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Warfare's Ultimate Frontier 1

Page 16

by Quasar Magellan

Baron tapped his fingers on his chair’s armrest. “If I'm successful, then what will I get in return?”

  Madam Zheng’s first husband harrumphed. “Hmph, is the continuation of our alliance not enough of a reward?”

  “I don’t think it’s even close to nearly enough. Besides, I don’t want to seem presumptuous — I don’t know if I can even convince Li Xin. I’ll try, though.”

  “Thank you, Baron. If you succeed I'll repay this debt to you manyfold.” Madam Zheng sighed with relief.

  “There is one matter that I am unsure of, though.” Baron mused. “Li Xin doesn’t seem like the type of person to accept bribes. So why is he doing this?”

  Madam Zheng explained. “This new faction suppressing us isn’t an independent faction like mine or what yours is aiming to be. Instead, it’s a subsidiary faction of the Sun Coalition faction. Basically, powerful factions often have subsidiary factions to do their dirty work or take blame. Refusing requests from the main faction is akin to rebelling against the gods. Thus, Li Xin had no choice.”

  “Seems like even the matters of the afterlife are not spared from the meddling of humans. Alright, I'll go talk to Li Xin. Remember, Madam. You owe me one.”

  The group dispersed, and for the first time in years, Baron and the gang stepped foot outside of their HQ. About time, too, as their funds were starting to run low. It was time for them to sell a few more blueprints.

  But, Madam Zheng’s request took precedence. Baron left the group and made his way to the Owl Well faction’s headquarters to request an audience with Li Xin. Upon hearing that Baron had arrived, Li Xin immediately greeted him.

  (LX) “Welcome Baron, come, come, let's go to my room and chat for a bit.” Li Xin said as he guided Baron to an empty room.

  As the two sat down, Li Xin began to speak. “I can guess why you're here, and let me just say that I didn't want to do any of this.”

  “Who is making you do this?”

  Li Xin sighed. “Some of the elders in the main faction have been bribed by the Vesper faction to help them suppress the Forever Pirates. This never would have happened if our faction leader was still around.”

  “Who is your faction leader and where is he then?” Baron questioned.

  “His name is Sun Tzu, and he is currently with a few big shots touring the other communities.”

  “The legendary Sun Tzu?” Baron whistled. “No wonder the Forever Pirate faction is unwilling to go against you.”

  Li Xin nodded. “That's right. Remember when during our first meeting I said to you that I was backed by one of the two top elders? I was speaking of Sun Tzu.”

  Baron sighed. “I see, I see… I understand now. Is there nothing you can do about Madam Zheng’s situation?”

  Li Xin shrugged. “It’s not like I can’t do anything, but if I did do anything, it would be akin to throwing everything I have away.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If I do rebel, they would kick me out of the faction. As news would get around that I’d disobeyed my elders, I wouldn’t be able to join another faction.”

  “If it really comes to that then you could join my faction.”

  Li Xin put his hand up, stopping Baron. “We aren’t that well acquainted yet. Look, help me, and I’ll see if I can help you.”

  Baron finally understood Li Xin’s meaning. “You want a blueprint?”

  “Yes. I really want that repeating crossbow blueprint. It's got quite a bit of a reputation here, if you couldn't already tell.”

  “How about you talk your elders out of suppressing Madam Zheng first? Then we'll talk.”

  Li Xin chuckled. “Don’t take it too seriously, Baron. Even if I tried and did anything, my elders would just use someone else to do the same thing. There’s nothing that really can be done, unless you change the minds of the elders of my main faction.”

  “Is it even possible to get an audience with them in such a short amount of time?”

  “No, that would be dreaming. But I do have something else in mind. Since we know each other, at least somewhat, why don’t we plan how I suppress your faction’s biggest ally?”

  Baron instantly understood. “So we can choose what parts of the Forever Pirates to suppress… I see. That actually may work.”

  “Of course. Now, how about that blueprint?”

