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The legacy

Page 23

by Quelli di ZEd

  But Matilda did not set off that morning and did not do even that afternoon. For the next three days not even put his head out of the house he had chosen as a refuge, but everyone knew who was still inside, because when darkness fell, one of the windows came the faint glow of a candle.

  The first time anyone saw her was when he went to the village to shop the baker and seller of meat that passed through his daily rounds, from the nearby city. Do not talk to anyone, except to ask what she needs. She met Peter, but he pretended not to see her and she seemed not to even notice us.

  After two weeks from the day he arrived in town the rumors and beliefs had become more severe and malignant. The first openly to suspect that Matilda was a witch was Mary, the wife of a poor farmer. Mary often went to town to take care of the church where the villagers went every Sunday. Everybody had noticed the absence of Matilda in the Eucharistic celebrations, that gave rise to suspicions that already threatened to creep into their minds.

  But it was telling Mary that he sensed something, while polishing a glass after a mass, not far from the large crucifix that looked out on the assembly. She was thinking about something, and Matilda, probably Enlightenment, an intervention of the Lord God who wanted to use it as a vehicle to alert his fellow citizens, he suggested that the unknown evil hovered around that come to town.

  Maria warned the people you care, family and acquaintances, they would do well to steer clear of Matilda, which was soon undermined their righteous lives with the serpent of the Temptation, moving them away from the road. The warning spread like wildfire, finding fertile ground in the hearts already prevented and victims of prejudice of the few inhabitants of the village. The suspicion soon turned into fear and fear inevitably resulted in hatred.

  In the following weeks, the visits to the village of Matilda became tense moments, in which even children, alarmed by their caring mothers, marked a departure from the road and, if they could, they took refuge in their homes when the stranger walked by. Everyone watched, some with fear, others with anger and disgust, but nobody spoke to her. Even the baker, the grocer and peddler who came from the cities served hurriedly, answering only to the necessity of profits, but feel dirty just thinking to conclude negotiations with quell'emissaria of Satan.


  The turning point of that situation untenable and destabilizing for citizens, more than for Matilda, who never showed signs of being disturbed by their attitude, nor fully understand the motivations, came shortly after the beginning of December. A major snow had whitened the village in those days and men returning from work in the fields, were devoted to chop firewood to withstand extreme cold of the night.

  Mary, the woman who had contributed most of all to instill the seeds of hatred and that Matilda had never ceased to discredit it, leading to support their claims divine intervention, dreams and visions of every kind, he decided he could not tolerate over the permanence of the unknown. Not when he approached the birthday of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who, speaking in the heart, had made her understand how the celebration of Christmas redemption from sin and its short elimination of sources that could lead you.

  They had to get rid of the witch.

  Taking advantage of the speed with which news is transmitted from mouth to mouth, Maria began to meander the voice that would deal openly Matilda, sacrificing and risking their life for the good of the country, in the name of God that his beloved countrymen were held on guard in case something happened to her, and took the appropriate action. Maria's husband did not try to dissuade her from her intention, because he was convinced that his wife would operate on behalf of the Lord and he was honored, his daughter, however, was very worried, but did not express his thoughts, because he thought it inappropriate and not respectful.

  On the evening of December 7, when it was past dinner time, Mary left the house, wrapped in a blanket against the cold and their feet planted in the newly fallen snow, walked to the house occupied by Matilda . Discrete and afraid, but ready to transform their immobilizing apprehension angry revolt, his fellow citizens accompanied her with his eyes from behind the windows of their homes.

  Maria approached her stealthily to the window overlooking the large room on the ground floor, from which came the light of the flames of several candles. Preparing your heart and mind to witness a scene that would have felt profound disturbance, leaned over and peeked inside. What he saw was beyond her worst weather and horrified, but at the same time infused with a joy arising from the awareness that the Lord really spoke to her and that she had been able to understand the voice. And soon he made his will.

  Matilda was lying on her back against the dirt floor of the house, surely cold as the outside temperature. Completely naked, she kept her eyes closed and had an expression that Mary was unable to classify: it could be pain or extreme pleasure. In the middle of that room, furnished only by a wooden table placed against a wall and covered with dust and dirt in every corner, the stranger was eating a passionate relationship with a man who, dressed from head to foot, with only pants down slightly, above it.

  Mary watched the scene for a few seconds, with disgust, but they were sufficient for them to grasp details that impressed themselves into his mind forever. He pushed hard, his mouth half open to let a glimpse of gnashing teeth, as if performing an act of violence. Towards a guttural growl like a slight prolonged, giving rise to this hypothesis. But what was worse was the eyes, a bright red and bright, as burning, fixed on the body of Matilda who was wriggling like a mannequin, her breasts swaying as two forms of gelatin.

  Mary drew back her heart in my throat, fearing that one of them found her to spy. The shock made her forget for a moment the cold and almost did the fear arising from his discovery gained the upper hand on his faith and conviction to realize God's plan He had never had to face such an experience , but it was precisely in times like this that the Lord was testing the strength of your inner child. After recovering, he returned home, mentally preparing the speech he would have taken the next day to his fellow citizens.


