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Warfare's Ultimate Frontier 1

Page 24

by Quasar Magellan

  Baron nodded. “Seems so. I wonder what kind of blueprints the Sun Coalition has been holding on to? I’m sure they wouldn’t just let anyone enter their special auction.”

  “You are right in that sense.” Yue Fei confirmed Baron’s assumptions. “Whenever a top tier faction like the Sun Coalition holds an event as grand as this, they usually impose a gatekeeping mechanism to limit the entrants. You know, to keep the event private to the relatively wealthy and powerful.”

  “Will we even be able to enter then? We aren't even an official faction yet, do you think that they will let us in?”

  “Not to worry, Baron. We have two badges from two large factions. It shouldn’t be a problem for us to enter. Meng Tian said with confidence.

  Yue Fei agreed. “Yea, we could probably enter into location one with the two badges. It’s just that the stuff there is beyond our typical allowance, so I never bothered to mention it.”

  “Oh, then would it be alright if we went there real quick to see what the vendors that are still there are selling? I'm rather curious how great the blueprints there are to validate their being in the top location.” Baron was rather curious.

  “I think that's a great idea. We certainly don't have much to do here anyway. Let's go take a look.” Said Han Xin.

  They packed up their blueprints and made their way over to the entrance to location one. Just from peering inside, it was obvious that the room was far smaller than the one they were in, but the elegance and grandeur was incomparable.

  Two guards stood at the entrance.

  “Who are you? If you have no business here, please leave. This place is not for bums like you.”

  Xu Da erupted. “Hey! Who are you calling a bum? I'll have you know we earned hundreds of thousands of silver coins in just the last three days alone. How much do you make being a guard here, huh? Probably close to nothing!”

  Baron raised his hand. “Calm there Xu Da. We don't need to fight with these nice guards. They are just doing their job. Here is our alliance badge from the Forever Pirates.”

  The guard looked Baron up and down, then snorted. “You? A badge from the Forever Pirates? It’s a fake, isn’t it. Get out of here before I report you to the Forever Pirates for creating a fake badge. They’re right inside, after all, hehe.”

  “Now listen here, you little shi-” Xu Da seemed just about ready to have a go at the guard.

  This time, it was Meng Tian who stepped in front of Xu Da. “It's alright, Xu Da. No need to be so upset. Here, guard. This is my badge, from the Men of Meng.”

  “Tch. Now I’m sure you guys are fakes. There’s no way a bunch of peasants like you could have two such badges.”

  “I am the son of the leader of the M.O.M. faction. If you dare to cross me, you should know that there will be consequences.” Meng Tian hissed back.

  This show of supremacy was enough to keep the two guards in check. Sure, people might try and get away with creating fake badges from other alliances, but to claim to be a leader’s son?

  The other guard stepped in for his colleague. “Haha, please forgive him, sir. He’s still quite new here, so he doesn’t quite know how to speak to our valued guests yet.

  “Quickly, bow your head!”

  "...Yes, apologies for that. Please forgive my incompetence.”

  Meng Tian scowled, his eyes glaring daggers into the guards’ eyes. “It doesn't matter if you beg for forgiveness now. I'm onto you two and your ways. If I ever see you doing this again I will have your hide.” He leaned forward and whispered into the guards’ ears, so that Baron and the others wouldn’t hear his words.

  “Yes, yes. We promise we won't.”

  “Yes, please enter. You are free to roam about. Just remember to be courteous to everyone.” The guard quickly ushered the group through with a face that spoke of absolute terror.

  Meng Tian nodded. “That's better. Let's go, everyone.” The rest followed Meng Tian, only knowing that they were suddenly allowed inside after Meng Tian had snapped at the guards. They wandered around, browsing the booths that were left, until a figure walked up to them.

  “Woah, fancy meeting you here, Baron, elders, my sons, and… others. What are you doing here?” Meng Wu asked.

  “Father, long time no see. We are just here to wander about.” Meng Tian responded.

  “The guards didn't give you any trouble did they?”