  Chapter 38

  Guan Yu

  “You're suggesting that we can pull a fast one over your elders?” Baron asked Li Xin skeptically.

  Li Xin chuckled. “You’re thinking too much about this. My elders have already received their rewards from the Vesper faction. They don’t really care if I fully commit to suppressing the Forever Pirates, as long as I show some form of progress.”

  “Then I guess this could work...but…"

  “Do you not trust me?”


  Li Xin shrugged. “I can tell you this, Baron. I’m in no way inferior to my elders. I’m only in my current position because I don’t want more responsibility. I’ll get the job done.”

  "... Alright, then.”

  The two men chatted for a while longer then said their farewells. Not one to waste time, Baron immediately made his way over to Madam Zheng and told her what had been done.

  After what seemed like hours, he finally returned to Under One Banner’s headquarters — and was quite confused when he saw a person he didn’t recognize.

  Thankfully, Han Xin was ready to introduce Baron to the stranger. “Ah, Baron! You're back. I'd like you to meet one of my close friends. In fact, he's my only friend aside from the four of you. His name is Guan Yu.”

  “Wow! Han Xin, I've gotta say. You sure have an eye for people.”

  “Do I? "

  Baron smirked. “Out of everyone in all of Chinese history you have chosen perhaps two of the most trustworthy figures to be your friends. That is quite an eye you've got there. Greetings, elder Guan Yu.”

  “No need for honorifics with me, my friend. In this afterlife, one’s age matters not.”

  “Alright, then. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

  The two clasped hands when Yue Fei suddenly piped up.

  “Anyway.” Yue Fei said. “As I was saying before Baron arrived, Guan Yu is also an elder of the Chinese community. He’s also much higher ranked, at rank 72. I’m rank 93, thanks to me selling off Baron’s blueprints.”

  “Haha, it's only natural that I help you all out. We do need more elders in our ranks soon. Hopefully, Han Xin, Ban Chao, and Xu Da can rise into elder positions before the Faction Selection Tournament officially begins. Of course, I won't force any of you into the elder position if you don't want to.” Baron said as he looked expectantly at Han Xin, who had a history of conserving his strength and keeping secrets.

  “I'll think about it, Baron. Now, what do you say? Is Guan Yu in or not?”

  Baron nodded. “Sure, I'd love to have him in our ranks. He should be quite the leader. Just one question though, Guan Yu. Have you been in any other factions?”

  “Yes… I’ve been drifting from faction to faction, helping in ways that I can. Most of the time, though, I’m factionless.

  “Oh, interesting. Does that mean we are a passing fancy as well?”

  “We'll see, but I have a good impression of you guys. I'll stick around for a bit and see how things turn out.”

  “You may be an extremely well-versed, respectable general, but we can’t share our secrets so nonchalantly.”

  Guan Yu nodded. “That’s fine. Until I make my final decision, I can help you with non-secretive matters.”

  “Alright then. If you do decide to stay with us long term then you are more than welcome to join us in our exercises.”

  “I'll take that into consideration.”

  “For now Han Xin will show you what to do.” Baron said as he motioned for Han Xin to guide Guan Yu away.

  “Come on, Guan Yu. This way.” Han Xin said as he led the other to a separate room. Once the door was shut behind them, Guan Yu rel
eased his pent-up feelings.

  “How come this young fellow is ordering you around? Aren't you his senior?”

  “Oh, that? While I may be his senior, he is the figurehead that will lead our faction from the shadows.”

  “From the shadows?” Guan Yu frowned. “Who will be the leader known to the public, then?”

  “We will announce the faction as a cooperation between me and Yue Fei.”

  “Ah, I see. So what did you want me to do then?”

  “He was just saying that to get you out of the room so that he could talk to the others, and so I could talk to you about your future with us.”

  Guan Yu raised an eyebrow. “You guys are already close enough that you can understand what he wants from just those few words he said?”

