 242, 358

  Sunday deliveries by, 242

  Feinberg, Lila, 153–55, 157

  Ferencz, Benjamin Berell, 154

  Ferrante, Anthony, 344

  Ferrari, 289

  Fifth Risk, The (Lewis), 324

  Fight Club, 326

  Figueres, Christiana, 3

  Fine, Jon, 332, 339, 340

  fissured workplace, 229

  5 Love Languages, The (Chapman), 64

  Fixel, Lee, 90

  Fleabag, 157, 287

  Flipkart, 70, 73–75, 77–79, 86–93, 287, 384

  Floyd, George, 395

  Food Marketing Institute, 58

  Ford Motor Company, 252

  Fortem, 203

  Fortune, 132

  fossil fuel companies, 4

  “Founder’s Mentality,” 262

  Four Seasons Resort, 153, 324

  Fox, Michael J., 323

  Foxconn, 294, 309

  France, 316, 392

  Francis, Pope, 132

  Freed, Ian, 24, 31, 41, 42

  Freeman, Jim, 140

  Friedlander, Stan, 262

  FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 211, 366, 367

  fulfillment centers, see Amazon fulfillment centers

  Future Investment Initiative, 343

  Gagnon, Alexandre, 80, 84–85

  Galetti, Beth, 108, 114–15, 230–31, 386–87, 391, 402

  Galloway, Scott, 307

  Gandhi, Mahatma, 383

  Gap, The, 180

  Garcetti, Eric, 299

  Garcia, Andy, 135

  Garcia, Juan Carlos, 81–86

  García Bernal, Gael, 135

  Garg, Parag, 33

  Garman, Matt, 97

  Gates, Bill, 15, 263, 266, 290

  Gates, Melinda, 290

  Gates Foundation, 403

  GeekWire, 64, 206, 362

  Geffen, David, 346, 347

  Gelson’s Markets, 196

  General Accountability Office, 360

  General Electric (GE), 111, 220, 380

  George, Mike, 48–49, 51

  Germany, 175

  Ghebreyesus, Tedros Adhanom, 387

  Gianaris, Michael, 309

  Gibson, Mel, 328

  Gift of Fear, The (de Becker), 64, 336, 339

  Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 324

  Gise, Lawrence Preston, 266

  Giving Pledge, 346

  globalization, 376

  Gmail, 41

  GM Voices, 30

  Golden Airways, 325

  Golden Globes, 137, 143, 145, 147, 322

  Goliath, 149–50, 154

  Gonzalez, Tony, 326

  Goodall, Jane, 324

  Good Day LA, 326

  Good Jobs First, 307

  Good Morning America, 106

  Google, 8, 9, 14, 42, 44, 52, 54, 103, 176, 250, 290, 320, 350, 359, 361, 368, 380, 406 Android, 24, 34, 38, 40, 41

  antitrust issues and, 259, 353, 366, 377

  cloud computing and, 96, 102

  Express, 82, 192–93, 195, 197, 209

  Gmail, 41

  Home, 50

  search advertising, 82, 83, 85–87, 254, 255

  voice technology of, 24, 34, 37, 42

  Gordon, Bing, 147

  Gordon, Will, 238, 240

  Gordon-Levitt, Joseph, 135

  Graham, Donald, 121–24

  Graham, Katharine, 121, 133

  Grandinetti, Russ, 248

  Grand Tour, The, 145

  Gray, Valdimar, 237

  Grazer, Brian, 154

  Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America, The (Levinson), 350

