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CEO'd By Him Complete Series Box Set

Page 30

by Nella Tyler

  I widened my stance in bed to allow him entrance. His lower half sank down as he dropped one hand to his cock to align himself with my opening. And with the quietest of nods from me, he finally pressed into me.

  I tried my damnedest to breathe, to push away any thoughts or doubts that had nothing to do with enjoying the sex for what it was—sex. I arched my back as he began to fill me. It was thicker than it had appeared, stretching me wider than I had ever been stretched before. Deeper and deeper, he sank into me and I found my nails digging into his back.


  “Wa… wait,” I stumbled over my own words in a panic. His eyes shot to me in an instant, panic settling into his dark orbs. “Condom.”

  “Right, right,” his voice was dry and heavy. “Yeah.”

  He pulled his cock free from me and leaned over the edge of the bed to retrieve a condom from the nightstand drawer. He made quick work dispatching the wrapper, tearing it with his teeth. I stared at the ceiling as he sheathed his cock in the latex condom, and then we were back where we’d left off, with him sinking slowly into me until he reached the hilt.

  My fingers combed through his hair as he hovered above me, his body shaking. He was holding himself still, waiting for me to adjust fully to his width, all the while I knew he wanted nothing more than to rock into me and rock my world.

  He was a cocky asshole out in the real world, but in bed, he was caring and passionate. I nodded at him once more, giving him the approval he was waiting for.

  I was ready.

  He pulled away from me, slowly at first, and then rocking into me next. He was careful with thrusts. At the onset, I imagined he’d be wild in bed, but this was a welcome diversion from the course I had already traversed in my mind. He was steady in his rhythm, rocking to a finely tuned melody that threatened to awake an earthquake from inside.

  It was that earthquake that I needed though, the one I craved, the one I had lived so long without. His flesh was warm beneath my touch and sweat begin to trickle from his hairline as his pace quickened.

  I closed my eyes and let the pleasure take over me. With every stroke of his cock against my pussy, I came ever closer to an orgasm that threatened to rock my world. Harder and faster, he thrust into me, but he never lost the rhythm, never gave into the animal inside, even when his hushed whispers warped into primal grunts.

  His back became slippery with a sheen of sweat icing across his flesh. It became harder to hold onto him and just before I was about to climax, he pulled his hard cock from me entirely and flipped me onto my stomach.

  My eyes went wide. The animal was released.

  He reached beneath me and situated my body so that I was on my hands and knees. His hands landed on my hips as he thrust into me without so much as a warning. My vision went dark. It went black. I bowed my head, my breath quivering with a multitude of sensations as he fucked me with reckless abandon. It was absolutely freeing; absolutely liberating.

  His grunts became louder and his thrusts became more erratic. He drove into me, slamming himself all the way to the hilt, and then retreating. Which each thrust, I sped toward an inevitable climax until I came around his cock, my pussy pulsing and aching with release and my vision blurred.

  Somehow he managed to fuck me even harder and faster, his fingers digging deep into my hips as he reached the point of no return and thrust into me one last time. He held himself as still as he could as he emptied himself inside of me—inside of the condom.

  I choked on my own breath as I began to wind down from my own impossible high just as he was beginning the long come down from his. I bowed my head, sweat dripping from my hair onto the sheets beneath us.

  I stayed that way for a moment more until he pulled himself free and collapsed onto the bed beside me. With him on his back, I eyed him. He rested there with his eyes pulled taut and his chest heaving. He was red in the most usual of places from both the heat and overworking his body.

  I’m not sure what came over me, but I simply collapsed onto his chest.

  # # #

  I was lying on the couch while he was beside me, lying with his back against the hardwood floor. We were both still naked. In fact, we had never thought to get redressed after our first round of animalistic sex.

  The first time was in the bedroom. The second was in the shower. The third was right there on the couch. When he came for the third time that night, he rolled sideways and landed with a hard thud against the floor. I wanted to make sure he was all right, but I was too busy trying to catch my breath. It’s not often that a man can make me come, let alone three times in one night.

  But he did it, and he did it well.

  “I…” I began between ragged breaths. “I should—”

  “You should stay,” he cut me off. “I mean, you’re welcome to stay if you want.”

  “No.” I took a deep breath. “I need to get a cab.”

  “Are you sure?” he questioned, never taking his eyes off the ceiling as he was fighting his own battle to breathe. I was sure the both of us were going to be sore and tired in the morning. “Really, it’s not a problem.” He rose to a sitting position on the hardwood floors. “I’ve got a few spare beds if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

  “No,” I said and shifted my feet off the side of the couch. I was completely bare. He had already seen every piece of me, but suddenly it felt different. Suddenly, it felt wrong and I needed to flee because I didn’t want to be a burden.

  I jumped to my feet, collected my clothes off the floor, and got dressed in a hurry. The entire time he was watching me with confused eyes.

  “Do you mind if I use the bathroom?” I questioned, fixing my hair with my fingers.

  “Sure.” He scratched at the back of his head. “No problem.”