  “No more than usual.”

  “Elder Meng Wu, what are you doing today?” Baron asked.

  “Seeing if there are any last-minute deals before all of these guys shut down for the upcoming event. I’m quite looking forward to it — I cleaned out half of my faction’s bank vault for this.” "

  “We are quite excited too. May I ask if you have seen the Forever Pirates’ booth?”

  Meng Wu looked around, then turned back to Baron. “I do know where they are, hmm. Follow me, this place can be a maze.”

  They followed Meng Wu through many rows and columns of extravagant stalls filled to the brim with blueprints. Just a quick glance revealed that these were of far higher quality than those in location two, and many times more expensive. After what seemed like hours, they finally arrived at the Forever Pirates’ booth.

  “Oh? Well, well. If it isn’t Baron. I see you’ve made quite a few friends since I last saw you. What brings you to my stall?” Madam Zheng smiled, but her eyes flitted between Baron and Meng Wu.

  “We were wondering if you were planning on attending the Sun Coalition’s auction.”

  Zheng Po, Madam Zheng’s second husband, responded. “We are. We are planning to buy everything we can related to naval warfare. By the way…” Zheng Po’s eyes rested on Meng Wu’s impressive form. “Are you Meng Wu?”

  “Yes, it’s me. I suppose it must be my stature that gave me away, hahaha.”

  “Are you here to negotiate an alliance, Meng Wu?”

  Meng Wu shook his head. “Such matters should wait until after this event ends. For now, I’m just playing guide to Baron and my sons.”

  “Is that so? Are you going to participate in the auction?”

  “Yes. I’ve come quite prepared.” Meng Wu chuckled.

  Madam Zheng smiled at Meng Wu. “Oh? Then, why don’t you all join us in our private room today? We booked it in advance, but the room is far too large. It’ll be lonely with just my husbands and I in there.”

  “Private room? You sure have a lot of money to spend. I’ll be there. The invitation is much appreciated.”

  “We would love to join you for the auction.” Baron naturally wouldn’t pass this opportunity up.

  Chapter 56

  A Treasure Trove

  When the time came for the special auction’s announcement, notices were posted throughout the building. The notice reads as follows:

  “Dear honored guests of the Great Auction,

  The main event has concluded, but a special auction, held by the elders of the Sun Coalition is about to begin. The requirement to enter this event is to either have a large faction’s recommendation, or 250,000 silver coins. The event will begin shortly, in the building’s special area, adjacent to location one.”

  As they were already in location one, Madam Zheng, Baron, and Meng Wu led the three factions’ members toward the special auction room. As they were entering a private room, they were able to enter without any hassle.

  Once seated, they chatted while waiting for the proceedings to begin.

  The venue centered around a circular stage, blocked off by a red curtain. The stage was completely surrounded by seating of three categories. There was public seating for the relatively poor, private rooms for large factions such as where Baron and the others sat, and exclusive rooms for super-powerful factions such as the three great factions and some other high-ranked ones.

  Soon enough, a figure walked out onto the stage, and addressed the crowd.

  “Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Li Guang and I will be your main host for today. We will begin momentarily. T
hank you for your patience, and please remain seated until then.


  “Li Guang?” Baron racked his brains. “He must be the elder related to Li Xin. Meng Wu, he’s part of the Sun Coalition?”

  “Indeed he is. I have had quite a few bouts with him and I must say he is quite formidable. He’s even been given a moniker, the flying demon. Although, if I knew more about tactics I’d be able to beat him.”

  “Guan Yu? Yue Fei? Have you ever had a sim against him?”

  Guan Yu replied. “I have, but only on one occasion. He was actually the one who tested me when I first arrived on planet four. At that time he was nearly an elder, and now he is ranked in the thirties. His talent is enormous. Sun Tzu personally chose him as a disciple and taught him about warfare and tactics.”

  “Oh?” Yue Fei raised his eyebrows. “That’s news to me. I hadn’t imagined that Sun Tzu would actually take a disciple.”