  Greeley, Greg, 104, 105, 107

  greenhouse gas emissions, 2–3, 381

  Grella, Mike, 295

  Grimes, 283

  grocery business, 58, 183, 187, 190, 192, 196, 206, 209, 210 A&P, 350–51, 378

  Aldi Nord, 196–97

  Amazon Fresh, 69, 188–91, 196, 197, 204, 207, 208, 211, 222, 230, 241–43, 391

  Amazon Prime Now, 194–98, 204, 205, 208, 211, 212, 213–14, 238, 241

  Amazon Prime Pantry, 194

  Amazon’s Copperfield initiative, 195–97, 212

  cashier jobs and, 67

  Covid-19 and, 68, 243, 391

  Google Express, 82, 192–93, 195, 197, 209

  Instacart, 192, 193, 195, 197, 209, 210

  Trader Joe’s, 196–97

  Webvan, 187–88, 190, 192, 222

  see also Amazon Go; Whole Foods Market

  Grubhub, 260

  Gulabani, Raju, 98

  Gunningham, Sebastian, 169–70, 172–74, 179–82

  Gupta, Anurag, 98

  Hackett, Isa Dick, 146, 147, 154–57

  Halo, 404

  Hamilton, Alexander, 340

  Handmaid’s Tale, The, 154

  Harker, Susan, 81, 265

  Hart, Greg, 24–32, 36,
37, 42, 44–48, 56, 71

  Hastings, Reed, 98, 139, 140

  Haven Healthcare, 16

  HBO, 140, 142, 143, 148, 149, 154, 158

  healthcare, 16, 404

  Heinlein, Robert A., 23

  Helbling, Jeffrey, 246

  Herdener, Drew, 120, 352

  Herrington, Doug, 57, 69, 182, 187–91, 193, 198–207, 209, 212, 222, 246–48, 256, 373 “Amazon’s Future is CRaP” memo of, 189–90

  Hiatt, Fred, 123

  Hildago, Anne, 392

  Hills, Steve, 123

  Himes, Jay, 378

  Hive Fund for Climate and Gender Justice, 402–403

  Hollywood, 13, 14, 135–58, 322, 401 see also Amazon Studios

  Hollywood Reporter, 155

  Honeywell Aerospace, 265

  House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, 351, 366, 389

  House of Cards, 142

  hoverboards, 177

  Howard, Brad, 180

  Howard, Dylan, 328–41

  HQ2, 16, 236, 292–317, 362, 368, 381 Bezos and, 299–300, 306, 307, 315

  finalists in, 298–303, 305–6

  helipad request and, 309–10, 312, 319

  labor unions and, 16, 312–16, 394

  Long Island City, New York location for, 16, 301, 302, 305–16, 318, 319, 333

  proposals for, 296–98

  RFP (request for proposal), 294–95, 298, 308

  S-team and, 298, 300–302, 305, 306, 315

  Virginia location for, 16, 301, 302, 305, 307, 308, 313

  Hsieh, Tony, 211

  HTC, 40

  Huffington Post, 123

  Huggins, Roy, 140

  Hughes, Katie, 385

  Hulu, 154

  Human Condition, The (Arendt), 365

  Human Rights Campaign, 297

  Huseman, Brian, 297, 311–13, 316, 368

  IBM, 71, 360–62

  IHM, 56, 58

  Ikea, 180

  IMDb, 142

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 312

  income taxes, 291–92, 303

  India, 35, 71, 79, 80, 87, 89, 92 Amazon in, 13, 70–71, 73–82, 86–93, 94, 95, 144, 148, 158, 287, 383–84

  Bezos’s trip to, 383–84

  Indresano, Michael, 227, 232–33

  Information, The, 155

  Infosys, 77, 79

  Innovator’s Dilemma, The (Christensen), 10

  Inpax Shipping Solutions, 236–37, 240

  Inslee, Jay, 288, 387

  Instacart, 192, 193, 195, 197, 209, 210

  Institute for Local Self-Reliance, 307

  Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, 354

  Intel, 67

  International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 216–17, 242

  International Space Station (ISS), 264–65, 270–72, 282

  internet, 5, 6, 97 dot-com era, 6, 7, 35, 61, 70, 94, 187, 194, 213, 401

  sales taxes and, 11

  satellites and, 404

  Intersect, 362

  In Touch, 331

  Invent & Wonder (Bezos), 374

  investors, 5–7, 12, 14

  iPad, 40, 129

  iPhone, 38, 41, 96, 129 Siri on, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34