  The next morning, Mary gathered a few friends at home. Matilda had not yet seen in the country and probably would not have left the house all day, it was down to go shopping the day before. For security, however, the small gathering was held in the utmost secrecy, and paying attention to any noises and indiscreet presences. Mary herself was anticipating that there were dark forces at play and fearsome, igniting the curiosity of women occurred at the same time putting them on alert.

  "As you know, the solidity of the Christian Faith and the Church itself is threatened in our times, deplorable and evil by the work of women who should not even be considered daughters of the Lord and that we call witches," began Mary. His fellow-citizens watched her with admiration and reverence, as they listened to the priest who celebrated Mass on Sunday, while not understanding his Latin.

  "Well, our pious and devoted community is now threatened by one of these emissaries of the devil and, of course, is the stranger who occupied the house on the edge of the forest. And if everyone already suspected earlier today in our hearts and it feared, after what I saw last night I can say without any doubt that Matilda has not only abandoned the right path shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, but has indelibly stained his soul by giving it to Satan himself. What we've seen can hardly be translated into words, and still ask for forgiveness from the Lord that I will have the audacity to try to do it, staining my mouth with the narrative of one of the highest manifestations of Sin. Because Matilda, last night, he was having a carnal relationship with none other than the devil himself. "

  The statement aroused the wonder and increased spontaneous signs of the cross. Mary kept a few seconds of silence, to let his words were to the effect that sortissero, looking from one woman to another.

  "The stranger was lying undressed and allowed himself to be possessed by a man we've never seen or will see in our village, no Christian has ever encountered anywhere else in the world. Because the man did not
belong to this land and even deserves the name of human being. That was the personification of evil, Lucifer himself I believe, because in his eyes I saw the flames of hell in his face and I found the image of the infinite suffering that is destined for eternity those who move away from God Our Lord. He possessed and she took pleasure in the horrible act of sex. Dark forces have crept into his life as a sinner, the same dark forces which we must escape and that therefore we must eliminate from our community. Matilda has sold his soul to the devil and doing so is already dead, already forfeited to the Resurrection and eternal life that Jesus showed us the objective of our short stay in this world. "Another pause allowed to focus of these for the final moment. 'I think we should put an end to his earthly existence, before the evil becomes strong enough to grab us too. Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John tells us that " those who do not remain in me is thrown away like a branch and withers and is then collected to be thrown away and burned. " Therefore, in the name of the Lord and His Word, I say that we must put at stake the foreign! "

  Three hours later, the entire village was animated by collective mania that Mary's words had aroused. Every citizen, including children, was prey to a sort of religious trance. The fear and hatred, together, formed a new energy source that did so already in the early afternoon, the main street of the village was occupied by a pile of wood from which protruded a pole, to which were attached strong cords .

  The pyre was set up for Matilda.


  It happened with incredible speed and the villagers acted in concert, as cogs in a single, perfect mechanism, as they had organized everything for weeks, instead of moving wave of blind rage that had invaded. Mary led the procession of men who volunteered to go and dig out Matilde, while the remaining citizens waited in a semicircle around the wood. Mary was looking forward the time when he would tell the city of their pious enterprise, in the hope that the Bishop giungesse voice.

  When they arrived at the home of Matilda, Frederick, son of the baker, knocked violently at the door. Held in one hand a stick, like the rest of the men in the retinue of Mary, armed and clearly improvised, if the situation demanded. As if dark and demonic forces could be counteracted by blows with a club, but the adrenaline and fanaticism made them blind and stupid.

  They spent maybe ten seconds without Matilda opened the door but were deemed sufficient to believe that attempts to avoid his fate. Frederick himself was struck by the rotten wood with a solid kick, breaking up the door and letting it fall to the ground in a cloud of dust. A gust of unbearable smell came from the house, in which Matilda was putting a book on the table against the wall.

  When he saw the procession outside, said nothing but looked at them with deep hatred, like a cat who tried in vain to threaten the boss came up to the whip. That reaction infervorò even more souls already steeped in the spirit of murderous men, who barely held back from meeting and correrle trucidarla instantly. Perhaps it was the movement of Mary, who appeared in front of Frederick and he stepped inside the house, to stop them.

  "Glory Be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit 'Mary recited in perfect Latin, the language in which they listened to Mass every Sunday. "As it was in principle now and ever unto ages of ages" ended, accompanied by men in chorus.

  "I do not know what you're doing," Matilda whispered, giving a half smile. "Let me go and give away your miserable country without which nothing will happen."

  "Shut up, unfaithful harlot. Follow us and submit to the will of the Lord, because before him the devil that you've linked anything can, "said Mary.

  "Evil will descend upon you and your family as a violent hail 'threatened Matilda.

  " Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer,  my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge , "chanted Maria, referring to the Psalms. " My shield, my powerful salvation and my fortress. I call upon the Lord, worthy of praise,  and I am saved from my enemies. "

  "Your Lord will not save you from the fate to which you are condemning yourself, because there are forces beyond his understanding," continued Matilda. "Forces that now and know that you will regret what you are doing."