  I rushed into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t see my own reflection though. I saw somebody else that looked like me, and she was a hooker. That’s how I felt anyway. It was easy to beat myself up after the fact. Too easy. I had spent the majority of my life doing that exact thing. I was never good enough for myself, or anyone around me.

  Going home with someone from a bar is the last thing I normally would have done, especially if that man was my boss, but I was lost in the throes of a wild fantasy. A fantasy I was already coming to regret. It would have been different if it weren’t just a one-off fling, but I normally saved sex for long term relationships.

  Guilt settled into the deepest reaches of my gut as I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. I made it my mission to exit the bathroom, say goodbye, and get out of that place as soon as possible.

  Chapter Seven


  I awoke on my leather couch alone, which was to be expected since I went to bed alone. That was unusual for me after a night with a beautiful woman. Normally, they at least stayed the night. We didn’t have to cuddle or anything like that, but usually they were right beside me when I woke up.

  It’s not that I had a huge head or ego, but girls always tended to want to stick around. Lindsay apparently wasn’t like the rest of the girls though, but that much I already knew. It was the reason I showed so much interest in her.

  I had no regrets about the night prior. For the most part, everything went as planned. It couldn’t have gone any more according to plan if I’d tried. It’s not like I wanted too much from her, just enough to satisfy my cravings. I didn’t want to get hitched to her the next morning, but I hated being told no to anything.

  I wasn’t finished with her. Not even close. Honest to god, she was the best pussy I’d had in a long time, and that’s saying something considering the number of girls I had been with in the recent past. She thrilled me beyond compare and then just left, leaving me wanting more.

  I hate wanting more.

  I purged the night—and her—from my mind for the time being as I had to get ready for work. There was a lot on the docket, but the fact that we had an anniversary-theme
d happy hour the night before hinted that not much work was going to be done that day, especially when a good portion of the employees were going to be hungover.

  Myself included, and I didn’t even drink that much.

  # # #

  “The party was great,” I said to my father through the phone. “Nothing too eventful happened, but none of the employees showed their asses while dancing on the bar like last year, so I’d wager to say it was a win.”

  “I can’t believe you actually paid for that,” he said to me in a somewhat judging tone. “That had to cost a good fortune.”

  “You’re absolutely right about that,” I grinned, knowing he couldn’t see me. “But trust me that it was worth it.”

  “Seems like you flushed a year’s salary down the toilet all in the name of a good time.”

  “That’s what you don’t get, Dad.” I pushed the elevator button in the lobby. “The key to being one of the top ten up and coming businesses in America is to keep our employees happy, and what makes people happier than booze?”

  “Money keeps people happy, Caleb. Never forget that.”

  “Trust me, every time I jump into my Beamer, I’m reminded of that fact.” I stepped into an empty elevator and hit the floor button as fast as I could to prevent having to share the elevator with anyone else. Just as the door began to close, an employee—running late, I presumed—rushed toward the elevator, but he was too slow and the doors shut without him inside.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Are we still on for tomorrow?”

  “Golf on Saturday?” I shrugged with apathy. Golf wasn’t my favorite game, but I did enjoy spending time with my father, the one parent I still had as far as I was concerned. “I’ll absolutely be there. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  “Good,” he said, his voice picking up. “There is someone I want you to meet.”

  “Really?” I arched my brow as a mischievous grin hitched across my lips. “I’ll meet whoever, as long as she doesn’t have great tits and a beautiful smile.” The elevator doors opened and as I stepped out, I continued, “I wouldn’t want to fall in love.”

  He laughed through the phone. All my life, everyone that knew both my father and I always said we had the exact same laugh. The fact that they weren’t lying was only evident to me when I heard his laugh over the phone. It sounded as if I were laughing to myself. “Love has nothing to do with it, son. Strategic partnerships are all that marriage is good for anyway.”

  “You know how I feel about that subject,” I said as I hooked my finger at Laura, who was chatting with the receptionist right outside of the elevator, telling her to follow me. “Anyways, I’m at work so I need to let you go.”

  “Good luck getting anything done with that hangover.”

  “I will try my damnedest,” I said and twisted my key into the doorknob of my office. “I’ll see you and your lady friend tomorrow.”

  I hung up the phone as I entered my office and dropped my suitcase on my desk. I turned to Laura as she walked into the room, wearing a shorter skirt than usual. Any other day and I would have contemplated bending her over my desk, but my mind was too occupied by another woman.

  “Good morning, Caleb,” she greeted me with a warm smile. She had a knack of doing that, greeting me with a calculated smile and catching me off guard. In the moments that’d follow one of those smiles, I’d be left confused at my own thoughts. How could I have such perverse thoughts about someone who was so professional and kind, after all?

  “Good morning, Laura.” I took a seat on the lip of my desk. “I didn’t see you at the party last night.”

  “Really?” She furrowed her brows. “Trust me, I was around. Had a few too many.”

  I forced a smile and crossed my arms over each other. “Didn’t we all.”

  “It was a good time.” She nodded with a smile and ran her palms along the off-white fabric of her skirt.