  Iran, 131

  Irwin, Ella, 182

  Italy, 71, 80, 81

  Ivona, 28–29

  Jack Ryan, 13, 158

  Jacobs, Jennifer, 360

  Jagger, Mick, 181

  Jain, Sunny, 200

  James, Andrew, 250

  Jana Partners, 186

  Jassy, Andy, 8, 98–103, 115, 244, 249, 302, 362–63, 387, 405–6 promoted to CEO, 17, 182, 405–6

  Jayapal, Pramila, 370 (Jingdong), 72, 76, 177, 248, 260

  JEDI (Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure), 351, 359–63, 381

  JioMart, 93

  Jobs, Steve, 26, 41, 45, 173 employees and, 111

  Johansson, Scarlett, 181

  Johnson, Corey, 308, 312, 313

  Jordan, Jim, 367

  Jorgensen, Ted, 12, 329, 71, 73

  JPMorgan, 16

  Jumpp, Jana, 397

  Junglee, 74

  Justice Department, 331, 366, 368

  Kanter, Jonathan, 365–66

  Kantor, Charles, 210

  Kantor, Jodi, 109–10

  Kaszczuk, Michal, 28

  Kaye, David, 345

  Keaton, Diane, 136

  Kelley, David E., 154

  Kennedy Space Center, 272

  Kessel, Steve, 9, 24, 55, 56, 60–64, 68, 69, 209, 211, 212

  Kessler, Glenn, 117

  Khan, Lina, 307, 351–52, 364–69, 371, 377, 380

  Khanna, Ro, 295

  Khashoggi, Jamal, 321, 343, 347

  Killer Movie, 327

  Kimberly-Clark, 200, 202

  Kindel, Charlie, 50

  Kingsley, Ben, 136

  Kistler Aerospace, 267

  Kiva Systems, 222–24, 388

  Kleber, Ralf, 196

  knowledge graphs, 34–36

  Korrell, Elizabeth, 275

  Kotas, Paul, 251–55, 258

  Krawiec, Peter, 77, 89, 208, 209

  Krishnamurthy, Kalyan, 90

  Kroger, 69, 185, 190, 196

  Kruse, William, 269

  Kumar, Dilip, 38, 56, 58, 61–63, 68, 71

  Kumar, Mahendra, 92

  Kushner, Jared, 133

  Lab126, 22, 30, 32, 390

  Labijak, Jacek, 28–29

  labor unions, 128, 216, 217, 219, 228, 316, 356, 395–96, 399, 400 Covid-19 and, 316, 392, 394