  " He delivered me from powerful enemies, from those who hated me and were too strong for me. "

  "I could not have done otherwise," added Matilda, and was both the only attempt to defend itself and the last time he opened his mouth.

  " Save me from the furious enemies, triumph over my enemies make me  and free me from the violent "Mary finished. "Take it!" Ordered immediately.

  Men do not expect much.


  The fire was an event in the village would be remembered for generations. The pyre immediately caught fire and the flames engulfed Matilda, firmly tied to the pole, as represented in the hands of citizens frightened and furious at the same time. She did not complain, even when her clothes caught fire and began to cook their meat. His last look was for Mary, mingled among the crowd, and many vowed that Matilda had to smile.


  When she arrived at the village, Matilda was the world for more than ninety years. He had spent most of his life moving from city to city, changing constantly dwelling, environment, knowledge. It is not tied to anybody, because it was too dangerous.

  Him, so he had identified from the outset, had appeared when Matilda had just turned thirty. If the front was found one afternoon when the horse strigliava a squire to rack up a loaf of bread. He was approached and his presence alone was enough to get her out of herself, reaching a mental state of complete dedication and provision . There was nothing particular happened. He had laid down the rules and she had accepted. A long time I did because he believed completely in his possession, but over time she realized that she had accepted some of his own free will.

  "Come with me," he said. "I give your children and I will draw the life I want. In exchange, will be young, rich and beautiful forever. "

  Matilda had left the horse, giving up the loaf of bread which they would have received, and had set out with him . Since then she stopped for a few years in the same place, because the others were not aware that time does not leave marks on his body. He allowed himself to him whenever he wanted and soon began to draw even pleasure.

  One day he had also bought a Bible and had always kept with him, carrying the bag with a few clothes every time she moved. Deep in his heart he feared that things would go well forever and wanted to be ready and know what he found after his death, after a life spent in sin blacker.

  That's why, as it burned at the stake, he feared for the fate of his soul. But also he found the strength to smile with cruelty, thinking about Mary and what awaited her and her offspring, since because of him he would never got what he wanted.


  "The daughter of Mary, I do not know her name and did not even know if this was actually the name of his mother, was the first," says Isa in the kitchen, under the gaze of Simona in disbelief. If he had not experienced first hand the interpenetration of the absurd in the can, superstition, in reality, does not believe a word of the story of his mother. But the sad truth is that the story explains it all, and is trustworthy just for the fact that Isa would have no reason to risk it even more nervous telling a colossal lie.

  "A few weeks later he was lured by a young boy accidentally met on the way back to Mirandola, where he was going to take sewing lessons at the convent. I know these details because they are handed down from mother to daughter since then and how my mother told me I will transmit them to you in hopes that you do the same ... at the time. "Launch a meaningful look to Simon, a prelude to what he says here recently. "She met this guy the same way that you knew Fabrizio, I Francis and Cristina ..."


  "... Daniel, it makes no difference. It was always him . You can imagine what happened next, because you've experienced it yourself. For the poor girl had to be even worse, because it was the first, as I said, and instead rely on the support of his mother, had to rely only on itself. The superstitious culture of those days was certainly help
ful, because it came from what is said to be the only logical conclusion, although amazing. He had also seen her at the stake and his mother had told her of the threats he had received from Matilda. So the girl took two and two together and realized that the man who had impregnated her and then pulled painfully that she was carrying could not be that the devil himself that the stranger was tied. Lost his wife, had moved to the daughter of Mary, the true cause of premature death of Matilda. So, if you need someone to blame, know that this was in fact the cause of Mary Our mali. Part of her blood still flows in my veins, in your and in those of Cristina. "

  "Because the girl did not speak to her mother about what happened to her?" Asks Simon. "What problem would have to believe them, after they had lived?"

  "Oh, yeah, I forgot a piece" Isa recalled. "I spent more than three days after the fire that Maria was found dead not far from the abandoned house where he stayed Matilda. They found her throat cut, a cut so deep that the head was nearly detached from the rest of the body. From that day, in the village, no one made any allusion to what had happened in those weeks and recall the events turned into legends. Only the daughter of Mary and his children would never forget, and is proof of the fact that five hundred years later we are still here to tell us about you and me. "

  "Nonsense," says Simona.

  "Nonsense," confirms Isa. "Our absurd, inescapable legacy."


  "For years, she feared that her fate was even worse because then you are not actually turned 'Isa continues. "He was afraid that he had chosen as his new companion of adventures, so to speak, as it had been until then Matilda. Instead, the rules had changed: he discovered many years later, when his daughter, a daughter who had a normal relationship with her ​​husband, ran to her, telling her that she had been tricked and attacked by a young man. The daughter of Mary recognized in the history of the dynamics of what had happened to her and understood. He explained what had happened to his daughter, giving rise to a sort of sad ritual that has remained for centuries. "

  "Let me see if I understand," Simon tries to summarize, hoping that by explaining the story to herself and finding her mother's approval to feel less confused and walk away from the brink of madness. "This guy, this entity, whatever it is, Matilda exploited for sex."


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