  Han Xin nodded. “Yeah. And as a friend, I’ll give you some advice. If you don't seriously consider joining us then I think it's better if you leave. I really think Baron can achieve great things here. I just know it.”

  “He must've been really persuasive if he got even you on board. How about I test his abilities a bit? Just to see how good he is.”

  “Alright, but you should know that this fellow is not so simple. He died when he was twenty, yet he was able to fight me to a draw after just watching me for a few simulations. Don't underestimate Baron.”

  Guan Yu nodded. “From what you said earlier, it sounds like he also has many blueprints in his collection, yes?”

  “Oh, you have no idea. Even I don't know the full extent of his collection.”

  A faint light glinted in Guan Yu’s eye. “Really… then that means that he could have even more than some of the top twenty elders… hm. Even if his experience is a little lacking… Alright then. Let me see this young man’s prowess for myself.

  “I think that's a great idea, but I must warn you. If you win, then that only means Baron hasn't pulled out his aces yet. He gave me a Mark 7 tank like it was nothing. I honestly have no idea just how much this fellow has when it comes to the newer blueprints like missiles, and the like.”

  “That's a bit hard to take in. You aren't joking with me, are you, old friend?”

  Han Xin sighed. “Am I the type to joke around? His knowledge of modern warfare is like the endless universe to old-timers like us.”

  “Hoh.” Guan Yu ran his fingers through his magnificent beard. “If that's true ,then we might finally be able to do better in the Death Match Tournament once he’s experienced enough to participate.”

  Han Xin nodded. “Yes. It seems like a true force of nature has finally descended. We have to make sure that Baron stays safe until then. So you can see why I say you have to decide now.”

  “It’s a difficult choice, Han Xin. I'll make up my mind once I've had a proper match against him.”


  Chapter 39

  The Dieppe Raid

  Han Xin and Guan Yu reentered the heaquarter’s main room. But this time, only Baron was there — the others had left.

  “Hmm, where did everyone else go?” Guan Yu asked.

  “Ah, you’re back, elder Guan Yu. The others have left to continue their simulation training. Have you decided on what you'd like to do?”

  “Yes… but before I commit to anything, could I battle against you in a simulation, first?”

  “Baron softly smiled. “But of course. Han Xin, I can take it over from here.”


  Within moments, Guan Yu and Baron were given their scenario: The Dieppe Raid of August 19, 1942, in Germany-occupied France.

  The history regarding this particular setting was rather depressing. A few Allied nations had hoped to boost morale for the war, gather intelligence, and prove to others that fighting against Germany was possible.

  But in the end, the only goal they succeeded in achieving was gathering intelligence. Nearly 60% of the invading Allied forces were killed, captured, or wounded. Despite outnumbering the German forces over 3:1, the Germans were able to push back the attackers with ease.

  In short, this was a complete and utter disaster for the Allied forces, especially the Canadian forces that made up the majority of this particular army.

  Baron was to lead the invasion with his army of Allied troops against Guan Yu and his German troops. What made this scenario interesting was that it had a preparatory time of an entire year. It was a huge outlier.

  The advantages were clear for Guan Yu. Better trained troops, more advanced weaponry, and better cohesion, because his entire army consisted of all German troops.

  The advantages for Baron were quite clear as well. He had more troops, but because they were sourced from various countries, their cohesion and level of cooperation wasn’t as good. They’d all been trained differently, drilled differently, and some spoke in different languages. Baron wasn’t concerned about this, though, as he was planning on spending a greater portion of the year of preparation training his men and improving their teamwork. Basically, he was utilizing what he’d learned from his time studying aerial combat.

  From his knowledge of history, Baron knew that a big reason the Germans were able to push back the Allied forces was because they’d been aware that the attack was coming. Their intelligence had warned them beforehand.

  Another was because the Allies had been lazy in concealing their supply transports, which had made it incredibly easy for the Germans to guess where the attack would happen.