  HQ2 and, 16, 312–16, 394

  Teamsters, 216–17, 242

  Lai, Gary, 273

  Lamontagne, Steve, 58, 59

  Landry, Stephenie, 194–96, 198, 212, 238

  Lauer, Matt, 157

  Law, Julie, 106–7

  Lean ideology, 218, 219

  Letter Ride, 237

  Levinson, Marc, 350

  Levy, Steven, 267

  Lewinsky, Monica, 323

  Lewis, Joe, 143, 157

  Lewis, Michael, 324

  Liebowitz, Jeremy, 255

  Life & Style, 331

  Limp, Dave, 50

  Lindsay, Al, 26–29, 46

  LinkedIn, 399

  Lipkin, Ian, 385–86, 388, 390

  Lithgow, John, 136

  Lockheed Martin, 272, 280

  Longergan, Kenneth, 135–36

  Long Island City, New York, as HQ2 site, 16, 301, 302, 305–16, 318, 319, 333

  Lopez, Jennifer, 325

  Lord of the Rings books (Tolkien), 149

  Lore, Marc, 209

  Los Angeles Times, 295

  Lovato, Demi, 323

  Lynn, Barry, 365–66

  Ma, Jack, 104, 173

  Mackey, Deborah, 186–87

  Mackey, John, 69, 184–87, 191, 197, 209–11

  Macron, Emmanuel, 347

  Macy’s, 253

  Majors, Lee, 141

  Manchester by the Sea, 135–37, 148–49, 326

  Man in the High Castle, The, 144–46, 151

  Marino, Dan, 48

  Marketplace Pulse, 183

  Mars, 79, 271, 283

  MARS conference, 326

  Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The, 13, 157, 287

  Mary’s Place, 290–91

  Masters, Kim, 154–55

  Matthews, Dave, 325

  Mattis, Jim, 359

  MBS, see Mohammed bin Salman, Prince

  McBath, Lucy, 371

  McCurdy, Robert, 1, 2, 4

  McGowan, Rose, 155

  McKenna, Judith, 90

  McKinsey & Company, 141, 169

  McMillon, Doug, 88, 90, 91

  Medioni, Gerard, 58

  Medium, 110, 340–41, 353

  Mehta, Apoorva, 192

  Melchiorre, Anthony, 331, 337–39

  Meng, JT, 199, 202, 259

  Met Gala, 180–81

  #MeToo, 153, 155, 156

  MercadoLibre, 80, 82, 85

des-Benz, 241, 381

  Merkel, Angela, 132

  Metro AG, 190

  Mexico, 13, 80, 231 Amazon in, 80–85, 95, 144

  Walmart in, 80–82, 85

  Meyerson, Rob, 265, 267, 276, 277, 281

  Miami Palmetto Senior High School, 266

  Microsoft, 67, 71, 88, 94–95, 103, 107, 167, 233, 263, 290, 381 antitrust issues and, 363, 378

  cloud computing and, 96, 102

  JEDI contract and, 360–62

  Midler, Bette, 154

  Milk Stork, 114

  minimum viable product (MVP), 48

  minimum wage, 355, 356, 400

  MIPCOM, 330

  Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 1

  Modi, Narendra, 79, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 384

  Mohamed, Bashir, 397

  Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), Prince, 17, 321, 342–45, 347

  moon, 266, 268, 271, 279, 283

  Moonves, Les, 157

  Moore, Julianne, 152, 154

  Moret, Stephen, 308

  Morning Call, 220–21

  Morris, Wendell, 373–74

  Mountz, Mick, 222–23

  MoviePass, 152

  Mozart in the Jungle, 143, 145

  Mullally, Megan, 135

  Mulligan, John, 231

  Murthy, Narayana, 77, 79

  music sales, 9

  Musk, Elon, 73, 236, 264–65, 268–72, 274, 278–80, 282–83, 293–94, 299, 315, 404

  Musk, Justine, 269

  Myntra, 78, 87

  NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program, 404

  Nadella, Satya, 362

  Nadler, Jerry, 377

  NASA, 96, 98, 266, 267, 272

  Nashville, Tenn., 299, 301, 302, 306, 313

  National Enquirer, 17, 319, 328–42, 344

  National Equality Award, 297

  National Portrait Gallery, 1–3, 382

  National Press Club, 3

  National Rifle Association, 301

  National Security Council, 344

  NDN Collective, 403

  Netflix, 13, 98, 137–40, 142, 143, 145, 158, 401

  Neuberger Berman, 185–86, 210

  New America, 353

  Newell Brands, 255

  New Glenn rocket, 264, 272, 274, 277–79

  New Kingdom, The, 345

  New Shepard rocket, 264, 267, 269–71, 273, 274, 276, 278, 280, 283, 288, 310, 327

  New York City advertising employees in, 250–51

  Amazon offices in, 316

  Long Island City as HQ2 location, 16, 301, 302, 305–16, 318, 319, 333

  New Yorker, 155, 324, 328

  New Yorker Presents, The, 144

  New York Post, 309, 334, 341

  New York Times, 54, 122, 126, 154, 314 exposé on Amazon’s working environment in, 95, 109–11, 113–14, 119, 295, 352


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