  Guan Yu nodded. “He's actually had a few, and some are even more ferocious than Li Guang. There are even rumors that many of the large factions’ leaders were trained by him in secret.”

  Meng Wu laughed. “Well, that certainly wasn't the case for me. He must've realized that my head wasn't too good for strategies, hahaha. Oh, look. It looks like Li Guang has returned.”

  “Thank you for waiting, ladies and gentlemen. Without further ado, let me present our first item! A blueprint of the Stuka used by the Nazis in World War 2, developed in 1935. This dive bomber also functions as an anti-ground aircraft. There is a little-known fact about his plane. When it dives, the noise it creates can greatly demoralize the opponent’s troops. A fine plane, if I do say so myself. Our starting bid is 15,000 silver coins!”

  “I'll go first!” Someone in the crowd shouted.

  Li Guang smiled. “Oh? Any higher bids?”

  “Humph, stop playing around, you fool, I'll go for 30,000!” A female voice shouted.

  “We have 30,000! Is there anyone else?”




  In the end, the German developed Stuka was sold for 42,000 silver coins to someone in the lower-class seating.

  A few blueprints passed without interest from any of the Forever Pirates, Meng Wu, or Baron’s group. But soon enough, a blueprint caught Baron’s attention.

  Li Guang introduced it with a fair bit of embellishment. “The next blueprint is of one of our most powerful weapons, the DeepStrike. It was obtained at a great price from the United States community, and its devastative power was worth every coin we paid. Bidding will start at 80,000 silver coins.”

  Baron leaned forward in his seat, positively salivating. “That’s something I hadn’t expected to show up. It could very well be one of the most devastating blueprints of its class on planet four. We must get this, no matter the cost.”

  “Oh? Do you need a helping hand?” Madam Zheng said with a smile on her face.

  “Not for now. I will ask if needed.”

  “Whatever you say.”





  The bids quickly began to stack up, and Baron interjected.


  “Oh? This is the first time someone from one of our private rooms has placed a bid — and it seems to be from the Forever Pirates booth. Is there anyone who’d like to bid higher?”

  Silence filled the room for a moment, but then the bids continued to pour in.



  "300,000!” Baron shouted emphatically.

  Complete silence followed, as everyone could tell how important this item was to Baron. This caught the eye of one of the elders of Vesper, Wu San Gui.

  Wu San Gui allowed an evil grin to creep onto his face as he turned to his allies. “Brothers, I have a bone to pick with this little brat. We need to prevent him from getting this blueprint.”

  It seemed that everyone agreed, as Baron was in the Forever Pirates’ private room. An ally of an enemy, was an enemy.

  The head elder of the Vesper faction nodded. “I’ll allow you to use your funds, as well as 200,000 of our faction’s shared funds. I’ve been eyeing this blueprint too — it will be nice to knock two birds with one stone.”

  “Thank you, head. I'll bid 315,000 silver coins!”

  Li Guang looked toward the Vesper faction’s private room. “Looks like another big faction has decided to join in! Do I have any more offers?”

  Baron tsked. “Is that Wu San Gui trying to outbid me? What an annoying existence.”

  "325,000!” Wu San Gui was beginning to sweat, as he was reaching the edge of his budget.



  Yue Fei turned to Baron. “Baron, are you sure of this? It’s a single blueprint, and that’s much of what we’ve earned these past few days.”

  Baron shook his head. “Not to worry. I don’t believe Wu San Gui has much more to spend.”

  He turned back towards the stage. “336,000!”

  Wu San Gui clenched his fists as he turned to the head elder. “Head Elder, may I use a little bit more of the faction’s treasury?”

  After a bit of hesitation, the head elder responded. “No. We cannot spare much more than 200,000. Forget it.”

  But-” Wu San Gui’s temper quickly rose.

  “Enough is enough! Li Guang, we concede!”

  Li Guang nodded towards the Vesper faction’s room before continuing. "336,000. If there are no further bids, then this DeepStrike will go to the youth in the Forever Pirates’ room. Going once, going twice, going-"

  "400,000!” Wu San Gui blurted out this number, but instantly regretted his actions. The head elder, as well as everyone else in the room, looked at him as if he’d grown three heads.