  And perhaps the biggest reason was that the artillery batteries that were in range of Dieppe, hadn’t been neutralized before the battle’s start.

  Aware of these historical shortcomings, Baron set his mind to devising a strategy capable of defeating Guan Yu. Going by his estimates, he would have about a forty percent chance of winning — but who knew what Guan Yu, the God of War, would have in store for him?

  On Guan Yu’s side, he would spend the many months of preparation focusing on completing construction projects around his most important strategic positions. As for Baron, he focused on intelligence. More specifically, counter-intelligence.

  Unlike the historical circumstances the scenario was based on, Baron could afford to take as much time as he wanted to secure himself a win. For the preparation time, Guan Yu spent most of it in the German-occupied lands of France. Baron spent most of it in the UK. The one year of preparation time quickly came to an end, but Baron had no intentions of waging war with Guan Yu any time soon. He took his time and let another four months pass before making his move.

  In history, the Allies had begun their offensive by attacking six beaches that held artillery batteries that could defend Dieppe Beach. They’d hoped to neutralize them to make the main offensive easier, but only one of these six areas were successfully taken.

  Baron didn't intend to commit the same mistake. Months beforehand, he’d inserted numerous spies into each of the garrisons protecting the six beaches, as well as a few others, so that he could use them for his plan.

  Instead of splitting his army into many fragments, as the Allies had done, he decided to split them into three groups instead. Two were for attacking, and the last group would be a reserve.

  As time arrived for him to make his move, he personally took control of one of the attacking groups, which consisted of several planes, carriers, infantry, and some other things — including something that Guan Yu would absolutely not expect.

  Baron had his spy on the Blue Beach disable the power lines feeding energy to the garrison’s buildings to cause as much confusion as possible. He had the rest of his spies there, almost twenty, cause as much confusion as possible afterwards.

  At the height of confusion on the German-occupied beach, Baron quietly led his forces inland and launched an efficient, cutthroat attack. First, he had bombers unload bombs onto the beach, then swiftly unloaded his infantrymen and heavy tanks.

  The swift attack, assisted by Baron’s radio system, resolved the battle in a matter of moments. He then led his forces farther inland to attack the other five targets.

  His attacks were so efficient that Guan Yu didn’t receive word that five of the garrisons had fallen until days afterwards. It wasn’t that his information system was slow — it was just that there was no means of quick messaging with the power lines cut, his men killed and captured.

  As the beaches were color coded, only Green Beach was left. But, it wouldn’t be left for much longer, as Baron was in the midst of attacking it as Guan Yu received the report. By the time Guan Yu reacted, Baron had already finished securing Green Beach, and was about to try and squeeze one more victory out of his attack force before retreating.

  His target was a German radar station that could detect Baron's ships and aircraft.

  Guan Yu was livid at this point. Not only had Baron managed to strike a devastating blow to his defences in such a short few days, but he had also managed to do so in a way that had prevented him from reacting at all.

  However, Guan Yu would not let Baron achieve any more successes under his watch. He immediately sent out about two hundred FW 190 fighter air crafts from the Luftwaffe under his command to aid the Pourville Radar Station that Baron had set his eyes upon.

  Guan Yu was sure that this attachment was enough to scare the enemy into retreat.

  Baron did want to destroy the Pourville Radar Station, but he had a hidden motive. He hoped that Guan Yu would be coming personally to have a few bouts with Baron. But, this was not the case, and Baron quickly rethought his plans. On the way to the radar station, Baron decided that it was finally time to have his second attack force make an appearance.

  He ordered the pilots from the second group to descend into Germany-occupied France in order to do a bit of reconnaissance.

  The two hundred or so FW 190 German aircraft sent to deter Baron were unsuccessful in their mission, and instead took more than forty casualties. Within a few more hours, Pourville Radar Station was under Baron's control. This week-long conquest had undoubtedly gone into Baron's favour. That is, until he returned back to Great Britain and received the reconnaissance report from his pilots.


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