  “I hate doing this as soon as you get here.” I shook my head, pretending to be upset with what I was about to ask her, but the last thing I wanted to do was retrieve something from my car that I had forgotten on the way in. “I left the Murphy files in my car, and—”

  “Give me your keys,” she said with pursed lips.

  “Thank you so much.” I cocked a wide grin, dug into my slacks, and threw her my keys. “It’s not often I left anyone touch my car.”

  “Oh…” She threw her hand against her chest. “Thank you for the privilege.”

  “Don’t get any scratches on the car,” I joked.

  “I might just take off with it,” she said, looking over her shoulder as she exited my office.

  I took a quick glance at her perfect ass as she disappeared around a corner. Sure, there was only one girl on my mind, but I could make room for a few asses.

  Just as she disappeared, Nathan knocked on my open door before inviting himself in. Unlike the rest of us, he looked like he got a good night’s rest. That’s probably because he didn’t drink half a bottle of alcohol and stay up until three in the morning having crazy, wild sex. Even with a hangover, it was obvious that I’d had the better night.

  “You look like hell,” was the first thing he said to me. “Seriously, you might need to go see a doctor or a plastic surgeon.” He shut the door behind him and let out a laugh while shaking his head. “Why didn’t you just stay home?”

  “That’s a dumb question, Nate.”

  “Is it?” He cocked his head.

  “I have a business to run.”

  “We have a business to run.”

  “Look,” I said as I raised myself off the edge of the desk. “It’s an easy day, so I thought why not, but now that you’re pointing it out, perhaps I should go home.”

  “By all means.” He grinned. “But then I wouldn’t get to witness the awkward run-in with the junior accountant.”

  “Awkward?” I questioned as I made my way to an instant coffee maker. I grabbed a little cup off a metal rack, popped it into the machine, and watched it as it brewed me a single cup of delicious, over-caffeinated coffee. “You should know I don’t do awkward.”

  “I’m your best friend, and your business partner. I know everything there is to know about you.”

  “And yet, you still believe I’d have any sort of awkward run in with a girl with whom, for as far as you know, nothing happened except a nightcap?” I continued to watch coffee drip into a foam cup. “I don’t know, Nate. It sounds to me like you’re making a lot of assumptions.”

  “They’re not assumptions,” he rightly pointed out. “You vividly told me your plans last night just as you were about to leave, and if I know anything, I know that you’re not one to miss out on plans once you’ve planned them.”

  “You’re right,” I said, unable to wipe the shit-eating grin off my face as I turned to him with a fresh cup of coffee in hand. “I told you I was going to tap her ass? Well, I tapped it not once, not twice, but three times.” I took a sip of coffee, rather proud of myself. Unfortunately, the coffee was still burning hot and burnt the edge of my lip. “Ouch,” I groaned and threw the coffee into the trashcan.

  “That’s called Karma.”

  “That’s called hot coffee.”

  “Coffee tends to be hot, but I know you’re not feeling well.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I waved him off as I paced to take a seat in my office chair behind my desk. I kicked my feet out on top of the desk, almost kicking my computer off the marble table. “At least I wasn’t home jerking off all night.”

  “As if it’s any of your business.”

  “It is.”

  “It’s not.” He cleared his throat and paced to the window. “I went home last night, and this might be surprising to hear, but I fell asleep almost immediately.”

  “Sounds lame.”

  “I had a meeting this morning that I couldn’t push back.”

  “Right. Right.” I nodded. “With those suits from the Valley. Were they as annoying as they sounded over the phone?”
/>   “They were worse than you could imagine.” He pushed his tongue against his cheek and let out a light chuckle. “So, it’s a good thing that I had the right headspace this morning, due to not drinking last night, to tell them to shove their blank checks where the sun don’t shine.”

  “Bravo.” I offered him a roaring round of applause, proud that he seemed to have been picking up on some of my best personality traits. In business, it’s important to not be a yes man. It’s important to know when to tell someone to kiss your ass. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I figured you would be.”

  “Now that that’s over, I bet you’re going to go home alone again tonight and jerk off by yourself.”

  He cocked his head to me with an annoyed frown. “Why are you so obsessed with I do or don’t do with my hand.”

  “To be honest?” I arched my brow and grinned. “It’s because I just really want to tell you about my night.”

  “You already told me enough.” He rolled his eyes. “You fucked that one girl from accounting, a girl whose name you probably didn’t even know until yesterday.”

  “Do you have a point?”

  “My point is that she’s a good woman with a solid resume and promise for the future.” He pivoted to me and began to approach until he pounded his fist against the desk. “No more fucking around.”

  I recoiled in my seat, not used to seeing him in command like he was. It was all an act. It had to be. I knew he didn’t like me fraternizing with the employees, but he wasn’t so incensed by it to lay down the law, so to speak.

  I shrugged my shoulders all the while wearing the same, shit-eating grin I’ve had plastered across my face all morning. I didn’t say anything though because I didn’t want to test him in that particular moment, but I’d show him who’s boss.

  I was more determined than ever to tap that girl from accounting’s ass one more time, just to prove to Nathan and myself that I was my own man.


  Chapter Eight


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