  Baron could hardly conceal a smirk. This wasn’t the outcome he’d been hoping for, but it wasn’t a bad alternative. "400,000 is too rich for my blood, Wu San Gui. It’s all yours!”

  The Vesper head elder scowled. “Wu San Gui, what do you think you’re doing?!”

  “I-I'm sorry, elder. Please forgive my foolishness.”

  “What good is forgiveness? How am I supposed to explain this cost to our leader? You will have to pay the amount you’ve used back. All of it!”

  Wu San Gui cowered. “Won’t I be able to take a faction-sanctioned loan? Or can’t we withdraw our bid? Say we made a mistake?”

  The head elder glared at him. “Retracting a bid is a dishonorable move only the lowest of filth will do. We, and you, will have to pay.”

  “Head Elder...” Wu San Gui was about to plead for mercy, but Baron’s voice suddenly rang loudly over the crowd and stage.

  “How about a deal, Vesper?”

  The head elder glared at Wu San Gui before responding to Baron. “What could you possibly offer us?”

  “How about I buy the blueprint for 400,001 silver coins, and after this event you come to me to reimburse me 100,000?”

  Wu San Gui glared in the direction of Baron’s voice. “Who does this little runt think he is? Who would do something so stu-"

  The head elder cut him off. “Now, this might actually be a pretty good deal for you, Wu San Gui.”

  “You can't be seriously considering this offer, are you? He would get the blueprint, and we would have to pay him a hundred thousand coins! He’d basically be getting it for 300,00! Are you out of your mind?”

  The head elder flatly responded, having clearly lost patience with the imbecile. “Not us. You. You will have to pay back the faction over 200,000 silver coins if you make me use the faction's funds. But if you take this runt’s offer then you won't have to pay us back anything. You have over 100,000 silver in your own personal funds, right?”

  “Well yes, but- "

  “But nothing. This is your decision now. I was willing to let you use some of the faction’s funds, but you clearly disobeyed my order when I told you to st
op bidding. I’m not helping you any further. Either bankrupt yourself and work for the next few thousand years to repay the faction, or accept his offer. Make your decision quickly, there’s many eyes watching.”

  “Cheh. Fine! You, in the Forever Pirates booth! I'll take you up on your offer.”

  Baron grinned, mockery in his eyes. “Remember elder Wu San Gui, there are many esteemed witnesses here. You better not renege.”

  “I know that.”

  “Good. I bid 400,001.”

  Li Guang nodded. “Uhh, of course. 400,001 going once, going twice, three times, and sold to the young man in the Forever Pirates private room.” Li Guang said as he snapped out of his little daydream.

  This was a result few would have predicted. Who would’ve expected for someone to be so cunning as to make another faction pay for a blueprint? This was simply too laughable to many in the audience, and even the stoic Li Guang could hardly control his laughter.

  Baron leaned back in his chair. “What do you think, guys? Pretty good deal huh?”

  “Truly remarkable.” Said Madam Zheng. “That was some quick thinking.”

  Yue Fei laughed until tears formed. “Color me impressed, Baron. Well done, haha!”

  “Amazing work. I think I understand why my sons are following you around.” Said Meng Wu

  Baron grinned. “Thank you, everyone. But let’s see what else the Sun Coalition has in store for us.”


  The event ended about six hours and hundreds of blueprints later. There were many great blueprints, but not many interested buyers. The event failed horribly for a few reasons. One reason was that many were only interested in very specific blueprints — but then found that they were unable to afford them.

  This greatly impacted the Sun Coalition, as they hadn’t raised nearly as much money as they’d hoped. So, their plans would have to be postponed.

  In the end, Baron's group came out of the grand auction with a total of five blueprints. Meng Wu had bought one, Madam Zheng and her husbands had bought two, while the other two belonged to Baron. In fairly high spirits, they bid farewell to each other and went their separate ways.


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